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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1975, p. 10

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10The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. June 25, 1975 I TheNewcastle Indepein IEditors: Jack and'Hazol Crago Soial and Personal Mrs. C. Ferguson entertain- ed the Ladies' Euchre Club on Monday, June 16. Mrs. Marion West, Orono, Mrs. Jean Pattrick, Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Kay Powell, Newcastle, attended the AMEU Accounting and Office Administration 24th Annual Conference at, Holiday Inn, Oshawa on June 19 and 20. The Village of Newcastle Firemen were called out on monday, June 16, at 10:25 to a burning transport on Highway 401, one mile west of Newton- ville.' At 12:30 a.m. Thursday, June 18, two miles north of 401 on Highway 115, they were called out to a fatal car accident. Mrs. ME. Hill, Calgary, Alberta has enjoyed a month's holiday with hier daugbter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Allin.' Little Steven Burley, Oshawa, spent, the weekend with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley.. Mrs. Irene Byers and Mrs. Grace Toms spent a few days last week visiting Mrs. Coutts and Betty, 'London. Mr. and Mrs.. George Kim- hall attended the Stapleton- Anger wedding at St. John's Anglican Church Bowman- ville, on Saturday, June 21. Mr . and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and attended the Milîs-Riekard wedding.' Miss Frances Hoar, Tononto spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mns. Frank Hoar and with them attendcd the Mills-Rickard wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were among those who attended the presentation in Newtonville Hiall on Saturday night, June 21, for the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Imlach. ,June birthday grectings- to Mrs. Charles Bedwin, Lake Shore, Miss Louise Hancock, Mayor Garnet Rickard. On Sunday, June 15, Mrs. Mabel Rowland formerly of Lake Shore, now a resident of Marnwoodý Nursing Homne, Bowmanville celehrated her 9th birthday. She received, greetings fromi Governor-Gen- eral and Madame Leger and the Provincial and Federal Members of Parliament. Vis- its fromn her imnmediate family were enjoyed. On ýSunday, June 22, Mrs. Bonnié McCracken entertain- ed about 25 ladies at a miscellaneous shower in hon-.. or of her sister-in-law, Miss Eleanon McCracken. The shady lawn was an ideal spot for the dccoratedjable of gifts and the warmn guests. After rdentJ relephono 987-4201J Eleanor opened the- vanious: presents and exprcssed ber, surprise, a delicious lunch was, served. Mrs. Florence Pearce, Ricb- mond Hill, attendcd thé Mills- Rickard wedding and enjoyed the weekend wifh Miss Mar- jonce Clemence. Mr, and Mrs. Noray Goheen. Port Hope, visitcd with Mr.' and Mrs. A.W. Glenny.' Last week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadc spent 'atfthe Royal York Hotel, -Toronfo,' attending Grand Lodge Ses- sions. Hamry received bis Past Grand Master's Jewel. On June 21sf and 22nd, the Wadeg were i n Dundas attending the; reunion for the United Nations-, Group whicb Harry coindUfe4 to New ýYork in' 1973. We are sorry that Mr. and. Mrs. John Rickard have- rnoved to Woodvi.. Botil were active in community life and will be greatly missed. W wish thcm bealth and- happi,-' ncss in their new borne. Atfthis time, we welcome Mr. and, Mrs., John Allun, Orono, wbo. have moved in f0à the Rick- ard's farm bouse. Dr. and Mrs. John Wesflakc and twin girls, Kingstont, had lunch on Safurday. witb lieT'- aunt, Miss Manjorie Clemence en route fo Toronto to spend' the weckend with frîends. Mrs. Carol Brunton and Mr. Dan De Mooy are patients in Oshawa Gencral Hospital- Patients in 'Memüonial Hoe- pital Bowmnanville recently arc