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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1975, p. 13

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The Canadian State esman, Bowmanville, June 25, 1975 DE-ADLINE FOâR-. CLASSIFIED 'Tues., 4:.30 p.m., SeSA LLISON - Jim and Teresa ,nee Smith) would like 40 announce the safe arrivaI of a son, Michael Alfred, 9 lbs., 13 ozs. at Oshawa General on Thursday, June 19. A brother for Jennifer and Karen. Thanks to aIl on ihe fifth floor. 26- lx BLACKBURN- Bob and Joan (nee Westlake ') thank God for the safe arrivaI of their son Scott Michael Gor- don on Monday, Junie 23, 1975 at 5:09 p.m., wei ghing 6 lbs., 10 ýozs. A wee rother for Andrea. Proud g randparents are Frank an dDoreen',West- lake, Solina and Farewell and Lela Blackburn, Salem. Spe- cial thanks 40 Dr. Swain and nurses on SA and 4F. 26-1 MacDONALD- Rick and Tina (nee Riddle) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Aaron Richard, 9 lbs., 51/2 ozs., on Monday, ýJune l6th, 1975. A little brother for Shannon. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Riddle, Hampton, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald, Courtice, 'Ontario. Special thanks to Dr. Sylvester and the maternity staff at Memor- !l Hospital, Bowmanville. 26-1 RICKARD-Jim and Ramona are happy to announce the arrivaI of their son, Craig Worden, on June 18th, 1975 at Oshawa General Hospital. A baby brother for Bradley. 26-1 Fred anýd-K'ay Luxton are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of Marty Poulin, f0 their son Douglas Grant. The wedding will take place Saturdà>', July 12, 1975 at 4 o'clock in Maple Grove United Church. ý26-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fry are pleased, to announce the en- ýagement of their daughter, haron Marie, to Chris Cam- eron Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner. The mar- niage to take place Friday, July 25th, 1975. 26-1 x Mr. and Mrs. Benson E. Killens of Hiampton are happy oannounce the forthcoming narriage of their daughter, cois Rebecca, to Leonard Anthony Huisman, son of Mr. andJ Mrs. Herrrnan Huisman, of Harript,,tr. The wedc!àný vwill take place onJuly 5, 1975, at 3:30 p.m. in Hamptons United Church. ,26-1 Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone and Mn. and Mns. Hanry Michaliko, Coutice, anr-ince the marriage of the; -rildren Lynn and Walt- er Che wedding wili take place Safunda y, July 12, 1975 af 3:00 p.m. in Tynone United Church. 26-1 The famil y of the late Inene Aartin wou id like to express thein sincere appreciation to, their mhany friends, neigh- boums and relatives for the many visits, cards and help in the iIness and passing of aur beoved wife and mothen. Special thanks ta Dr. S. Mankiewicz and Dr. S.J. Williams and nurses at Oshawa Genenal Hospital for the excellent cane given her through her iengthy illness. Aiso many thanks f0 Rev., Gardon Turner of Harmony United Cnunch, Rev. Roger Maggs, Chapiain of Oshawa Hospital, and Rev. Frazer Lacey of Kingston for their kind and comforting words and prayens. We will be eternally grateful. Len Martin and family 26-1 x The family of the late Edith Hogarth extends sincene thanks ta friends, relatives and Hampton nei ghbors for kind expressions of sympathy in fiowens, cards, memorial contributions and wonds of condoience af our mother's asin g. A peciai thanks ta Rev. Paul E rb and Morris Funeral Chapel, also the ladies of Hamptan Women's Institute who senved lunch foliowing the service. Jessie Wilcox and Bruce Hogarth 26-1- The family of William Lycett wish to thank their many frîends, relatives and neighbors for the many beau- tiful floral tribites, cards, donations ta "The Crippied Chiîdnen's Fund" and acts of kindness. Special thanks ta Rev. N. E. Schamerhonn, The Morris Funenai Cha pel, and the Durham Regiona I Police, in fihe necent loss of a beIoved wi-and mother. A,ý-afyne Richardson, Kay, Pait e Max, Dayne andW iliam Lycett. 