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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman l3owmanville, September 3, 1975 - - -- ~ -»~-»--~A IfN i iIIIN!91 fDEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues.,, 4:30 p.me. Short Order Cooks fo the Cafeteria, 5-day week, Neatand tidy, personable, can be trainied. FULAND PART-TIME 5-day wveek, dlay and night shifts. Night Cashier for Cafeteria, 5-day week. Shifîs 3-11 Fer interviewv phone: Mr. Bujrke 623-3373 Flying Dtchmian Motor Inn 36-1 PERMAÎNENT, mrature sitter for children agýes 4i, 8 and 12, Non-smoker. Telerphonie 623- 4873 atter 7: 00 P.m 36-1 x SINGLE help fer dairy farm, duties te commence immiredi- ately,. Wiltrid Bowman, 263-8466. 36-1 RELIABLE nurses aides re- quired in new nursing home. Aise handyman. Caîl 987-4252. ANN BRADLEY Permianent Hair Removal 1CO Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 4-4-S0 Permanent Hair Removal 8V PPNMNTONLY 112 Sim cCe si, N. Oshaûwa 576-4705 ;F you have a drinking rbem please Cal1! A.A. 728- 1020. 36-tf Ear pierdcing service, Dan Hoper. Phoné 6?235747 for .aflffljftrnent. 7+1 The B.M.H.A. Moîners As- sociation. first fiai! meeting, Septemciber 9th at 7/: 30 p. m. at the Town HIall in Bowmran- ville. AIl 1Toro '"B" t eam-. 35-2 et e EQUESTRIAN TRIIGCEN,'TRE LAR".GE IDO RN BOARDiNG instrýctinn Equitation Dressage, Sà0liovolif Huntfersi& Jmpers uters C& Ju.M.Prs Bought & Sold RR 1 nOWANVILLE 237336 iA1-F-A R A B miar e. Two three-qarter Arab geldings, 1 anid 2 years o1d. Three-q'uar-ter Arab filly - 5 months old. Cal! 728-9830. BOAIRDlING, reasonable rates, pi;ck-up and delivery can be arranged. Leeward Keninels Registered. 705-277- 2735. 24-tf G. BAR S. RANCH Horsebac:k riding, $3 per tiour. Our myemrbers hip is EVen cheaper, wve have 9 x 12 box stails for rent, pieniy of room. Seecial ridiinq ring and iridi vi- dual corals for your conven- ienice. $50 per month. CALL US ANYTIME F E LIUX he ca l is lest! ! Fawn With) heavy black rings. Red plastic bew. Vicinity Waver- ley Gardens. Reward. 623- 3102. 36-1 DOG, 'black with white mar- kings, part collie, 192 King St. EasS. UbIELJ Furnitume and Applian- ces. P1addy's Market, H4amp- Son 263-2241. 33-tf CASH fetr geod usea fturniture, high-chairs, cribs, paypenis. Tewlvn e hised Furnitýure. 623-4681. We aIse seili on ceninet Notice fo Creditors and thers In the Estate et OttoRoel Bragg, làte 0f R.R. 4, Bow- manville, Ontario. Ail persons having dýaims agai nst the Estate et Otto Roswell1 Bragg, who died on or about March 31, 1975, are hereby required te send fu particulars et such dlaims to the undersigned Executors on or before the l9th day of September, 1975, atter which datethe Estate'sassetswill be distributed having regard only te claims that have then been received and the undersigned will net be liable to any person of whose dlaim they shall not then have notice. 11 Kennetli Edward Bragg, Ruth Marion Girardi, Jean -Louise Stewart by their Solicitors, Lovekin and Cureatz Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario 35-3 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Tender Sealed Tenders cleanly marked as te contents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m., E.D.S.T. WEDN ESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1975 fer: SPEC. NO. 75-22 One - 1/2 Ton T ruck Alil tenders must be submit- ted on torms supplied by the Town which may be obtained from the undersigned. Late Tenders net accepted. Lowest or any tender net necessarilv accepted. J. Dunham, Directer of Public Works, -Municipal Building, HAMPTON. Ontario. 221, 36-1 ONE-year-old creamn pomner- anian, female, spay>ed and ail needies. $50. Phone 623 -ý4803. 36-1 ONE-year old purebred Chi - huahua with papers, $100. Phone 623-7962 atter 5: 30. 