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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1975, p. 5

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Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery enjoyed apicnic, with Rev. andMrs. E. Scbamerborn, and family, of Bowman-ville, on .Tuesday, at Inclian Point on the Bay of ý.adMrs. Jim Adams were away last week, viting fiends at Kingston, Seley's Bay, Cornwall and Montreal. 1Twenty-one members and ,our visitors attended the Wýomen's Institute meeting at the home of Mrs. Gladys Wood. Newrastle on Wed- nesday afternoon. Special speaker, Mr. Lannv C0ooer. Science Teacher at Clarke High School, spoke on the metric system. The bus trip will be on July 17 and anyone wishing to go con tact Miss Bernice Milligan. 'Mr. ana iVfrs. Ross tIralozK of Thunder Bay, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer to the Port Newtonlilville iNURSERYMEN AND VAN BELLE OPEN JULY 9 - 6 TRANSFORM YOUR GARDEN INTO A BEAUTIFUL ROSE GARDEN HO)LIDAY SPECIAeL ~~ Thursdy, Friday, Saturdc Monday, Tuesdaly "e. 113,25 $1.m 99 ROSES, POTTED IN BLOOM. READY TOý PLANT!!! 5 DAYSONLY 1111 .,.:SPECIAI G ERANIUMS JUMBO TREES! H D Ail Colors We have an <GA E S assortmeflt af ' MUMS 0w,9charcan eesOver 30 varietii .~planted right of -ail colors. now for instant plant now for fait color 20had4.0049c each, 1 10 tor $4.50, 50- $30M0 $50,00. De1iveýed 25 for $10.ý $3 99FRUIT TREES YES 1!YOU CAN PLANT THSEBEAUTIES NOWH! POTTED READY TPLANT!! FROM OUR FLOWER SHOPS: FOR WEDDINGS: FOR FUNERALS: FOR THE HOSPITAL delightful cneyteGayand bri array of sizes, yptyo arracpgemen stylers, anoccasions. ~ . containers, stls t We wiIl do aur utmost to colorful potl choose frorn. aiesugn a floral Tmbue io your plants in bloom. Drap in or give iliking. us acal fo an Daily Deivery ta Oshawa DiyDlvr h appointment!! and Bowmanville. E Oshawa - Bowmnanvil EAST: 1I WEST: l NORTH,*~ FLOWE SHP and LWR HI'an FL ER HO GARDEN CENTRE. GARDEN CENTRE e Highway No. 2 1)Bn Sre - __________ VSBeatrice haw Ë 0 wmanPv 70le -______"_______Separate 5 Minutes V 5 Minutes -King -Street Schaal 623-4441 579-1118 728-5159 Iighway No. 2 292 King St. W. 1124 Simcoe st. n. Open 9-9 Daily Open 9-9 Dai ly Open 9-6 Thurs, Fri. tf9 p Hope Legion Hall Thui afternoon, where a enjoyable time was from 2 to -5 p.m. Pianc organ music included mne the popular Isongs of: gone by, practically ail jc in witli t he singing. 'Ref ments were served an( acquaintances renewed tour of the building cone this memorable occasior certainly appreciatec friendly and hospitable ai phere and it was qui surprise to see our picft the front page of Fr1 "Port Hoipe Guide." Mr. adMrs. Don Star were Saturday supper g with Mr. and Mrs . G Morton and Kevin at KE celebrating the latter's birthday. On Sunday, Mr Mrs. Bruce Donnelly Lorie-Ann of Port Hope v the Mortons after attei Orono Cemnetery Decoî Service. Mr. Frank Gilmer patient la Memnorial Hos Bowmanville as of last day morning. Kendal Church was filled Saturday evening fi Piano Recital by pupi Mrs. Martha Farrow, soi varions ages, girls and takingp art. It was qui enjoyable occasion wit audience participating i eral sing-songs, accomp by the pupils. At the cIosE Farrow was presented v bouquet of flowers as. a of apprediation and r e ments were served. A presentation was hi Community Hall, Sati night in honor of Mr. anc Bob Imlach where the n weds were givena coffee set of T.V. tables and a] of mone~y witb Mr. Bud E acting as Emcee. Da was enjoyed. Mrs. Bea Jones attend( Retirement Dinner foi Earl McKeever, Satu evening, in the Port Legion Hall. The, death of Mr. CI