26-1 w/ouid like ta, express my ,,>-y sincere thanks toalal my puils, ex-pupîls and friends of Shaw's Community for the uoveyg ifts presented ta me upon th e ciosing of Shaw's School. Such friendship is not experi enced by fao many people. The evening of June 19, 1975 wili long be remem- bened by me. "'Thanks a million everyone" and espe- ciaiiy those wvho planned the evenin's entertainment. Theima Gilbank- Mn. and Mns. Ralph Vance, Bowmanville are pieased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Lynda Cheryl to Robent HIaskill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haskilî, R.R. 6, Bowmanvî le. The wedding to take place at Sf. John's Church, May 29, 1976. ______________________26-1ix APPLETON - Eric Robert ("Treasure Cay", Bahamas). On Wednesday, June 18, 1975 at Toronto, beloved husband of Margaret Joan Rider. Dear father of Wendy (Mrs. B. Nisbet) London, England and Margaret (Mrs. R. Williams) Bowmanville, Ontario. Broth- er of Winnie Chamberlain, England. A private family service was held on Friday, June 2th in Toronto. 26-1 McPHÈE - Tanya Marie. Suddenlv at Oshawa General Hospital as a nesult of an accident on Satunday, June 21, 1975, Tanya Marie McPhee, in her third year, beloved daughter of Jili and Ennie McPahee, Hampton, Ont., sis- ter of Jaye, Todd and Tasha, ran ddaughter of Mn. and r.Albert Donoghue, Bow- manvilie and Mrs. -Catherine Martin, Oshawa. Rested at the Mcl1 ntosh -Anderson F unera i Home, 152 King St. E., Oshawa. Service was held in thechapel TuesdayJune 244h. Interment Union Cemetery. 26-1 Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, June 24, 1975, Gor- don McPherson, 2 Veteran's Ave., Bowmanville, aged 70 years, beloved husband of Mildred Johnston, dear father of Elaine, Napanee, brother of Christine (Mrs. Charles Cur- néi), Beaverton. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, for service on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Cedarvale Cemetery, Cannington. Masonic service on Wednesday at 9 p.m. Donationsto Canadian Cancer Society wvould be appreciated. 26-1 MURDOCH - Mabel. At Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville, on Sunday, June 22, 1975, Mabel Lee, of 39 Lamb's Lane, in her 74th year, beloved wife of Peter N. Murdoch, dear mother., of James, Mrs. M. Tabb (Margaret), Mrs. J. Mantle (Florence), Mrs. H. Mueller (Grace), William, Danial and Mrs. J. Gray (Priscilla). Rested at North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral servirA was held at 8 o'clock Monday evening. Interment on Tuesday in Bobcaygeon Cemetery. 26-1 ROSS - Charles. Sudde his residence -on SatL June 21, 1975, Charles R Newtonvilie, in his 79th brother of John and W bath of Argyle, predec by sisters Mrs. McEa (Annie) and Mrs. T.A (Elsie), dear friendc Milligan family of NE ville. Rested at the Nor Elliott Funerai Home, manville. Funerai se fTuesday. Interment NE ville Cemeteny. CAR NATIlON For Alii FlowerNe STOP IN AND SEI OUR WEEKEND SPE( THEY'RE HARD TO1 Carnation Flower Shc 33 Division St. 623-7141 LÇQ "FlIow Say Bes, VAN B ELLE DAILY Dliveryto, Oshawa - Bowmanville Phone 623-444 i wish ta thank my neigh- boums, friends and relatives for qits, cards, flawers, Dr. , B9Rudie, nurses andstaff on lst floon, while I was in hospif ai. Mns. Phyl lis Ward ýnly at urday, Ross of h year, Vi Iiam ýceased ýachern McGil of the lewton- rthcutt ,Bow- iervice ewtan- 26-1 I would like ta express my sincere thanks to my family my friends and neighbors for cards, fîawers and visits whiîe in hospital. Special thanks ta Anne West, Drs. Sylvester and Grant. Also, the nurses ýon Third floor for ail their kindness and good care. Charlie Cooper 26-1lx Co-odi nators of St. George's Anglican Church Fellowship Graup, Newcastle, would' like to' thank everyone who worked so hard in making our Garden Party such a huge success. Also to ail the people who donated the prizes for our shows. Thank you again. Sincereiy, Helen and Charlie Aquilina 26-1 We would 1ike to say "Thank You" to ail individuais and organizations who hel ped make -Nursing Home Week and our Bazaar- a happy and successfuî one. Residents of Sunset Lodge and Pauline Foster Activity Director. - - 26 -1x FALLIS - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Walter K. Failis, who passed away June 30, 1971. Just as you were You wiii always be Treasured forever n our memory -Lovingly remembered by wife Lillian and family. 26-1 PARK'- n ioving memory of a beioved mother and grand- mother Helen Mae Park, who passed away, suddenly, on June 25, 1971. Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They last to the longest day, They neyer wear out, they neyer get iost, And can neyer be g iven away. To some you may b e forgotten To others part of the past, But to us who Ioved you and aost you - Your memory, fonever, will ast. - Loving y remembered by Ruth, Tom, Alan and Adrienne. 