CR~OSBI E -Norm and Kath- le i (~nee Knight) are happy ta bunce the brh ftei o 4 nNorman, an Wednes- day, June 25th at 1:13 p.m., weighing 7 ibs., 14 ozs. Proud granciparents are Mr. and Ms. Norman Crosbie and Mr. and Mrs. Franik Knight. Spec- il thanks t0 Dr. H. B. Runctie andiallour friends, 27-1 PRICE - Richard and Donna ~ ~Marie are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Nichole Faith, 7 ibs., 13 ozs., ~born June 19, 1975at 2:01 p:m. in Oshawa General Hospital. Proud first time grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bird of Scarbarough and this is the fourth for Mrs. E.J. Price, Toronto. Many thanks to Dr. Spear and the medicai staff on 4th and th floors. %r. a d Mrs. Harvey T. Yeilowlees, Saiha, wish to anriaunce the forthcorming marriage of their daughter, Karen Lois to Mr. Gien Loyd Wesley Ashton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Haydon, on Saturday, Juiy 26th, 1975 at 4 Eidad United Ch5rch ~at 3:30 p. M. 27-1x Mr. and Mrs. AIian Thiessen of Bowmanville are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, k I I FORi1 ~DD Mrs. Alfred Grace,,Patricia, - Mr. andMrs.- Larry Simpson M NTR IG wish ta thank relatives, O S E BIG friends and neighbours, the New Starting Time Bowmanviiie Ambulanlce, Dr. THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. K. Siemon, Dr. Mosienko, <Sponsored by Memoriai Hospital, Morris Oshawa Minor Softbaii Funerai Chapei, those who JUBILEE PAVILlON made donations to the Heart OSHAWA Fund, Local 189 of Goodyear, 50-f Goodyear Shipping Dept., Pev. Tom Gracie, Durham WOODVIEW Regional Police Assoc. for the COMMUNITY CENTRE beautifui ftower arrange- MONSTER BINGO ments in the loss of a iavîng NXTM DA husband and father. 27 7:5 M.NA ________________ RED BARN - WAYNE ST. 1 wouid iike ta thank my OSHAWA relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their cards, in- quiries, also flowers, fruit and treafs while i was a patient in MAemoriai and Oshawa Gener- ai Haspitals. Special thanks ta nurses and staff of Caronary Care Unit and those of F wing, also nurses of Memorial Hospital, Special thanks to Drs. McKenzie, Anderson, Sproull and Munroe. Gardon Trim 27-ix I would like to express my sîncere -Thanks- to my famiiy, friends, neighbors and Orona Masanic Lodge for cards, fiowers and visits while in haspital. Special thanks ta Drs. Rundie and McKenzie. Aiso to the nurses on the third floor. W. Coivilie Evans 27-1 Open House Public invited between 1 and 4 p.m. on Sunday, JuIy 6 at the NEI-GOR CASTLE NURSING HOME in Newcastle. 27-1 Escorted Tours Mystery Tour July 6th Midland &Cruise July i3th Mont real Basebaîl Weekend July l9th &2th Niagara Fa ils - Game Farm Juiy 27th Pennsylvania Dutch Couritry v b [i -4740 Int. tractor (575 hrs.) -Satoh 650 gas tractor and Aiiied loader (20 hrs. oniy) 354D Int. fractor (30 hrs. on ly> 170 Allis Chaimers tractor with cab and loader (750 hrs.) -414D Int. tractýor with loader -400 gas int. tractor -S.C. 4 case tractar 100 Int. side mounted mowem -Trail type Int. hay con- ditioner -Case semni-mounted mnower -Two 80 pull type Int. camri bines -Int. IPR corn picker -Wagon grain box -New Hoiland spreader (like new) -30 Int. spreader -Two John Deere spreaders Allis Chalmers '3 furrow piaugh -New Holland bale thrawver SPECIAL NEW I4AY EQU IPMENT -990 9 ft. mower conditioner -No. 35 rake 230 Windrower with 12 ft. platform -1100 trail mower Robinson & Kitchen Farm Equipment Mt. 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways south of Lindsay, 705-324-6136 27-1 Faith Elizabeth f0 Mr. Ed- W al ietaepesarJuîy iuth - iJth war (Td) enr Donelysîncere appreciation ta aur Atlantic City son of Mr. Eclward Donnelly, many friends, neighbours and .luly l9th - 27th ANTIQUES FOR Wints o oro n rs JMdline19 relatives for their many visits, Boston Tour SAL E 1975atus4of T.rint. n ul 1 cards, floral tributes, dona- Juiy 28th - 31sf 1U75it4 p.m. in St. Pnal tions ta the Canadian Cancer Letchworth Park &OId Victorian Hanging Lamp, ville. 