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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 11

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PCs Elect New Durham East'Execûjtive On Thursday evening at M. J. Hobbs Sehool, Hampton, Progressive Conservatives elected the new executive for Durham East constituency. They are, front row, left to right, Treasurer John Aken, Oshawa, Alex Carruthers retiring MPP; Dr. Charles Mcllveen, MPP, who is expected to be a contestant in the new riding; President Paul Rlley, Newcastle; Secretary Ma'rion Manders, Kendal; bac k row, Directors, Tom Rehder, Bowmanviile; Doug Terwiilegar, Hampton; Charles Reid, Orono; Walter Bestwick, Ray Lunn and Bill Austin, Oshawa; absent,- Madeline Williams, Newcastle and Barbara Humphreys, Oshawa. Federal MP Alian Lawrence brought greetingç and spoke briefiy to the gathering. I hef ,j Editors: Jack and Miss Marjonie Clemence spent the weekend in Kingston with her niece and family, Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake, Kristina and Kathleen. Miss Heather Hoan, Toron- tar spnt Wednesday and Tuday with her parents,, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hoan. Deepest sympathy is ex- tended ta Mn. and Mrs. Gary Brunton and family on the death of bis parents in Campbellford last Saturday. On Satunday, May 24, Miss Janet Easton and Mn. Danny MeLean were united in mar- niage at the Newcastle United Church with Rev. Thomas Smith officiating. Mn. and Mrs. George Kim- hall attended the anniversary service at Newtonville United Chunch on Sunday, May 24r After enjoying the pot luck dinnen, Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow were thein hasts for the nemainder of the day. Mn. and Mrs. Martin Mcbay and family visited with nel- atives at ýLion's Head on the weekend. Councilior Ken E. Lyall, who has announced he will be contesting the provincial nomination, Newcastle Indejper- Hazel Crago Mn. and Mrs. Harold Couch accampanied Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Couch ta Toronto on Sunday. While Wallace and Ruth visited Baby Bradley at Sick Children's Hospital, bis parents visited her sisten, Mn. and Mrs. Ah Rowland. Mn. and Mrs. William Cal enjoyed a Satunday night barbecue'at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Dow. ý Mn. and Mrs. Howard Quin- ney spent Monday and Tues- day in Toronto at the Sted- man's Convention. Teachens, pupils and some parents of Lockhant's Scbool enjoyed a trip ta the new Metro Zoo ast Wednesday, May 21. The fifty-fifth Annual Lions' Convention was beld in Hamil- ton, May 24th weekend. Pen- sons from Newcastle attend- ing the Lions' Safari, for Ontario, Quebec and Labrador were Mn. and Mrs. Sierd DeJong, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, Mn. and Mns. Ivor Brawley, Mn. and Mrs. Frank BorMn. and Mns. David Adams, Mrs. R.B. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. George Riekard. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wood- hams, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Oshawa and Mrs. and Mrs. G eorge Buckley, Newcastle were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore. On Friday evening, May 23, Mr. and Mns. Garnet Rickard entertained relatives and friends at a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rickard. On Friday, May 23, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were in Dorchester attending a Rebekah birthday party. On Saturday, the Grand Master instituted a new Junior Lodge at Comber. On Sunday, the Wades attended a church parade at Woodsley and were Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cipu of Rodney, returning home Mon- day afternoon. The Woo familv have pur- ident I Telephone 987-4201 chased a new home on Beaver Street North. Membens of the Lions Club last Wednesday night erected a snow fence anound the site of the new swimming pool, 50 work on this venture is pnogressing. Mn. and Mrs. Talbot Ahi- dnead spent Sunday with Mynthe and Jack Bird, Lake Chemong. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Power spent the weekend with ber cousin, Mn. and Mns. Douglas Mcllroy, Kingston. Birthday greÇtings ta Miss Isabel Allun. Patients in hospital necently inchude, Mn. Keith Barr, Mrs. R.B. Rickard, Mn. Alfred Gray, Mrs. Phil Williams, Mn. D. De Mooy, infant Bradley Couch and centenarian Mns. P.F. LeGresley. We undenstand only four Scouts turned up on Saturday morning for their plant-selling project. Senior Citizens' Club The regular meeting of the Newcastle Senior Citizens, consisting of cards followed by lunch, was not held this past week due to two other events that took place. On Tuesday, May 20, some 45 Senior Citizens went on a bus trip to Niagara in a Trentway air-conditioned bus driven by their favo urite driver, Harny Burley. On the way to Niagara, they stopped at a K-Mant Plaza and had dinner there. They then pro- ceeded toward Ni-a.gara and sto4ped at a hock on the Weianci uanai andi watchied a lake freighten going through the lock. They then touned around the Niagara district, admiring the bloom of the orchards, onnamental trees and flowen gardens. After an hour or so lookhng at the Falls and browsing through the stores, they-then started ba£k toSt Catharines. Thene, they stopped at Elon St. United Church and had a wonderful hot beef dinner, prepared and served by the Ladies Associa- tion of the Church. The present Newcastlê United Church minister, Mn. Thomas Smith. and his wife served this The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2F pastorate for nine yeans W% Sunday. "Congratulatlons." Gl iris R ce beoecoming to Newcastle. H IJN Mn. and Mrs. Jim Jones and i~ ra The tour group then proceeded Teresa, Scarboro, were Satur- towards home, arrivîng about Mrs. J. Stuart and Sue, and Mrs. Jim Metcalfe. day visitors at Mn. and Mrs. J'. Softball League 8:30 affer a comfortable trip. Hlamilton, were Saturday Mrs. Ruth Metcalfe and Mr. Jones. The second senior citizens' visitons at Mr.' D.J. Cam- and Mrs. Jim Metealfe spent Mn. and Mrs. John Jones The Recreation Girls Soft- event took place on Thursda y, eron's. an evening with Mr. W. Mark. and family, Bowmanville, bail League- got off to a good May 22, when the Newcastle Mrs. Gladys Rice, Kingston Mrs. Don Anderson brought were Suiîday visitors of the J. stant On W'ednesday, May 2lst Horticultural Society enter- visited Mr. D.J. Cameron, on' Janet and hier little friends Jones Sr. and family. at Central School grounds with tained them with an illustra- Sunday. from Bowmanville out to Mr. Team No. 1 and> Teamn No. 2 ted lecture followed hy lunch. Mrs. Ruth-Metcalfe, Black and Mrs. T., Butter 's on playing to a 7-7 tie. Mn. W. Bunting, the manager Cekvsie hrsoM Wednesday to help ceÏebrate mrofle of the Orono Fonestny, gave a ._______li_____ er birthday. Batting for Team No. 1 was very interesting lecture on the tion was made to Jean and Les Mr. and Mrs. Doug Black- o iu tyldbChr A onwhto growing planting and ship- Burrows who are leavine for burn, Enniskillen and Wendy, singles and a double, whiie ping of forest seedlings, ilî- Prince Edward County. were Sunday supper guests of ', Tammie Gray, Gayle Bishop, ustrated by slides. A vestry meeting followedi Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Black- C nr Susan Van Beckle, Canol While the tables were being re the new kitchen for the burn and family. TeNwateCmiteHoeJan ansec prpaedfo unhth vst- Parish Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton ofte hoeecm nedo had one hit. orsvieed he lorl dsplys Fellowship Club met in the and Mns. A. Read were counicil that the tender of TemN,2wsldbth of the Horticulture Spning evening and f inalized plans for Sunday supper guests of Mn.