26-ix PARK - In memory of a dear wife and mother, Helen Mae Park, who passed away sud- denly on June 25, 1971. Calm and peaceful, she is sleeping Sweetest restthat follows pain We who loved her, sadiy miss her But trust in God to meet aga*n - Loving y remembered by husband David - 2641X PARK - ln loving memary of NI a dean mother and grand- mother Helen Mae Park, who 'or asseddawfay June 25, 1971. leeds and aid One wha was better, God neyer made rE A wonderful wonker, so loyal and true CIALS One in-a million, that, mother BEAT was you. îop Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by your friends and all you knew, A wonderful mother, thaf, mother was you. îers -Reemerdby Glenna, it RaAde n ai.26-1ix WERRY - In iaving memoîry of my husband Gardon who passed away Jlüne 27, 1971 and my beloved son Boyd who .. passed away June 7, 1974. Area If we couid caîl them back How wouId we dare Knowing what love and joy - What Peace is there -Lovingly nemembered by Hélen and family. 26-1 HUBBARD- ln lov ing mem- ory of Oliver who passed away on June 27th, 1963. n my heart the memory is kept. - Sisdly missed by wife Minnie. 26-1 M=1 TAMBLYN - In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, Charles E. Tamblyn, who passed away, June 25, 1974. i know that when you left me You did nat have a choice, Your smile I will always see, And the soft fanes i heard ini your voice, if is aIl there, and always will be. The roses that you once gave i will a lways cherish and save, Our memories and pictures wili remain, Thinking of your love wiIl fade 'my pain., A year ago i was hurt and s0 alone Now i lay flowers by your headstone, Be at peace and in heaven's ca re When I look to the sky, l'Il know you'll always be there. - Forever cherished Kathy. 26-1 TAMBLY N - In loving mem- ory of a dear son-in-law Charles E. Tamblyn who passed awaly June 25, 1974. A true son you weren't ours ta cail, i But alilaur love was meant for yo u, Hearts broken, when they took you down the hall, Our son, we felt, hàs now left us ail. Tel] me someone, why did he have to go? We loved and cared for him so, A son-in-law so close to aur hearts, Tâlented and wishfui, hoping for some new starts. Did he get the chance? No, 'm af raid to say, Because he wasn't able ta see a brand new day, There will neyer be another Ted,, Because ta heaven, aur son was led. /1 - Always remembered by Braum and Maxine Sol and famiiy. MONSTER BIN( New Starting Time TH URSDAY - 7:30 P.ft Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION OSHA WA WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTR NExi M(OtNDbÀ- 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE OSHA WA 26-1 I GO NI WASHED SAND A - ~g ANTIQUE CLOCI -REPAIRED- Parts available for most ai que dlocks, pocket wafci and modemn Watchesa cî.oc ks. Our repairs are donev modern up-to-date equipn and quaiified Swiss trai 1watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLEI LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 New Machinery Specia Is Alis-Chalmers 442 Baler Owatonna 216 Mower Conditioner; George White Sprayer; Sanderum Culfivator. TREWIN FARM EQUIMI B LAC KSTOC K. 986-4283 SA LE INVENTORY REDUCTIC OF FOLLOWI NG MODE[ Alis-Chaimens8 HP Tract with 36" Mower: $1225.0( SAVE $230.00 Alis-Chaimens5 HP Rotai Tiller:-$29500 SAVE $50.oo RuppR2Mini Bike $425.0 SAVE $50.0 3 DAYSONLY ENDS JUNE 28 Trewin Farm 1Equipment Blackstock -986-42 ches and with nent OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES T RAC TO R S. ined TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT RS LAWN &GARDEN EQUIP. 34tt rZE HL2 FARM MACHINERY COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES- SERVICE- RENTAILS 1..NT- Phone 728-6901 16-tf THE Doggy Place - Register- 26-1 ed B3oarding Kennel, modern spaciaus facilities. Dogs $2.50, cats $1.50 daiiy. Take advan- tage of aur special complete ýON grooming service and bave ILS him bathed and clipped while you're away. Engiish Spring - tor en Spaniel puppies for sale DO occasionaily. 786-2234. 24-4 any TWO matching overhead wooden garage doons with two '0O lites and hardware, size 8' x 7'7-, $5. for the pain. Phone 623-7107: 26-ix 283 26-1 Rug Remnants 1Motel Suze Sections. For Inspection Days Only. 