The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 3, 1975 13 Moffaît Has "asic Trust" IinPublîc Ooain iofl n3y Doug Taylor Provincial Electien candi- date for the NDP in Durham F~ast, Doug Moffatt, while at ;~Bowmanville campaign nsice last Wednesday, was àu estienedon his view of the ýourtice Concept situation which has recently caused heavy discussion in Newcastle Town Council. Mr. Moffatt, essentially in -gree entwith the- opinions spearheaded by Councillor Ann Cowman, suggested that the problem is net that the Courtice Concept is a bad plan, but that the people in the area had ne input inte it until it was cernpleted, and then only emotional input. SThe candidate feels that under the circumstances, the people of the area followed the right course of action. B-e advised that hie has "a Rotary Celsius Thermometers Members of the Rotary Club wiII be canvassing 'the Town of Bowmanville on Monday and Tuesday evenings,' September 8th and 9th- selling Celsius Thermometers at a cost of $2.00 each. The Rotarions solicit your support in this venture and money raised wiill go towards furthering Rotary [work in our Community. ~~ Dogoffotf OneMon ..OneiJob For Action On *HOUSING ,HIGH F06D PRICES ,ENERGY *HIGH RENTS vote Doug Mof fatt - New Democrat Durham East -Sept. 18 basic trust in the general public making goo ddeci- sions," and suggested that enquiries of people on the Street will provide as valuable an answer as a study by a professional planner, the only difference being that the planner has a total overview while the person on the street is mos-t knowledgable of bis own direction. Mr. Moffatt further re- marked in regard to planning that "It's bad news for our society when the peopie have no contact with the region." Federal NDP Leader, Ed Broadbent, accompanying Mr. Moffatt on his Wednesday visits, said it is ironie that the region was created by a party (Tories) that basically indi- cate an adverse opinion on planning. Mr. Broadbent sug- gested that the Conservatives have managed, through the manner in which they set up Regional Governments, te create opposition to planning. Mr. Moffatt advised he has, firm beliefs on the necessity of planning in order te build the needed services into the growth of a commumity.' He cited a main problem as being the lack of the province itself te develop îan official p lan, a matter he stated would be a priority of an NDP Government. The probiem of a lack of a rovincial ian was indicated gyMr. Moffatt in regard te the proposed Parkway Beit which the province merely Say will run somewhere through the territory of the New Town of Newcastle. He dlaims, however, that their indecisivness as te the exact location puts a limit on the planning te be done at' the local level. Darin and Joann Madore, Weston spent two weeks holiday with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and all enjoyed a few day's camping at Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wool- lings and son Bruce, Burling- ton were recent luncheon guests at Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Ashton 's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Toronto were at their home in the village on the weekend. Baby Jeremy Blackburn, Orono spent a couple of days wîth his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn. Mrs. Ruby Lock and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ashton, Fort Erie, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Graham, and Gregory, Valleryfield Quebec, were weekend visi- tors with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grabam. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keith, Ottawa, Mr. and- Mrs. Tom Pleasance, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood, Mr. and Mrs. ,,C,. Rankin, Oawwere Sunday visitors of Mrs. C. Garrard's. Mrs C. Rankin is PC Candidate Cutsi Ribbon fo 0f ficially Open Rooms Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. John William Merriarn the former Miss Dawn Marie Berry on their roarriage on Saturday afternoon, August 30th in Orono United Church - Rev. Basil E. Long efficiated. Reception and the wedding dance was in the Main Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Merriam will reside in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plumbý and his mother Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willowdale visited Mrs. Geo. Morton on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Cliff Bruton was trans- ferred from the Oshawa General Hospital te the Prin- cess Margaret Hospital, Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulîford and children of Meaford spent the long weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Harris and other -rela- tives. Miss Marilyn, Morton and Mr. Ken Minion of Peterbor- Cutting the ribbon to open his Newcastle area campaign office on King Street East in Bowmanville during th e rain storm laie Friday afternoon, is Durham East Conservative party candidate Charles MeIlveen. Mr. McIlveen is accompanied at the ribbon cutting by Northumberland-Durham Conservative M.P. Allan Lawrence, lef t, and other campaign supporters. Drag Boat Champion Wins $300 in CNE Races Norm Phillips of Bowmanville, North American Drag Boat Champion for 1975 and Canadian High Point leader tÔ date, finished two days of drag boat racing at the CNE with an average time of 13.76 seconds to win thirdplace and $300 in prize money. First place went to Gary McLauran of Ottawa and second to Dick Buller of Oshawa. The above photo shows Phillips in action, driving his 427 Chevy powered El Bandito over the course. Entwistle Respects Council's. Stand On Nuclear Plant- Kirk Entwisle, Town of Newcastle Councillor and Candidate for the Liberal Party in Durham East voiced staying with Mrs. C. Garrard, for a littie while. Dan Curwin was Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Buttery and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Welland, vîsited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Micheal Strenge, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Mr. Kyle Graham, Mr. Frank Neilsen were guests at the Bradburn - McLaughlin wedding at Blackstock United Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs., Ross Ashton, and familywere.dinner uests et Mr. and Mrs. vicheal Strenge, Mississauga, a week age Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn attended the Feley picnic held at the Haydon Cernmittee Centre recently. Neil Blackburn accom- panied Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Blackburn and Susan, Orono, te Ottawa, and spent a couple ef days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potis are spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts, Cornwall. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, is holidaying at her home. Miss Lynda Buttery atten- ded the C.N.E. on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon were guests at the Bradburn McLaughlin wedding at Blackstock United Church on Saturday. Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy, Enniskillen, Mrs. Wayne Blackburn and Susan, Orono, visited the W. Black- humn family. Mr. Wayne Blackburn, Mr. Wilbur Blackburn and Neil' attended the C.N.E. on Sun- day. Several from Haydon atten- ded Blackstock Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon attended the Toms familv picole at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Black- stock. Club 21 meeting Sept. 8th, Monday at the centre. Guest speaker Mrs. Bey West, Bowmanville. Group 1 in charge. his support Frîday of a resolution on the books of Newcastle Council. The resolution of wbîch Mr. Entwisle spoke was that advising there is some appre- hension in the community about the proposed construc- tien of the largest nuclear plant in the world between Bowmanville and Oshawa. The resolution goes on te, demand that the Ministry of Energy explain the pros and cons of a Nuclear generating plant te the public of tbe area concerned by a publie refer- rendum te decide whether or net it sbould be built here. Mr. Entwisle in Bowman- ville Friday te open his campaign office stated "I respect that resolution and if elected will demand of the gevernment that they follow it to the letter." He reports that "the, Tory Minister of Energy when advised of the reselution in my presen 'ce responded by saying simply "ne way." Mr. Entwisle further sup- ports the stand of the Town of Newcastle Council in respect te the location of the Hydre Lines. Lt was recommended by Dr. Solandt te the gevernment that the lines be run immedi- ately soutb of Hwy. 401 between the Wesleyville sta- tion in Hope township and the proposed Darlineton Station Ontario Hydre, having spent considerable funds on a study, recommended that the lines follow a route some five miles further north. The Town, however, recorn- mend that the route for the uines be establisbed stili fur- ther north on less arable land. As te tbe question of the planning problems facing Newcastle Council in the CoUrtice area, Mn. Entwisle dlaims "the O.H.A.P. pro- gram which caused the Cour- tice Concept te be invented bas turned eut te be a zero." The candidate furthen ex- pressed that in bis opinion there is "ne danger that the concept will go abead" Be admits that there is likely te be some small scale grewth and developmenl in that area but that the massive scale proposed by the Tories ,,in my epinion, just wen't happen. £jLIZ ADLIRVILLL CN.rE. -o' Mr, and Mrs. W. Deremeo, day ands Orono; and Mr. and Mrs. A. Many oth, Trew and Richard, Cobourg, on variou were in the area over the Mrs. J1 weekend. land, wer Miss Donna and Patsy Mrs. H.S Moore, Stayner, spent a cou- Sunday fc pie of days with their aunt - Mr. Jin Mrs. R. Westheuser and lef t home a fi forhobeewith Mr. and Mrs. G. for,,Ellioti Fowler. Wednesday morning. teach. 1Thickson took in the b a bus trip Wednes- saw Lawrence Welk, hers attended the Ex. us days. J. Dekoker, Sunder- nt home with Mr. and Staats, Brantford, on Fr a few davs. m Muldrew has been few days and has left Ut Lake where he will ougli spent the' weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton. Rev. Roger Maggs, Chap- lain at the Oshawa General Hospital was the guest speaker at St. Savieur Angli- can Church last Sunday. Mrs. Jim Middleton re- turned home last week from the Memorial'Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. Henry Cornish, age 71, husband of Evelyn Cornish passed away on Saturday, August 3th in the Oshawa General Hospital. Funeral service was frem the Barlow Funeral Home on Tuesday afternoon. Interment Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Chas. Cooper is a patient in the Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanville. -Mrs. A. Harris of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Deug Hird of Whitby visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barris. Dykstra 's World of Foods ýWeeken»d Specials GRADE A-i BEEF STEAK SALE Aà -ý Plorter House T-Bone Wing LB. FOR THE BAR-B-Q LARGE SELECTION 0F Direct from Niagara and local grown produce a rriving daiîly. CHAPMAN'S TOASTMASTER Ice-Cream WHITE SLICED Asst. Flavors. Bread i 1/2 Gai. 2 ave79t VOOTMA'SFINE QUALITY (Save Up To 38c) Pkg.i VIVA DECORATED Paper Towels 89 C2Rl (Save 20c) pg WHITE SWAN Tolet Tissue 49 Rol (Save 14c) 49 Pkg. FREE! ! ýTh-straPARKING; 9S 73-77 King St. W. Delicatessen Food Market Regional Mvunicipality of Durham Planning and Development Commttee Offi*cilai Plain of the, Regional Mu n icipo iT y of Durham Monday, September 22nd, 1975 8:00 p. Bowýimanville High SchoolAuditorium LIBERTY STREET NORTH The purpose of this meeting is to present to the Council and the Public of the 1TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE various choices for future population growth and land use, as part ofthei process of erng an OJFFICIAL PLAN for Durham. The public is invie to attend, and present their ideas and concern regarding the development of the Région. In âddition the public is invited to view INFORMATION DISPLAYS AT Newcastle Village Community Hall, Sept. 23-9:00 a.m.-8:0 p.m. Bowmanville Court House., Sept. 24 - 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Courtice Secondary School Sept. 25-1 0:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Further information concer ning these meetings and information displays cau be obtained from the Region's Planning and Development Department, Whitby, Telephone 416-668-7731. Clark Mason, Chairman Wm. F. H. McAdams, Commissioner keep Your Dog Under Control OBED)IENCE LESSONS Registration Septem ber 8, 1975 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Carisen - 852-6708 Mrs. Swan:- 986-5332 N EWS