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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 15

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New Pro at Country Club This photo wiil introduce Jay Lulge, the new golf professionai at Bowmanviile Country Club, who cornes here from the Bayview Club in Toronto. Jay lef t his lunch yesterday (fortunateiy, a coid plate), to swing a club for The Statesman photographer. H1e, in addition to giving lessons to members, is also in charge of the weil-stockecl pro shop and will also be supervising tournament8. Opening day for the senior men was on Saturday when they piayed the new nine for the first time, Ihany of them finding it offered hazards of a different type and many challenges. ELIZA BETH10 NV1L LE Church serv-ices wee eld as usual. R"ev.R.BartLîett spoke on, "Be ouslf"The choir san-,g anl anthem. On Sna evening a Sth aiv-i\ersary of Cburch Union Services were held at Peter- borough Arena. Several from here attended. The service opened witb a parade from diown town consisting-off manyîï vlintage cars; two trucks as fMats; the A.O.T.S. and UC.W. were the sponsors of these. A Kilty band and many of the dignities and Layman wllked with them. About a thousand member cboir sang Hundreds Tour New Darlington Marina Hotel on Friday anthems. Each choir in the Bay of Quinte area was represented. Roy Bonisteel, C.B.C . T.V. of Man Alive was M.C. A group from Quiin-Mo- Lac performed in music and singing. Vignettes, "A Great Spirit at Work," by Theatre Five Kingston was performed. Three girls fromn Peter- borough performed a, dance wbile the collection was taken up. Other celebration for Cburcb Union will be held dune 8tb and lStb. Theatre Five present, The Booý, The Bush, The Dove, at NeWcastle on June lst'at 7:30.* Our Women's Institule will hold their June meeting 4it Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson's, Garden Hill at 8 p.ma. on Tuesday dune 3rd. Mrs. Ron ProvostI and Angle, Lindsay spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer. Mrs. Robert Westleuser and girls spent 4 days with Thickson's whîle here. They and Mrs. Thickson spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, Staynor, and also called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker.! Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland spent Fridýy evening witb Thickson 's. ý On Tuesday evening thie Elizabethville Unit of tbe, U.C.W. entertained the othýr, umits- -lronto lin Lrnvd the mnusic. Mr. and Mrs. R~. Bartlett had slides of their trip last year in Europe and Asia. Lunch was served. Most university students from this area are througb and bave begun to work for thç summer. Laurence A. Grey D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic is pleased f0 announce the opening of his clinic for the practice of Chiropractic at 270 King St. E. Tentative Dayîs: TUESDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS -6:00 to 8:00 p.m. FRIDAYS - 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. SATURDAYS - ALTERNATE Tlphone 623-40 PLUS ECONOy EQUALS CHEVELLE See These Beautîes Now At Roy Nichols Mo17tors Ltd. Serving the Motoring Public Since 1922 Ail day and evening on Friday, hundreds of citizens from the area visited the new Darlington Marina Hotel on Bowmanville's East Beach Road during open house and expressed amazement at the extensive facilities they found, and the attractive decor. These two photos show part of the large dining room, and the foyer inside the main entrance where Wendy Ayre and Mrs. Irv Gi were waiting to receive the guests. Upstairs, there are smaller dining rooms and accommodations for overnight or weekend guests. The spacious bottom floor can also be used as a dining roomn or an area for dancing. Several banquets have already been held there with head chef Paul Trudeau receiving many compliments for the fine food that was served. Tobacco farmers are busy E lanting tbeir crop. It bas eeri a bot week to work ln the green bouses. Mrs. Clarence Beatty celebrated ber birtbday Sun- day ý,and had Mr. M. Drink- waer Misses Doris and Diane Beaty o a fowl supper. ot eý cafllers at Mr. and Mrs., C. :atty's were Miss E. Banilter; Mr. and Mrs. Buttlýr (nee Gwen Gilmore), Toroito. Mrs. E. Gilmore, Boi anville; Miss Ann Iwr;Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock; Mr. and' Mrs. Murray, Oshawa. A couple from IToronto called wbo