Danny Quinney ,Mr. Vie Stewart, Mn. EriceClake, and Mrs. James Rickard. On Thursday, June 19, the Pine Ridgc Kinsmen played a soffball game against the Newcastle Lions Club defeat- - ing themn by a score of 28 fo 10. A silver collection was takeil for the Swimming Pool Fund. Congratulations f0 Mn. and: Mrs. Ben HoogKamp whIQ celcbrated their 20tb annivèeg. any on Junc 18. On Saturclay evening fbejy entertained friends f0 celc rate this occa-; sion. On Sunday, about thirfy, members of fthe Hookamp and Kupery families gatbercd at theïr home, f0 celebrate and fo visit wifh cousins, Mr. and- Mrs. Gerard Kolenbrander, who retunned to Holland on Monday affer a monfb'S Visif. . Mr. and Mms. Sid Lancaster Mr., and Mns. Alf Perrin and Mr. and Mns. Harry Jose drove f0 Port Carling, Friday' affernoon f0 attend the Kes- wick Men's Conference. About 200 men and their wives cnjoyed the wcekcnd. M.and Mrs. Francis Jose and family enjoyed Warren Faim on Saturday. Francis jded the Nipissing and Sudbury District Holstein Show. While there, tbey visit- cd Mr. and Mrs . Jim Pip ber and family and Mn. and Mns>. Stepbcn Patterson and family.., On Safunday, June 21, a vcry pnefty wedding was solern, ized in Mns . Joseph Gibson's garden whcn ber daughter, Debbie Gibson, mraricd Chnistopher John Barr, only son of Mr. and Mns. Kcith, Barr. Rev. Gerry Brown, officiafed. Golden Wedding Annlvcrsary on June 20, 1925, Miss Gladys Heard was marricd tô Mr. Clinton Brown.' To cc- brate this 50tb wedding'aini- xrersarv, Mr~. and Mns. Brov#nÙ held a neception in thein home. About 200 guests signed the §uest book which was t ende. bY the grapdchildren. Helpi ng f0 celebmate werc their im- mediate family, Mn. and Mns. Trueman Henderson (Olive), Mm. and Mns. Fred Henderson (Bernice), Mr. and Mns. ROSS, Brown and Mis. Marie TUtu aIl of Ncwtonvîlle; -Mir. a> Mrs. Jim- Gilmen (Dorofhy),' Port Hope and Mn. and Mns. William Wadc (Margaret), Newcastle. Members bf the bide's family pmesenf werc ber sisfem and bridesmaid, Mms. Bertha Dean, Toronto and hem brothers Mr. Hcrb Pickering 40 points, Runner- up - Wcndy Luke 28 points. Girls 9 Champion - Judy Walkcr 31 points, Runner-up - Vicki Wallis 24 points. Girls 8 Champion - Audra Goombarry .23 points,ý Linda Graham 23 points. (tic), ,Girls 7 Champion - Danita Hleasman 25 points, Runner-up - Beverley Henderson 17 points. Girls 6 Champion - Katby Jaques 10 points, Tafimy R ogers 10 points. <fie) Boy's 12 Champion - Robbie Wallis 40Upoints, une-up David Millfson 23 points. Boys il Champion - Ron Mefrailler 27 points, Rop Verbeek 27 points. (fie) Boys Champion, - Tony Vobsemer 30 points, Runner- up - Mark La ke 29 points. Boys 9 Champion'- Andrew ,McWhirter-39 points, Runner- u- Manfred Rever 24p oints. Boys 8&Champion - arcy Huiber 25 points, Runner-up - Kevin Ilaynt, 12 points. 1Boys 7 Champion - .Rusty MeLay 18 points, Runnefs-up - Kevin Bryant 15 points and Jamie Burng 15 points. (tie) Boys e Champion -Jim Beam,24 points, Runner-up- ToniyGregg 22 points. Senior Citizens Club The Senior Citizens had two eveents to report this past Week. On Jtine 16, forty-five Senidi.'Citizenis took a bus f0 .l3lack Creek Pioncer Village --or -the annual Strawberry Festival, as guests of the Ontario. Gnvetnmeflt. Every- on reçciVd a box lunch consisting of sandwiches, cookies and- pot least of ail a plastic carton of straw berries along with sugar ander 17aM To eive you some ideaOl0 the crowd there, the -caterer who put ùp the box lunches, said Ithey prepared about 17,000 .anc about 250 busestransport- ed -the people front, around _Métro 'and vicinity. The day was perfect and enjoyed by ail, except trying to find your bus when the event was over. On June 19, the regular monthiy meeting of the Senior Cititens was held in the Lion's ?Roomï. witb 'thirty-two mem-. bïes present The evénIng wus snt playJIn Rogressive Ee.. r.erbiegGibson won the Men's High Prize an~d Mrs. Wilfrcd Wood the Hig h Ladies' Prie Mrs. Cecil.Finley won thé 'Low Ladies' Priie anld Mr. Har> Josc the Low Men 's. The %etovlle imnber, the P'etchers, Milligans and Mrs..' Farrow-, supplied the lunch. At the close, a picnic was- planned for the third Wcdnesday in July at Darling- ton Provincial Park.