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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 19, 1975 NE WTON VILLE, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams returned from Florida early last week, where they ýenjoyed the balmy weather, and the oyportunity of visiting several o hi relatives, including two of Mrs. Adams' aunts, at Sanfard, bath in their nineties. .Mr. Wm. Stapletan under- went surgery in Oshawa Hospital recently, and was able ta return ta his son Bert!'s, in Bawmanville,' last Satur- day. 1Glad ta, hear, also, that Mr. Ken Fletcher is impraving, at home. Visitars with the Flet- chers the past week, inluded Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, and Cathy Fletcher, of Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher,, Downsview, Mr. Don Fletcher, and friend, Taranta and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sul, af Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmer- son, of Bowmanville, were recent visitars with Mrs. Gertie Rawe. 1 ,Mrs. Lena Graham and Mrs. Kay Kimbail, of New- çastie, were luncheon guests. Wednesday, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer after calling inta see, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale. Mrs. Irene Burley, of Orana, was alsa a visitar with the Clysdales, an Wed- nesday., 1Wednesday night, a few friends gathered at the home of Mrs . Bea Jones, ta help celebrate Mr. Melville Jones' birthday, his 39th, of course! An evening of bridge was enjayeci with the prize for Ladies High going ta Fae Cornish, of Orono, and that of Men's High going ta Frank Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, Orona, wth Mrs. Leone Lane, were Frîday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Little Miss Grace Ton, of Newcastle, was an overnight guest, Saturday, with bler grandparents, here, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. 1Mrs. Mary Wade was home over the weekend and visited bier father, Mr. George Hend- erson, in Port Hope, Sunday afternoan, before returning ta Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, of Oshawa, were Sunday; afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones. Mrs. Leone Lane was a sper guest, on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, and girls, in Orono. U .C.W. will, meet in the Sunday Sehool Hall, Wed. Feb. 26 at 8 pm. Mrs. Inez Boughen's group will be in charge of Devotional andi Pragramr. Rev. Montgomiery's Sundlay mrorning topic was "Lent Again s, ssùing tbe fau2t Lhat Lent is a time for a spring clearing of aur souls and bodies, -in preparation for a spiritual training. SA vocal and guitar duet by June Kimbaîl and Penny Webster, "In The Garden" was much enjayed by al present . Followý,ing the regular service, thie Installationâ of Stewards, Officers and Teach- ers, and U.C.W. Executive was conducted b y Rev. Mont- gomery, assisted by the Ses- sion Clerk, Mrs. Bea Jones. The following taokp art in this service: Stewrd -Jim Adams, Philip Gilmer, Pat Gardner, Glen Stapleton, Jack Ogden, and Frank-Sapleton. Secretary and Treasurer of the Board - Margaret Elliott, and C. M. Jones. Sunday School _- Marlene Stacey, Darothy Stapleton, and Dar- othy Imlach. U.C.W. - Inez Boughen, Shirley Stapleton. Sunday visitars with Mrs. Iva Farrow, and Reg. Falls, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignail, and Melissa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, ail of Bowmanville. 