are from Scotland and were look- ing at a lot that was advertised for sale in the paper recently part of Mr. Winterbelt's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty had thýir two daughters Doris and bianne, Toronto home over teweed ATTEND CONVENTION Sevetal members of' Bow- manville and Newcastle Lions Club bave returned safe and sound jafter the District A, convention in Hamilton last weekerýd. Those attending from here for the full conven- tion included Governor-Elect and Mrm Ed. Leslie, Vice President and Mrs. John Pogue, Treasurer and Mrs. Llew Tomlinson, President and Mrs. Bruce Lusb, Presi- dent-Elect and Mrs. Maurice Richards. Don Marsden, Jack Munday, Jim Cryderman and Glenn Fry attended the par- ade on Sunday.' Provinciacl Court Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney N. McCrank and duty counsel M. B. Kelly. John Stanley Johnston, 19, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after con- suming on April, 17. H1e was apprehended in bis driveway after a high speed chase on Higbway 2. H1e told the officer he did not know be was trying to flag hlm down. Tests were .13. The fine was $150. and costs, in default 10 days. H1e Was probibited from driving for three montbs. H1e was given 2 weeks to pay. Robert A. Cole, 27, 952 Filman Place, Burlington, cbarged April 18 witb driving after consuming over .08 pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Fitz- gerald was advised to watch for a gold duster car wbich bad tbrown a beer bottie. H1e stopped the car west of Waverly Road. Tests were .12. The fine was $150. and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was probibited f romn driving for three montbs. Ian S. McMillan, 52, 179 Marian St., Toronto, pleaded 'guilty' to driving whilst ability was impaired by drug or alcobol on November 24. Const. Fergusoni observed er- ratic driving on four occas- ions. 11e refused a breatb test andi this charge was witb- drawn. Tbe fine was $150. and costs, in default 10 days. H1e was prohibited fromn driving for three months. Bernard Myatt, 33, 536 Stone Church Rd., Hamilton, plead- ed 'guilty' to a Fehruary 25th charge of driving after con- suming over .08. Const. Van- Dyk and Molineau received a caîl from a citizen that a car was driving in an erratic manner. Tests were .18. His counsel said lie was on nerve pils. H1e had a previous record. The fine was $250. and costs, in default 20 days. Two months to pay. The Depart- ment of Transportation will deal with the suspension. Robert Arthur Agnew, Brighton, cbarged April 27 that he, did wilful damage to the roperty of the Castie Hote not exceedînq $50. pleaded 'guilty'. Investigation revealed he broke a door window and also the glass of a juke box. 11e was întoxicated. Restitution bas been made. H1e was put on probation for one year and one condition to remain out of the Castle Hotel for one year. Bencb warrants to be issued for the following: Tony Gomes, Keitb Lemon, Elmer Rozniak, Richard White and a warrant in discretion for Stans Truck Rentai. Kevîn Carl Roberts, 19, R.R. 2, Bowmanville pleaded 'guil- ty' to driving wbile dhsquali- fied on Marcb 29. Ie was involved in an accident and was under suspension for non-payment of a fine. The fine today was $35. and costs, in default tbree days. Michael D. Stratford, 23, Fenelon Falls, was charged Marcb l9tb with faillng to remain at the scene of an accident at the Oasis Restau- rant parking lot. He pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Fitzgerald was called to a minor hit and run. Stratford was later stopped r'ear Lindsay. The fine was $100. no costs, in default 10 days. Richard J. Sewell, 17, R.R. 3, Bowmnanville, was charged April 9 with driving while disqualified and pleaded 'guil- ty'. 1He was stopped on Nash Rd. The fine was $75. and costs, in default 7 days. H1e was given one montb to pay. Duncan Mark Tilison, New- castle, represented by E .R. Lovekin, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid Aprîl 16 to driving after consuming over .08. On February 25 he was charged with following too closely and pleaded 'guilty'. Consts. Mac- Kay ýind Markle stopped a car with one light out. Mr. Tilison told them he struck a car on King St. and thought better of it and was returning. A car had pulled out in front of hlm andi be bumped it tbree or four times. H1e had been drinking at the time. On the first charge the fine was $250. and costs in default 20 days and an order prohibiting bîm from driving for three months. The second chargebrought a fine of $75. and costs, in default 5 days consecutive. He was given two months to pay. Win. R. McMaster, M1 no fixed address, repr. - . r Mr. Matbews pleadeli gu ,dty' to two charges of fraud ir. b7is area on April 10.1He was in possession of a stoie~n Chargex card and a driver's icense. While hie had t1lis card he made 48 purchases ai nounting to $1,500. H1e has a record of break, enter, theft and fraud dating back to 1962, starting in Halifax. He admîts to having a drinking problem. 