- Bowman Construction of ptchr e ga N2 Aston, wth Show in the other noom. About the June 21 ganden panty. and Mrs. ayton Read, Rob pthr ea sowt ninety guests sat down to a Trhe Anglican Chunch and Steven, Bowmanville. $121,720 be accepted for the two singles and a double, tasteful lunch and the evening Women met at the Panish Hall Mrs. W. Bowman, Mrs. Eanl commtuin Hllf hth yoe hil omennaHoaringl.Lvn concluded by Mns. Cave last Wednesday, May 21, for a Trewin, Enniskillen; Mn. and aomnmnttHallth h oean n inl.L giving out the pnize money. pot luck dinner in honour of Mrs. Ross Ashton went to mn etth a agree- Tennant had two singlres, The membens of the Horticul- Mrs. Jean Burrows. Mrs. Peterborough to the 5Oth ment bie signed with the town Leanne Bamsey a single, bisa ture Society each neceived a Doreen Lake decorated a cake ar.niversary service of the to pay back money out on Frank a double and single, debenture and that t he Region Dns tnbnasnl geranium plant as their yearly for the occasion and the ladies United Chunch on Sunday and 0MB give approval to the anisoneg a singleLaa option. These were grown by presented Jean with a gift. evening. "poet n loasnl o ar Mn. and Mrs. Cave in their Af ter a brief meeting, a social Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn .proeilo ot.lcar Lee Perris. The pitcher for greenhouse. Incidentally, they tine was enjoyed. called on Mn. and Mrs. ConciofrteDo ln hir Team No. 1 was Tammie specialize in the gnowing of Newcastle United Church Farewell Blackburn, Salem, SevcsCmite eote Gray. cactii. News on Monday night. Srie omter re On June 17, the Senior On Sunday, May 25th, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn that the Tynone Boarapres- Citizens are invited to a Thomas Smith hased his and Wendy Blackburn called etyha ngranf 53,ercend, Stnawhenry Festival to be held sermon on the text "What on Mn. and Mrs. E. Twist, the t ad bf 5 eentoef , at Black Cneek Pioneer Vil- mean these stones?" and Salem, on Saturday evenng from the provincial govenn- lage and hosted by the Ontario spoke about the Presbyterian Mr. D.J. Camenon attended ment , which lhe stated would Government. All it costs is the heritage in the United Church. the Royal Canadian Legion=mout t-$3,0u. Myo price of the bus trip and it is Mrs. Catherine Jeanes, the Provincial Convention at Garnet Rickard stated that understood that even now onganist's daughtei', rendened 'Kin ston for four days. îast cuclhdarayapoe most of the seats are spoken a beautiful solo. weeK. ca deentu rea 70,00, ote for. The Glenn Allin family had Messrs. Ian Graham, Kyle projeet. or the - St. George's Anglican Church a busy Sunday. They were Graham, Dave Pingle attend- W@% unawsNews singing atNewtonviîîe United ed a Car Show at Watendowne Fmal ie On Sunday, May 25, Youth Church Anniversary Service on Sunday. ia d g so Sunda wasobserved at St. -on Sunday morning and Sun- Mns. Lloyd Ashton, a patient u George's Anglican Church. A day aftennoon, the Country in Memonial Hospital, Bow- string quartet consistinig of Four, a quartet of which Glenn manville, was home for a InHio use, Fire four voung people, Julia is a member, sang at the Art couple of days on the weekend. Over the weekend New- Sandguist, Kevin MacMillan, Show and Reception for Mn. A. Mrs. Ruth Rahm, Mrs. castie OPP Constable Gary Bonnie Davidson and Jacquey Drummond at the Clarke Vlema Griffin, Mrs. Rena Brunton lost thnee membens of HE 616GÉSr 1LOCK IN - Malcolm, perfonmed six num- Museum in Orono. Potts, gave a Jack and Jîli his family. He returned to his t4ANý PATH TO SUCCIEss 15 bers. Along wîth sevenal othen Relation Show' for Monica home town of Campbellfond on MIS >4EAD. Three of their Servens have carloads of United Church Perger - Brian Horning and Friday to attend the funenal of __ been awarded trips, Gordon members they attended the Sybil Graham - Fred Smith on his grandmother. FridayI A& Cochrane to Germany, Tim- 5th Anniversary celebration Saturday evening at Haydon nih,'iymte adfahr othy Yates and Bill Locke on rally for the