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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1975, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 28, 1975 NElWTON VILLE A banquet was held in manvlle, recently. Newtonvie hall, recently, in An expression of thanks is honor of the Rec. Atomsdland Payne for Hockey Team, sponsored by kindly supplying a load of top- County Roofing, when tro- soil to improve the flower beds phies, jackets and pictures at the church. were presented to the players. Mrs. Winnie Elliott and Mr. Local boys included Drew and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were McQuat, Tim Gardner, Stevie among the bus load of Senior Carr, and Tim Sharpe, and the Citîzens taking the trp to the mothers assisted with the Niagara District, last week, to lunch.see the wonderful displaof Mr. and Mrs. Clarence blossoms. T d t Farrow, and Karen of Gatin- places mcludîng the eau, Quebec, were weekend Elmhurst United Church at St. visitors here, a week ago, with Catharines, where dinner was Mrs. Iva Farrow and on provided through the kind Sunday. all visited Mrs. M. arrangment of Rev. Thos. Beagen and family in Toronto. Smith of Newcastle, a former Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignaîl pastor there. and Melissa of Bowmanville Our congratulations to were Saturday visitors witb Sharon Farrow of Bowman- Mrs. Farrow, also. ville, for having won the top Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones public speaking award for the and Mrs. Bea Jones were senior elementary class finals among the big crowd in Port at George Hamilton School, Hop e aweek or so ago to see, Welcome on May l2th. Her "T e Royal Circus." An act of topic "What is a teenager?" particular interest to them was certainly well chosen, as was the performance of the well as well given, and we are leading clown, Alan Jones, by sure ber grandmotber, Mrs. name, son of McGregor Jones Iva Farrow and other rela- of Burlington, a former native tives bere must be very proud of Newtonville. of ber, as well as ber parents Recent visitors with Mr. and and friends. Mrs. Ken Fletcher included Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher were callers in Osbawa a week and Kevin, of Downsview; Mr. ago, wit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Howard Smith, and Redknap and we're glad to Mr. Don Fletcher of Oshawa. hear that Arthur is improving Glad to see Mr. Les Peck is in health. able to be home again from Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer Port Hope and District Hos- and family were at their pital.MChemon cottage over the 1Mrs. Murray Payne attend- ekn ed the meeting of the Heart Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of Fund Foundation Chapter Cambray spent a few days last Representatives, in Canadian week with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Legion Hall, Oshawa, recent- Farrow. ly. Newtonville Cubs went to Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mattin- Kendal Saturday for the son of Toronto were weekend annual Field Day and in visitors recently with her competîtion with eleven Cub parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packs, Newtonville came 4th. Best and celebrating their Afterward, all enjoyed cook- first Wedding Anniversary. îes, hot dogs etc., Mr. and Mrs. G. Walkey of Port Ho pe Mrs. Gordon White cooking came out to help observe t he te latter. special occasion. Cubs and their leader, Bob Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Willsber, are busy tbis even- Boughen spent last weekend in ing (Monday), putting in their Barrie, where a special Ded- plants, in the flower beds, at ication service was held at the our Cenotaph. Tbis is their Oddfellows' and Rebekahs' project and appreciation is Senior Citizens' Home. expressed at this time to Mr. "Talent Night" was a great C.R. Farrow, for bis donation success atour local school and oftopsoil, to improve growîng about $98 was raised to help condions. finance the coming bus trip to Our U.C.W. Anniversary Toronto, on June 10. The was well attended Sunday Library for Adults is now in morning and guest speaker, operation at the school with Mr. Dezîl Dal Oshawa, some 250 books on hand, and as usual left us with food for will be open every Thursday tbought. Special music was afternoon, from 1 to 4 p.m. in supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Glen charge of volunteer helpers. Alin of Newcastle, was also Tree Planting was carried greatly appreciated. out at the school by pupils, as At the close of the service, a well as Cubs, when a number pot-luck dînner was served of Red Maples and five downstairs and according to Japanese Cherry trees were reports, thoroughly enjoyed set out. by ail present. Monday of this week, the Supper guests Sunday with Dairy Princess from the Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton Darlington area is visiting the were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce school. Donnelly, Lori-Anne and Tuesday will be Track and