11e bas been in custody over a month. The crown asked for a lengthy jail terni. Judge Baxter told McMaster 'if you really want to reform there are organiza- tions that will help. If you have no desire to reform, there is lîttie the authorities can do'. On the first charge bie was sentenced to 9 montbs in an Ontario Reformatory and on the second charge 9 months concurrent. Andrew Wojcik, Whitney, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after consuming over .08 on April 21. Const. Jerratt obser- ved a 1973 Datsun following a truck too closely on highway 35. It swayed on two occasions, and went on the shoulder once. Tests were .14 and .13. He bas driven for 31 years and neyer in trouble before. The fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days. License suspension for tbree months. Ronald J. Dunn, Bowman- ville, was found 'guilty' today after pleading 'not guilty' to a charge of having marijuana in bis possession January 18. Const. Hyracbuk cbecked a car at a service station lot. Tbesmell of a narcotic was present. A bomemaýâdec-i-garet- te was found and it was warm. Analysis sbowed it was mari- juana.' Mr. Duna m said hie purcbased the car byve days Srevious and it could have een there or the heat from the heater could bave warmed it. Judge Baxter accepted the officer's evidence. This of- fense took place while be was on six montbs probation. Tbe fine was $150 . and costs, in default 10 days. 11e was given 2 months to pay. MAN VERS COW KILLED At 10: 15 last night a. 1975 Vega hit a Holstein cow on the sixth line of Manvers Township.. No injuries are reported, except for the cow which was killed. Ôwn- er of the cow is Barry Pres- ton. Driver of the Vega is Nezedr Raymond. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Mav 28. 1975 15 $78'2,ÛOO f0be Raised By Scugog Scugog Townsbip will bave to meet total expenses this year of $1,381,833, Last year 's total (actual) was $1,067,917. About $599,000 is available to the township in the form of grants and other revenue, leavingý about $782,000 to be raised by taxes. Tbis is the result of the budget as settled at the last council meeting May 21. Some of that bike will be absorbed by an increase in township assessment of around 7 per cent. 0f the $189,000 increase to be raised tbrough taxes _tjis__year,_ Twp. Taxes according to Mayor Lawrence Malcolm's calculations, about $41,000, will be taken care of through the increased assess- ment. WRONG SCHOOL Last week under a picture of public school studeats visiting the goat farmi north of Bowmanville, the word- ing said they were fromn Maple Grove North public school. Not so, we've been informed, they were fromn Maple Grove East, there is no Maple Grove North school. Sorry! DYKSTRA 'S SUMMER TIME SPECIALS LEAN BONELESS CHUCK STEAK BOSTON STEAK BRAISING STEAK $129 LEAN BONELESS 89c POT ROAST 9b SWIFT PREMIUM FRESH GREEN ON IONS BOLOGNA OR a89CLb.2fo FOR THAT FAST QUICK AND EASY MEAL TRY OUR FRESH SALADS POTATO - MACARONI CHEF -COLESLAW JELLIED SALADS, ETC. DELMONTE PURITAN Orange Wieners Jui*ce & Beans Save A c48z.Save 24z 20ec 1 Tin 30e I'7 Tin DEEP DOWN DEEP FROZEN SPECIAL!! Stili Meadow Fully Cooked BREADED FRIED CHICKEN WINGS99 CSAVE!! SAVE!! 11/2Lb. Bag99 MJONARCH SPONGE Ass't. Flavors Pu D'DIý NG 9Oz. Pkg. 47 16e Mix or Match PHILIPS 60,Watt or 160 Watt LIGHT BULBS 4 for 99c Save 31c PURITAN CHAPMANS Turkey and Chicken ICE CREAM STEW.1 Save bC 240z. '2Gai, 30e 17Tin Ass't. Flavors Dykstra's Delicatessen tra Food Market 73-77 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE "Home of Quality"l "Favourite Recipe"" Tabloid Insert in the Pl ease Send Them to Us at P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvil1le, Li C 3 K9 ~ E 728-620623-2556 9 ;11 Courtice 728-6206

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