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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1975, Section 2, p. 7

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Durhazm Graduate Jane Margaret Williams,: daughter of Ozzie and Jean Williams, Bowmanville, graduated from Durham College, Nursing Division on May 31, 1975. Jane will be employed at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, beginning July lst. -Photo by Astor Jaycettes Inciugurated At DinnerMeeting Here The Bowmanville Jaycettes Monday night, June 16 at a were official inaugurated seciai meeting held at the Flýying Dutchman Motor j us Htel. The new executive, consis- I u ting of Karen Wood, Presi-, dent; Judy Nagel, Vice-Presi- dent; Mavis Ince, Seretary and Linda Carson, Treasurer, Sail of Bowmýiranville, were * sworn in by Donna Endicott, Centrai Region Jaycette Representative. Aiso inducted as members were Leona Moher, Gail Pooler, Joan Siade and Elaine Co OVanZanten. RoetMorel, Family Coun- Née sellr from Durham Region YO1/VG M Tt2(TI4/%W Social Services Department,, f//:aT/~To,4T44Yf&vr addressed the audience of 52' &W #Iq 'C4R. - Jaycettes and Jaycees on the topic "Communications be- tween Individuals". In refer- ence to communications be- AutoRear tween husband and wife in the Auto epgir family setting, he sa-id, 423-3896"There are no wnners or t 42-389 losers in communications, ý3 fQueen St. Bowmanvill, only winners. Neither partner Look No F. rther is ever recouired to Ëive i, but onfly to gi ve . . . to give to In welcomning the newly formned unit, Larry Pooler, President of the Bowmanville Jaycees offered the Jaycettes congratulations and encour- agemnent in their endeavors. Karen Wood, the inaugurai President, said in lier address that the Bowmnanviile Jay- cettes looked forwird to enriching themselves and their environmrent in the years to corne through the oppor- tunities available through the Jaycette organization. Jaycettes are an organiza- tion affiliated with the Jay- cees, recently chartered in Bowmanville, and dedicated to providing wives of Jaycees members with the saine individual development and community service program. Formation of the Biowmnan- ville Jaycettes was conducted by the Oshawa Jaycettes under the' Chairmanship of Kathy Skribe of Oshawa. At the inaugural meeting were Jaycette representatives from Ajax, Barrie, Etohicoke, Georgeon ississauga, Orillia, Oshawvaand Scarbor- ough who presented gifts to the new Jaycette unit.' Donations of floral arrange- ments were received from Carnation Flower Shop, Jack- man's Flower Shop, and Van Belle Gardens, ail of Bowman- ville. OPrP REPORT The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing Motor Vehicle Collisions and General Occurrences dur- ing the period June 17, 1975 to June 22, 1975. Twenty Motor Vehicie Col- lisions were investigated in which eleven persons were injured and thre persans were killed. As a result of these collisions fîve persons have been charged under the ighway Traffic Act and one person has been charged under the Criminal Code. The Newcastle Officers also investigated ninety-six occur- rences of a generai nature. Somne of these occurrences were as follows: There were seven investigations into "Theft" offences, three in- vestigations into "Break and Enter" offences and. three investigations into "Wilful Damage" offences. Other act- ivites included investigations into comrplaints of prowlers, erratic dfrivers and trespas- sers. The following are brief reports concerning two fatal motor vehicle accidents which occurred during the past weekc. On Thursday, June 1$, 1975 at 1:20 a.mir. a fatal motor vehicie accident occurred on Highway'35, approximately one haîf mile south of the 3rd line of Clarke Township. The accident, occurred when a northbound vehicle was in collision with a southbound veflîcle in. the southbound lane. Both the driver and the passenger in the northbound vehicle died as a result of injuries sustained. The driver was: Lorne T. Hutcheson, 20 years, of 20 Westmount Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario and passenger was; Ca role L. Bathurst, 19 years of 1381 RcIven Avenue, Ottawa, Ont- ario. The driver of the south- bound vehicle was Charles F. Wolacott,, 34 years of Ville Brossard, Quebec, who was taken to the Oshawa General HIospital. This accident was investigated by Provincial Constable D. Cook of- New- castle Ontario Provincial Police., A fatal motor vehicle ac- cident occurred on Saturday, June 21, 1975 at 7:40 p.m. in the Villag'e of Hampton. Tanya McPhee, 2 years of Hampton was killed when she was struck bY.a car on the Old, "Death Strip" Takes Two More Lives Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 25, i97/5 7 AppoveiliFo Extra Income A long promised bill de- sîgned to assist eldeürlyý cou- ples.now living on one pension got final Commons appr-oval Wednesday, only 15 days af ter it was introduced. D Iespite some criticismys, the opposition parties co-o)pe-rated with a government request for quick passage of the bill to give monthly payments to old age pensioners' spouses ae 60 to 64. Starting Oct. 1, it would give extra income to approxi- mately 85,000 spouses. Old age security payments now- are available only to persons 65 and older. The bill, which now goes to the Senate, embodies a Lib- eral promise made during the 1974 election campaign. The opposition parties agreed to support the bill as "a step in the right direction" but oh- .iected to some provisions. Spokesmen