Darrell of Port Hope, Mr. and Field Day, Thursday - Tabloid Mrs. Gordon Morton and for pupils, June 2 - Testing for Keviiiof Kendal, Mr.and Mrs. all. Neil Stapleton, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones Gary Stapleton, Hamilton. called to see Mrs. Ethel Jones"Happy Birthday" to Christo- at Marnwood Home, Bow- pher Willsher, five years old, Blackstock's. O.N.O. Club Has Big Night Out to Celebrate Silver Anniversary On Saturday night at Cartwright's Community Centre in Blackstock, members, former members and their husbands, gathered for an enjoyable 25th Anniversary celebration of Our Night Out Club. It is unique that 22 of 25 presidents over the quarter century were present. The evening was filled with recollections and a renewal of friendships, plus some great entertainment provided by Billy Meek of 'Pig and Whistle' fame doing a repeat performance; he'd been there in 1968. The two photos below show him at left with 81-year-old accompanist Jack Ayre, one of the few remaining members of the World War I army show, 'The Dumbells', with his framed tribute from Premier Bill Davis. At right, Mr. Meek borrowed Cec Hamilton in the large tam, from the PONTYPOOL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preston, Kevin and Bonnie, attended a family get-together on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston in Bethany. The Preston family were all present with the exception of sympathy of the community is expressed to Mrs. Hatherly and members of the family. This year, Newtonville Roadrunners are in the Lake- shore Ladies Fastball Assoc- iation, against Junior and Intermediate teams from Co- bourg, Bowmanville, Hastings and Lakefield. This is pretty stiff opposition for the local team as is shown by the results of their first two games: 9-0 decision to Lake- ield in Newcastle last Mon- day evening, and a 7-1 verdict in Hastings on Thursday. Joany Willems pitched both games, limiting Lakefield to only 5 hits and iving up il to Hastings. A total of 30 Roadrunners struck out in the two games, including 22 on Monday night. Joanne Vogels recorded the Roadrunners lone hit against Lakefield, while Alida Becker, June Kimball, Allison Rahm and Irene Vogels recorded hits against Hastings. Susan Spry scored Newtonville's only run against Hastings on Thursday. However, the Roadrunners are sure to improve and, and speaking of improvement- t 'e school diamond has been improved by the Newcastle Recreation and the Roadrun- ners wish to extend special thanks to Bud Fanning, John Veldhuis and Kirk Entwisle for their invaluable aid in bringing the Roadrunners home diamond up to accept- able league standards. The Roadrunners play all of their home games on either Monday or Thursday nights, at the Newtonville School diamond. They sincerely hope that the residents of Newtonville and surrounding area will plan to attend. The caliber of softball is very entertaining and we are sure you will enjoy yourselves. Come out and root for the home team! audience to help him play his tiny accordians. The O.N.O. presidents by years, front row, left to right, '50 Gwen (Ballingal) Mulholland, '51 Dorothy Venning, '52 Gwenyth Thompson, '53 Alma Duff, ('54 Noreen Malcolm, absent;) '55 Dorothy Marlow, '56 Jessie Bowles, absent;) '57 Eileen McLaughlin, '58 Florence Collins; back row, '59 Shirley Turner, '60 Elaine Bailey, '61 Jessie Gunter, '62 Ruby Van Camp, '63 Gwen Mulholland, the only repeat president, '64 Edith McLaughlin, ('65 Joan Paisely, absent;) '66 Norma Van Camp, ('67 Dolly Lee, absent;) '68 Jean Mahaffy, '69 Joan Graham, '70 Aileen Van Camp, '71 Donna Kyte,,'72 Joan Thompson, '73 Joan Groves, '74 Nancy Bryans and '75 Andrea Weir. Mrs. Joan McCausland of Kingston. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong at Ballyduff was also the scene of a family gathering on Sunday when twenty-one members of the Strong clan met together prior to Clifford's departure for the west. Clifford and his family have purchased property in Manitoba and are leaving this week to make their home out west. Winnie and Gordon Strong are the delighted grand- parents of a grandson - born recently in Vancouver to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb (nee Gail Strong). Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs and Mr. and Mrs. Rod Porter are also proud grandparents of a new grandson. On Sunday, two hall games were played in Pontypool Community Park. At 2 p.m. Cathmar Well Drillers were defeated by Kedron 5 to 1 and in the evening Pontypool Seniors lost to Millbrook by the score of 3 to 1. Pontypool Midgets, coached by Dean Joncas, defeated Lindsay Midgets in an exhibition game this past week. More new homes are being built in the area. South of the former Drum School a bouse is being constructed with Craig Houston of Toronto the owner. On the west boundary Bob Nichols of Oshawa is building a new home. Mr. and Mrs. David Bernstein are busy at their new home which is south-east of the village overlooking the pond. George and Gary Van Dam are building