14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 3, 1975 Nestieton On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish,- Mr. *and Mrs. m' George Bowers enjoyed the M~ Senior Citizens bus tri* to M ' Hàliburton, Bancroft and Pe-o ua terborough for eve ning dinner at the Steak House. To Recent visitors with Mrs. Gordon Gillson were Mrs. Mae Jones, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bell, Mrs. Arthur Bell, Toronto. On Friday, Mr. Marvin Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fudge and Mrs. Gordon Gi- son visited with Mr. Ted Lennard in St. Michael's Hospital and brought back a good report of his condition. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fish attended the fall exhibition at V Kitchener and Elmira on Saturday. Sunday afternoon and even- ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lindsay. Mrs. JeanHooper, Willow- dale, spent Friday to Sunday ,with her sister and brother-mn- law, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Fisher, Caesarea. Sunday afternoon visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fed Dayes ~ ~ k returned on Sunday from a delightfui trip to Washington . They had a tour of the White Hlouse and also had a bus tour of the interesting points in the c 'ty; saw the grave of the late Jo h F. Kennedy in Arlîngton * ASST'D Cemetery. During their trip COLO UR S they also went to Gettysburg 2i'L where Abraham Lincoln in ten 2 PLY sentences, gave the famous VV Gettysburg Address. Thiis has m corne down through the ages t as a masterpiece of logic,à,JW faultless in sentence structure Btrvi and above ahl it breathied ýof purest patriotism. The scenic drive through the-mountains of Virginia added to their T pleasure. The fifty-five mile i s %0L per hour speed limit contribu- i. ted to a most relaxing holiday. Four toil gates assist with maintaining these super high- ways. Major and Mrs. Peter Philp, O Brock and Tanya, who have been stationed for the past two years in Australia, spent Thrsday to Monday with Mr. and Mrs. -George Heaslip. They were enroute to their new posting at Greenwood, Nova Scotia. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. David Philp, Brad- ley and Leanne, of Oshawa, were other guests with the Heaslips for a family gather- ing. Mr nd Mrs. R. McClusky Cr atic have sold their farmn to Mr. SaeofToronto. Four years ago the McCluskys purchased the farm fromn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Collins who are now residing at Orangeville. On r Monda wit Mr.Collins as M' tcapable auctioneer, a .m speddcrowd attended a m mnost sucressful auction sale. owned and operated the farmiik for five and one haîf years and1LBTI termany friends were ing insi. It is back to school again for publi, secondary and-unver- sity students. Mr. and Mrs. Ben DeJong have the honor of having one daughter and two sons attending university this Ilu year, Ilene, Brian and Ivandm will be at University of u rapesI Guelph., Mrs. John Elliott I (Susan MeCoîl) at Trent University, Peterborough, Rosi Frey at Victoria College, A University of Toronto, Chris- f a * tine Pantschuk and Dianne ~ Perigoe at Snc College. ONTRI Sunday over-night andg Mon-ONAROR day guest of Mr. and Mrs. GROWN Bruce Heaslip were Mr. and 4 QT. BASKET Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia. Agricultural Fairs keep ho- cal residents busy as they J ~" ONTARIOLB partîcipate with exhibits. On , GOW SPECIAL! B Monday as usual, there was a splendid crowd at PortPerry, l Mrs. Howard Lee has been Ç i reen2 5 again declared a winner with' her entries in the Domestic B ea n s 5 - ILII u~1[u1 kUîI~N~lI ~'1~iO) I I I[~Ii1~I makÏ]e sure thàtwerelax our M~ bodies, exercise our bodies em IHELO SECA! 12OZ. CAKE and minds, Iearn about other LO SP places. Spiritually we thank C ER O N A E 880 Gdfrnature around us. If we do this our Holidays, are 8O.PG turned into Holydays. Mrs. H ~ VA SPECIAL! Z K Vissen, Mr. S. McNeely, the ANIMAL CRACKERS 49ey Misses Peg y and Alison Scott __________________ favored withý a choir number. 7OZ. PKG. e .at e omunion,,, Wc G "n' ano" .............