O-'Brien - Cow'an Wedding marrnage Ms. Ellen Cowan, On SaturdaT, May 3rd, ,975, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom late MVr. 'Pat O'Brien. inSt osp sRman, ah- CoaBwanilad Mr. The maid of honor was Ms. lic Chureh, Bowmanville, Murray O'Brien, son of Mrs. Maureen Baker, and the best Father F. Mihelie, united Mn Marguerite O'Brien and the man Mr. Michael O'Brien. Mir. and Mrs. Lewis, Wood and MIrs, Otto Bragg recently attended the ninetieth birthÏ- day celebration for Mrs. william Wiltani, held at thle home of lber daughter at Beechvile, Ontario. 1Mrs. Wil- ton's Bowimanvilie friends wil be lese ta knaw that she is stl njyigogod health and was reaiiy delighted with ber birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Kl0aus Holz, Nicole and Tanyavîsited the vietrpoitan Toronta Zoo iast Sunday and although they did enjoy ,,what they saw, 'theyv were disappointed ta find it not nearly as complete as' soMe they had visited in Europe. Mrs. Holz feelsit will take -several mare years af work ta make this truly, the Wrld's Largest Zoo., Gardon and Doreen Barrie visited the C.N.E. last Sunday and were guests at, the moon luncheon of the Ontario Dairy Princess Ca'-ordinating Com- mittee held in the Bird Room at the Cliseum. Miss Karen Dow attended the Canadian Central Exhibi- tion in Ottawa last week where A iocat Politicjan decided ta give the negro who showed the best reason for being a Republican the generous reward af a fine fat t'ie.one saidi he was a Republican because the party set the sesfree. The second said he was a Republican beca use of its t-iff policy, but the turkey went ta the third who said: "l'm a Republcan because î want that turkey". CLOTHES CARE HINT: Curtains and drapes wiii disintegrate from atmospheric and acid çIeposits unless they are èleaned every six months. PLAN TO ATTEND THE ORONO FAIR SEPTEIMBER 4,5.6 ~ BOWMANVLE CLEANERS LTDO i KING ST. W. she was in charge of the Dow's flock of sheep . Shie -was quite thiiled ta receive thie Cham- pion Oxford Ramn rihbon and also enjoýýyed participating in the Lde'Lead ClaFss,,where each comlpetitor hý.ad ta wear a comnplete cotue ade of wool whillelediga eeon halter. We offer hier sincere congratulations for ber -win- nings and alsa for assuming sa much- responsibility. Miss Rasemary Killeen spent last week With ber friend Janet Tawnsley at the home of Janet's aunt and uncle in Mississauga. Kenneth, and Mîliael ?4qunnek,Oronjo vis- ited their cusnJohn D avid Killeeni. Mrs. Margaret Broolks, tawn, Mrs. Eilleen Henderson, Newtonviile, and Mrs. Mr garetKien enjoved the 4-H' Lanidscadpe Garden Club tour latweek anid assîsteciwt the tranisportation aof mnem- bers. Thie Garn-et Rickards' fînaly gt ta take the Polar ,Bear Expr-ess train fromi Cochfrane t(1o Mosonee and Moose, Factaroy. Along wt Kelvin obrtonNew Sout.h W ale iad Derek Lobb of Bawmnanvi lie they found the trip down North' a mïost interesting exý,perience. Thne P.A. system advised the passengens ta note on the mile pasts the decreasing elevatian of the land levels as the train proceeded ta the north ta almost reach sea-level, so therefare the phrase down north in auite suitahie. From Moosonee ta Moosq Factory they travelled by Rupert House camoes ably handIed hy Indian guides - a quick trip over the chopîpv waters of the James l3ay iniet - tarpaulins and plastic sheets readyj at al imenjs ta ward off the spray thrown back as the big powered hoats made turns ta avoid the shallow waters of sand bars heneath. Waling around Moose Fact- ory, a town of 1500-2000, they found many, many things of great interest. Among thema were a residential sehool for children of the area, the R.C.M.P., and Hudson's Bay Posts, the Indian, Eskimo 200-bed hospital. Even while viewing this building, a R.ed Cross helicopter idled in the breeze,' gently dropping ta the lawn heside an orange wind- pock ta transfer its patient toaa waitine ambulance. Patients are brought here from places as far away as 1,500 miles. 