1Taclay (Manday) isanother Professianal ActivitiesDay at 6ur local school, a holiday for students, but not for the teachers. The latter use the time for anytinecessaqry indlivi- There were over 25a people at the Newcastle Recreation Department Orono Jamboree held in the Orono Town Hall last Sunday afternoon Feb- ruary 9th, 1975. The House Band, Fay Adams and the, Country Hits with Fay. Glary and son Don, Len Sumerscaies blended in well with Vera McMachon, Bill Leggette from Campbell- croft weh use ta be on the aid Bowmnanville Jamboree, Mar- lene Ogar a 14-year-old singer roxuMakhai. Maz- Bwit- ing, idi tyme Fiddler fram Orono and Alfred '"Jakie", Jakeman and bis mouth organ. t was a hipper diQDer fast movingshow, well enjoyed by tne aucuence. Next Urona Jamboree -- Sunday, -March 9th,'Orono Town Hall, Orono. ChiCken Legs Frozen SI>ECJAL! 5 LB. BOX Saus age Pa'i r mun e Minced Beef c 1SPECIL! FORMERL L .GROUND L.CHUX I Vui IItuiib Joan Fielden tells how: protein. \ ery good for niacin and a fair sourice C N DA of iron. When purchasing chicken. choose one. that QUE EN has short legs, a plump body und unibruised ski"- SMALL 10 LB. Agood fat covering is an indication of tender meut. LIN K LB. BO Joan [-elden. Dominion Home E-conornîst ( îîn,îîII,înt John ILove. Meaît Managzer Chicken Charlotte OYne two lb. chicken with giblets 2 carrots on ions Io. lb. ushr ooms. ,Cutin sce I tsp- cornsturch I. Prep are a bouillon with cai rots. onions, g iblets. saIt. pepper, and water. 2. Cook the chicken in bouillon for 4 hour. 3. Pour bouillon into a saucepan, remove fat and cook te reduce te I cup. 4. Add mushrooms. coi nstarch and tari agon. 5. Pour sauce over chicken befoi e servi ng. The followingchart will serve as a guide to how much chicken le buy and how many servings you can prepare. I've aIse included information on storing chicken aftei you've bought it. If you'd like te know more about food and nutrition, write me, -Joan". PO. Box 35, Station W.. Toirente. l'Il send youfr-ee, helpful information. There are several types of ready-to-cook chickens. Broiler Fryers, weighing two 10 thrce pounds. Roasters, generally weighing over four pounds; Capons, up to eight pounds; and Cornish Hens. up 10 a pound. For ry low cost recipe, 've selected a two pound chicken.> MY GUIDE ON HOW MUCH CHICKEN TO BUY Chioken ND. of pounds ND. 0f servîngs RDasting 4 lbs. and up 2 servings per lb. Chickeh, (1 serving per lb. if leftDvers are desired) WhoIe Chioken 3V2 tDo 4 lbs. 5to 81 servin-gs (divided into per bird parts) Quartered 31/2 to 4 Ibs. 4 servings Chioken Breasts 1/2 t o 3/4 lb. 1 serving and Legs Chioken 1 lb. 2 tD 3 servings Wings MY GUIDE ON HOW TO STORE CHIC KEN Fresh Unfrozen Chic ken Frozen Chic ken GLAD PLASTIC PKG. 0F 50 FOOD STORAGE BAGS 11 JOHNSON, FLOOR CLEANER MOP MAGIC Remove store wrapping. rinse, dry and rewrap in foil,*waxed paper or plastic wrap. Place in coldest part of refrigerator. Raw chicken wiIl keep 2 ta 3 days. Wash first, pat dry and wrap tightly in moisture proof wrap. Label the package and date. Chicken will keep this way in the refrigerator frozen food compartment 1 week; in the freezer 6 to 7 months. Once chicken is thawed, do flot freeze. Frozen chicken should be used within, 2 days after thawing. JACK'S CHEESE TWISTS 5/ ODZPKG. 32FL. DZ, CDNT. 1.67Heinz WITH PORK SPECLAL! 