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN Weekend Special!l 6 Am e i ca n Bea ufy Roses 85 c CASH AND CARRY Carnation Flower Shop, 33 Division Street, Bowmanville, Ont. 26-1 50-tf >~WHITE'S ZE ITV ANTENNAS GO ý ..Towrs, UiMF,V H F Ï Aeiais, Rotors & Repairs ST. Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired 21 -tfAsk About Our 21fGuara ntee HAYDONANNUAL SALAD'SUPPER Mon., June 30, 1975' E.Y COMMUN ITY CENTRE (SchooI) Serving stants at 4:30 p.m. - ? Oshi ADMISSION: Aduits 53.00 Anl Chi Idren 12 and under $1.50 & Everyone Weîcome &i 25-2 R UH F. Apts. WorI Ail prit Pl L. HA Phone 576-5606 WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf iawa TV iennas roTORS toweRSINSTALLED -VHF - Colored Aerials and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS, mkfanshi p Guaranteed ced te SAv Eyou Money hone 623-5122 AMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Compressons, Generators. Also Drill Presses, Ginders, Power Hack Saws etc. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Ace Mach inery .Company 859 A Nelson St. Oshawa 723-0933 21-tf INSTALL AN Q FURNACE BOl LE R HUMIDIFIER USQ HEATER AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Availabie FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLICY CA LL HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-52061 - Zenith 14620 24 HoUr Service 23-tf SWYNGOMATIC baby swing, baby chair and mafernity clathes size 12. 263-8889. . 26-1 MOTORIZED go-cant. 1 yn. aid. 41/2 Honda engine. Phone 623-5846. 26-f REFRIGERATOR used two years. Washing machine and dryer. Phone 987-4387. > 26-1 PIONEER chain saw, runs well, $60.00. Appl y 38 Duke St., Bowrnanville. 26-1ix HARD Top tent trailer, sleeps eight, equipped with propane stove and mattresses. 1-786-2404. 26-1 WOOD for stove or fireplace. 263-2786. 26-1lx TWENTY-THREE Foot CRUISER, like new (Fiber- form). Used 180 houns, 11/4 seasons. V-8 Mercury, 188 h.p. Fuily equipped, includes head, gaiiey, siiding glass buk doon. S leeps 4 to 6 people. Full widlth canopy. Ail gau es and depth-finden, AM- M radio and-tape deck. Can be seen at residence. Telephone 723-1176 or 723-5945, Oshawa. 26-1 SEVER#AL summer dr-_Seses slacks, tops, etc. Size 221/2. Alil like new. Phone 623-3758 for appointment. 26-1 SEED corn and nye. Phone 705-932-5478. 26-1 CASE tractor, good condition. 3 point hitch mower. Used litter carnier approx. 100 ft. track, box trailer 14" wheels. Phone 983-5318. 26-ix BÀYCREST stove,. avocado green, 24", 2 years oid, automatic timer. $150. 623- 2749, 26-1 STANDING hay for sale at R.R. 3 Bowmanviiie. Phone 723-3270. 26-1 CHESTERFIELD suites, six to choose from, ideai for home on cottae. Now on sale at Towne Used urnitune, 19 Temperance St. Bowmanville S26-1 AIR conditioners, centrai and window units. Cali Harvey, Panfnen. Onono 983-5206 on Zeni!th 14620., 21 -tf BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dilng noom, 9 piece; living. room, ail Burma-Danish teak. Wood. New funnitune veny reasonabie.' Phone 1-247-4377 52-fl PADDY'S Market now haý new furniture, appîl.ances, T.V.s and> stereos and aled used furnîture and appliances, WiII accept trade-ins. Paddy'ý Market, Hampton, phone 263,' 2241.- 33-tf USED. Furnitune and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf, WATER supply - pools, welIs etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-ff SCREENED and unscreened top soil, screened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 22-tf MASSEY' Ferguson 2 row p lanter, baie stooker, near-end loader, Deere No. 6 harvesten, Allis Chalmers harvester with direct cut. Biacksfock 986- 4283. 26-1 SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and distnibutor has above ground, aiuminum pools ieft over fram 1974 season. 1/2 price. Guaran- teed installation and terms. Cail Credif Manager collect '416-292-2268. il tf SEVENTEEN foot Corsair trailer, ail equipped. Cali 1-983-5606 after 5 p.m. 26-1ix REDEX Sussex chicks, born April 17, will mature to good Iaying hens in September. $1.50 each. 263-2307. 26-1 HOMEMADE plywood boat with deck, needs some repair. $25. 987-4010. 26-1ix CARS ot the 1930's, 40's and 50's brand new (model kits). Regular $459. This week only $3.59. The Cràft Room at Carnation, 33 Division St., Bowmanville. 