ENNISKILLEN One of those rare June days Toronto, left many sorrowng ushered in the first day of relatives in our community. summer and provided perfect We extend our deepest sym- weather for everything.Lack- pathy to his bereaved wife ing only was sufficient time to also daughter, two sons, two do everything. The Sunday sisters and a brother, and a.r . service egan with the their families. May it 'be to g of the bell in the church consoling to realize that suf- belfry with its appealing fering is over as a life of invitation but a small attend- dedication has ended. ance was due to pressure in Energy was reaching the many ways. The death of a oint of exhaustion from beloved former native son the ay-making, social gather- late Rev. Milton Sanderson. ings, picnics, school closing, ý.ryCleaners C/utÂc/det "Are you the girl who took my order?" "Yes, sir," replied the waitress, politely. "Weil l'il be darned" remarked the patron "You don't look a day older'. CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Soiled clothes are certainly not attractive. You can be flower fresh. Drycleaning costs very littie and is quite effective. HAYDON ANNUAL SALAD SUPPER MONDAY, JUNE 30th, 1975 Éveryone Welcome BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS LTD. 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 "We Specialize In Shirt Launderitg" Vloluneers Hold Annual Fashion Show The volunteers of Memorial Hospital held their first annual fashion show last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. L. Childs head of volunteer services. The models are from left to right (back row) Mrs. Eileen Gatchell, Mrs. Diane Werry, Mrs. Doreen Parks, Mrs. Madeline Martin, Mrs. Wilma Goyne, Mrs. Marion James, (front row) Mrs. Helen Ovenden, Kim Childs, Sandra Bruce, Sharon Lunney. exercises, class, bus trips, parties, vacation activities, etc. with the result that choices have to be made. To tabulate some of these briefly we mention the delightful garden party and fashion show (b hid 's Ladies wear) on We nesday at Mrs. D. Child's home in Bowmanville which was enjoyed b y24 local ladies which included one who modelled some of the gowns. Approximately 150 neighbor- ing friends and relatives gathered in Solina Hall on Saturday evening as a semi surprise to honour Jean and Ross Ashton on their 25th wedding anniversary. Best anniversary wishes Jean and Ross. Our conservation area was the rendezvous for the annual picnic of the S.S. pupils, parents and staff. A pot-luck dinner served buffet style assuaged the whetted ap- petites of about 75 persons. Races and contests was the second item as each class competed in several novelty races rangng from the tiny tots of the Kindergarten class led by their teachers Reva Kinsman and Betty Wright in seven competitions with greatest concentration on the Frisby Throw. The Primary class were put through their aces by teachers Shirley tainton and Merle Avery who made excellent use of c othes pins in their contests. The Junior mixed class was di- rected by teachers Jo yce Virtue and Shirley Pollard in their stunts featuring a Jelly Bean jar guessing contest. Intermediate girls were guid- ed by teachers Gladys Ashton and Eleanor Werry with the outstanding stunt a water balloon, toss, teacher Elva Orchard led her Jr. girls having a hipity-hop mystery as a specia. Haze Bigby in charge of the two senior classes had such stunts as Balloon blowing and shoe kicking, teacher Shirley Drap- er was absent she is vacation- ing. Several couples competed in a water balloon contest with Shirley and Maurice Pollard as winners. S.S. Superinten- dent Ella Bowman provided the adult contests which included a humorous physical fitness rating won by May McGill and Milton Stainton with Leceister Bigby taking lowest points. No pienie is complete without the popular peanut scramble. The facilit- ies were adequate and space ample in this well kept piene area. S.S. bas completed its year to resume again in September. Last Friday night was the Graduation Program night, M.J. Hobbs Sr. Public School which began in the auditorium of Bowmanville H.S. for the program and then a dance in the gym at M.J. Hobbs School for pupils and parents. We are pleased to report that among 10 top contestants (9 girls and 1 boy) our lad Steve Laurion received one of the Achieve- ment Awards for outstanding contribution in the field of Academic Achievement for. 1974-75. May we add our congratulations and saj "Keep up this fine work' Steve. We note too that International Women's Year was no hindrance to our Steve. Congratulations to a former resident are in order for Mr. Tony Turnbull for his clever suggestion and winning in G.M. service. May we correct a mis- spelling in last week's notice of the name Rev. Preisler of Kedron who will be our supervising inister when our minister is on holidays in August. The Enniskillen U.C.W. join- ed with a large group of ladies from Bowmanville and sur- rolunding areas who attended a fashion show and afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Childs sponsored by the Volunteer services of Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. The swimming pool area was ideal for the expert models to display Child's Ladies Wear which were very beautiful and everyone enjoyed afternoon tea served on the spacious lawn. The project proved very successful, as the proceeds were over $150. Mrs. A.J. Werry, Misses Sandra and Sharon Werry were Friday luncheon guests of Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron occasion of Sharon's birthday Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb Baysville were Saturday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs L. Lamb. Mrs. Lillian Brownridge Toronto, was a visitor of Mrs Earl Trewin, we are very sorry to report Mr. Ear Trewin is in Memorial Hospit al, Bowmanville suffering