14 FL. OZ. TIN IN TOMATO SAUCE LUBBY'S BEANS38 Spaghetti, SPECIAL! OR READY CUT MACARONI 2 LB PKG Tomato Soup SPECIAL! CONDENSED 10 FL. OZ. 1 TIN CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS 32OZ. PKG. SUNMAID RAISINS 1.84 ASSTD VARIETiES SPECIAL' 180OZ7 ROBIN HOO PKG LAYER CAKE6 c MIXES69 SWIFTSDOR ESSEX i LB. PKG. Rf NDL ESS BREAKFAST BACON ý1.28 SWIFT'S, MAC & CHEESE, P'& P, 6 DZ. PKG. DUTCH OR CHICKEN LOAF 'a COOKED MEATS 39c SWIFTS, 112 BDNE IN LB. VACUUM PACKED LAZY MAPLE HAMS -1.48 SWIFT S, FROZEN 1 LB. PKG, LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE 99C ESSEX NIAGARA LB. BYTHE PIECE. BOLOGNA g44c ALPINE BRAND, FROZEN 2 LB BDX HAMeBURG PAlTIESt3 DIGESTIVE, NICE 71/2OZ, P KG. GINGER CRISP DR SHDRTCAKE PEEK FREAN BISCUITS 63 York Meat Pies SPEICIL! BEEF, CHIOKEN, TURKEY OR BEEF &KIDNEY, FROZEN 8 OZ. PKG.2 ASST'D COLOURS SPECIAL! 2 ROLL 2 PLY VIVATOWELS 7V PUR n SlI-iX'! 32 FL Z MAZOLA CORN OIL SWIFT SOR ESSEX FULLY CDDKED VACUUM PACKED DINNER HAMS Frying, Ch ickens c LB. SPECIL!jt FRESH' EVISCERATED CANADA GRADE "A" 21/2 TO 31/2 LB. AVG. ' 5c 4~LB. Cottage Rolls LB 1.88 SWIFT S, VA6UUM PACKED LB. CORNED BEEF 1-68 ESSEX, SMOKED LB. PICNIC SHOULDERS 79c BITTNERS, COIL' LB0 KOLBASSA SAUSAGE -1,718 BITTNER S, SLICED 4 DZ PKG SUMMER SAUSAGE 6 2 C BITTNER'S, SLICED 6 DZ, PKG. BOLOGNA, 52C FOIAGROWN GREEN BEANS 29C Maclntosh SPIECIAL! ONTARIO GROWN PKG FANCY gcGRADE 5 LB. BAG RT[ 1.73 RICHMELLO 16DOZ.PKG. WHOLE BEAN COFFEE 1.15 PLAIN OR SALTED 16DOZ. PKG. DOMINION CRACKERS 6MC DOMINION FROZEN SPFCIAL' 32OZ. PKG. HASH BROWN POTATOES 29C RICHMELLO, SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER DOLE, FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL CORONATION, WHOLE DILL PICKLES SIECLL! PREMIUM MILD CURED VAC UUM PACKED 9 LB. ESSEX, ASSORTED SLICED. 1 LB PKG. COOKED MEATS 1.05 GOLDEN SKILLET LB CHICKEN CUTLETS 86%c GOLDEN SKILLET, HONEY DIPPED L COOKE D CHICKEN 13 SHOPSYS FAMDUS SLICED 4x2DOZ. PKG PASTRAMI OR. % CORNED BEEF 1.38 REGULAR OR BACON FLAVOUR 12OZ, TI N SWIFT S PREM c> LUNCHEON MEAT 85~ C-REAMETTES, S 3<IL!6'O;DZ 1-K SPAGHETTI OR o69%C READY CUT MACARONI D PROCESSED SPECIAL! 160OZ JAR CHEESE SPREAD C'%HEEZ WHIZ MITCHELLS FANCY - 9FL OZ TIN APPLESAUCE, 5 ASST'D VARIETIES 6OZ lTIN 9-LIVES CAT FOOD 24c FOR DOGS AND CATS 15 OZ, TIN BUDGET PET FOOD 1'c LIBBYS 14FL. DZ.TIN ALPHA-GHE"TI36c NU-FLUFF 128 FL OZ, CQNT. FABRIC SOFTENER 1.59 D8FLZ. TIN Cremel le Coff ee 8 C rea mer, 1SPECIAL! 48 FLD Z.JAR BORDEN SPIC 16 OZ. JAR Heinz Tomato Ketchu p 32 OZ. JAR SE IL DOMINION, SALTEDaFANCY 16DOZ.TIN BLANCHED PEAN UTS .09 RICHMELLO 12DZ. PKG. ANGEL CAKE 6c RICHMELLO PKG. DF 6 HOT CROSS BUNS 079c c 20 FL. OZ. BTL. ASST'D FLAVOIJRS 48 FL DZ. lIN ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINKS 49c' ASST'DFLAVOURS 3OZ. PKG. ROYAL JELLY POWDERS 24C COMF-EES, DAYTIME DISPOSABLE DIAPEI REGULAR OR SPEARMINir PEARL OROP-S TOOTH POLISH PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE, 9c PKG 0F30 RS 2.39 r 50 ML CONT 1.lu27 SPE CIAL! 100 ML TUBE Ê89C REGULAR DRP 8 FL DZ. CONT. BALSAM & BODY TAME CREME RINSE 1.09 MR. BUBBLE SPECIAL! 32 FL DZ CONT. BUBBLE BATH BANK 1.39_ CHORE GIRL PKG OF 3 POT CLEANERS 63 c OUIKKI PKG D Fl12 KITCHEN CATCHERS 59 HeIpyourti ve VAUSEFFECTIVE UNTILsec as HeIp yoù CLOSING TIME TUFSDAY, FEB. q,25, 1975 IN t3OWMANVILLE. WE HeaQrt F RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL111 nm Q1~* am nn FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. q DOMINION STORES LIAITEDFi 'i d]n iPlQ1 ~K K K~3K K K~ Ak7K K ~ Chicken Wings, Frozen - -- ý 1 ýý ý 'y L-I M Il F- Li

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