for the Progres- sive Conservatives, New Demoôcratic Party and Social Credit said the eligibility age for old age security payments should be reduced to 60 for non-working persons. And NDP pension critic Stanley Knowles Winnipeg North Centre, said it will be unfair, to withdraw the spouse's allowance when the pensioner dies. "The surviving.spouses will get a nice little note fromý the national health and welfare departmnent saying, 'Sorry, you lost your partner so there goes yourpension',"Mr. Knowles sad Such persons, "victims of the Lalonde treatmýent, would have to go on welfare until they reached age 65 and again qualified for old age security benefits. Use Income Test The spouse's allowance would be paid after the couple underwent an income test. A spouse would be entitled to the f ull pension, and guaranteed income supplement if the couple had no income othier than the government pension. An Ottawa couple, reti from the, Rolling Stones cert in Toronto early1 day morning, was killed head-on collision on 115r-35 two miles, nort Newcastle. Dead are Lorne T. Hu son. 20 of 20 Westmounl SULVE R Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry On Saturday, June 7, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry were honored by their family at a party at Memorial Park Clubhouse to celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary. 1The hall was decorated with a large silver sign "ýHappy Anniversary Harold and Thelma" and colored flowers decorated the archway gnd table. 1After a delicious buffet supper, their family put on a mock wedding. Daughter Yvonne Cowle. as soioist, sang a, humorous song "The Charming Black Moustache." The minister was son Gien Williams, the bride, son-in-law, Fred (Buck) Cowle given in. marriage by son Grant. The groom was their daugh- ter-in-law Mrs. Jean WilliÊms, urning, Ottawa, and, Carole Lb. Bath-* Ville Brossard, Quebec, is in a ýs Con- urst, 19 of 1381 Raven Ave,, stable condition at OshaWVa Thurs- Ottawa. -t4eneral Hospital. ýd in a Both were pronoiinced dead According to police, the Hwy. at the scene of the accident Hutcheson vehicle was north- th Of which occurred at 12:20 a.m. jp ý on the highwýay and lutche- Driver of the second vehicie, V' t Ave., Charles F. WooI>aott, 34, of AN N1 VE RS AR Y Wooiacott vehicle which was southbound. Both cars were wrîtten off and the accident was investi- gated by Const. David Cook and Jim Schultz TP'- ,'acked The basic monthly Pension, adjusted four times a year to reflect cost-of-living increa- ses, will go to $125.76 in July from $123.42. The income supplement adds as much as $86.57 a month if the pensioner has no extra income. Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde said the needs of other elderly persons will be covered by a guaranteed annual income program now being negotiated with the provinces. "We feel the guaranteed annual income should apply to ail people in need, whatever their age," Mr. Lalonde said. INTRODUCI NG ALLIS-CHALMERS 5040 40 Rugged Horses for the economy min.ded tarmer. On display at FARM EQUIPMENT BLACKSTOCK 986-4283 DENTURE CLINUC 33 King St. E. '- 623-4473 A COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE PATRICK G. DEEGAN. D-T. Office ilours: MondaytoFriday 8':30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday'9.00 a.m. to 12 Noon the best man their daughter-l in-law Mrs. Verna Williams[ and the bridesmaid, son Ross, Williams. Agood laugh wask had by ail. The happycouple received a clothes ryer, 25th Anniver- sary plaque, an albumr of pictures of the evening, a purse'of money and numerous other gifts f or which the couple expressed their appre- ciation. There were 14 grandchil- dren present and a telegram was received fromn two grand- children Dan and Nancy Cowle who are in Alberta. Theë rest of the evening was spent dancing and visiting. Guests attended from bondon, bindsay,,Oshawa, Orono, Portr Perry, Burlington,, Nestleton, surrounding area and Trenton Michigan, U.S.A. Congratula- tions to the happy cuple. Pine Ridge School Honors Volunteers, Pine Ridge School held second annual banquet June 19, to honour community voluntee community eiaployers student volunteers th( selves., An elegant smorgasbL under the direction- of' IRoche began the eveni Following the feast the dents and their guests ceeded to the school audi ium where the Superinte ent, Mr. Art Handelsri Scugog Road apprxm one tenth of mie norti Taunton Road.* The driver of the vel: was Carke G.- Wil bur, L. 18 5, Hamiptonl, Ontaio. , This accident wis in' igated by ProvIiýý alC stable DUH. McDoneiald, N castie Detachmnent, Orité d its formally welcomed the on guests. the 17 marks the Sth Anni- er s, versary of the Pine Ridge and School, complex and slides em- depicting present day, actîvit- ies were. contrasted with a ord, film of the 25th celebration Bill activities of the school in 1950. ning. Reyerend Gerry Brown and stu- five of the Pinie Ridge students pro- then made speeches of apprec- itor- iation to volunteer and em- ýend- ployers. 2a, The speaker forthe evening was Mrs. Ruth Pitman, 'Assis- tely tant Co-ordinator of Volunteer h of Services with the Ministry of Correctional Services. She hicle spoke eloquently of the per- ý8, C. sonality of the volunteer s, and the rewards of he inlga .'ust- volunteer. She emphasized týhe Con- imnportance of the interaction New- of both the community and the ario stixdents ser\ ing each other as

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