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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bcwmnanville, May 28, 1975 BLÂCKSTACK O.N.0. 25th Aniversary '&e 25th anriversary was celebrated at the Recreation Centre on Saturday evening, May 24 in a truly gaila manner. There were 128 present, made up of past and present members and escorts. We were very happp to have Gwen (Ballingai) Mulliol- land, the founder and first Ëpresident of ONO. with us. Gwen was vresented'with a framiediscroll commnemorating this happy occasion. As eaeh lady arrîveti she was present- ed wth a red rose or carnation and namne tag, so ail coulti mingle freely knowing each other. Kathleen Dorreil andi Noreen Malcolm are tihe only two charter members who are pentmembers. Unfor- untyNoreen was unable Io attend and Kathleen Thofipson, a past president, took us down Memory Lane remriniscin about the mnany Cpast aotivitiEs and fun things tt O.N.O. have- taken part in over thsepast 2S years. A lovely inner, provided by thse 0. N.,memabers and serveti under thse direction of Mrs. Shortridge and Mrs., Bailey, -was enjoyed. The ladies appreciated the capable assistance of two lone maies in thse kitchen, David Kyte andi Gordon Paisley who cut up roasts. We were entertained by Billy Meek, Scottisis member of thse Pig andi Whîstie,whose show we really enthusiastîcally enjoye ti After this entertainme-nt, there was dancing anti visitin along wlth punch, cheese anm crackers. Ail those in attend- ance mnust give a hearty round of thanks to the girls whlo cc-ordinated this delightful evening-namneiy, Aileen Van- Camp and iher committeeof Shirley Hoskin, Barbara Byers, Norma VanCamp, Joan Graham and Noreen Macolm. Trhank you mne and ail for making this an evening to rememnber. Reporteti by Monisia Johnson. ONO Spofsered Swimminag Programn Bu ik-u wiii be at the Hig Scooiat 8:30 a-n. sharpbegin n July 7. For futser information phone Monica Johnson at 986-5189. The O.N.O. has been-suc- tesaful in obta'îning a $2500 grant fo« the purpose of providing recreation for thse youth of Blackstock and area. We are in thie process of hiring two youth directors. Activities will run from july 1 through August. Further information wiil be published at later dates.1 Mrs. Pearl Bilbey returneti homne to hier home in Los Vegas after a mnost enjoyabie visit witÈhber parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright 'anti other relatives. Winners iat-tie ,Senior Ct zens Card Party on Tuesdaiy evening were Ladies' ist-Mvrs. Reid Cook, 2nd-Mrs. Belle Werry, 3rc-Mrs. Itetta Hardy; Men's Ist-Bill Cox, 2nd-Jack COok, 3rd-Jim Latimer. At the conclusion of thse card party Mr. Cari Wright was honored by a surprise birthday party. His three daughters, Mrs. Pearl Bilbey, Mrs. Kathleen Dorreil and Mrs. Dorothy 1Marlow were ail present and' sat at a special table along withi Mr. and Mfrs. Wright. HIs niece, Mrs. Lulu Faint, pre- senited hin with a special birthday cakC which had been tie b y his daugiters Kath- leen atnd Dorothy when Dalton Dorreil led in the singing cf Happy Birtisday. Congratula- tions Mr, Wrighit Mrs. Russe Larmer a Iten- ded hier granddaughter's graduatIè i *MUniversIt f:-o Guelph on Thursday, whien Patricia Gibson, tiaughter cf Joyce and Normans Gibson, cf Bowmanville, receivet iher bachelor cf Arts Degree. She will be attending Teachers' College In thse fali. .Mrs. Fred Pawley of Port Hope was a Frîday guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly andi faniiy. wan tc huris t Baktc United. ASpecial Family service was iselti at tiseSt. John's Anglican Church - Suntiay morning. Thse Public Sehool Band andie the direction of Mrs. Kiezebrinkd played twice during the service in their 'usual'outsta-nding matiner whch was appreciateti by thse capaeity crowd. Thse Junior Choir sang several times. A btismal service was con- ducted by Rev. R. Rose when April Elizabeth, daughter of M. anti Mrs. Eddie Brown, was baptized. Rev. R. Rose preached a sermoun very suitable fot the èhile~en. 5fr. and Mrs., HËry Vats. Camp anti Mr. ant Mrs. Wallace Malo' sitecl rela- tives in Oaaemee andi Peter- boi'oighs on Saturday. JANE PARIKER (SAVE 