just south of Enter- prise. In addition several more homes are under con- struction in Pinewoods Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soule of Belleville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Meyer. Several from the Pontypool area attended the Fiftieth Anniversary of Church Union held by the Bay of Quinte Conference in Peterborough Memorial Centre on Sunday. Approximately 7500 people were seated with 1200 of them forming a magnificent choir. Among those taking part were Rev. George Richardson, a former minister of this charge, who is President of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Master of Ceremonies was Roy Bonisteel of "Man Alive" on C.B.C. TV. Congratulations to two local cou ples celebrating their 30th wedding anniversaries this week - Harry and Frances VanWieringen and Percy and Kay Beggs. Expect 430 t Guest speaker at Durham College's May 31 convocation Will be J. Gordon Parr, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Dr. Parr is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the American Society for Metals, and the Royal Society of Arts, and was awarded the Centen- nial Medal. Before assuming his Oresent Several of our local young people graduate this month from their respective colleges and universities. Graduation exercises were held last Wednesday at Guelph Univer- sity when Dean Fis received his B.Sc. Ralph Hyland grad- uates this Saturday from Durham College. We under- stand Ralph has received employment in Brockville. Other graduates are Debbie Richardson and Nancy Fisk from Sir Sandford Fleming and Randy Bradley from Seneca College. Congratula- tions to them all and any others who may be overlook- ed. A Bethany resident, Harry Jones, who was also well- known around Pontypool, passed awayin Peterborough Civic Hospital on Friday, with burial in St. Mary's, Lifford, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sterling and family of Hamilton were weekend visitors in the vil- lage. We understand that Mrs. Charles Best is rècuperating from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Best are in Vancouver where they spent the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and Crystal Lynn of Port Elgin were weekend visitors with their parents. We are sorry to hear that Bill Harper has been hospital- ized for several weeks - first in Bowmanville and now in Oshawa General Hospital. A speedy recovery to Bill, who is being treated for spinal pro blems. Ted Graham, who bas been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Strong, was taken by ambulance to Peterbor- ough Civic Hospital last week after suffering a stroke. Mrs. Ivison Fee of Omemee spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Helen Brown, and Denise. Mr. and Mrs. E. Yarrow and family of Oshawa were Sun day visitors with the C. Pleadwells. o Graduate post, Dr. Parr was Chairman and Acting Chairman, Com- mittee on University affairs, and Dean of Applied Science and Professor of Engineering Materials, University of Wind- sor. From 1948 to 1964 he was on the teaching staff of University of Liverpool, British Columbia and Alber, He is a Past Presidelit, Industrial Research Institute of the University of Windsor and of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian In tute of Mining and Metallui The Durham College convo cation, to be held at 1:30 p.m. May 31 in the Oshawa Civic Auditorium will award diplo- mas to students in Applied Arts, Business, Technology and Nursing. This year there are 430 prospective graduates, the College's largest graduat- ing class to date. The program will include a procession of students, staff and platform guests; the invocation to be given by Rev. Roger J. Maggs; introduction of the speaker by President Gordon Willey, conferring of Diplomas and Certificates J.L. Robinson, Dean of Aca- demic Affairs, and benedic- tion by Rev. J.M. Markle, Chairman of the Durham Board of Governors, S.E. Lovell, will preside at the graduation ceremonies. Following the convocation ceremony, there will be a reception also in the Civic Auditorium for students, staff, faculty, friends and relatives. Marty's Auto Repair 623-3896 3 Queen St. Bowmanville ITfS HERE! The new Fiat13LItnota dreamcar.It arealitycan. S* lttffacssquarefy foday s problem ot sarvîval. Of rasf Of 0the înevîfability Of accidentse I faces the spira ang cosf of owning a car Itfs designed r r. be economical on gas on day o dayV Oaintenance on Separs. It' rta d re ar 'sa a ealiy ar. t*s where the automnobile is going See it and test driveit at Marian Auto Ltd. 025 Grenfell SL. 728-5179 Oshawa Hair port Styling for Men and'Women Church St. (Across from Fire Hall) Bowmanville Thursday, June 5, 1975 (Originally Scheduled for May 31) Owned and Operated by: ENZO CHIARELLO (,formerly of Artistic Barber and Beauty Salon) ERNIE MANZO (formerly of Ernie's Barber Shop and Styling) WANTED!! Hair Dressers for Women Please Telephone 623-5323 After 6:30 p.m. for More Information

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