6 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. June 25, 1975 p.. ADMISSION: 50e - -.IUNSN DOËUBLE FEATURE ONE WEEK ONLY NEXT ATTRACTION THE CHALET'S i MOTOR INN bis atbletic -awkwardness. Other constant citîzens of Pantherdom include Herbert Lomn repeating as the put-upon Inspector Dreyfus, Burt Kwouk as tbe manic karate "expert" and Graham Stark. Christopher Plummer and Catherine Scbell co-star as Sir Charles and- Claudine Litton. Music is a key element in the world of the Pink Pantber, and fortunately and naturally Henry Mancini once again came tbrougb with a highly original score. His previous connections with the oddly colored feline have netted hlm an Oscar nomination, three Grammys and a gold record. The story line of "The Return of. the Pink Panither" involves the mysterious theft of the PP (the world's largest and most famous diamond from its resting place at tbe Lugasb National Museum. A religious symbol of extra- ordinary importance, it must be recovered, and wbo better tban the man who recovered it the last, time, Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Tiî%own Receives Parking Ticket From Ottawva The Town of Newcastle has received a sumnmons for a $5 parking ticket fromn the ci'ty of Ottawa, on a truck wib according to tbie Works super- intendent, was parked in bis driveway in tbe Town 11of Newcastle at the time of the offence. Memnbers of tbe Newcastle Public Works Comittee ex- pressed the view that it wýoulid cost $100 ini timie and judicial fees to go to Ottawa and figbt the ticket, on the otber hand tbey could plead guiilty- and, pay $5. Councillor Ivan H1obbs stated tbat bie was opposed to pleading guilty when it was not the case, being a mnatter, of principal. The com-mittee recommienld- ed that affidavits bie signed that the truck was in Ne-- castle aIth1le timie of the violation, anid forewarded to Ottawa. The alleged parking ticket was îssuied February 7 to the truckh- earing tbe license number ND42107. The summons is for July 16 at 10 a .m. Fitness is something you can jum-p Up and down about. Enjoy Strýawberry Festival cf Black Creek Pion eer Village "The Return of the Pink Panther' Stars Peter Sellers'as Inspector (ko "The Return of the PinI Pantber" the titie says il ail. You know who's making it, wbo's starring in it, wbo's writing the music, and that il will be a very funny movie Not even the names have beer changed to protect tbe inno- cent, primarily because they are ahl guiltv. KINSMLgN SUPER BINGO PETER90OUGH MEMIORIAL CENTRE Friday, June 27, 1975 7:30 p.m., ýj n vP riz e M o n e y 4 EARLY BIRDS Share the Wealtlh 20 RE GU LAR GAMES - $50 EACH Blaxe Edwards who coný ceived and constructed Pink Pantherdom from bricks ol his own heart and humor ini botb "The Pink Panther" and "A Shot In The Dark" repeats bis tri p1l function as pro- duer-dlirector-co-writ--r for "The Return of the Pink Panther."- Oddly enough, this new film was flot bis idea. Britain's TV impresario, Sir Lew Grade, complaiped to Blake about the current dearth of good comedies, and after relishing the merry moments lie had watching the director's past Panther pictures, off- handedly suggested a third. Like the previous two, "The Return of the Pink Panther" is released by United Artists, an entertainment service of Transa 'merica Corporation. It op,,ns this weekend at the Oshawa Cinema 2 Theatre. The chat became a serious conversation, and the conver- sation was soon translated into a screenplay 6vy Frank. Waldman and Edwards. The next stop was determin- ine Peter Sellers' interest and Over 14,000 senior citizens from towns and cities in southern Ontario were guests of the Onitairo Government last week. The occasion was an old time Strawberry Social at Black Creek Pioneer Village, just north of Toronto. There to enjoy the sun and the sights were Mrs. B,. Dean of 118 Parkway Avenue, Bowmanville, Mrs. T. W. Cawker of 252 King Street East, Bowmanville, Mrs. L. M. HaIlowell, R.R. 1,' Orono, and Miss Norma Hallowell. 252 King Street East, Bowmanville. Photo courtesy of The Min-istry, of Community and Soci al Services. availability. He was! The only part be bas ever repeatedi. Inspector Jacques Clouseau is Peter and Peter is Clouseau, from his'deadpan mavbem to I-OLLYWOOD IN TI.E GOLDE=N PGE- QJj Cablecast Listings Programs Monday June 23rd to Friday June 27th, 1975 Cablecast 6 - Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmianville, Brooklin. 