36-1 A TT ENTIO0N: DOG OWNERS Prof essiona I Dog Groom ing Done with expert care and resuitsAlil Breeds and Mixed. DONE AT THE PET SROPF 34 King StreetVW. 623-2921ý Please Phee or Appointmnent 36-3 $25, puppies, 6 weeks eld, wilI be very smail dogs. Phone 623-4392. 36-1 Lan NEED MONEY? For Cars, New oir Used or anyother worthwhile purpose CALL: THE TORONTO DOMINION BANK 1at 6.23-2514 and ask for Mn, Weldon or Mrs. Cee.ý RELIABLE aduits would like country house to rent. Withir commuting distance of Osh- awa, 1-705-292-7121. 36-8x TWD or Shree bý_edroem home er large trailer. Furnished perterred. In Bowmianville or Sen mile radius. Write adver- tiser 568, c-e Canadian States- man, PO. Bex 190, Bowman- ville. 36-lx ONE bedroom apartment in Bewmanville on ground floor, reasenable rent. Write Adver- tiser Bex 566, c-e Canadian, Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontarie. 35t ONE bedroom apartment in Bowmanvil1l-eireasenable rent. Write Advertiser Bex 566, c-e Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont- ario. 35-tf STUDENT wants ride daily te) and from Torento or CGO Station. Phone 623-3062. 36-1 x *~ * ea TEN yards rotted cow manure. Phone 263-2538. 36-1 WE boy and seil everything and pay cash. Cal! day or nht 725-9783. Fiendly Flea Manket, 23 King, W., Oshawa. 36-1 1 9 tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobi les For Wrecking PUrposes SMAALL SCRAP METALS PIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKr.ERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yaýýr d 623-5756 Resience623-7112 45-tf speed tlransminssioncertif ied. Akg$1500;. '98F7 î437. 36-1 73 DATSUJN 240,Iz., four speed!, excellent conditio, certifieýd. Best offer 987-4931l a3fter 6 p. m. 1975 NWPORTChrysier, light gree-n with idark green vinyl top. 8000 l I.es. 6 months left on warranty. Estate sale. Best of)fer-. Phone r23-2983. 36-1 1975 BUICK LaSabre, 4 door hardtop, vinyl top, tinted glass, radio, etc. uder war- ranty. Phone 576-1304. 1972 TRIUMPH GT6, $27100 or best offer. Phone, 263-2993. 36-1 1963 RAMBLER sedanî, as is, see at Liberty St. Esso. $125. Phone 623-5061. 36-1 1974 KAWASAKI 90, G3, excellent cnito,$450. Phone 62-3964 36-1 '74 750 HONDA, 6,000 miles asking$90.Phonieé623-3213. 36-1 privileges,, references please. Wr-ite: Box 61, Hamipton., Onta Eri C ONE eaÈ ad,3 bedroom brickbungalo w30.monthy Plus uiies lPoe 623 4687 atter 2. 3W LARGE county home avail- able imdael.Rn 300. per month. Phone 26Î3-2216. 36-1 THREE ero aatet availabie Sept. 15. Caîl Drono 983-5674. 364St A THREE eromheuse in 15. $230. a monthl plus heat and hydro. Phone 1-786 2582. immeditey.Phonme62738 FURNISHED bedreems by monthd!, wek r day, soe and bath, licened premises, reasonable raies. Castle. Hoctel, Bwavle623-7,072. 51Wt MOTH-ER t' wo has four bed(roýomrm hýrinouse to share with same oc.r single woman. Seven: miles noýrth of Bowman- ville. Phoneý 2634-8885. 32-ff FOR REN T O R Bwmnia nVi i A A ,PiLA0 B1% ,EL E Satie SmnOffc e 66 K èNG ISTapW S>aturday:, Septemr 13 Auction0sleet',am stck and implements, the property ofet Dto Bauer, Lot 13, Con.3_ Reach Twp.,F 2 miles south et Manchester nn Hwy 7 and 12. 51 head et good Hereford and Charolais cattle, 15 Herýetord! Cews, wifh Charolais calves; by side, 2 springers, 18 Charolais yearlings, PureBred Char- olais bull (3 yrsi). This is a good herd et catIle, good Poli Hereford cows. Hamposhire bear, 2 s-ows due sean, 'i sow bred 2 mon., 1 sew with 10 pîgs ready te wean. 20 geod -chunks David Brown 885 tracter and leader (341 hrs) like new. Daývid Bown950 tactor, Dodge ï ftntruck 1969 (as is) MicCoi mick No. 27 baler, New Idea manure spreader (P.T 0.) good 3 rubber tired mwagons adhay racks (l nearly nw)Twose vibra shank cultivator 21 teoth, McCermick mewý,er, McCormick side rake, bl elevator and stooker, MAcCor mick double disc, McCormick plew, qu. et other good farm machinery, 2 power lawni mowers, 1 smaill iding lawn mower (reel type) iron sap kettie, qu. ot 5maI! geeds. Farm sold, terms cash, sale aI 12:00 noon. Reg and- Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Ph. 705 357-3270. 