Ross occurred herei LS: l e-aders, -ePa t Gùa rd ne r-, --Bo b Osborne, and Bob Willsher, really got creamed! Sour ight Reddi-whip in the face doesn't Mis taste 50 good. Thanks, for lass keeping it on ice Melva! or Sunday didn't start qitea ted earîy witb everyone sleeping in. After breakfast the pack itby joined, the District in chapel lie (again this year lst Hillcrest saved us from the ran). Af ter chapel, the- boys enjoyed - another session o7fcreative art work. It is really amazing what a boy can do with odds and ends. Again a job well done. After lunch, it was soon realîized that camp .was near- ing it's end. Awards were made. Daniel White received his Blue Star as well as his Woodsman's Badge. Tim Gardner, Jamie Klkand P.m. Drew McQuat wvere also irsday Saturday morning. Funeral most was held on Tuesday after- spn oon. from the Northcutt o nd litFunera! Home, Bow-- any of manvilif. years Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkles ining spent the weekend at Cachat-. fresh- coma Lake, and Mr. and, id old Mrs. Earl McEWen, of Peter- and a borough stayed with Mrs. luded Agnes Burley in their absence. n. We A surprise' birthday partyl Ithe was e da the homê ofMr. itmos- and Mrs. :Ed Rowe and fite a Tiffany,,on Saturday, in honor are on of Mrs. Gertie Rowe. Among ,day's the twenty-three guests pres- ent, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred pleton Rowe and family, Port Hope, 'ussMr. and Mrs. Doug Rowe and rdnfamily, Newcastle and Mr. endal, and Mrs. Neil O'Connell and first' family, Cobourg. r:~ Rev. Montgomery's Sunday, 7and morning text was "Come Holy isited Ghost Our Souls Inspire" and ýndilg lhe sang a verse or two of that ýration hymn as an introduction to bis theme. At the conclusion of the is, a service a picnic was held on spital,' thurh grounds by the Satur- ýunday School. About 50 children and quite a few weîî adults enjoyed the outing and or the games and we hope to have a ils of more detailed account later. mne of A great mnany, friends and boys, relatives from this district te an called at the home of Mr. %and th the Mrs. Clinton Brown, New- [n sev- castle on Sunday afternoon to ianied offer congratulations and best eMrs. wishes on the occasion of their with a 5th Wedding Anniversar.y. token Congratulations also to an-- frs-other local cou ple Mr. and fes Mrs. Melville Jones, whose eld in 29th Wedding Anniversary ýurday was on Sunday. They were 1IMrs. taken out to dinner by Mrs. ewl - Bea1 Jones, after which they tablUe made several calîs on friends îurse andrelatives. C b ncing Camping - the season is definitely here. Try it with 27 ld the energetic young men, and .Mr. you'll experience somnething urday -you won'tsoon forget. That's Hope what we did on June 13, 14 and 15, as the Cubs joined others in 'harlie the district for the annual early Cuboree at Sandaraska Park. Friday night started off with the boys saying good bye to mom and dad at the school. Soon after, we arrived at camp and everyone got un- packed and ready for officiai camp opening. Campfire and refreshments rounded out the evening before the boys bit the sack. Naturally, not too many went right off to sleep. (Would you believe some were still awake a 3:00 a.m.) Saturday morning started early (for some it was 5:00 a .m.) After washing, exercis- ing and a good hearty break- fast it was down to the main field area for flag break. It was back to campsite for tent inspection by Akela. Consider- F ing this was the first camp for Most boys, they did very well. With a great big forest to roami in, it was out for a-hike, next, on the schedule. Just a leisurely walk through