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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1975, p. 1

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World,. Take My Son by the Hcnd i -sor C £ Ii~ 1= II~ ~LI1lALll ~ LkL ~z"'- 1-~.= PflU71AANTIT1iT. fONTARIO. WEDNESDAV SEPTEMBR .1. I1975 Gas EtenlsIon The Consumers Gas Fran- chise Agreement, one of 14 recommendations forwarded from the August 25 Committee of the. Whoie meeting to Tuesday night's council ses- sion, drew negative reactions from Counillor Ken Lyall. The Committee referred the agreement with Consumer's Gas and the Solicitor's letter TYKE TOURNAWIENT Tyke bail teams from Pontypool, Orono, Port Hope, Bowmanville, New- castle, and Kendal wiIl bc playinig in a tournamnent herethis Saturday, starting at 9- L'm. The games wil take place on the north and south diamonds at Memnor- il Park for the champion- ship and consolation trophies., Famous OPP'Golden Helmefs cf Orono Fair to council for consideration without recommendation. Councillor Lyall, determin- ed to prevent granting of an extension of the franchise to cover the remaining areas of the new Town of Newcastle, first suggested that the port- ion of the report should be deieted prior to council's acceptance of it, in order that a separate motion might deal with the subject. Mayor Garnet Riekard sug- gested to Mr. Lyall that the report, as it made no recom- mendation, be accepted and the Consumers Gas matter deait with under new business. Councillor 'Lyall is not in favor of any further extension of natural gas service within the Town of Newcastle. He suggested to council that (Turri-to Panye Two) Six-year-old Carl Feddema watches the teacher intently during his first day in Grade One'at Knox Christian School. To Carl and ail other children who have just started the new ter-m at school, we dedicate the following anonymous passage. Photo by Liz Armstrong WORLt 1D, TAKE MY SON -BY THE HAND My son ýstartedI school this week. It's going tobe strange and new to him for awhile. AndI wsh ouwould sort of treat Iim gently. You see, up to now he's been king of theroost. H-e's been bossof thé backyard. I have always been around to repairhiswouds and to soothe his feelings. But now - things are going to be different.p Yesterday mornfing he walked down the front steps,iwaved his.hand and started on a great adventure that will probably include joy and sadness, achievement and tragedy., Td live hais life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage, so World, 1 wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him .nthe things he will have to know. Teach' him- but gently, if you can. H1e will have to learn, I know, that not al men are true, that not ail men are just. Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero - that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader thatfo every enemy, there is a friend. Let himo learn early that the bullies are the easiest people to ick. Teach him the wonder of boo(ýks. Give him a quiet time to' ponder the eternal mystery of birds in th sky, bees in the sun and flowers on the green hilI. Teach Ihilm that i t is, far more honorable to fail than-to cheat. Teach himi to have faith î in his ownideas, even if everyone else tells him'they are ýwrong. Try to gie y son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is getting (oýn the bandwagon. Teach him to listen to ail men, but to filter ail he ~eas o ascreen of truth and to take only the good that cornes through. TUea ,,ch him to close his ears on the howling mob - and to stand and fight if h-e's right. Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle himn, because onfly the test of fire mtakes fine steel. This is a big order World, but see what you can do ... he's suchîr a nice littie fellow. -Author unknowni ~epnTird Floor>f Hol c sp5iital e nths losing Saved $10 The third floor of Memnorial Hospitailihas opened following a four wi pianned ciosure period.' four week ciosure, Juiy 261i August 25th inclusive,,% staged in order to assist NEWS HELD OVER A considerable amount news has been, held ov because it was impossible get it ail into type duringt short week. Also, one m chine decided t needed holiday this morning and couple of hours were ic repairing it, Mvalor complicatrýion..S the - hospital in meeting budgetary partîcular period. E re- restrictions for 1975 imposed plans were avaiiabl week by te PovinialGovern- hospitai t be baci The ment. It was expected that a operation within a t o cost reduction of between peniod shouidî Lb t $20,000 tc- $25,000 would be emergencies haveo the realized without materially On a pnelininany affecting services. the project, the Adn To accomplisb the objective stated that success and to ensune an economic and ascribed to the prog it of efficient staff-patient ratio, wouid appear that ver mý-patient treatment (exclu- neduction to norma e to sive of maternity) was con- unden full operai the densed to the finst two floors. amount to appro na- Administraton R.E. Elston $21,000. This is d a stated that this could reason- neasonabie figure,s d a ably be attempted since it is Elston, as the nu .ost common practice for average patients and the n census to decline during that (Tunn to Page'1 mengency le for the à into 'ful Lone hour abnormal occurred. 