6 The Canadian Statesman. BoWmanville. Fehruarv 12, 1975 The Newcastle Independent Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 98 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose visited Mr. and Mrs.,Donald Jose and family, Guelph. .Mr. Donald Tilîson is home for a few days. H1e is stationed at Canadian Forces Base, Camp Borden. At 12:52 Saturdav rnorning. the village fire siren rang. The firemen wvere called to tuie old Glover home on the Lake Shore Rond but no damage was reported. Sympathy is extended to the family ofMr. Thomas Lenn- ard, who passed away at Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital on-Thursday, February 6. Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake and daughters, Kathleen and Kristina, Kingston, Ontario, were Saturday visitors with her aunt, Miss Marjorie Clemence. When asking local citizens for news items, the topics which are discussed are interesting and sometimes thought-provoking. One citi- zen suggested that an article be written about the garbage that is thrown on the streets. Another villager wished that something be printed about ahl the dogs which are allowed to run at large around the village. As 1 sat and phioso- ~phized about àîl these com- plaints,' it seems to me, it is a matter of discipline. My little dictionary's. definition of dis- cipline is training, especially of the kind that produces self-control, orderlîness and obedience. So, 1 believe we must discipline people and dogs,. To add to the dog story, the Lloyd Stephenson's have had their dog returned to them. Mrs. Stephenson's moral to George BlyleVen General Insurance Fire and Automobile Insurance Contact: JOYCE GROOT 623-3958 or 623-5300 cSocal Iewcast!e-- Pre-ln1ventory Sale SECOND SUIT HALF PRICE! Ail Winter Uines Reduced to Clear SALE ENDS FRIDAY, FEBO 28 Chartran ' ens & Boy's Wear 1KigSt. E. 623-5567 IWestleyvile News B7-4201 1 anc 29-211, D. Scott 189-225, C. acGregor 192-184, B. Stinson 5, G. Walton 196-282, R. Worr 75-189, W. Forget 196-200, M. lacGregor 232-190-176, E. tephens 227-202-211, F. Lewis )4228. Friday Mixed 200 and over M. Burley 202, A. Pearce, 3-209, J. Holmes 211-201, an Holmes 238, L. Willems Z3-213, H. Hughes 200-202-238, Glanville 225, D. Budel, 237, Delaat 231, A. Delaat 1,212, L. Pearce 216, J. I [PersonalJ the story - if you value your dog, keep it tied Up. Mr. Phihip Metrailler, Uni- versity of Guelpýh, was home for the weekend Little FreddyWard had an ear operation in Oshawa General Hospital ast week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barrie, Provi- dence, on their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Leone Lane, Newtonvihle were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kimbaîl. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family, Belleville vîsited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. Mr. and Mrs. William Meuh- emeester and Tanya, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Mrs. Gordon Laking spent the weekend with her daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sheehan and famihy, Bow- manvîlle. Ronnie Metrailler is wear- ing a cast on his hand, the resuht of a broken thumb in a hockey game. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. George Upton and family, Woodvilhe. Mr. Jack Zurba,, Kehowna, B.C., had dinner and visited with his mother-in-haw, Mrs. Raymond Goheen on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch visîted their daughter Mr. and Mrs. A. Bourgeoisand famihy, Port Hope. Mr.* Darrelh Darlin and Mr. Peter Smith visited Peter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mclnnes and Tracy, Wing- ham. Dr. and Mrs. C.M. Fraser, Flemington, New Jersey caîl- ed on her sister, Mrs. and Rev. Thomas Smith and Peter. Mrs. Ron Locke had surgery Friday in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvihle. Her many friends s'end their best wishes. 