mother nature's garden. One thing the bo,7ys soon leatrned thatgrw in abundance is poison ivy. Robbie Wannamaker bad some trouble learning you don't walk through it with your shorts on, right Robbie? Along the :way- the boys gathered a number of real "neat" things (rocks, moss etc.) Pat Gardner and Gord Umipbrey, added meaning to the lie by pointing out some ,V of the plant life. It wasn't long before crys of bunger could be heard, so, back to camp we went. Here the boys ýhelped prepare the fire so tbey could cook their own'lunch. The District had planned a Friendship game in the main field. Being a friendly bunch, the boys joined in. The object of the game is tog et enough other cubs to speli the word "friendship" and at the samne time, let the boys mingle and meet new friends. From where we sat,- it looked as if someone bad dropped a con- tact lens, and asked 250 cubs to find it - what a mad bouse!1 Soon it was tme for the most awaited part of the weekend - a water war. Armed 1 with their squeeze bottles ful Congratulations are ex- tended ta Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen (ýnee Marleab Mal- colm) who were miannied in the White Church on Sat. The Badge. Winners it he nail etuessine contest wvere: Jamie Kulyk, Darren Osbonne, Dan- iel White, Jay Gibson, TM Gardner, John Osborne, Rob- ert Fonk, and Tom Maybew. This year's camp was one of the best. The boys and leaders wish to extend tbanks to the many parents that mfade the camp a success. Special thanks to C ord Umphrey- and Gord Wite, for staying ýah weekend and to the ladies for our excellent meals. We also wisb ta thank -Mr. George Charland. District Cu b- mfaster, for his four years of bardi worlc. we wini surely miss George in the coiwing year. Again, anyone connect- eéd witb the l1st Newtonville Group are to be congratulated for their devoted efforts in provding a year of fun and leanning for 27 eager boys. This is the last of the Cub articles for this year. We wisb to extend our tbanks ta Mr, James and bis "Statesman" for providing excellent cover- age of the many Scouting pretty bride and handsome groom were united in marr-, iage with Rev. Jerry Hofs- tetter anîd Mr. Ted Power officiatiniz. Mrs. Janice Hunt- er was the guest soloist. The reCeptioli anai dinfler were held in the Churcb Hall witb Maleah's uncle - Howard Malcolm actîng as M.C. for the occasion. A social hour was spent at the lovely home of the bride's parents - Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm prior to the evening wedding dance. Mr. Gary Bristow andl the Country Fever provided fine music for this occasion. Many words of appreciation were extended to Mur'ray anca Joyce on this happy occasion. Also on Sat. .9vening (or more explicitly Sun. a.m.) a horde 6i Uninviteci guests invaded the p remises ai ne- cent newlyweds, Mr. and Mns. Trevor Nesbitt. Access was gained by devious ways to their home and rigbt into thein bedroom. Trevor' and Lorr- a ine were wakened to tbe sound of belîs a ringing. Trevor dlaims be thought he bad died and gone to Heaven until he opened bis eyes to see the bed sunrounded by Yelver- ton faces - tben he was sure be had gonein the other direct- The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, June 25, 1975 5 things going on and places to during our absence. go. S-orry also to have missed Miss Mickey Burns was an Mr. Belford Parke ofý overnight guest of Miss Mona Manotick 'Who dropped in Malcolm. Yelverton News wishing fervently that we were).1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson attended the annual shindig for the school bus drivers put on by their company in Lindsay on Fni. .evening. In the sioorts arena. the Jr. girls won both their games vs.