1MondayJ1une 23 400> Deutscbes Kanadisches TV Magazin, a weekly German Language Pro- gram. Works - lmpaired Driv- ing 6:00 Sports, witb Dave Stew- art 6:10 Evening Report, with Ron Folk 6:20 Puolic Service Announce- ments, 6:30 Counterpoint, a Christian view of.current issues 7:00 Expression, witb Guests Gary.Adams and George Emery 7:30,Walter in tbe Kitchen - Home Cookery witb Walt- er Bowker 8:00 Wbitby Town Council - from tbe Council Cbam- ber in Wbitby, tbe reg- ular meeting of Town Council1 Tuesday June 214 4:30 Tbe Churcb Today 5:00 Concert, with 'Larry Chupa 6:00 Sports 6:10 Evening Report 6:20 ]publie Service Anniounce- ments 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta 7:30 Deutscbes Kanadiscbes TV Magazin 9:00 Choral Special Wednesday June 25 3: 30 Shalomi, for the Jewish Community 4:30 The Law and How lt à Works - Small Claims Court 5:00 Walter in the Kitchen 5:30 Expression, witb Char- lotte Gentles and Mrs. Perry 6:00 Sports 6:10 Evening Report 6:20 Public Service Announce- ments 6:30 Tbat's Magic, with Pbil Pittman 7:00 Wbitby Then and Now, with Jîm Quail and Brian Winter 7:30 Education Scene, witb George Pearce 8:00 Fiesta '75, witb Oshawa Folk Arts Council 8:40 Penguin Scbool of Danc- 9:00 Ale About, with guests on: Cheshire Homnes Thursday June 26 2:00 Whitby Town Council Meetingý 4:00Q The Law and How Tt Works - Marriage Break- down à-~30 Whitbv Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Music and The Spoken Word 6:00 Sports 6:0Public Ser-viceAnoce ments 6:15 Whiftby Report, iboe Kaiser' 6:30 Rescue, witb tbeSvet Day Adventists 7:00 Expression. witb Chair- lotte Gentles and ciMrs. Perry 7:30 The New Leaf, wîitb Gordon Wîck 8:00 Choral Special 8:30o That's NMagic 20 Expression 3:00 Shalomi 4:00 The Cburcbý Today, 4:30 The New TLeaf 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 The Law and Hlow It Works' 6:30 To Be Anniounced This concludes Cablecast 6 programming for theseason. We will returni to the air with regularly scbeduled programs beginning Tuesday September 2, 1975. "Have a happy and safe sumamer' BLACKST1CK About 60 relatives attended the picnic in honor of Mir. and Mrs. Ross Asbtoni's silver anniversary and sbower to honor Glenn Ash)ton anid Karen Yellowlees for thieir fortbcoming marriage, iat the- hiome of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy MN'cLaugblini on Sundayv after- rioon. Mir. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- son. Toronto w;ere Satujrday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson andbos Sunday supper guests of tie Bihl Ferguson's were thee Grant Ferguson's, Toronto, tbe George Dunbar's, Scar- borough, the Noel Morton's, Rev. and Mrs. Merrili Fergu- son, and Mrs. O). HillI ail of Oshawa. Mrs. Harry M,ýcKee, Nor- wich,, spent ten day~s with bfer daugbter Mr. and MArs. Bihi F'erguson and boys. DONALD SUTHESRIAND KAREN BLACK WILLIAMI ATHERTON BURGESS IMEREDITH RICHARZD A.*DYSAUT.- ]OHM IIURHAN und GU1RAIINU PAGE as Big Sitter MAYHANAUL WEST ~WAIO SAT* iROtqg HEL1AN JO 3HN SCHL951NGER . CA AR 7:00Oand 9:0 e lÀ ON t~ - f À A * g * g * - e * e * g * e g * g * e * e - e * e * * e * e * g * * g * g * e 0 s e g g e. g * ~ * g e g, e*gg Oc go *, cee. e cgee g. 7:O0and 9:00 72~-i46Î Bow anvllePet Shop 623-2921 34 King St. W. Bowmanville LOW 1 LOW I PRICES I Just What You've Been Looking For t m &m Variety and Arcade ORO()NO PHONE 983-9291 For Your Convenience We Have MILK, BREAD, BUTTER W'IDE SELECTION 0F POTATO CHIPS and SOFT DRINKS OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM CONES ASSORTED MAGAZINES and NOVELS TFRY OUR DIFFERENT GAMES 0F SKILL IN OUR ARCADE SECTION 0F THE STORE! ASK FOR YOUR WINONTARIO TICKETS. GPS' ~f\GW~ GMTING ITON PRODUCTIONS INC. PRESENT Y r'- iEat Here' or n~Take t With You! Venezia Restaurant R.R. 1 HWY. 115 ORONO Specializing In Real Italian Pizza, Spaghetti Fast Take Out Service SPHONE 983-5651 Three IKinsmen Arena $11,Game j Gàme I $300 Pot of Gold $1.000 Special $ 800 In 55 Numbers el100 Ver Line 8300 onsolation $500 Fuli Card Corsolatior WIN $2,500 JACKPOT If won in 58 numbers $1,500 must go- $100 Free Lap Card Game Highway 401 at Liberty St. Bowmanville Coro nation RESTA URZ4NT Serving Delicious Chinese Food Take-Out Orders a Specialty Fuli Course Meals Un a Home-Like Atmosphere ENJOY A RELAXING MEALm ý%FTER A DAY 0F SHOPPING 9 KING ST. W. 623-5412 MMU.. =ý Êm mm 316)