27-1 ociet- y and help in any way in Finger Lakes Baqth Lamprs. the passing of our bleoved August ist - 4th BnutLms husband and tather. Special Western Canada, Rockies& Brides Basket thanks to Dr. Ewerf and staff North West Territories PHON E 623-5414 thsof Memorial Hospifal, Bow- Aug, 2nd - 25th 27-lx manville for the excellent care Maritimes Tour F IN NE N-Ma rga réf;aft given him through his lengthy September 6th - 2th OSHAWA Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- iliness. Also rnanv thanks fo ville on Thursday, June 26, Rev. Schamerhorn -and the SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS TRACTOR SALES 1975, Margaret Playford of -Morris Funeral Chapel. Your Box 214, Port Hope R.R. 1, Bowmanville in her help was deeply app reciated. Telephone 885-2211 63rd year. Beloved wlfe of- Mildreo and Elaine Everiings 885-2200 2- Garnet Finnen, dear mother McPherson 2- of Mrs. J. Morris (Beryl), of 27-1EQIfN BC., Mrs. N. Couture (Aida) BINGO of Port Colborne, Mrs. C. We wouid like to thank RCOSEUIMN Clark (Bobby> of T yrafle and. everyone in the Newtonvil e NEWCASTLETRC RS EQ PMN Mrs. E. Kramer (Gladys) of cammunity for the enjayale COMMUN ITY HALL LW GRINEU1P Port Coiborne also survived evenîng and the glfts present- Tuesclay, JuIy 8th LW ADNEUP by 18 grandchildren and 2 ed ta us. great grandchildren. Resfed Sincerely, Early Bird Games 7:30 E I- L® at Northcutt Elliott Funeral Robert and Joan Imiach Reg-ular Bingo 8: 00 _________ Home. Funerai service and 27-1 x $400 in Prizes ir+týrment was held in Port~ PLUS$500JACKPOT FARM MACHINERY (borne on Monday after - I would like ta express my ~ Spansçired by ruM U~ ný'n 71 sincere thanks to my family, NEWCASTLE LIONS ,n271 friends and neighbours for NuK911 T GRIîLLS-At Memorial Hos- cards, flowers and visîts wêhitCMPC FR pitawa nvle.oi-Wd7i hsiai. Spcial thanks LdieRanRQeCOMACT-AR nesday, ,une 25, 1975. Verna Dr.] eer' nd r l'rk - ýe John's Joannas 'garden-tea, Tindal, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, the nurses on the 3rd floor for afternoons July 16-17 at Lake's SAL.ES-E RVICE- RENTALS aged 87 years, wife of the late ail their kindness and good garden, New Scugog Road, 4th ihn Karl Grills, dear mother of care. 'hmsDd house north of Taunton, 2: 30 - Phn 728-6901 Irene and Orval Grills, grand - 4327-12 1- mother of Delbert, Marion- (Mrs. Bert Dean), Lorraine À IB EDROOM suite, 7 piece; (Mrs. John Lehane) and six_ --g di ning roam, 9 piece; living gret 'randchildren. Rested 1 e * e * room, ail Burma-Danish teak- at.1IMrris Funeral Chapel, MI1I îýwoad. Ne\r, furnitlure very rBoKianville for service on PENWARDEN In iving CHI NA Cabinet,, soi oak, reasonabie. Phone 1-247-4377, Fricfay affernoon. Interment memory of William J. Pen- calil 263-2990. 27-1 52-tf Bowmanviile Cemetery. -1 wart ewho s1955.ui ALUMINUM siding, doors, PADDY'S Market now has - Sweet memnories will linger windows, awvnings, raiIings, e untre placs forever, ramn carrying systems. Lorne T.V.'s and stereos and alsco Time cannot change them if is AI lin, 1 Prince St. 623-3871. used furniture and appliances. true,- Supreme Window and Door Wii11 accept frade-ins. Paddy's 'Flowers Y rshtmycecanot CO. 27-ix Market, Hampton, phone 263 Syit Our ioving remembrance of CI-ESTERFIELD) suites, USDFriread pp- - Always remembered by rocking chairs, platiform ances. Paddy's Market, wife and amily. 27-ix rocker, bean bag chairs, Ham pfan 263-224 1. 26-tf VAN ELLEtelephone table, end tables, E LEHAYES - In lovîng memory coffee tables, baby's dressing INSTALL AN DAILY Deliveryto ... of a dear mother and grand- table, car bed, training chairsr URAC iOshawa - BwmanvillîeAre& mother, Eva, who passed o lIy jumper. Towne Used BOILAE Phone 623-4441 éý"'ay July 3rd, 1974. ý1umniture, 19 Temperance St,HUMIDIER :eau~ t;siful ;emrew: are Bowmanville. 