Bay of Quinte Community centre. ngt i ohradfte an Anglican Wonk, Tour to the Confenence at the Peterbor- Mrs. Jean Slemon, Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Harold Brunton, PLUMBING & IfEATING Yukon. og eoilCmuiy Vr anradMs id perished in afire in thein home and AIR CONDITIONING oughMemria Comunty eraGarard an Mr. Hlda near Campbellford. The fun-. Af ter the Sunday Service, a Centre. We understand that Crossman called on Mns. May eral was held on Tuesday, TYRONE, ONTARIO & congregational luncheon was there were no vacant seats at Slemon, Enniskîllen, to cele- with many of the OPP staff in Phone 26;j-2650 u enioved outside. A presenta- the Sunday night celebration. brate hier 9th birthday on Newcastle in attendance. B3UIL LL ASSOCIATE STORE Owned & Op.rated by Oshawa wood PDroducts WHITE LUXACLADm ALUMINUM SIDING With backer board bonded right to the Aluminum to provide extra rigidity and minimize denting. Do-it-Yourself and Save. Easy to follow instructions. Carton covers 88 square feet. 9" Horizontal- $5917 Carton s" Vertical - $56-.00 Carton Complete the job with Aluminum Suffit and Fascia prefinis.hed in long lasting white. No more painting chores. Soffit 16" x 12,6", Long $7-98 Ea. 8"xl10' Long $4-51 Ea. _________________Fascia 6" x1O' Long $3.83 Ea. BUILDALL CEDAR PICNIC TABLE lq i ýJý .1 Exclusive with Hen ry Pre-boite d legs and D* II L a Pre-cut seats and tops U.au nmi ara ready to nail on. Heavy D 'x8 iuiatedinwoodg rai aes. 2" thick throughout. 4I x8'BiuttPecan, ornin panis. Nails included. %BuGole Pecan, Wetred Oak.st READY-TO-ASSEINBLE Gle eaW ahrdOk Complete $3 61Each $ PAI3N IEAKSASBulalPitSeila Winners In Henry Buildail Store Opening Lucky Draw Prize Winner Prize Winner Rec Room Materials - Mr. John Stevenson, R. R. 2, 3 Ga Is. White Paint - M. Nosowenko, 201 Crawfordl, Whitby Port Hope 885-8240 668-8709 $200.00 Luxaclad Alum. 3 Pce. Bath Access. Set- John Stevenson, 851 Grenoble BIvd., Siding Mary Scott, 6 Harper Crt., WhitbyBa igs8946 668-4559,ByRdes8946 $200.00 Luxaclad AIum.1 Portable Heater -Mn. Mac Donalid, 90 Gienmount, Siding C. Cale, 360 Rosedale Dr., Whitby Wh itby 668-5410 668-5215ala Aum Black & Decker Drill Ronnie Harris, 45 Trefusis St., Port Siding- Mrs. F. Knickle, R.R.2, PontypoolHoe8549 1" 277-2456 Black & Decker Jig Saw- Scott Kappler, R.R.1, PorT Hope $80.00 Entrance Door C. D. Morrow, 355 Dovedale Dr., 753-2360 Whitby 668-4561 2 Garage Door Shutters P. W. Davidson, 207 Byron St. N., CV30 Vanity & Top Don Duncan, 921 Centre St. N., Whitby 668-6759 Whitby 668-6936 Spice Cabinet- J. Chasczewski, 834 Centre St. N., 2 Garage Door Shutters- Shirley Beech, 55 Dorset St. E. Whitby 668-3736 Port Hope 885-6756 THREE CONVEN lENT SELF-SERVE STORES SHAWA WHITBY CURTICE 100 Bond St. W. 223 Brock St. N. Bloor St. East ' 728-1617 668-6821 Poe7811 8: 00a.m. -6: 00pm.Mon. -Wed. 8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Mon. - neu. Phoe728161 8:0Oa.m.-9:OOP.m.Thurs. &Fri. g.:OOa.m.-9:OOp.m.Thurs. &Fri. 8: 00a m. - 9:00pm. Mon. -Fri 8:Oam.5:Opm.Saturday 8S:Oa.m.-5:30p.m.Saturday Saturday8:ooam.5:oop.m. I 4 4 4 4 4 OPEN HOUSE On Saturday, May 3lst, f rom 10:00- aOmo to 4:00 p.me The men of Newcastle Hall No. 2-Fire Dept. invite ail interested citizens of the area they serve (Newcastle Village, Brownsville, Newtonville, Port Granby and the Lakeshore to the south side of the ,,3rd Line) to attend an open house at their Fire Hall on Miii St. N., Newcastle. COME AND MEET THE 16 MEN WHO, WE BELIEVE, SERVE YOU SO WELL IN SPITE 0F THE DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS AT THE FIRE HALL You've probably heard of these conditions, now we'd like to show you first-hand and have your comments. Coffee and donuts wili be served. As there is no seating space in the Fire Hlall, if you plan to attend, and we sincerely hope you do, please bring your own iawn chair.

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