0f great interest also was the century-aid St. Thomas Anglican Church, constructed framn wood, whîch contained beautifully-beaded moose hide altar ciaths and lectern, drapes. At one time, the spring flood, created by the: breaking, melting ice giving way, floated this churchi fromi its foundations. The people mnanaged ta town this building back inta place and ta prevent anyv repetition of such an incident, hales were bared in the wooden floor and fitted with plugs. Now when flood times camnes these hales are simpiy unplugged and water freely enters the church, receding later ta leave the chiurch, undaubedly praperiy sanctified and holy ready for its subsequent entry inta artie waters. t was nated that this taa is bilinigual country - signs and iiublie infarmatian printed in othi Cree and English. mnci- dentally, the children appear- ed healthy,, happy andi very miuch p art of the action. No doubt due ta the wapk in their educational and heaith depart- ments a handsomne Educatian Centre in Moasanee with residences and a Residential Schaal in Moase Factary. Centenniai Museum buiît in 1967 dispia-ys the histary of the settiemnent'af the area by the- Hudsons' Bay company in 1670 making it one of the earliest on the, continent. The old iran tools of aother centuries hiang here in pride with other itemns relating ta thie challenges of the time whenl explorers mopped and ret'ained this wilderniess with iittle but their hlands and their inigenuity. Frm the geographia Point praspectars, scientists, geuoagists, mîssianaries and military personnel maove hun- dreds af miles by water and air into the faar rt t continue the work of develop- ing this resaurce - rich frontier. When it was turne ta board the train agai for CacrlranIe it was noted that now the graup wauld be travelling 'u-p Sauth. Ail in ail this was a most rewarding trip tLaken in a 3-day tirne span. THE FRUITrS 0F LOVE There once was a couple, sa the Romnan paets tell us, whose lave was great enaugh 'ta survive al! tests of timie. Sa Much 50 that the gads rewarded their fideiity by transfarmniný th-em, when they reached id age, into a pair of stately' tre es whose limbs wauld foreve-r inter- twine. And from the fruit of these trees, the gads distîlled a liqueur whose essence, it was said, would prolong the lave of any Who drank it. 623-5520 '.L~NLN We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" REPGENCYT 'Store Wide Sale lielq Ail Color TV's Appliances Must Go to Make Roomn for New Models Free Delivery, Service and Set-Up r inBowmnanvjîîe REGE"NCY lelevision - Stereo - Appliances OPEN THURS. AND FR1. ]UNTIL 9:OO)p.m. NOBODY HAS EVER SOLD RCA THSLOW BEFORE! Anidersoni - Stephenson Weddîing On Saturday,. AugusIft l, lingth tulle illusion veil and 1975, in St. ogesAniglican she carried a cascade of red Churchi, NecslFthradwie wehatroses,. Brooks. u iîedin mar1riage, with bah2s breatth. Bed Ariene, daîughter -of The matron of hanor, mrs. Mr. anmd Mrs. R1oher tepe Jerry Murph, of Orangeville, son, .. csl, and and sister of the bride, wore a Steven Ewrson ioh Mir. formai gown of pastel blue and'Mrs. Fredu(erick Anidersoni, crimpolenie. R.R.2 Ihwa r Terry The best mian- was the Dawson x as the organiisi. room 's brother-ini-la, M r. The bri(ýç gliven in mairriae Neil Gaff, of Oshawav,. by ber fatw? , \%ore a frmi oliowing a reception held gown of iganiza wýith Nenise at the home of the bivde, the lace on sheves,- V n1euk and happy couple ieft on a bodice, wiflto IroWS of !lace honeymnoan ta B3eleville an. arouind he-! m nd chpel rin points east, andc are now A VeiselŽcecaptrim ed esiding in Oshawa at 616 with pearîs hleld anehhow Chaucer Ave, Apt. 12. The bride is the daughter af Mr. and Mrs. G. Haight, of 396 Mitchell Ave. The bridegroom is the son af MnI. and Mrs. Wesley Oke, of R.R. 4, Oshawa. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a faonr iength gown featuring round- ed neckline and long bell sieeves. Judy Locke, sister of the bride, was maid of bonon. Bridesmaids were Geneva Beck, of Whitby, and Debbie Fountain, of Lindsay, Ont. Ray Bickle, of Bowman.. ville, acted as best man. Ushers were Malcolm Beck, brother of the groom, of New Brunswick. The neception was heid at the Geangian Motor Inn. The couple is honeymooning ta the Eastern provinces. Upon their return, the newiyweds wili neside at R.R. 2, Oshawa. -Ireiand Studio (Intended For Last Week) On Tuesday afternoon Aug- ust, l19th Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, Mns. Lawrence Har- Clarik - Haigfht W edding ris, Mrs. Gea. Morton and ber F-D sister were in Kingston ta Janice L. Hlaighit becamie Albert Street United Chunch attend a showen for Miss the bride of Roy A. Clark, with Rev. R. C. White officiat- Barbara Martin of Bath ne- Saturday. Aue. 23. 