27-1. HUMITIFER CARNATION to te~r. rmmee yHEATI4KIT Sterea equip- FIRncingAvaleR Harley, Joan and children. record turn table, speakers FURNACESCLEANED Fo l or27l n ae eodr Housed in PARTS AND SE RVICE FIGRAY - In loving memory af 27-1 CALL our ear othe andgrand- STOP IN AND SEE entered info rest, July 2, 1969. own. Brîng containers. Rudy PARTNE R OUR WEEDSEIL ohr h aeu h best Eyman Farm, 5 ýmiles east Of TI4EY'RE HARO TO BEAT years of life, Newtonville besîde Mrri-sh Your ESSO Service Dealer Carnaion Fowehohop a rsas, ur secrets, Churcli on Highway 2. 1-753- FREE ESTIMATES 6 23-7141 n 1 24 Hour Service .e -- - ..... C mfii. - - K Parts av quecdo( and mc Our reg m odern and quë HOOP dane with e equipment NiSS frained 34-tf Compressors, Generators Also Drill Presses, Grinders, Power Hack Saws .etc. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES Ace Machinery Company 859 A Nelson St. Os ha wa 723-0933 21-tf W HWHIT E'S TV ANTENNAS STowers, U HF, V HF ' Aeriaîs, Rotors& Repairs SApartment & Homes Pre.Wired S Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-ff Oshawa TV Anten na s & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF -VHF -Colored Aeriaîs Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed Ali pricecito SAVE you Moniey Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-ff WOOD SHAVI NGS Book Now for Sum mer and Faîl Phone 62,3-4455 Between 8 arm. and 4p. m. 25-4 SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturqr and distributor lias abave grçLn4.- ~aiùnirumpools left aver f romn 1974 season. 1/2 price. Guaraî- teed installation and terns. Cali Credif Manager collecf 416-292-2268. if CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- for for CormDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16-tf Applications will be received by the undersigned until July 9, 1975 for the position of Hlead Caretaker 40 hours per week at the BowmnanvilIe Senior Public SchooI. Applicant mnust have practical knowIedge of mechanical and electrical appamafus. GoodI working knowIedge of care- faking pracedures. The ability to wark harmyoniously with others. The ability ta organize awn work and womk of others. M.A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator- and Treasurer, The Northumlberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street, North, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario~ K9A 4L2 27-1 Applications wiii be received by the undersigned unil JuIy 9, 1975 for the temnporary posii!on of Head Caretaker 371,2 haurs per week at the Mfitcheil's Corner's Public School. Applicant must have practical knowIedge of mechanicai and electrical appamatus. Goad womking knowIedge of came- takirlg pracedures. The ability ta womk harmoniously with others. The abiIity to organize awn wark and work of athers. M.A. Macleod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North, Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FIRE FIGHTER Applications from quaIified persons are invifed for the position- of full fime Fire Fighter for The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Hall No. 1, Bowmanville. Applicants must have cam- pleted Grade 10, be of good character and medicaIIy f if. Application fomms are avail- able tram the Fire Hall, 132 Church Street, Bowrnanville. Written applications, clearIy identified, will be receivecl by the undemsigned until JuIy l6th, 1975. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Tem perance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L.iC 3A6 27-1 ~Newca stle Pub lic Bul idozig- Backhoeing-San-d- Library Board Grave - Top Soi -Aggregates BOWMANVILLE BRANCH abzePrtcie 264x C Requires part-time heip, 20C hcours per week including 2 CUSTOM~-MADE Furniture evenings and aiternafe Satur- for children, iawn, bookcases, days. Typing and a pieasant sewirlg cabinets, cupbaoards, personality to meet the public etc., 623-2677. 26-3x c required. Piease apply in writing before PROFESSIONAL PIANO Juiy 10, 1975 ta: TUNINO A SERVICING D.M. Dineen, Certif ied Piano Techn ician., Chief Librarian, Prompt rel labie service. 62 Temperance St-, Remember, "The tuner i Bowmarnville aione, preserves the tone.- 27-1 Member, Piano Technýcian's 1 - Guiid. R.N.s- part-time positions. Derek Hill South Haven Nursing Home, 52 nîpS.Whtb Mrs. Austin 987-4441. 