~ ýBethany and Blackstock by considerable margins. Thé Sr. girls probably continued their winning streak. If they didn't they should have. The Sr. men came back in the last haif of the 9th inning to beat Utica 8-7 after trailing them the whole game 2-1 early in the game, then 4-2. In the seventh, the locals picIýed up 4 runs but still trailed bé 1 run going into the ninth ' harlie Mcullough deserved the acclaim hie received for a short right field fly that gave hlm two R.B.I's and won the gamne. A disappointing loss for the Utica lads but a happy, victory for us. Dale Stinson had 12 strike outs in the first six innings. Mr. and Mrs. Allani Gundry of Barrie soent the weekend at the Terry Malcolm's ba'bysitt- ing grandsonny Lake. cele brations held in connect- ion with Blackstock High School's semi-centennial this past weekend. Too many Washer/Spin Dryer feature, you,'Il like 1uýadtml y! -Conpt. . . 24"1'wide x 1 -6, f adtube yle e deep 31,41 hi- Automatic shutoff for drye d eps mate4" ori H oo er and heater wlen door is - Paserct matefr Hovr opened -Waser-Sin DyerStarter button prevents -Portable . rolîs on wheels -cietlsitn -PIug into standard electrical acdna trig e outiet (15 amps required> Big alI-steel drum . .Quie -Atomatic timer with cool- ýoperation down period for wash n'wear- Easy to dlean lint filter fabrics Authonized Dealer a&ivities in West Durham. PI. LI In the fieid of world policyuustecrcLa The "Statesman" i one ofte h hour, Lorxa.ne anwoulr d dedicate this nationolîs lecr itd reasons Sclouting Ws alive and wl eepert hote (an g obàlvto the policy of, the good 12 Silver St. BowmanVille 623-5901, well. alfe thm adpoàl e~br Owned & Operaited by Oshawa Wood Products Save 20% Chain Link "G000 NEIGHBOUR" fFencing FENCE Green Vinyl Covered 13, BY SPACEMAAKER -Il Gauge, 50 Foot Rolis. q i quePre-finishedl steel fence. Easy to erect. Gives years of mnaintenance-free service --48" High i .701 White or Redwood. Mes Re. PCIL 60" .High s , 95 2" Meh 8 roI 4",,x6" Panels 1.3 $.8 12" esI'7 rli 57"x " Pnes 170$1.6 .GaîvanfizedJ 2" MeSh, 13 Gauge $1x"Pnci- .03 50 Foot ýRolis 48" Hiqh r6 5 CHOOSE A BUILDALL PATIO S3'LA BS1 WOOD ENCE AKE HOME PRICES Ini Cedar, Pine or Spruce. 12 Designs in 4', 5" 24"'X 24" Grey......... Yx.9 each or6' Heights.. HorizontalI or vertical. 24" x 12" Red, Brown, . . .$1 0 7 ac c Yellow, Charcoal... ...127 ac LOW AS) AS Running Foot Sidewalk Size PRJCED241 X 30" Gre. .......... .23ec "ARMSTRONG" PLACE 'nRS CHINA RTOILET ' A Great Way ta Freshen Up Floors, Shelves, Closets, Bath- Wt B lsi ak t. ~rooms, Utility Areas. Self adhe- Wt B lsi ak sive, No Adhesive to Spread. No Washdown Style, White, Muss, No Fuss. Choose from 5 Ready to Insta Il. Not Attractive Patterns. PKG. 0F NINE 12" x 12" TILE Eatyallsrtd COESNINE SQUARE FEET. (Seat not included). 3e5 EACH LOW ___ E 9095each REDYTO FINISH CUPBOARDS for Kitchens, Apartmeflts, Rec Rooms, Trailgrs, Modular Type that Can Be Installed Easily by the Do-It-Yourselfer and Save. (Not exactly as illustrated.) BASE UNITS UPPER UNITS' 4' Long.......... 7049 12" x31"Hligh .................. 17.63 18,X 31"High ....... ...... ....26.42 6' Long .............105.75 24" > 31" High or 24" x 20" High.. . 35.22 8' Long.......128.95 20" x20" High Range Hiood Cabinet............ ....... 35.22 OPEN MONDAY AND TUESDAY 8:000 aI.m. to 6:00 p.m. AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS SRRYI1 NO DELIVERY MONDAY, JUNE 3Oth THREE SELF-SERVE STORES WHERE YOU CAN SHOP INDOORS IN COMFORT ver liet

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