7nevtew of îinistrator scouid be gram as it tthe cost al stafting tion wiii oximately a most stated Mn. iumber of number of STwo) Get Soe Tx Flack, Durham East Conservative Pat1 Candidate in thîs =ioh's provincial election, Charles Mcllveen stated Fni- day that bis door knocking campaign in the eastern portion of the riding that day has shown considerable con- cern over the Regional Sy- stem. Mr. Miliveen made the statement after cutting the ribbon and thanking a gather- ing of some 50 people for turning out to the opening of his Bowmanviiie campaign office opening. ThÏie êandidate wer advise, however, tha abie reactions Iîad bef v ed after explaining Openling hsNwa paign officeinBoi Street Frida atP n hami East 'iber alC Kirk Entwisle dvS( pieased with the M. which the campaiga ii .Mr. Entwisie indic-e the people, both regul helpers and numner( ones, in Oshàwa ai castie are "puilir share", and that tole holiday weekend it SI "ail signais go. The Liberai cand this month's provime tion, stated that in t]. of his committee roc CANDIDATES IN Ai Two All-Candidate ings have been arran Durham East pro electionà candidates. The first will bc at Clarke High Scbool on Wed, Sept. lth, beginning at 8 p.m. and sponsored jointly by the school's Students Council and Orono Chamben of Commence. The Kiwanis Club of Bow- manville are aiso planning a similar meeting at BHS aud- itorium on Sept. lStb at 8 p.m. Vice-Principal.Lends a'Hand fo New Student There were a few students lef t over af ter thie rest hlave been assigned to Mfeir new home room classes at Bowmanvilie Senior Publie School. But, when your name isn't on the register, there's alwa ýys a friendiy Vice-Principal to help out. Here, Dan Mclvor lends a hand to Kerry Ann Davison. Photo by Liz Armstrong the concerns to the constitu- ents. Mn. Mcllveen said that although the other parties in the riding appear to be running their campaigns on an (Turo to Page Two)j DARLINGTON DUCK DAY 1This Sunday at Darlington Park the third Sportsman's Waterfowl Tour7nament will be beld witb ail types of competitions, including what they cal] snake stew and flying decovs. Survival On Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, the famous Ontario Provincial Police Golden ilelmets will officially open the activities of the Durham Central Agricultural Fair in Orono. This will be their second appearance at the fair, their last perf ormance being in 1967 when they received a warm welcorne from an appreciative crowd. Darlington Arena Site Lacking il. on to techoiques wilI be demon-y-- it favor- strated. Skilled carvers wil l i en necci- show how to carve decoys a e u p ____________________________ With five unsuccessful at- * *tempts to obtain an adequate from Faulkner wa ~ Esupply of well water for the at a Committee of 'V '5 Darlîngton Sports centre, or-metn of council CE s ders issued by Newcastle brngn the total1 e; - E ayor Garnet Rickard have in excess of $160 ceased diliing operations. bill stili outstandir E'EEN U OFaulkner Well Drilling of A lack of water c( Peterborough have therefore some $7,500 last packed up their operations at water deliveries, *the Centre located >just west of being used for sho' E,5: MJ. Hobbs Senior Public were reported floti ~ III a 7 E School on Taunton Road. Paymner' of theé $3,600 bill*e ;tle~~~ ca-esteui'ief is 'hat "BillOIGTOFI e waviiesDaisbs o oas Vwe .sîmply LEWIS OMNT FI ~r Kng La tafor aoterDaVis D leader Stephen )on, Dur- goveýriment"-. lHe rinded Lewis expects to be, atten- an _ae ail present a tte ei ta ding Orono Fair on Friday ýedheý is the 1proiected provincial defi- afternoon along with Doug I pr v annr i' it cr 195,even befone fthe Moffatt, the NDP Duirham sgoing. "Give-Away M,,ini-BiAiget", East candidate., It wil be Opposition is in ated that stood at 1.7 billion, whie the 10 Mr. Lewis' first appearance th new aHigayi lar party yean-oeriod under the leader- in this area since thie elec- neidatayreil osnew lui iiLo PaRe Tw'fl tion was called. of teewatl e ' id New-5e IE E Works Committee.' ,ig their to give greater tra wîngl the to the highways. idateouldbe ~The Ministry of lidat inec-aIEC 5nd ommcuton minds Wc- ARMING ue' Things appear to be warmin ng peu ow r work- a bit on the election trail, esçpecially at the highest B5road4bi -,level, so, with any kind of Iuck there may be a goodO LCTION trota h oln otso lcindy et ms ieet- trota h oln otso lcindy et nged for l8th as folks begin to realize that an election is Tighft N vîncial taking place. Aqcordi ng to1 e BAD TIMING - You had to feel sorry for PC candidate Charlie Mcllveen last week. He chose the wrong day to hit some of the areas here where ratepayers bail just received their, Town of Newcastle tax bis that were higher than last year. He was the first politician theY saw that day and really took