> Newcastle United Church News On Saturdlay , June, 21, the Newcastle Unîted.Church was Véry beautifullIy decorated -for thé wedding of Janice Uickard to ýDavîd Milîs. Rev. T. H. Smith I>ei-ormed the cere- inony, assisted b y the bride's great uncle,C anon John Bonathon. Jue2,Rv On Sunday,Jne2,Rv Thomas Smith admimistered the Rite of Baptismn to Earl Jacob, son,- of Joseph and Sufsan Vickers, Cove 'Rd., Bowmanville. The- guest, speaker for the morning service weas Rev. David E. Reeve, -B.A., B.D., Executive Director of Alcohol and Drugs Concerns Inc. His sermon was titled '"Everybody's Respons ibility". Rey. Smith issued a caîl for help~ - two men are ncedcd f0 teach in the Sunday School. In the evenitig of June 22 there was a "Youth RaIly'; when'-Mr. Bll Robson,. of Alcohol and Drug Concerils hIc. was thie speaker. There wais a Hyrn Sing, Filmn, 'Discussion and liglit refresh- metits. The Newcastle United Church, will be closed now until. Augst 3. On'June 29, JuIy 3à n July 27 services wiil be hcld in Orono United. Church. On July 6 and July 20, gervices will be at Kirby, Centennial School at 10 a.m. Rev. Basil Long will be the minister oncal Anyonc is welcome f0 attend St- Geôr- ge's Anglican Church 8 a.m. eVery Sunday, 11:15 June 29, 10 a.m, July 13 and Jùly 27. St. Gieorge's Anglican - Cburch News ftcv. Roberit Hayne reports that -the Anglican Parish Picpic was enjoyed at Orono Park on Sunday, June 22., Children's prizes were given in the course of two services. A spécial 'Vestry Meeting willbc held this, Thursday .to discuss, kitchen renovations and te reccive tenders-. OnSaturday, June 21, a very suctessful Garden Party was field'on Rfectory Grounds. Mrs. Annabelle Rickard officially opcned the Party at 2 p.ni. and gave an interesting address of greeting. Everyone On Monday night, June 16, the Scouts discussed the forthcoming Stone Ag& Cam- poree. On thursdayn'ighit, June 19, two busloads of Ameican Scouts from Neskenoo Dis- trict, Pennsylvania, arrived at Bowmanville High Scbool. From- there, the Canadian Scout hosts picked up the American guests who were billcted in their Canadian homes. 1On Friday morning all of the Bay Scouts went te the Science Centre in Toronto. Later ini the *day, they wcnt to the campsite, which wae aîong the shore of *Lake Ontario betvJeen St. Mary 's Cernent Company1 and Drigon Park. Oh -Saturday. the Scouts Winner of Brownsdale Draw Chooses -a New Pinto On Saturday, June 2lst,, the Brownsdale Community Centre draw for a Kawasaki motorcycle, a Ford Pinto or $3,000 in cash came to a close with the winning ticket 1886, owned by Mrs. Betty Dubeau of Orono. As she has no car, she chose the. Pinto that she picked up at MacDonald Ford's on Monday night. The presentation ceremony included from lef t to right, her nephew Mike Smith, son John, Mrs. Dubeau and Warren Thaxter, the Draw, Chairman. Nine other consolation prizes were awarded. Kinsmen Dist. Governor Bob Hoimes went' to, the various sports events wbich wenc set up for them. These activities centred around the Stone Age. At the campfirc meeting, several troops put on skits. On Sunday, a church service was hcld. Later, fhey hcld the "lBowmanville 500" race. This was a race of the cnrs which had been build on the site by the boys, using ail natural materials except for rope. About three o 'cock tlhc boys broke- camp and the West Durham District 'boys took home their