52DnlpS.WWib 25-4 668-6247 RELIABLE, mature babysit- ter required for two schooi- age chilIdmen. Lawrence Cres. - WVaverly Rd. amea. Caîl be tween 7-8 p.m. 623-4734. 27-1 HAIRDRESSER wanfed full or part lime for Artistic Beauty Salon. Goocl guaran- feed wages, plus the best commission and work condi- tion. For more information calil 725-8710. 26-2 Anger Construction Co. Concrete, Chimney Repairs Contact Roy Anger 26-2x Mou ntj oy Backhoe Service Trenches - Drains Founclations and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Crushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjoy BLACKSTOCK 986.-4737 27-1 DOMESTIC £&COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Geddes Electric Penovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 48-tf MAINTENANCE man<, mat- ure middle aged, wvith plea- sant personaVity. Prefer sen- ior matriculatian or equiv- aient. Must have owvn trans- portatian and be available for shift wark and weekends. Write qualifications and sai- amy expected ta Advertiser 552, c-a The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bawman- ville. 27-1 Monte Hennessy Carpentry - Renovating Specializing in Fencing 728-0131 23-5x APPLIANCE REPAIRS RANGES-WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS AND AIR CONDITIONIERS SPECIALIZING IN Frigiçiaire JIM COLLISS 623-2891 lo-tf C &C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaneci FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE D>. BE ERS & SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of aitypes. 623-2263 20 tf CUSTOM upholstering, mecav- ering, me-styling, vemy reason- able, wvork guamanfeed, 20 years expemiençe. Free esti- mates. P lease ca il coIlect 1-986-5072. 26tff Lawn &Garden Ca re Rolling, roto-tilîing with a commercial machine. Seeding down new lawns or aid. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 22-tf VINCE MOORI CARPE NTRY House Renovating Paper Han ging - Paintir 247 Liberty N., Bowmanv 623-3568 Refrigeration AN D, Appliance Servi( Commercial and Domesi Refrigerati on - Milk Cou PHONE BERT SYEI Days- -ý------...---..623- Nights------------623- Lander Hardwae and ELECTRIC William G. Beati Painting and Paper H-ar( Light Trucking and Odd PHONE 623-4728 NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEN' REPAIRS TO ALL MAI Harvey Partneý Orono 983-5206 - Zenith1 BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS L 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5 187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Pattemned and Coloredl Glass and Glazing. 17 tf 1, Hampton. ?24-4x MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repairsfo ail makes of Lawni andl Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 Stf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EAN E PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. BOX 43 - Bowinanvïlîle 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and¶ Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 Sanridge Sand& Gravel L. Gilbank E 49ff Io enjoy the summer, Hë Locke T.V. wvill be clasec day Monday and Wednes cluring July and Auigust. Kut 'n KurI Beauty Sý open 6 dlays a week, Thurs and Friday evenïngs.r Saturday summer haurs, o'ciack last appaintment. ior citizens 10 percent afi hair, co's Monday, Tues and Wednesday anly. 623-5019 or 7! King St. Bowmanviiie. Tenders wilI be recel until 4 p.m. Tues., July 8, for the complete fabricatio viooden storage boxes. Sp fications may be obtai fromn the office of M~ NacL.eod, Business Adn strator and Treasurer, Mlorthumnberland and N, castie Board of Educalioïn, D'arcy St. N., Box Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. CLASSI FIED ITues., 4-30 pm.I staf f ýarry THREE. Charolais and one d1 ail Hereford steers. 1 Charolais, 2 sda>y HaIsteins and 1 Hereford heifers. Average weight 700- 27-8 800 lb. One 34' new Holland baie elevator wvith heavy dut)' h 3À H.P. motor and one A. C. 