it on the chin. lis PC colleague Mayor Garnet Rickard sh ould have warned hlm to canvass somewhere else until things cooled down here. BEARDED WALNUT - On Tuesday, Mrs. Olive Watson, 37 Nelson St., brought in haif a walnut shell she dug up in her garden. It obviously had been there for some time,' but the unusual p art was that you could see quite clearly what looked like the face of a littie, old man, with eyes, beard, etc. WRONG AGAIN - Among the errors that appeared last week were two that should be corrected. In the bits and pieces column, the correct police numbers were listed, we thought. Unfortunately, the gremlins were at work, so we repeat them. For emergencies cal 579-1234, for information ea'Il579-1520. Also, under, the 4-H Gardening Club pietures, the name of Nancy Hilîs should have been Nancy Wright. SELL THERMOMETERS- Members of Bowmanville Rotary Club will be doing a house to house canvass on Sept. 8th and 9th selling Celsius thermometers for $2 apiece. The money raised will be used to boîster their Community Work Fund. And you'll have to iadmit i t wil b e sort of comforting this winterý to be able to tell what the temperature is in Celsius as well as Fahrenheit. HAPPY FA CES - School children went back to the classrooms on Tuesday for the faîl term and we'd like to say it was a joy to see all the smiling faces on the way to'school, but those we noticed erossing King St. didn't seem too en- thusiastic. We'1l bet their mothers were the ones with the happy smiles. FAIR AT ORONO - Let's hope the weather stays nice and warm for the balance of the week for th annual Central Agricultural Society Fair that starts on Thùrsday at Orono Fairgrounds, with the OPP's Golden Helmets precision motorcycle squad in action. That's oniy one of the many features that will continue until Saturday. See the advertisement on page six. ted Fedenrai ND-P Bnoadbent, it is i that be is spendir able time in the Dt niding during the Provincial Eiectioi Mn. Broadbenta week that he is fi dent that this nidi sevenal he is concer shows signs of a gq Well1 Drilling Hle ;as approved at the time., of the Whole Accordin'g to Re ,il iast week, Director 'Bid Fan] paid to date iargest percentage JOO, wif h one used at the Sports Cei ng. operation of washroc cost the town teens, toilets and shi Êwinter for . Disagrâment e: , Uiat water tween Mr. Fanninga nyers as they tects over the amounl in operation (Turn to PageI lion Mutf qqg ig Wa!y mounting to vennment 's 15-35 plan ýnt meeting Town Public ýThe plan is ,ftic control dTransport mos is stniv- ,the traffic accident death, toil oi infamous stretch of running north of the 401 top of Enterprise Hill former Clarke Townshi According to W. Lanki the Ministny speaking Town meeting, chair( Councillor Kenneth E. six pro posais for imp: the noa d are being cons 'ent Forecas tiîr WDP-Tory Battl ecentiy dîec- for' the NDP party Laer Ed candidate Doug Moffatt no accident The panty leader e3 ig considen- that in this seat panticu )unham East the main campaign bat] eupcoming develop between the NI on. the Tories. Ile explaînE advised last formulation of is opin( fairly confi- being the candidate cho. ing, one of the Consenvative Partyf entrating on, Durham East Ridinz, CI good victony (Turn to Page, Two 'creation riing, the of waten ntre is for )oms, can- howers. ýxists be- and archi- t of water ,wo) * PREss PLOWING DAY News media, people and exhibitoî s will be given an advance look at the site of the International and World Plowing Match on Thunsday afternoon wheni a press ne- ception wiil be held on the grounds, two miles east of Brooklin, The matches will' be held Sept. 23-28. )n this including worýk lfrm the Third road Co,,ncession north inciuding the to the front of the Carke school in the compiex. Construction at the ip. Third Concession intersection inen of and north of the Fourth at the Concession and work at the ,ed b~ Eighth Concession are also Lyni, inciuded in the plans. )roving Somnerville Drive and the idered CO-Op Roads are to be closed and more lightîng wiil be placed at the iunction of ng - (Turn to Page Two) 41,000 ON VOTERS LIST e At ieast 41,000 citizens wil e be eligible to vote in the Dur- y and ham East constituency on t. Sept. lSth. Apparently sonie xpects were missed by the enumer- ,ulariy, atons because about 200 lie wiii have phoned the Returning )P and Office at Orono since the ied the Iists wene compiled, ad- ions as vising that thein names were sen by omitted. Electors have until, for the Sept. lotb to check the lists M'arles and phone the office if they 0) have been missed., Grade 8 student Saliy Bradley may find it a littie more,,, difficuit to get used to her new surroundings'than the other 400 students, at the newly opened Bowmanville Senior Public School. She broke her ankie doiîîg a fancy back flip. at a friend's pool during the holidays. With her are Tara-Lee Aluin and Pam Cattran. Plioto by Liz Armstrong Number 36 Volume 121 ne rer ý,upy DUYVIVIIIINVILiýLin. l' or 22 Fages

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