American guests. On Monday morning, June 23, the Neskcnoo District Scouts of Pcnnsylvania board-, cd their buses, homeward bound with many happy memories. At the Kinsmen Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on June 14, Mr. Bob Holmes was elected Governor of District 8, which comprises of sixty-scven clubs in North- cmn and Western Ontario. Kin Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes, Edward St., Newcastle. He received his' early education at Lake Shore Public School and Bowmanville and Clarke High School. He graduated from Rycrson -Polytechnical Instit- utc as an Electrical Tech- nologist and is cmployed by C.T.S. of- Canada as an inspection Supervisor and Field Service Representative. C.T.S. of Canada selîs and instalîs emergency power- equiprnent for industrial, use The 3rd meet' Club was heldi and Bob uses t] to travel, tov Clubs across the thus getting a gc total operation. Bob married Orono in 1966a two children,1 Lindsay 6. Sue is encourages Bcl career. Our congratul ernor Robert H. triet Eight. 4-H Beef Club tîng of the Beef Mr. Keith Ormiston on June at the farmn of 4th at 8:00 p.m. Everyonle 1repeated the 4-H pledge, rus opportunity Donna Hancock read the visit Kinsmen minutes of the last meeting ýeir association, and the n the roll caîl. :ood look at the Then Neil. Allun gave us some tips on Judging and what 1Sue Major of to look f or in a beifer . We, then and they have placcd a class of breeding Steven 7 and heifers and some memnbers is a Kinette and gave reasons. Neil Allun and b in bis Kmn Rod Stork gave the official placing. We then divided into dations to Gov- seniors and juniors. Iolmes of Dis- By Wcncly Cornish, Press .1Reporter. GLA NVLLLE'S- Variety and Gift Shop King St. Eust 987-4840 Newcastle Open: 9:00 a. m.- 10:00,p.m. Mondaythru Saturday CLOSED SUNDAY Look for These:,. TO CLEAR GREETING CARDS MWODELS, PUZZLES, GAMES0' F FILMUS 20/0OF (Agent for Allied Photo RUNNING SHOES, Service Limited) ADL RECORDS and TAPESSAAL COVERGIRL, MAKE-UP RU BBÉER BOOTS, ETC. DON'T FORGET! ASK FOR YOUR BAR-B-QUE SUPPLIES_____ CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES (ALL SIZES) BAR-B-QUE LIGHTER FLUID PAPER PLATES, PLASTIC KNIVES and FORKS Also a Variety of Suntan Lotion and Full Une of CoIdffMeats and Dairy Products Department of Recreation Corporation of the-Town of Newcastle- Playground Schedule for Wards 1 a. m. - 9:30 to 12:00 p. m. - 1:30 to 4:30 EACH WEEK THE SCIIEDULE ALTEIRNATES MORNINGS AND AFTERNOONS Ward I South Courtice Public S.G. North Courtice Public S.G. Maple Grove Public S.G. Solina Public S.G. Hampton Park Zion Park Enniskillen Public S.G. Tyrone Park Ward 3 Orono Park Kendal - Jasper Park Newtonville Public S.G. Brownsdale Community Centre Newcastle Memorial Park Newcastle Westview Heights July 7 a.m. p.m. a .m. P.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.. July 7 a.*m. P.m. a.m. p.m. a .n. P.m. July, 14 JuIy 21 a. m. a. m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. P.m. a.m. P.m., Juiy 28 a .m. a.m. a .m. a .m. July 14 July 21 July 28 p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. Aug. 4 a.m. p.m. a.m. P.m. a.m. P.m. a.Qi. Aug. 4 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. P.m. Aug. il Aug. 18 p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. P.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. Aug. il Aug. 18 plm. a.m. a..P.M. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.M. -P. M. Age Category - 4 years of age and Up. PLEASE NOTE: If the Westview Heights Piayground is flot ready by the starting date - Newcastle Publie Schooi Grounds wiii be, used and a Supervisor wiii take the chiidren across Mili Street. T. A. Fanning Director of Recreation ci 111 mwý- ý ilibil l:!i im

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