3- RESLT CNT 8utpe Lstn'evc Thurs,. Sept, îil Auction sale etfa-rm stock, imnplemnenýts, and hay, the property et Lawrence iMeýrri- son. Lot 3 '(outh hait) Con. 4 Maripe nsa Twvp. 5 miles s-outh otManilla or -C, miles nertheof Sonyaan 1 Mile east. 15 Heretord and Hoîstein cows with cal ves by side <pasture br 3icaves apprx 00 lbs. Hereford bull1 frem P. B. stýock. Davýid Br-owAn 990 diesel trac-, ter (good condition) A.C. tracter (W.CD.> and leader,' 1966 Mercury truck 34 ton) (as is) 1'965 Chev. truck 3 ton (net runninig) New Idea Manure spreadler P.T.O. 175 bu. (neanly new) New Idea ne. 17 sereader. Triple K cultivator, 34 tooth. McCormidk grain and fertilizer seed dril! 15 disd,, Lundell hay dhepper, Gehi Mix-AIi mili, Hydrien plow 4 furrew, Blackstone tertilizer spreader, M.F. ,DOUBLE DISC 20 IN. B3LADES, 3 jPT. 10M/2 FT. (goodi MNcLormick cern pick- er Il rew, Case Cern har'iesterý (1 row) 2 Forage wagons, several rubber tired wagons and racks, Badger silo unload- er (2 yrs) A.' C. cultivator. Rubber tired, wagon and feeder, M.F. g arden tractor 7 HP. (good) alce hay eleva- for 32 tt (clesed in type) Harrows, relier, full line et machinery, 350 bales et hay, Kawasaki, 250. Motorcycle. Farm seld, terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnsen Auctieneers. Phone (705) 357- 3270.36-1 y Saturday, Sept. 6fth Giving up tarmiflg. Auction sale et livestock, impiements, some household turniture. The pro- perty of Orville Cepp, north. hait Lot 8, Con. 3, Fenelon Twvp., 8 miles northwest of Lindsay te Cambray, 1 mile east and 1 mile noerth. -45 head ot Hereford and Shorthorn caIlle. Registered Hierd Sire born Jan. 31, 1971. 10 mature Hereford and Shorthorn. cows due time of sale, 1 '3 mature cows wvith 12 calves by side, 5 heifers, 4 bred-1 open, 9 heifer and steer calves il mes. aidi, 6 steers 1 yr. old. Allîs Chaimers WD 45 tracter, A-C 7' power mower, A-C snow blower PTO, Int 46 Baler PTO, Case 6 blade tiller, John Deere manure spreader, Int. seed drill, MH. grain drill, 32' hay elevator with undercarriage, Farm Hand side rake, 2 rubber tired wagons with. racks, grain auger, fanning miii, Pioneer chain saw, fullune et machin- ery, Bootjack, cheese can, wooden table, sap kettle, 2 iron beds, 2 couches, ceal i e steve wiîh oven, wooden chairs, rocker, wardrobe, pic- lure trames, dishes, many other items, Terms cash. Ne Reserve. Furniture sale at 1: 00 p.m. Machine sale at 1: 30 p.m. Cattie sale atl 3:00 p.m.. Carl Hickson, Auictioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705 324-9959. 35-2 Auction sale, Satl. Sept . 6th' turniture, antiques, tools. Property et John and Nellie Tripp, Lot 3, Con. 6, ýSout.h .Menaghoni Township, one mile south et Fraserville on H,-igh- way 28 and one mile east or 2 miles north of South Mon- aghon and one, mile easî. Inglis fridge (like niew), 21" Admirai TV., electric steve, tans, washing machines, eld chairs, bedding, dishes, sew- ing machine, cupboard, side- board, beds, wooden wagon, saddle, double sleighs, drums, nine sq. et shingles, block and tackel, quantity et wood, garden teels, ferks, shovels, chains, wheel barrow, electric pump, bicycle. Antiques Cee Cee-dlock, cepprer boiler, match box, mantle Cdock, weoden barrel, jacket heater, wooden recking chair, R.C.A. gramaphene (good), wash- stand with rail. Sale time 1: 00 p.m. Terms Cas'h -No Reserve. Venders are going te Fairhaven.Owen Fitzgerald, Auctioneer. Bethany 1-705- 277-2959. 