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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1975, p. 7

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Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Alan (Alec) Fisher of Taunton who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary re- cently. As of September lst, rain and snow accumulations and forecasts will be reported in mnetrie units. Therefore, if you hear th at 5 millimetres of nain St. John's Anglican Church TEMPERANCE STREET 8 a.m. HoIy Communion il a.m. HoIy Communion (Nursery During Il a.m. Service) Rev. Tom Gracie, Rector Sunday, Septemnber 7, 1975 lia.m.-WORSHIP S EIVICE Sunday School Classes - Open Session A Warm Welcome for Everyone PLEASE REMEMBER: Senior Choir Practice Thursday, Sept. 4,8 p.M. Jack & JilI hayride and barbecue, Sept. 7, 3 p.m. at home of Ted and Georgie Watson C.G.l.T., Tuesday, Sept. 9,7 p.msi. The Session wili meet in Board Room, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. Sacra ment of Baptism, Sunday, Sept. 14. The Bowmanville Pentecostal Church, 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor:. Rev. D. Rogers, Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.m. - Sunday School 11: 00 a.-m.- - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:-30- Bible Study A Friendly Family Church- RlmnA L LY D AY at BOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHU RCH 14 Nelson Street, September 7 ut 9.45 a.m. Start of the new Sunday Sehool year. Introducing Special Projeet "BIBLES IN BOLIVIA"1 (Taped filmstrip) FAMILY SERVICE AT 7:00 p-rm Special Music, Testimonies, Gospel Message Pastor Roger Fellows 987-4790 WaIlk-A-«Tho n for a Church Bus The Salvation Army is promnoting a 20 Mile Walk--A-Thon on Saturday, September 2th, its purpose is to assist in the purchase of a bus for its local ministry. In addition to the weekly~ pick-up of children for Sunday lSehool, the bus will be used to promote the -program of the Army's Cub-Scout and Brownie-Guide activity, as well as various other aspects of the Army's local program. KINDLY SPONSOR A PARTICIPAN'T IN THIS VERY WORTHWHILE PROJECT. For more information please cail: 623-5857 or 987-4327 Items0 ofnterest Phono 623-3303, Glaspell. Mr. and Mns. Barry St. John and Stephanie, Londlon, spent the weekend with hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Gaspell. Sunday School and church will nesume at their usual hours Sunday morning Sept. 7 and the U.C.W. will start their fallfneetings Wednesday evening Sept. 10 in the C.E. wing of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Art Youjngmnan and Betty spent thie weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Youngman at their cottage at Daîrymple Lake. Sorny to report Mrs. F. L. Byam n eturned to the Western Hospital, Toronto to room 902 on the 9th floor, Saturdlay. Mr. and Mns. James Wood- ley and family and Lorie Byam returned home from a camping trip at Kirkland Lake. Mrs. Alan Bristol Sr and -1I-s A a n stol 4ýr. âàng .ýýth Master Shane Bristol, viste!wihMrs- Cami eron one day, a week ago. Shane stayed for a weeks visit with his grandma, Mrs. Winifred Cam- eron, also spending a few 'gys, with his aunt, Mrs. Judy i9~oks. Tom and D;;rçy. fell overnight, you can figure the grass is just damp. But if you hear that 50 millimetres of nain came down, you can figure the guttens are f ull and thene coulgdb e som-e flooding., Sttieiits beginniing college 'and university or returning to comrplete thein courses, are asked to phone this office and let us know so we mnay use the information in thîs columrn. The number if 623-3303. The Durham Women's Movement will hold their next meeting at the McLaughlin Library Auditorium on Mon- day, September 8, at 7:ý30 p. m. The topic will be Rape. While the neported incidence of rape is on t h e ise in most Caniadian cities, rape is still one of our most unreported crimes. Up to 90 per cent of rapes are neyer reported. A primary reason for this is that the vîctim is more severely censured by society that is the napîst. This censure is the product of many eyars of ignorance, mîsin- formation, and myth about rape. Wendy King and Caro- lyn Bode, fnom the Rape Crisïs Centre, Tononto, will tell us what every womnan should know about nape. All who are intenested are welcome. The Robert M\claughlin Art Gallery, Oshawa, are fortun- ate this f ail to be able to have twvo young local artists teach- ing for us in a new "Art Workshop", to be, held on Sunday afternoons fromn 2:00- 5:00 p.mr., beginning Septemn- ber 28th. Five sessions devot- ed to dnawing and sketching Rob Freeman, artist and invaluable Gallery assistant, will begin the ten weeks of workshops with techniques. The course will conclude with five painting workshops taught by Oshawa artist Joh n Lander, whose gay portraits and flower paintings have won so miany heants. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to wonk wîth and benefit from the varied and exciting ideas of these two talented contem- ponary antists. Registration: Phone 576-3000. Life Dnawine and Painting, with Jim Paget who has been teaching this popular class at the Station., Whitby, will be back this fait. Mondays from 7:30 to 10:00 p .m. Septemben 29 to Decemnben 8 inclusive. The sessions will consist of lectures and life studies with a variety of tools such as: conte, chalks, chiarcoali, pen and ink and watencolors. Artist mat- enials not supplied but are available at the Station. Bring along large newsprint or cartnidge papen, and the above tools. For information phone the Station, Henry and Victoria Sts., Whitby. The next Wintario draw will be held Thunsday, September 4th la Beamrsville. The Sept- ember l8th draw will be held ln Woýýodstock. On September 2:3. the Nat- ional Ballet of Canada will host a fund naising cham- pan supper, presenting 'lMu1, in Movem-ent ", the fjrst Caniadian showing of the Jean Mujr Collection la association with Cneeds of Toronto. The affair will be hield in the Observation Galleryon the 55th Floor of the Toronto Dominion Bank Towet stant- ing at 8 p.m. National Ballet dancens wearing Jean Muir creations will take part along with the professional models showing the Jean Muir line. Noted euest, Sylvia Tyson, Canada s well-known singer- songwriter will participate giveing a special perform- ance. 1TYRONE Mn. and Mns. D. Menard and Steve, Winnipeg, Manitoba were Wednesday overnight guests of Mn. and rs. Alfred Knowlton. A speedy recovery to ahl from the Tynone and Long Sault communities who are at present patients in Memorial Hospital also to Mn. Wm. Miller, Orono. At the weekly euchre party Friday night, pnizes were won by Olive Gimblett, Ed Rift, Eunice Ego, Beatnice Morgan. ýEdnai Vivian, Ana Par k. The PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Kirk 6th hine have sold their home spent the weekend with mem- and have moved to Nova bers of their family at their Scotia. The new ownens are cottage on Papineau Lake Mr. and Mrs. Rick Walton who near Maynooth. in turn sold their property on Mr. and Mrs. Knickle of the Hwy. 35 to Mr. and Mrs. Stacey of Oshawa. were Sunday evening visitors. Alex Joncas, Dennis and Miss Dawn Vaneyk has Percy returned home on entered Guelph University Monday following a week's this fall. Before leaving Mrs. vacation, with relatives in John -Vaneyk held a small Dalhousie, N.B. family get togethen to wish her *Bert Grant and the mem- well. bers of the Ladies Bal Teamr The Hank Vandorp family would likelto thank al] their enjoyed a two week holiday supporters during the past trip. season. The teammade suffi- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. cient money from dances to R. MacDougàl to our village purchase jackets. Bert is having bought the home of the planning a treat for the late Milton Virtue. supporters to be held at a later Mr. Paul Moore has been date. transfenred by the General Richardsons Sr. Men's Motors to New Brunswick. Team and the Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mloffatt Midgets each participated in have moved into his homne. tournaments over tne past Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble, weekend. The Midgets, play- London, England, Mr. and ing in Lindsay, lost in the Mrs. Stan Goble were recent finals to Lindsay with the visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Jim score 9-3. In the Omemnee Metcalf and Ross, Hampton tournament our men went and on Wednesday t heir down to defeat in a very close grandsons Brian and Bobby garne with Oshawa 2-1 and Goble, Blackstock accompan- against Hastings the score ied them and visited Mr. and was 5-4 for Hastings. The Mrs. John Dennis, Picton and Oshawa team went on the win Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons, the finals. Coîborne. Church will tesumne again Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gall and this Sunday at the regular Mr. and Mrs. David Brent, time - 10 a.m. The first U.C.W. London, spent the long week- meeting for the faîl season is end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon to be held on Sept. 9th - 8 p.m. Brent. with Mrs. Norman Fisher, Mrs. Don Badoun was judge guest speaker. All ladies in the of the Saddle horses at Port community are welcome. The Perry Fair on Monday. meeting will be held in the The Brent family report neal church. Sunday School is to success and a good time at the commence on Sunday, Sept. Canadian National Exhibition. i4. t has been decided to hold Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent the fowl supper in the latter accompanied Miss Christine part of October. Brenit to Hamilton, Tuesday, We are glad to see Mrs. where she enrolled at Aubrey Cain about again aften McMaster University in the undergoing surgery the lattkr Bachelor of Science in the part of July. Nursing Degree course. Mrs. Jim Propp spent The Goble family did well Thursday and Friday in Tor- with their horses at Sterling onto. Returning home with her Fair on Saturday. was daughter, Joan, who Mr. Jack Gibbs is a patient worked for the summer in la Oshawa General Hospital. Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and The B and F Garage is Mrs. Gerry Cornish on win- closed this week and-also next ning seven firsts and two week while Sid Barrabaîl is champions on their Hereford enjoying a two weeks vaca- cattle at Port Perry Fair. tion. Mr. Stuart Hooey was a John And Elaine VanWier- recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. ingen, of Kincardine, were Earl Pnescott. weekend visitons with their Miss Jean Philp attended families after spendîng a few church service at Shiloh days in the Elliott Lake, chunch and visited with her Sudbury and Parry Sound sisten Mrs. Goodfellow, negions. Brighton. Mn. and Mns. John Mangan Mrs. Abnams spent a mnonth have closed up shop for this with her famnily at Kingston week., They spent the long and is now visiting her weekend in Toronto and from daughten in London. there flew to North Bay to Parent» s te t E roi teir Chidrn n urCase Senis9ers nUp945a Primryand ind ,erartenK.hBurens will attend1first a r fhrhsevc NURHIPSERVIC Parents Are invted to leave their pr-eh hildren in our plasae d learn ntrerndwhile hepaattn church.c spend a few days with Several of our local young relatives. They then plan~ on people spent the weekend in travelling to Pembroke for, a Wasaga Beach, namnely Karen visit with Mn. Maggan's and Debbie Richardson, Deb- brother. bie Robertson, Kim Neals, Sincere sympathy is ex- Shielda Coutu, Randy Bradley, tended to Earl Fallis and to Benny Benford and Bob Chap- Walter and Douglas and their miani.-Also there, wvere Charlie families on the sudden passing and George McCullough of oi mrs. lei~iIs (Mildred) on Yelverton. Several other Sunday. Buial is on Tuesday attended the Rock Concert at from Comstock Funeral Mospont and neported the Home, Peterborough. entetainment good but the Several called on Mn. and weathen very chilly. Mrs. Bob, Brown at their Sevenal buildings in the cottage near Campbellforçl on village are gettîng a new Saturday evening. The occa- "face-lift". The front of the sion was a surprise birthday Esso garave has recently party for Alice. Among those received a new coat of paint; present were Mn. and Mns. Terry Fisk is nemodelling and Jim Stanley, Mr. and Mns. îimprovin greatly the appear- Maurice Bradley and Mr, and ance of his apartment house; Mns. Don Challice of Ponty- Lawrence White is renovating pool. a houIse that he owns; Andy Last Ci ..omake sure qui-- been UcorreWctlu Ontarjo lisi Revision of the Ontario list of voters for changes and additions ends in the Returning Office, Wednesday, Septemiber 10 at 9:00 p.m. EDTfr If you have not been enumrer- ated, or you have foun-d your namne has been omnitted from the list of voters, or there is an error o it, contact the Returning Officer _ of your Electoral District. If you live in a rural area, and are qualified to vote, ifIs much easier If your namne is p on the Eist of voters. And there's stili time to get on that list. However, qualified rural voters, flot on the list by Election Day, may stili vote byv having a friend or neighbour on the samne lîstRe "vouch" for themn on oath. e DURHAM EAST: If you live in Durham East, your Returning Officer is George Pollitt, Main Street, Orono. Phone: 983.-9175 <coelect if necessary) S ONTAiOl This advertisemenit published by the Chief Election Officer of Ontario, OEO-3A The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville,_September 3, 1975 7 Sutch, Jr. has covered the Mr. -and- Mrs. Gra-nt Dun- entire front of his lovely new ford. Chris and Melissa. were home with stone; the two iluests a:t Grant's sister. stores - Stewarts' and Pingles' xedding in Lakefield on Sat- are each making changes urday. Melissa was flower girl inwardly. Grant Dunford has in the wedding party. built a stone walI with lamp ___________ post at the rear entrance to the Dunford home; the newý owner of Winston Stewart's house ~F i who is mnoving here from Bowmianville, is pnesently building a new cemnent veran- T a h s da on his hiome T a h s TeWord of God, Advertisrng" through Mis Messengers to mankind, is collective lielpswisdom, absolute know- go d hi gsledge and eternal1tuh good t ings or Further reference happen.please consuit your Local Library CANADIAN ADVER 1IN ADVISOCRY BOARD iance.. lified vote%.rs hoýÊaeL ncluded Onth tof voters. a riember, it's your last chance make sure you are included on the list of voters. xu Mile

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