1Eleven month old Raquel Ginger Gibson, died at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Friday, February 7. Sympa=thy is extended to the bereae parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson and grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Qibson. Ron and Frank Slack, Ah and Norma Baker, Courtice and John and PaýuIine Ulrich, Whitby spent an enjoyable weekend at the Chateau Fron- tenac, Quebec City. Thé sun shon'e Saturday while they attended events at the Quebec Winter Carnival. They watch- ed a Pee Wee Hockey Game at the Coliseum, viewed the i ice sculptures in the streets and en' yed the Grand Night Parade for wbich thousands lined the streets. Grandnarents, Mr. and Mrs, R.' Hope and Mwrs. Betty Brown stayêd with Michelle and Tommy Hope for the weekend. At the Newcastle United Church on Sunday, February 9, the choir réndered the beautiful anthem 'Still, still with Thee'. Rev. Thomas Smith chose as his text 'to set at liberty them that are bruised' Luke 4:18. Feb. 1-10 have been- chosen as the ten days for World Developrnent and Relief. St. George's Anglican Church are working on the Ten Days for World Develop- ment. The Deanery serviceat St.» John's, Port Hope, was attended by Barb and Bob Havne and familv. Chas. and Helen Aqualina, Gladys Bel- sey, and Sam' and- Marg Brereton. They enjoyed hear- îng Reverend Paulo frorn Brazil and saw his shîdes on Latin America. Lenten coin cards were passed out for Outreach in advance of Lenten services beginning this Thursday for anyone wishing a refresher course on the Faith. Mrs-. Jean Cochran and Mr. Jack Wade held a surprise birthday party for theiraunt, Mrs. Vera Anderson, Morrish. Guests at this 85th birthday celebration inclluded Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson and son, Brian, Bowmanville, Pat and Ron Carter, Bowmanville, Miss Emily Crowe and Mrs. C Walkey, Newcastle. Mr. Lohn Pardy, Toronto, Viola Bee and Truman Austin, Wesleyville and Mr. Neil Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster. On Monday, February 3, Mrs. Frances Wright, a mem- ber of Trenton Chapter of the Eastern Star, attended the SOth anniversary party there. While in Trenton, Mrs. Wright stayed overnight with her friends, Mi». and Mrs. Thomas Bedford, Miss, Barbara Dykes and Miss Barbara Haley, Toronto, spent the weekend with- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright. Mr~. Jamie Wright and Miss Hahey, and Mr. Glenn Mrpyand Miss Dykes atten ded the HokyDance at Newcastle Comnity Hall. Miss Cathy Wright, Miss Dale Powell, Toronto and Miss Gayle Adair, Scarborough spent the weekend at their respective homes. On Sunday, February9, there was a surorise birthay' party for Mr. Chas. ýBrereton4 Port Ho pe. Attendants from Newcastle were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brereton and Mrs. Doug- las Cunningham. At the Winter Carnival at Bewdley on the weekend, Mr. John Cunningham won'three firsts in snowmobile racîng on Saturday. On Sunday, John, won two firýsts and one second. Mir. George Smith and Mr. Douglas Cunningham attend- ed t he carnival Sunday when John was presented with two trophies. Mr. Ernest Alldread is a atient in Mernorial Hospital, 3wmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot AhI- dread visited his sister Mrs. M'at*ion Richards. Fenelon F'alls. on Saturday. Miss Candace Storks and 1 Mliss Linda Williamns, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Miss Joan Caîl, University of Waterloo and friend Mr. Sunday morning's good win- ter weather kept no one home from Church service at Welh corne United Church so there was a good attendance to share in the worship. A colorful arrangement of flow- crs were placed in the church to add their beaufy to the regular forrns of worship. The choirs anthem was "In Ris Care" with Carnie Lynn Sy- mons singing a solo part. The children's story concerned St. Valentine, with 11ev. R. Bart- lett telling them of the gift of loving he passed on to people since his lifetime. Ushers for the service were: Messers. Russell Baker, Clarence Nich- ols, Chris Elliott and G. Byers. During Sunday School Mar- ie Ir"yn Ruth and Elaine Kelhog isang two numbers for the Sunday schooh, 'Touch the Wind" and "~Night Herding Song", accompanied by Glor- ia Nichols. These three girls sang at the Junior Farmer's talent show at the Royal York, Toronto on Saturday, Feb. lst and placed second in compet- ition. They, with Rtoland McCracken 213, T. Emhley 207, E. Embley 214, kR. Burley 225, M. Henry 344, V. Heard 213, B. Madili 209, N. Madill 233-213, B. Caîl 203-209' 204, S. Powell 204, R. Good 217, 223, J. Sikrna 208, H.M. Munro 216-219, G. Henry 206. OPP NEWS, The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, investigated the foll owing Motor Vehicle Coisions and occurrences during the period February 3, 1975 to February 9, 1975. Eighteen Motor Vehicle Col- lisions were investigated in which six persons were injur- collisions four persons h ave been charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act.i Five persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, four persons have been chareed with offences under the (",. mnal Code and four peiu'sý- have been charged with driv- ing offences under the Crimin- George Laing, Hamilton spent the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caîl. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Caîl and Mr. Walter Dow spent Satur- day evening with Mrs. Thelma Ling. Another custodian, Mr. John Smith, has been added to the staff at Newcastle Public School. HOCKEY NEWS Eastman's Gulf Minor Bantamns On Monday, February 3, Newcastle and Port 15erry played, the final score being 4-0 for Newcastle. The boys played a good strong' gamne, the first period being score- less . At the five minute mark of the second- period, Tom Dwyer scored unassisted. In the third period, Jim Hoog- kamp scored from Craig Kent, then Tom Dwver unassisted. Top)ing off the scoring was Philip Dost, from Donald Rowley and Mark Berney. Donald Nicholson played strong in goal, earning a shut-out. Eastman's Bantams are hosting a Bantam Tourna- ment on February 15. The visiting teams are Little Brittain, Wellington, Sunder- land, Lindsay, Havelock, Nor- wood and Keene. Corne out and support the boys. In the Sunday Niglit Town League the Regional Re- claimers beat Partners 6-5. The Re2ional Reclaimers will play Elmburst next week. The Stedman's Midget B hockey team pflayed Graf ton in Newcastle on Saturday, the final score being 6 for'New- castle and 2 for Grafton. The scorers for Newcastle were Paul Caswell 2, Jeff Bugden 2, Germaine Landry 1 and Danny Allin 1. Newcastle Minor Pee Wees Newcastle continued to find the going rough Thursday night as they dropped a 5-3 score to Port Perry. Port, Perry ran up a 3-0 lead by the end of the first period before the Newcastle boys got in gear. Newcastle closed to wîtbin two goals on a goal by Kevin Wade assisted by Danny Wagar and Brad Hopkins. Port Perry came right back with two quick goals to take. a 5-1 lead into the third period. The third period was ahl Newcastle as they scored the only goals. The first was on a niice bit of stick-handling by Ed Knelangen with help from David Araujo. Brad Hopkins closed out the scoring assisted by Rick Stiles. Saturday night the -locals travelled to Stouffville only to corne away on the short end of a 4-2 coe Frthe csecondr game in a row, Newcastle got off to a very rocky start, having given up four goals by the midway point in the game. Danny Wagar tallied for Newcastle in the first period with help from Barry Goulah. The score at the end of the secondoperîod was 4-1 in favour ofStouffville. The only scoring in the third period was handled by Bob Dwyer assisted by Danny Wagar. 1Junior D On Tuesday, February 4, Newcastle Junior D team beat Bobcaygeon 8-7. On Saturday, February 8, Newcastle Junior D team. went to Haliburton, the final score there being Haliburton 8, Newcastle 5. Take a Break Club On Tuesday, February 4, ten ladies enjoyed their. ten o'clock meeting. Three other ladies volunteered as baby- sitters. Mrs. Lucas of Bowmanville, did exercises with the ladies and had a talk and discussion on nutrition. Another guest speakerg ave hier view on the pros and cons of vitamins. Attention was called to the urgent need at the Blood Donors' Clinic at the Lion 's Centre, Bowmanville on Wedl- nesday. Coffee and tea were served. Youth 125 and over C. Flynn 125,1 K. Southern 136, M. Zegil 131-150, J. Carr 131, R. Nicholson 144, J. Wind 132, R. Cayley 147, J. Forget Even the Best Homes Suffer Breakdlowns Homeowners Trust Buildail to cure whatever is ailing their home. We have shelves of Homne Remedies for such mîseries as Tired Kitchens, Peeling WaIls, Drab Bathrooms and Leaky Basements. You can trust our Home Remedies. They Work! FREEII Household Hints on Removing Stains And Antidotes for Common Poisons, plus a itlocket First Aid Kit. Corne in and get Vours!ý ve 20% Off Gregkitchens to March l st îj Now's the Time fo Plan Your Gregg Dream Kitchen! lanning Kitchen Renovations? Do It Now! We're off ering a special discount of 20 percent on all orders for Gregg Kitchen Cabinets placed by March lst! Come In and Visit Our Gregg Displays. FREE KITCHEN PLANNING SERVICE We'l1 be happy to help re-design your kitchen. We offer expert advice for your individual requirements. Either in the store or at home at your convenience. No Obligation - No Charge. Added Feature: Gregg Kitchens are moédular. They corne in sections and they're so easy to instaîl by the Do-tt-Yourselfer for additional savings! 