26-1 BACK hoe case for sale. 5:30. Best offer. Caîl 705-277-2603. 26-1 WOOD' S HA VINGS Book Now for Summer and Fall Phone 623-4455 Between 8 a.m. and 4 p. m. 25-4 CEDAR fence rails for antique fencing. Phone 263-8142. 20-8x CENTRAL Marine Electron-_ ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- tor for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. l6tf Buy direct from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd., bias a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and $mal 1 to fit any need. Come by bur display yard at 73 Ontario ý treet, Port Hope or telephone 085-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf 1 M = R.N's- part-time positions. South Haven Nursing, Home, Mrs. Austin 987-4441. 25-4 CLEANER Applications will be received b y the undersigned until Friday, July 4, 1975, for the position of Cleaner, 40 hours- pen week at the Bowmanville Senior Public School. Maintain Offices, Staff Room, Female Washrooms, dusting, dry mopping. anid ..ther Cutiýs as assigned. Reply in wnviting stating qual- ifications, address and tele- phone number ta: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educatioth Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 HAIRDRESSER 'wanted full or part time for Artistic Beauty Salon. Good guaran- teed wages, plus the best connmmission and work condi- tion. For more information cal 725-8710. 26-2 Jensen Steel Lt. requ ires Shear Operator Material Handiers Apply at: 222 Baseline Rd. E. BowmnanvilIle 24-3 Ange r Constru cti on> Co. Concrete, Chimney ' Repairs Contact Roy Anger 26-2x BMIEN. POODLE puppy. Black toy maIe. Registered, shots. Will hiold for vacation. 725-4569. 26-1 FR EE ta good home, one part Persian caf. Famiiy moving-to U.S.A. Phone 623-3503., 25-1 BOARDI NG, reasonabie rates, pick-up and delivery can be arranged. Leewardi Kennels Registered. 705-277- 2735. 24-tf * AS WANTED, Live-in babysitter, room and board provided in exchan2ge for babysitting dut ies .a I 623-7704. 26-1 QUARTER harse, mare, 1412 hands, 4 yr. aid, gentie, green broke, $300. Saddie $125. Bridie $15. Phonse 579-3351. 26-1 x 6-year aId black riding mare, ,genfle disposition. Has been ridden English-and Spanish. Capable of jumping. Asking $350. Phone 263-2569 or 623- 4896. 25-1 a S FURNISHED noams ta ent. Martin Raad anea. Cali 623- 7463. 26-tf ONE furnished roam for ent. 623-2005. ' e , 26-1 - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIil Sues for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL' TRUCKS andLOADERS FOR RIENT 877 King -St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-f DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Gedd es Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes.- Free Estimates Phone 623-2398, 48-tf PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING £SERVICING Certif led Piano Techni!clan. Prompt rel iable service. -Remnem ber, "The tun'e'r alone, preserves the tone'." Member, Piano Techneian's Guild. D erek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9-tf VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Renovating Paper Han ging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanvi lie 623-3568 49-tf Retr i ge ration' 1AN D Appliance Service CommercialI and Domestic Refrigeration -,MiIk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------...623.5P74 Nlgjhts ............. 623-3177' Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF William G.- Beatty Painting and Paper Hanrg ing Light Trucking and Odd Jobs 623-4728 43-f NEED A p RE SSIE SYST EM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206- Zenit4 14620 41if GLASS 'and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Dlvislon St.,' Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and GIazIng. 17 tf WATER Wells bored, 30" fIle. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531.- 16 tf CUSTOM work. Cutting,,rak- ing, baling hay. Cai 623-2089 or 623-2186. 24-3 S your farmn equipment, trac t r, garden tractor what have you working to your satisfaction? Do you have some changes in mind to make it work better but haven' t gt the time or tuuks to correct the problems? Let's talk it over. Cali 263-2769. No obligations. West-Field Products Welding, Machine Shop, Repairs, R.R. 1, Hampton. 