10<) Frosted Bail Donuts pkg cf 6 5 9<- JANE PARKCER, LEMON MERINGUE OR Full 8-incli pie JANE PARKER IAElc i (SAVE OC<)89 Bran Muffins pkg cf 6 49< JANE PARKER, SPICY, RAISIN RIC H (SAVE 10c) Jane Parker, "Brown 'N Serve " RoIks PLAIN OR WHEAT (SAVE 6c) PKG TWIN ROULS pkg cf 12 su PLAIN, POPPY SEEb, SESAME SEEDL. FRENCH ROULS pkg cf l10 Spanish Bar Cake 19--z cakà 9 IANE PARKER, APPLE RAISIN Coffee Cake JANE PARKER JeIly Donuts RECI/AR OR SI/CAR-- FIEE DIET U CASE 0E 24 10O-FL-01 ZIP TOP TINS 19 9 SA Ve 86c ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD OUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGII SAT1JRDAY, MAY 31sf, 1975. (SAVE 4c) 12-oz cake 75 <l- (SAVE 1 Oc) pkg of 6 6 9 Shop Now and Save! FACIAL TISSUE - WHITE, PINK, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! Scotties 2 boxes of 200 slieets $ 0 PINK, YELLOW, WHITE ACTION PRICED Y iva Batbroom Tissue 2 pkgs of 2 rolls $ 0 DETERGENT ACTION PRICED! Joy Liquid 32-fl-oz p lastic btl 8ft9< ORANGE FLAVOUR ACTION PRICED! PKG OF 4 Tang Cr USt 3'ý/2-OZ ENVS $1 .29 Readly Cut Macaroni, SheIls, Long or Ready Cut ACTION PRICEDI Creamette Spaghetti 67-ozpkgs $1.0 BOVRIL ACTION PRICED! Luncheon- Meat 112oz tn69o CHICKEN, CHINESE, BEEF ACTION PRICED' DaCinty Fried Rice 2 12-oz pkgs $1U BONUS - 6 VARIETIES ACTION PRICED! Meait Spreaids 5 3-.oîns $1.00t HEINZ Spaghetti in Tomafo Sauce 144-l-i fn ACTION PRICED! Noodie Nurnbers 3/$1,00 STANDARD OUALITY lonai Peas 319tloz tns$i 00 A&P BRAND, CI-IICE Dessert Peurs 2 1çn-z tns $1.00 THRIFTY-PAK 1lOoz GreenBea n8 standard $1 .00 Henz-ReguIar, Garlic, Onion, With Meat Tenderizer Action Priced! B.B.Q. Sauce '18sf oz ja79<ý POWDER Fab, Detergent 42oz box $1.09 Ileufth & Bgeuuty Aids!1 PepsodenmtToothpaste 100-ml tube 99ý SHAMPOO - 100-ML. JAR - 100-ML TUBE- LOTION 175-ML BTL Headi- & Shoulders Each $1.Î,5 14 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI CAKE MIXES 19-OZ1 PKG8 j CHOCOLATE CHIP OR PEANUT BUTTER CHIP A&P (COOKIES 11-LB 7 7 . TIN TIE BAG 7 <PREPRICED) WITH TroMATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghetti 4f o i LIBBYS - RED Kidney Beans 14-fi oz fin R VB.RIETIES Puritan Stews 8 f 1-oz AYLMER Fruit Cocktail 1O-fi-oz lin 3 $1 CHOICE, PRINCE EDWARD Potatoes Whoe or Sliced 19-fi-oz tin MACARONI & CHEESE Kraft Dinner 7î/4-oz pkg AYLMER, FANCY Tomato Juice 19-fl-. CHOICE - WHOLE A& p Beets ti MAPLE LEAF, Smoked, Cooktet, Dinner Styli Pork Shoulders VAC PAC lb. MAPLE LEAF OR SUPER-RIGHT, SLICED Side Bacon 1i-lb Vac Pac SELECT QUAL[TY, SK(INLESS Sliced Beef Liver FROZEN, MEATY Pork Hocks FROZEN - "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Chicken Legs s LB BOX SHOPSY BRAND -"GREAT ON A GRILL' Wieners ALL BEEF 1-lb Vac Pi SHOPSY BRAND, COLE SLAW OR 'Potato Salad 24-oz cartl SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICEO, 8 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6-oz Vac P, FOR FO e, Boneîess ESSEX BRAND $1.48 SIiced Bologna 16-oz Vac Pac 84Y ESSEX BRAND $1,3 9 Sliced Cooked Ham 6-ozVacPac98e BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK< lb î58e Beef & Pork Sausages lb 690 OMSTEAD, FROZEN, BATTERED lb 39e Cod Fish Cakes 12 oz pkg 69< RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN lb 79ot Cod Fish & Chips 20-oz pkg 9 90 HIGHLINER, FROZEN LB 59ge 12-LB BOX $6.89 l79o Boston Blue Fillets 5 Ibpkg $2.89 READY-TO SERVE onf 79e SMOKED COOKED HAMS ac 42% SHANK '% PORTION lb 4 BUIT PORTION lb 'A" Ileef 's Pib ( RICE, TAP IOCA, CHOCOLATE Ambrosia Puddings 15'/s-fi.-z tin FO Planters% Peanuts l-oz cello pkgFO A&P' Cerie 4f $1l l KA&PFrench Fries 2-bkg 1W W FRENCH STYLE ACTION PRI-C-ED Green Beans 40-oz pkgs GRANOMA SUGAR, CHOCO RINGS, RAINBOW RINGS (PREPRICED) Sunland'Cookies 7-oz pkg Bartlett Pears 10-fl-oz fin $ CHOmer Peaches 10 fI oz fini FOR Super-Right, (unudu Grude BLADE SONE REMOVED Blade Roast Short Rib Roast "REAT ON A GRILLI Blade Steaks "REAT ON A GRILL' Shoulder Steaks "REAT ON A ORiLLI CROSS RIB'STEAKS îb$.18 FREH - "GREAT ON A GRILL! GRUNrD CHUCK fb89ý WE RESERVE THIE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQiUIREMENTSI doffl 1%ý

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