with an acute attack o arthritis, we all wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick Scarborough were visitors a Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Pethick's Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Terry KENDAL NEWS Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. G. Buckley, of Newcastle and Mrs. R. Elliott attended the Super annerated Teachers' Convention at Ridley College, St. Catharines this past week. Mr. R. Elliott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Cheaney in Niagara Falls. Mrs. Landry andhber Grades 3 and 4 class enjoyed a picnic lunch on Tuesday at the home ofý,Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brewer. The class presented their teacher, who is leaving this year, with a wall clock. She was also presented with a wall flower vase. On Tuesday Mrs. Freeman took her class to Lang Pioneer Village. A community shower in honor of the bride elect Miss, Bonnie Geach was well attend- ed on Thursday evening in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Jack Fonk conducted a con- test and a game after Bonnie opened her many beautiful gifts assisted by Mrs. Wayne, Foster and Miss Irene Mercer. Later all enjoyed lunch includ- ing a beautiful decorated shower cake. Mrs. Wm. Jackson accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Terry Price and family of Bowman- ville to visit Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis and family of Peter- borough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell and Orville, Mr. and Miss Helen Terry, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry's. Mrs. R. Griffin, Miss Heather Griffin and girl friend Bev of Whitby were Friday visitors with Mrs. Beatrice Flewelling, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor attended decoration da on Sunday at Prince Ai bert Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton attended the Hynes-Pooler wedding at Centennial Church, Oshawa on Saturday. Mrs. Lillain Brownridge, Toronto was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater attended the Stapleton- Anger wedding at St. John's Anglican Church, Bowman- ville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb and Lesley spent the weekend at Restoule at their cottage and with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright paid their respects to the late Rev. M.R. Sanderson, Toronto, at the Turner-Porter Funeral Home on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry and family, Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry and family also Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa, were lawn picnic afternoon and evening Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E A. Werry's. Mrs. John Slemon, spent the weekend at Eel Lake. Mrs. May Slemon is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Hampton. HAMPTON W.I. The June meeting of th Hampton Women's Institute scheduled to be held at Mrs Burrows. was held in the forn of a Picnic Lunch'in the C.E. .Bdg. After a bountiful' meal Mrs. Bryant cailed the meeting to ordier. The Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect trepeated in unison. Roll Cal]. Name something that cornes originally from the earth was well answered. Minutes of the last meetin~ Twere read and, approveg followed, by, the Correspond- -ence. Mrs. Burrows moved 9 that we give $25 to the Red f Cross - seconded by Mrs. a Aluin, carried. A discussion followed and plans made for the Strawberry Dessert Tea. t It was decided aiso to se]l coffee, donuts and Kool Aid at Mrs. Bryant's Sale. Mrs. Gary Thertell and fam- ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans and family attended the Thertell Familv Reunion and picnic held on Sunday at inistie vaniey Park, Bowman- ville. There were 103 members present and ail enjoyed games, swimmng, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Seens of Bailieboro, Miss Clara Seens of Peterborough and Miss Margaret Seens of Ott- awa visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John McMill- an, Karen and Mark and friends from Thornhill, spent the weekend at their cottage north of Kendal. Mrs. Norman Thertell and her daughter Mrs. Woodcock of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgear. The annual Tabloid Field Day was held on Friday at, Kendal School. Pupils from the schools of the forme' Clark Township participated. Kendal P.T.A. catered to the teachers for the dinner in the school. 'Come Holy Ghost Our Souls Inspire" was the topic of the Rev. G. Montgomery s message on Sunday morning. Rev. Montgomerv also favour- d us by singing a solo of the hymn by-the same title. Next Sunday will be the last service before the holidays in July when our minister will be away. On Saturday evening the pupils of Mrs. Mertha Farrow gave a recital in Kenda] 233 King St E. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. June 25, 1975 3 United Church. Those taking decorated cake made by Mrs. part from Kendal were Karen K. Adams and cotee was Kennedy, - Lisa Hoy, anc served by the pupils and their Pamela Frank. Others werE mothers. from Newtonville, Orono, Kir Miss Catherine Stewart and by and Elizabethville. It was Mrs. Edna Dobson attended well attended by parents of thE the Lofthouse Family Picnic pupils and many friends. Mrs at Hayden shore Park at Farrow was presented with a Whitby on Sunday afternoon. bouquet of red roses and whitE Master Michael grown came carnations. Following the re. home with his aunt for some cital a delicious lunch of holidays. Artistic Barber and Beauty Salon remind you their Organic Perm Special continues. $2090° (Reg. $30.OO Dominion Plaza 623-29311 FREE CONDITIONER OR CREAM RINSE WITH EVERY WASH AND SET Ment NoWaiting 3 Hair Stylists to Serve You Vic - Jackie - Alice Remember We're stili the "Good Guys We Were Born that Way.