1 x 2 Spruce strapping with the purchase of any pre-finished wall panelling at regular price. (First sheeiof 4' x 81 panel you receive 32 ft. and each additional sheet you receive 24 ft.' of strapping, 4' x 71 sheets you receive 28 ft.i and 21 ft. respectively.) See Our Wide Range of Pre-finished Easy to Instal Panelling. Armstrong's Marbella Shag "2 . Carpet at Wàrehouse Lumberland. Heavy shag pile on foam back for easy do-it-yourself installation. -.12' width in tone on tone colours of Blue, Red, Green or Gold. Reg. $10.35 Sq. Yd. S PECIAL....$ ôe99Sq.Yd FREEII Estimating Service. Just bring in your plan for house, cottage, garage or addition, We wilI provide a complete materials Iist and price. NO CHARGE! NO OBLIGATION! Toilet Plunger with the purchase of one of our stock white toilet and tank sets, reverse trap style with plastic tank. Regular value of Toilet and Tank - $49.95. Toilet and Tank Special $43,44 Bonus: Free Plunger FSPECIAL I a'7à' 2x4's Construction Grade at Low, Low price for 10 days only. (Special Ends February 22nd)j EACH 59e OUR LUMBER US CLEAN and DRY BECAUSE WE KEEP UT INSIDE OUR STORE cHARGEi(; WAREHOUSE LUMBERL.AND-728.1-617 * 100 Bond St. West XI COURTICE SELF-SERVE STORE LUMBERLAND 8: 00 to 6: 00 Mon., Tues., Wed. 50ba.8:00to90ThsF. purchase of lots there. Monev cars. k ý ~ForffRCJI OPEN TlîURS. - FR1. 'TIL 9 P.M. Simcoe St. N. Caîl Anytime 576-.7300 Oshawa r SUITS $ 5O-~3 5-~2 5 h Store Hours: COURTICE 8:O00to 6:O00Mon. - Fn. Bowman and Jennifer Payne sang in the Junior Farmers' Durham choir and placed first. Elaine Kellog was a participant in the test at Ilastings on February 8th, when a candidate was chosen to represent Cobourg Presby- tery of the United Church on anl exchange of young people from other countries. This will take place this summer and only one of the six was chosen to go. Their examination was extensive and exacting, and the girl chosen was a student nurse. Those young people who offered may have an opportunity of hosting the exchange person who wil corne to this area for the same number of weeks., Quilting ladies spent one day assisting Mrs. Thorndyke with a very handsome quilt, then continued on parts of several days to finish an originally designed quilt of Canadian birds at the T. Wilson home. With Bible study class at Mrs. L. Kellog's on Thursday morning and one member at Cobourg Presbytery in Cob- ourg on Wednesday, the work week was broken. A meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. Barrow- clough on Thursday evening to discuss business of the local cemetery and bring rnaps up to date to show recent is in the hands of the Publié Trustee and funds, beyond immediate needs, were trans- ferred there from the bank account, The usual spring bee is planned for the first suitable Saturday in April. The meet- ing- was chaired'by Leonard Oughtred, secretary, Mrs. A. Ford read the minutes and gave the financi al statement in the absence 'of, treasurer Wilfrid Bee. Others present were Messers, Arnold Thorn- dyke, Clarence Nichols and George Tufford., Flocks and, flocks of tree sparrows are, at -the feeders these days and evidently some purple finches, are in the area. Once during Satorday a com- pleteabsence of any birds at one feeder was surprising, till- the reason ýwas discovered Sitting on a liearby hedge, a very.lovely looking shrike. k Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorndyk visited Mr. afld Mrs. Grenville Flett, Fenelon Falls on Suni- day. Ruby and Grenville had just returned fromn a trip to Florida. There is plenty of snow at Fenelon Falls, good snowmobile coun try Mrs. J ane McQollBeverleyý and friend Debl,ýie Calberry attended ýhe carnival at Bewdley on Saturday, Feb. 8th. Hydro's Pickering Generat- ing Stations four reactors contain 464 tons of uranium., That's equal to about 9,000,0.00 tons of coal--enough to fill approximately 120,000 railway lm MIF ailvo Bloor St. East 1 THE BOWMANVULLE PET SHOP 32 King St. West 623-2921 ALL BREEDS Prof essilonally Groomeâd We will expertly groom your dog to your satisfaction with maximum care. 9:00 A.M. to6:00OP.M. Monday through SaturdÏay ýj