35-2 Saturday, Sept. 13 -' startinç 11:OOa.m. -clearinglauctien el heusehohd contents, featurinc centemporary and antiqUÈ turniture, cohiectable glass. china, eh lamips, cracks, brass, cepper, gLins, primnitive woodenware, etc. The pro. perS6 et Mr. B. McLaughlin 543 6rew St., Oshawa. Being off Ritsen Rd. south, via Toronto St., just north of 401 highway. Patial lisf includes: jam cupbocard, washstands, blanket bexes, pine desk, walnutte wagon (a beautýy), secretary beýokcase, china cabinet, boktcase, 3 eld rock- ers, child's; Boston rocker, capt. chair, dresser, gun cabi-;ne-t, 4I pc. settee set, occ. tables and chairs, 4 pc. and 5 Pc.colnial'living and dining suites, c ranber ry piîckle crueS, collectiofe getus glass, 3 eld bsutbaýrrels, 2 epe-rgnes, Raa oultoi n mugs -and Plate, Nippon, Camnivai, amcy- thest, end e day, Caniadian pressed glqassý, -10 oh lamps, 3 Al,,adn lamps, vresTif- faniy týype lamps,, 12 cracks cce- ifhble lwersan weeoden-'ware, aid. school cleck, mnantie cdock, 4 Pc, foIet set, pr. et doeling pistols, shot- guns, rifle, copper samovar, copper iron ketties, picture trames, ceppertone steve, G.E. spin dry washer, and ether geed misc. items. Aoc- tioneers' note: This sale has some very good antique and quality items, well worthy of your attendance. The McLaughlins have been, avid collectons fer many years. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Kahn Auction Services 985-8161. 1 36-2 SAT., SEPT. 6th Auction sale et turniture and antiques, the property et the late MrÉ. 'Dera NetS, 164 Bigelew St., Port Perry. Wringer washing' machine, kitchen Sables and chairs, antique sewing machine, Thor range, Guerney wood and coal stave, three retrigerators, 2 studio couches, antique seven piece oak dinning room suite (round table), antique china cabinet, antique rocking chairs, 2 antique tables (one oak and one cherry wood with claws), odd chairs, 19" TV, antique 3 piece oak bedroom suite, antique dresser, sec- tional1 chestertileid, odd tables, antique oak chair and setfeç. Motfatt range (smalh), anti- que sectional, telephene bench, qoantity et dishes and glasses, antique dinner dishes, bedsp'reads, toaster, kettie, eiectric trying pan, silver- ware, some pets and pans, pictores, one trunk, lamps, aluminLjm windows, and gar- den tools. Sale at 1:00 pr-a. Terms Cash - No Reserves Grant Werry Auctioneer Hampton - 263-2603 35-2 Grist MiII1 Auction Barn Newtonville Sept. Sth, Friday, 7:00 p.m. The contents et an Orono home including pine harvest table, pressback and Beston rockers, tredle sewer, pic- fores, trames, quilts and bedding, beds, chestertieids, wicker chair, panfry cup- board, kitcheri set, smail elecfric appliances, kitchen rieeds, glass, dishes, wringer, A'asher, steve, washer and iryer, vacuum, electric broom, portable TV., lamps, buffet, rote tiller (like new), power mower, riding tracter (needs repair>, gas space heater, ail drums, dressers, chests et drawers. Terms Cash. Auctioneers- Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 36-1 Saturday, September 6th 1: 15 p.m. Saveon Products Warehouse Hwy. 28, Bewdley Consisting et rocking chair, hest et drawers, washstand, tables, chairs, dishes, glass- ware, ail lamps, cracks, hi-tidelify recerd player, eeoks and other items-stîi being censigned. Roger Banni- ster, auctieneer- 36-1 Saturday, Septernber 131h Farm sold, Auction sale. of livestock and implreents. Thepropertyof EarlHeiey south 12 Loi& 14, Con. 14, Emily Twp. 8 miles north of TD Bank, corner in Omemi-ee on, County Road te l4th con. of Emnily and 212 miles east. 36 head et Hereford and' Charo- lais cattle, 13 mature Heretord and Charolais cattie with 13 cal ves by si de, 1 cow due Dec., 1 cow dry rebred. 