1975. at îng. cently of Thornhill - bride~ 1- The Canadin Statesmnan. Bowmanville, September 3, 1975 3 elect at the home of Mr. and Oshawa on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Stewart (nee Mr. Wm. Miller is a patient, Stapleton.) in the Memnorial Hospital Mrs. John Lowery of Kirby Bowmranv7ille. is a patient in the Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. General Hospital. Mercer, Kenny and Trevar of, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Grady-Hampton were Sunday Even- *and children enjayed a rînotnr ing dinner guests of her trip to the West Coast. parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mrs. R. Ard celebrated her Bail. 80 birthday recently. Congrat- Congratulations ta Mr. and ulations. Mrs. Edgar (Jake) Middleton Miss Susan Bail and Mr. Les of Oshawa - formerly of Orono Hrehicek of Toronto spent the on receiving first prize for weekend, with her parents Mr, their beautiful flower box and Mrs. Ken Bafi. from the Oshawa Horticul- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence tural Society, Harris visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Doug Hird ofl Whitby and Sherwin and children recently called on Mrs. Ab. Harris in returned from a motor trip to the West Coast. THE MACDONALD FORD GROUP BRINGS YOU THIS VERY SPECIAL Veh icle Sale 0F USED WAGONS &è PICKUPS Over 100 VEHICLES %2g785, COU RERS 1974 Courier Pick-up Trucks (64 tO chioose from) These are Ford Motor Compai jazzy littýi'e ïimport Ipick-ups. Al equipped itih rear step bumper PR tires, 4 on the floor transmisý (synchronized in ail forward speE and white wal tires, 6 leaf r springs provide excellent stabi] 19715 GRAN TORINO, STATION WAGONS ,20 to choose fromn) 100 CID engine V8, defroster, li group, lef t hand remote coni mirror, heavy duty suspension, bc side mouldings, AMý radio, wli covers, white sidewall tires, pov steering and brakes, automal Iuggage rack, power. tailgate w~ dow. Colour Wim-bleton whi Interior green knît ted vinyl. 4 4 PICKUP TRUCKS 1are '5s, 6 ;sion ýds) rear ilty. STATION WAGONS ight irol 0dy teel1 ver itic, ,vn- ite. CatIl one of these numbers in area code 416 BOWMANVI LLE 219 King St. East 623-4481 OSHAWA 815 King St. West 576-1800 TORONTO 2494 Danforth Ave 6»99-9381 This sale, is gaad until1 Sept.210, 1975 $4,25O FORD 1/2 TONS 19753 F-100 Style Sidle Pick-ups (26 to chloose fromn) 360 2V engine - V8, 133" whieélbase, colour Wimbleton white, 5,100 GVW package, 3 speed automnatie trans- mission, 70 amp battery, power brakes, rear step bumnper, cigar Iighter, mirrors 7 x 11, swing lock LI & RH, No. 1675 rear springs, power steering, heavy duty shocks front and rear, mud and s-now tires, knitted vinyl seats, high output heaters. $4g979 1975 FORD LTD STATION WAGONS (6 to choose fromi) 400 CID) engine, V8, deluxe bumper group, defroster, light group, LII remote conitrol mirror, heavy duty suspenisioni, body side mouldinig, AM radio, wheel covers, white side wall tires, power steering and brakes, automatie, luggage ra ck, Colour Wimbletoni white, Interior green knitted vinyl. These vehic les have been used for on ly 3 months M&ileages from 2,000 to 10,000 Ail with factory warranty remaining YUU D"ESER"VE A FORD TODAY FROM MACDO"NALDS,.ý The Fard.Mac Donalds- Not the Burger McDonalds REGUA~ I YAeE Outdloors they are sunqiasses. The Opticai Boutique has the giasses that contrais the ight, and protects your eyes. Visit The Optical Boutique today, and Jet us demonstrate the eyeglasses of the century! Indoars they are regular glasses. The Optical Boutique has the glasses that contrais the ight, and pratects yaur eyes. Visit The Opticai Boutique taday, and Jet us demonstrate the eyeg lasses of the Century!