24-4x MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repairsto all makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 154f JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED,, PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvllle 30-tf BOB BEERS' 137 ELGIN STREET Plumnbin.g - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf Sanridge Sand & Gravel L. Gilbank Blackstock - 986-4868 SERVI CES Bulldozingý-Backhoeing-Sand - Gravel -0opSou - Ag gegates Carbozite Protective Coaing. 26-4X Lawn &Garden Ca re Rolling, roto-tilling with a commercial machine. Seeding down new Iawns or old. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 Mone Henlnessy Carpentry - Renovating Specializn in Fencing 728-0131 235 APPLIANCE, REPAIRS RANGES-WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONERS, SPECIALIZING IN Frigidaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 10 tf C & CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet -, Upholstery Prof essionalIIy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624' BOWMANVILLE 3-tf [J. BEERS &,SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovafing Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE f623-2263 20 tf CUSTOM-MADE Furniture for children, Iawn, bookcases, sewing cabinets, cupboards, etc., 623-2677. 26-3x CUSTOM upholstering, recov- pering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed,, 20 years ex perience, Free esti- mates ., lease cali collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf MATURE student would like baby sitting job for summer months. -Ca Il 623-5195. 26-1[x G. BAR S. RANCH Horseback riding, $3 per hour. Our members hp s even cheaper, we have 9 x,12 box stalîs for rent, plenty of room. Special riding ring and mndlvi- dual corals for yotir conven- ience. $50 per month. CALL US ANYTIME -~623-4027 19tif EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schoolirig of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & SoId CD aI DlwA>à bLfL 3-33 SHarny Locke's I.V. wilI 0e ciosed ail day Monday and Wednesdlay during Juiy and August. 26-1 .Kut' 'ný Kuni Beauty Shop, open 6 days a week, Thunsday and Friday evenings. New Saturday summer hours, 7-2 o'clock last appointment. Sen- ior citizens 10 percent off ail hain do's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday oniy. Cali 623-5019 or 71 King St. E., Bowmanvilîe. 25-4 Two heneford steens, 'in Solina and Preston Rd. anea, one red and, one noan. Approx. 450 lb. each. 725-9845. 26-1 ONE war medai hand-canved. Engnaved with J. O'Neil.. Re- ward off ened. Leave at States- man. 26-1 Gini's blue purse at canni- val. Phone 623-2032. 26-1 One bedroom apartment in Bowmanviile on gnound floor. Phone 987-4823 between 10 a.m. andlla.m. 26-tf RELIABLE aduits w6'uîd-like country house to rent. Wifhin commuting distance of Osh- awa. 1-705-292-7121. 23-4x LANDLORDS - Houses, Apartments, Rooms, urgentr needed. Durham Housi Registry 1-579-0622. Exten - 48,69. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCE'; THROUGH' STATESMAN C L ASS1F IE DS RESUITS COUNT! Multiple Liîsting - Srv cei Oshawa & District Real Estate Board La nd-O- La kes Visit Old Fort Henry. Cruise the Thousand Islands. Golf, fish, swim, relax in a modern one-two-th ree-fou r-f ive bed- room house keeping cottage on beautiful, scenic Hay Cay. Boats, motors at low rentai rates Al you bing are your toweis. Weil stocked g rocery store on premises. MaRke your reserva- fions now. -Call 613-354-3644 26-2 Escorted Tours 1,000 Islands J une 29th North Bay, Sudbury and Manitoulin Iland June 28th - July 1sf (Domninion Weekend) Pennsyivania Dutch Country Juiy lth - l3th SAtlantic City J uly l9th - 27th Boston Tour July 28th - 3lst Western Canada, Rockies and North West Teritories Aug.12nd - 25th Maritimes Tour Septem ber 6th - 2th SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope Telephone 885-4822; Evenings 885-2200. 26-1 DANCING Saturday Night June28 at CLUB ANNRENE on Scugog Island featuring Joey Van Orchestra 26-1 PONTY POOL Men's Sot tball1 ToUrna ment J U NE 28, 29 and 304h Adulfs $1.00; 12 and under free Eight teams participating fromn Pontypool and area! Dance SATU RDAY, J U N E28th, 9: 00 to 1: 00 PONTY POOL COMMUN ITY HALL $5.00 Couple Music by Gary Bistow Lunch Served O5SHAWA SAND AND 'GRAVEL SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .... am L.J 1

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