5 Charolais heiters, 'IlHereford fheifer, Hpreford steer '11/2 yr-S. Old. Charolais bull 15-16 recorded. Bull exposed July lst, 1970. John Deere 510 tractor, ap- proximnaiely 1000 hrs., Int. No. 36-3 furrow trip beam plough, M.F. dlyna-balance 7' powver mower, 3 pt. rubber tiîred wagon with rack, M.H. No. il1 side rake, Int. 13 disc. seed drili good, Maple Leat 26' hay elevator, M.H. electric cream separator-gdood, 16" barri fan with 1thermostat fuilfme oet machinery. Terms cash., No reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer,' Reaboro, Ont. 705-32,4-9959. 35-3 ,"Waverîy Gardens" Buit by Mariannia Developments Your Guaranteeoif Qualilty Construcion IêOM'ES FROM57,8 $4, 150 ÀPW Feat unes include:. ïClean Derendable Electrc Heat -Large family kitchen -Flnlshed family roomn -Completclyboaomd -11/2 batýhs -Fireplaces -Attached garages -Fuli y sodded lots, -Completeîy serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Dal1ly 1A,M.to7-PýM. Open HoUse aNewcastle Choîce et 2 Dehuxe.;Modeis te ChoeFromn MAR IANNA DEVELOPiMENTS' ýu ilt by Diviýsion of Veltri & Son LiM~ited Weil known for quaîlity construction and superior 1workma nship. Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 h 43-f ip y BOWMANV!LLE - good star- ter home with separate D. R., 2 bedrooms and 58 x 150 foet lot. Close te schoi in north end area, asking $40,000. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom brick bong alew with garage and paved dirive, rec. reom, extra bedrooiný basemyent. Close Su hespitai, school and shlopping, asking $48,500. WHITBY - nicely Jandscaped, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive and garage, beths and large L shaped rec. reem, asking $55,000. Must be seen te appreciate. BOWM AN VILLE- 11/2 acres zoned light industry, access off service road, close te creek, has 2 bedroom, bunga- low. Caîl for more informat- ion. CLARKE TOWNSHIP 40 acres fading on 2 roads, building permit available, some bush and creek, asking $1.5,000 down. 36-1 ORONO- two new houses, Church S 't. at Station Street. .Few stepstram shopping. On 76x166 foot lot. One bungalow with three bedrooms - $54,700, One split level, three bed- roomns with den, rec room, wash roem on ground floor. $61,500. Beth breadloemed with sliding deor trom dining te garden. Chimneys for tireplaces in basement. Ph'one 1-983-5709 atter 5 e'clock. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH S TAT E SMAN C LASS5IFlE DS FRANK, REALTOR 17King St. E., Sowmrany1llO 67 -6 4REAL.TOR SOLID BRICK, eider 2,bed- room twin home, tamily size kitchen with large pantry, fui! basement, double car garage, large hedged shadly lot, close to schools and hospital, pniced te seli at enly $32,900. wve car de the tinancing. SOUTHWAY DR. eider Q bedroom brick home with dining reem, fuli basement, garage, nice shady lot, vendor will hold the mortgage. $3,500, FIULL PRICE for this 2 bedrroý-m cottage on Lake Ontarie with a bit oet work could be a pretty setting. 36-1 I<EAL. I V 623-2503 ORONO- 3 bedroom 112 sterey home in very good repair. Large living reom, separate dining, ta^miiy size kitchen, tridge and stove lîke new. Good 'lot, beautifol shrubery. Oniy $39,900. BOWVMANVILLE- double home, live in one side and rent the 2 aýpartments for a steady incomne. 2 garages, swimming pool, new paved- drives, new root and fornace. Good terms. 812 per cent mrtg. Cali for more detail.. OLD COUNTRY CHURCH.,~ solid as the day it was build. Ideal for many oses and lets et area, te boild yeur dream 'ome amid large shade trees. Unbelievable- $23,000., terms available., ORONO- income, home, 3 apartments ail in goed repair. close te shopping, school and park. Total monthiy rent is $4900 Owners meving away, very anxîous, make an offer. 36-1 Pat Marierrison 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dohie Davey 786-2256, (New.