'ohydrauiic 7' trail mower, one New ay 1' ttie feeder. Good used 7-2 farm fence and barbedwie Sen- One Case No. 30 baier for fal parts (complete with good ýf a otr).Appiy ta Harvey Call Metcaife, 623-5742 affer 4 p.m. F .or weekends. 27-1 2 54 ived 1975 n of eci- ined min. the lew- î834 470, 27-1 Er-AR D 1NG, reasonable rates, pick-up and delivery can be arranged. Leeward Kennels Registered. 705-277- 2735. 24-tf THE Doggy Place - Register- ed Baarding Kennel, modemn spaciousfacilities. Dags $2.50, cats $1.50 daily. Take advan- tage of aur speciai campiete, groaming service and have hlim bathed and clipped while yau're away. Engiish Spring - er Spaniel puppies f or sale occasionally. 786-2234. 24-4 THE REGIONAL ce MUJNiCIPALITY 0F TWO maie 6 ma. dags, one tic DURHAM TENDERS FOR: gentie, one aggressive. Free >olers a) DPWV 25-75 Equipmneft ta gaod homes. 623-5347. R Renfat 27-1 x 3-74b) QPW 26-75 Supply anid-or -3177 Loading and Ha Uling of Granular Mat-rials, ire For the reconstruction of Regional Rd. Ne. 20 (MAosport q TF C cord)j Tenders wiil be received by ____ te Regianal Cierk until 2:00 st b e 'ty p.m., Tuesday, July 8, 11975. EUSRA riig Regionai tend1er forms must TEQNIGUESTRE Jobs be used for the tender. LARGE INDOOR ARENA Tenders mnust be submitted in BOARDING Regianal tendler envelopes clearîy markecl as ta contents. instution in 43-tf -Tender forms and envelopes Equitation - may be secured from the Jumping office of the undersignedc. Dressage Lowest or any tender not KES necessariiy accepted. Schooling of Huuters & Jtampers r D. P. Thurgarland, Hunters & Jumpors Bought & Sold 14620 Manager of Supply &RR 3 IowmANvLLE 623336 41 -tt Services, - 605 Rossland Rd. E.,GA S AC Whitby, Ontario.G.BRSRAC LTD. 27-1 Horseback ridin2,$3 per hour. Tenders ýcs or services addressed ta the nager, Finance Enquiries: 966-5687, Area Code:- 416 Tender documients may aiso be seen at the Oshawa Construction Exchange, 627A Wentýwamth Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. I nstrucfions a O Ta be consi demed each tender mnusf be subritted on the ROOMERS wanted. Cail after forms suppied by the Depart- 3 623-7750. 27-1 ment and must be accarnpan -____________ led by the security specified in the tender documents. The lowest or any tender not O a necessarily accepted. B.R. Warrenl 1968 CHEV. Impala including Regional Manager safety check. Bestofferwviil be Finance and Administration considered. Phone 623-3541 or Ontario Region contact Dykstra's Food Toronto, Ontario Market. .. 27-1 Bîackstoc-k - 986-4868 -- One bedroom apartment in --Bowmanvilie an ground floor. ANN B ADLEY Phone 987-4823 be'tween 10 Permanent Hair Removai a.m. and Il a.m. 26-tf 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723->7682MI f- 1966 PONTIAC 283, goad condition, $400. Uncertified, Phone 623-7227. 27-lx 197J ASTRE, GT wagon, 4 speed, sl,-ndard, 623-3735. 27-1 '66 LAURENTIAN Pontiac, V-8 engine, $275 or best offer. 623-3524. 27-lx GET CASH ToDAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES 1T1IROUGUH C LA S SIFIED1)S IrATr.IIE[uem [OU u~I~'j CHARGEX __________________ 44-tf PROF ESSIONA E LECTROLYSI Permanent Hair Removi BY APPOINTMENT ON1 112 Simcoe St. N Oshiawa 576-4705 Ear piercing service,1 Hooper. Phone 623-5747 appintment. RESULTS COUN Multiple Listing Serý Oshawa & Distriý Real Estate Boai vaI NLY 52-tf Dan for 7-tf USED Furniture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241. 33-ff CASH buyer wants good used furniture, higli chairs, play pens, strollers. Towne Used Furniture. Phone 623-4,681. 27-1 WE buy and seil everything and pay cash. Cali day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa, 19-f Wl LL buy, left aver al uminum siding, any amount to caver mry cabin up noth. Will pick u-o. Please phone Glenn Virtue 12: 00 ta 1: 00. 623-3381. 26-2 We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 YT! Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles âkb..Snowmobl les For Wrecklng Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGMEST PRCE PAID vice ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS t Yad623-5756 ,r fResidence 623-7112 u