ýtonville) BDWMANVI LLE Custom but, brick bungalow, quiet residential area, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, fin ished base- ment with fireplace and extra bedroom. Excehlent value aS $57,500. NE WTDNVILLE;- Ranch bungalow en! a large let, tînishe 'd basemient, good residential area. $54,900, te1,rm S. BOWMANVI LLE Immnaculate custom buS t3 bedroom heuse on 12 acre landscaped lot with in-greund swimming pool, tinished bLase- ment, goed location. 559,500. 36-1 REA T ATE LMITED< ,MiCH-URCH STREET BOCWMANVILLE, ONTARi, LiC 1T, 623-4428 NEWCýAS.TLE - CIean Shree bedrom brick bungalow on a quiet cou1rt- Large backyard wilh garden amea. Firep lace, finished i aundry room and extra bathroom in basement. Cali now for an appeintment. $54,900, TREED BU ILDI NG LOT - 112 acres only 4 miles frem Bowmanville. Secluded loca- tien bot easy access. $24,900. JUST LISTED- A choice 10 acre lot at Kendal. Has an ideal building site surreunded by trees. $35,500. PRESTON ROAD - Luxury home on 21/2 acres. 2,300 sq. tt. plus a huge finished games oem and finished rec. reem. AIl in.direct lighting, ful wall tireplace and custom drapes are enly a few ef the mrany extras on. thîs home. Phene for details. Pnices aS $129.000. BETHANY - Spacieus 3 bed- roem brick home. Separate diningroom, tamilyroom, tire- place in livingroom. Garage, $43,900, Ask fer Rey Strong. 36-1 SERVICE Station Gas Bar. 4 Bays. High gallo3nage. Show- room, offices. 34 a cres.,Corner location on high volume road. Located Hampten, jost eut- side Oshawa. Asking $170,000. Cali Mike Danzigcer Tor. 923-5738, Oshawa 576-4844 I.C.l. Department. W. Frank Real EsSaIe Limited, 115 Simcoe Street South, Dshawa. 36-1 £J-ý 4 uI*n. ....- 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 OUTSTANDING VALUE $59,900., Large side split wiff famly' room, open fireplacf with waikout te patio. Ültrî modern kitchen, laundry roonr on main flber, 11/2 washrooms Double garage. Fui! y land scaped. 93/ per cent mort gage. Good location in Bow manville. Cali Stan Lockyer. SUPERB SIDE-SPLIT BOWMANVILLE 4 bedrooms, family room witf floor-to-ceiling fireplace, 11/: bathr-oom-s. King-size foi ter onily $58,500. CalI Ken Brown BEST BUY IN TOWN - BOWMAN VILLE Beautifully Ikepti back split. Large living and family roomr with fireplace. Attached'gar. age. Quai1ity breadloom throug haut. Asking $59,900, Cal J an Oudshoern. BOWMANVILLE AT THE LAKEi 11 Excellent starter home, on large lot. 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. School bus at door. Asking only $23,900. Tlermis. Owners anxious te seli. Cali Bud Virtue new be-fore if is sold. BOWMAN VILLE Spacieus side split homne with la mi"y reom, fireplace, L- shaped iving-dining roem, 11/2 bathrooms, large master bed- room, luxurieus carpet.ing and many fine features. Located in lovely area, close te transp.or- tation and shopping. $60,900. with excellent mortgage. Cail Elfie Jost. N EWCASTLE $47,000Owill buy this attractive 3 bedroomn, brick bungalow with attached garage. Nicely landscaped 66 x 132 ft. lot with good garden.. A real investment. Cahi Bill Turan- sky. SEVEN ROOM HOME On lot 100 x 870, just west et Bowmanville fer only $64,900. Owner moving west. Extras include 2 fridges, dîshwasher, steve, washer and dryer. Cali Kay Brown. LESKARD ROAD, OWNER TRANS'rERRED Ths3 year ohd- immnaculatae, ail breadloom famyiiy home on large 75 x 200 lot offers 3 bedroomns, Il/2 baths, sunroom with slîding glass doors te sundeck, eat-in kitchen, f in- ish-ed lauindry room, attached garage and fully insulated n ec reom ready to finish with f ir e plaïce t îlue aiready in- stalled. Asking price of $57,500 is open f or effers. Terms. To show cail Christa Winterhelt. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - BOW, OUTSKIRTS Situated on a 65 x 250 lot this stucce home has a very large kitchen and living room, paved driveWay, good garden, single car garage, new fur- nace. Many extras to stay. Asking only $44,900. Cali Charlie Reid. 4 BEDROOM BOWMAN- VILLE -à- $47,900ý This geod brick bungalow is situated on a 60 x 130 lot finished rec room, large living reomsingle car garage. Best buy in the office. Asking only $47,900. Cali Charlie Reid. CENTURY HOME BOWMAN VILLE Excellent brick home w-,ith six extralrgeroornis and barn on a beautfly treed lot 80 x 148. Asking $59,900. Tferms. Cail Tony Klompmaker. BACkSPLIT 80W. This 4 bedreom home is prefessionaliy. decerated and features large family room and attached garage. Asking $53,400. with large existing mortgage at 91/4 per cent. Cail Tony Klempmaker. - BOWMANVILLE Custom built 8 room home. 3 bedrooms. Located in one et the Towns best residential areas. Attached garage, fenced and iandscaped lot. Asking $64,500. Cal! Pat Yeo. O)RONO FOUR BEDROOMS' ý2 year old home with seven reemns, 11/2,baths, large pool size lot fer only $50,900. Open for offers. Cali Ken Brown. TYRUNE Mr. C. W. Woodley and Mr. and Mrs. James Woodley and family were Tbursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mvrs. Edg,,; Harrup, Dobie. Tyrone Jr. Boy's basebal team are replaying Hampton A team Thursday evening in Hampton. Game time 5 p.m., After spending thé summer with, the Knowlton family Mr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton, Janet Knowlton and Tamie Thornton took Pat Wernham te bis home and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and family, Comber- nere. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rundie, Matthew and Christa, Bow-' -manville were Saturday after- - neon guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. -Fernland, Bowmanville; Mrs. David Halewýood, Oshawa, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sosnowski, Oshawa were Sun- iday supper guests of Mr. and '2Mrs . John Rundie and Gail. r Mr.* and Mrs. Harold Tri- -vett, West Hill, attended the Woods-Tierney wedding and reception and spent the week-, end with Mrs. Eçina Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Robert~ Cameron KE NaDA L The Church Board met in the S.S. room on Monday for general business. Mr. Thos. Stevens was appointed Chair- man of the Board and Mrs. Reg. Elliott was added te the Board of Stewards te fila vacancy. After many years of faithful service Mr. Ralph Geach bas tendered bis resig- niationas caretaker and we extend our thanks te bi. Anyon e interested in this position is asked te contact the secretary 983-5188 or the chairmnan 983-5466. Rev. Gordon Montgomery's sermon on Sunday was based on the "Sbepberd Psalm". H1e compared people te sheep who wander away and become lost but are like the good shepherd who leads'his sheep in safe places are brougbt back by the cemforting thought. "The Lord is my Shepherd. Suitable hymns were sung "'The King of Love mny Shepherd is" and "Savieur like a Shepberd'lead us" and "The Lord 's my Shepberd". On the bulletin appeared "The Absentee's Alpbabet" going the many poor reasons for net attendîng cburch. Vacation i,, over new se let us get back t, cburch. As John Bradshaý- says every Sunday morning. "No matter what your faitb or creed go te cburch with your~ family on Sunday." The Hellebust family of Teronto and the James Stev- ens family of Guelph were wxitb their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens, We were glad te see them at cburch on Sunday. M'rs. Bryant Brown, Cays,é,_ and Michael of Messby, near London mDent a few davs witb their aunt Çatberine Stewart. Miss Lori Brimbecomn of Whitby was aise a visiter. Miss Mary Young R.N. of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Wood. Our U.C.W. will he held on Sept. l0at tbehome of Mrs. W. H. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleten have moved te Orono net Oshawa. Sorry fer the errer last week. Miss Alma Cooper who lived i- Kendal for mnany years passed away at Memor- ial Hospital. She had been at the Sunset Lodge in Bowman- ville for a number of years. 1School started for another year with fewer pupils than usual. Mrs. Leonard Hey will be teaching each morning. MIr. Gordon Fergusen is again principal. The Grades 7 and 8 will be attending "The Pines" senior school and a number of littie folks are beginning Kindergarten at Kirby. Mr. Ralph Kennedy bas been in the bospital for treatment on bis knee. Planning an adoît party? Then becomne a label readcer band of Isabel Champi&~ R.R. 3, Bewmanville,brte of Mrs. Thelma Ballyn, Van- couver, Harold Osborne, Cranbroek, B.C., George Os- berne, Oshawa, in his 75th year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Homne, Osh- awa, with funeral service in the chapel; Thursday, Septemr- ber 4th at 3: 00 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. Me- meniai donations te Ontario Heart Foundatien would be appreciated. 36-1 Saturday, September 6 Auction Sale et turniture ar antiques, t-he properly et Mr and AMrsý. St eart Ma,ëc Far lane, 93 Crand(eli St. in thf Town et Port Perry. lst stree west ef town hall tomn souti G.E. refrigj., Frigýidaire stnve drap leaf table and chairs qoantity et dishes, somE antique,- glasscomport, no< get pitcher, geblet, silver ware, qu. et china cops anc saucers, 10 pc. solidi walnui dining room suite (geod cendi tien), Gerhard Heintzmar piano (geed) with bench, chesterfieid and chair (geed) 3 parleur tables, 2 platferrr rockers, magazine and' cotteE table, end tables, Televisior, captain chair, (geod), 3 pc. bedreom suite (modemn), ar- tique dresser with ublong mirror with drawers each side et mirror and 1 long drawer ai the bottom (a real good antique piece), steel bed wvith new mattress, vanity dresser and steel, Arrow back chair, leatherette 2 seater ceuch (geod), McClary Easy deei freeze, temnery, tronk, exten- sien ladder, Electric lawî mewer (new) vise, power drill 12 H.P., tools, garden tools, etc. Dwners giving up house- keeping, terms, cash, sale ai 12:00 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Ph. 705-- 357-3270. 36-1 HOUSEHOLD Auction Sale for Mn. and Mrs. J. Crawford in Village et Hampton, on Scugog St., 2 Hanses North of Mun(iricipal Hall Friday, Sept.,Sth 6:30 p. m. Dii space heater, automatic washer, autematîc dryer, electric steve, upright 16 cu. t.G.E. freezer (,l yr. aid), misc. kitchen appliances, weed steve (special Harriston steve), kitchen cabinet, kitch- en suite, dishes, cabinet radio andi, record player, vanity dresser with stand, several wooden chairs, oak armchair, desk, swivel office chair, coffee table-, end tables, hall ceat rack, televisien, recerd stand, book stand, mantel radia, several ether- fables, smaI! round tables, baby's change table, carniage, youth bed, playpen, car 'seat, eval rog (8 x 11), laundry tubs, lawn chairs, Sent, portable typewriter, garden tools, kit- chen suite, 'coffee table an~d dard table, easy chairs, book- case, amps, chestertield. Termns Cash - No Reserve Owner meving te Manitoba Please note starting lime 6:30 p.m., STEVE LI PTAY, Auctionee-r 263-2117 RE QURE D We have ca sh boyesfo hmes i n the Bowm an vlhe area. Perhaps yoor heme would bring top dollar? We'jl be pleased fo appraise it fer you and heip yeu' locate the "home ef yeur dreams". For friendly eftîcienSt sale et yeur home, cal! P. & R. Realty Company, Realter, Bennett Rd. and Ne. 2 Hwy., Bowrnan- v i1 e 576-6120, - l7tt à qeý

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