The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanville, Septemrber 10, 1975 .~Ç ":*w& 3%. ~ *s.'%~-~--~.- *.,*...*.,.*.....* CLRSlSId w1F1 E D RDS D-EADLINE FOR 'Tues., 12 noon Sý'LNlER -__oberI_-pld ,,(à (nee Wereszczynski) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Catherine Ann, born September 2, 1975, 6 lb. 113/4 oz. in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proue9 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Wereszczynski of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. E. Saulnier, of Whitby. Special thanks to Dr. K. Siemon, Dr. H. B. Rundie and nurses. 37-1 Mr. and Mrs. William Dug. gan of Oshawa are pleased fo announce the forthcoming marriag e of their daughter, Jan Elizabeth, to Doulas Wayne Northey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Northey, of Pontypool, Ontario. The wed- ding to take place October 18, 1975 in Hoiy, Cross Church, Oshawa ai 3:00 p.m. 37-1 Mr. Roy Conners, Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Lillian Con- ners, Surrey England, are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their daug hter SherrilIee to Harold Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Leach, Hampton. This candlelight service will take place September l9th at 7:-00 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. 37-1 Mrs. Cyril John Avery, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Anderson, Bowman- ville are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriageof Beverley Joan, to Larry Howard. The wedding to take place in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanviile on Sep- tember 27, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. 17-1 X STEWARD - FOWLE R - The marniag e of Mrs. Verna Fowler to Charles E. Steward was solemnized by Rev. W. Qake in Trinity United Church at 2 p.m., August 27, 1975. 37-1 M.~and Mrs. Percy Van C bwiIl hold an "Open k'a_#" in the Christian Edu- cation Centre, Blackstock UnitedT Church on Sunday, Septernber 21sf from 2-5 p.r., and 7-9 p.m. to celebrate their 5th Wedding Anniversary. Friencds and relatives are invited tof caland share with them this happy- 'occ asion. Best Wishies only. - 37-1ix 71,th7mily of Mr. and Mrs. EverLTI Crydermfan, R.R. 1, Enniskl lien, wish to extend an invitation to relatives, friends and neighbors to attend an open house in honor of their 5th wedding anniversary, at their home on September 14, 1975, from 24 p.m. and 7-9:30 p.m. Best wishes only, please. PINGLE - AtMI VII oi Hospital, Bowmanvilli Sun- day,> September 7th, 1975, Norman Pingie, 72 Elgin Street, Bowmanviihe, in h is 84th year husband et the late Lola Gray dear father et Betty (Mrs. Lloyd Hancock), grandfather et Larry, Paul and Jon. Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanvilie, Wednesday attemneen. hitemment Bow- manvilie Cemetery. 37-1 BROWN, William Johfn (Jack) - At the Royal Alexandra Hospitla, 'Edmon- ton, Aberta on Sept. 2, 1975, in his 5th year. Dear husband ol Peggy and fatherof 2 sons Jim and Ja ckie and three daugh- ters, Joanne, Jeannie and Janice, ail aI home, his father Milton Brown et Oshawa, two brothers Stanley ot Oshawa andi Fred of Tomnte, six sisters, Mms. T. Haness (Jean), Mrs. A. Donoghue (Hazel), Bewmanviiie, -Mrs. P. Belsev (Myrtie), Oshawa, Mrs. Frank Giover (Evelyn), Mrs. M. Porter (Mildred), Michi gan, U.S.*A., and Mrs. M. Miha lver (Ma ralyn ), Hamil- ton.F unerai, and cremation services were heid at Fester and McGarvey Funeral Cha. pel, Edmonton, at 1:00 Sept. 5 with Rev. Cowley off iciating. "FI mers Say it iBest"ý VAI4. LBELLE DAILY Deivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanviîie Ariam Phpone 623-4441 ___ 43-tf CARNATION Fr Al Vour Plower Needs STOP IN fD SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEV'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Fîewer Shop 33 Division St. 1623-7141 1)I..îf COOPER, Aima - at Memor- li Hospital, Bowmanviile on Monday, September 1, 1975. Aima Cooper aged 90 years. Rested at the Barlow Funerai Home, Orono. Service was Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment in Orono Cemetery. 37-ix CORNISH, Henry - at Oshawa Generai Hospital on Saturday August 30, 1975. Henry Conish beioved hus - band of Evelyn and dear father of Alan, Joyce (Mrs. Gordon Simpson) Carole (Mrs. Laverne Boyd) and the laie Shirley. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 37-1 WOODLEY - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviîie, Thur- sday, September 4th, 1975, Clara Woodiey, formeriy of Tyrone, in her 82nd year, dear sister of -Carence Woodiey, dear aunt of Edith (Mrs. Ray Paterson), Joyce (Mrs. Ron Rowe) and Jim. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, Satur- day affernoon. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 37-1 Speci ai thanks te Barb Tighe for the deiicious Sunday breakfast. The 28 Neighbors 37-1 x May i take this epportunity et expressing my heartfeit thanks te my friends and relatives, especialiv mv aeod neighbers for ail their kind- nesses, for cards, letters, fiowers,tg ifts and visits. Aise a speciai tan ks te St. Savier's C-hurch, and A.C.W., Heather Rebekah Lodge, Club 62, my doctors and nurses both in Bowmanviiie and Toronto, te Jim and Betty Major fer my transportation. Werds cannot express my appreciatien, again thank yeu ail. Irene Murray 37-1 i weuid like te thank ail my friends and relatives who visited me whiie in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie, aise carcis received. Lola Freeman Newtonviile Quilting Club ,express thaks t 4k h heiped in nmakinig the quit ticket sale a success. Winning number 0298. Mrs. Stanley CÇorden, Bewmanviiie. A very sincere thank you te ail for the cencern while i was in hospital in Bowmanviile, Oshawa and Tenonte. Speciai thanks te specialist Doctors Wmn. Grant, J.K. Wilson and his team,, Dr. Westgarth 'and Dr. Beer, nurses an d intensive cane units. Paster Erb, Denzil Dole and my famiiy for their p rayers, For with God al th ings are pssible. May He bless you alf. Doneen Westiake 37-1 WOODWARD, Wm. j. - in oving memory et a dean son, brother, brother-in-Iaw and uncle, William James, who passe-d away suddeniy Sep- temberi11, 1971. Four sad and loneiy years have passed Since our great sorrow feul, The shock that we received that day, No one cou id ever tell. God gave us strength te meet it, And courage te bear the biow, And what it meant te lose you, Bill, No one will ever knew. We miss you more each day, It is ieneiy here without you, For lite is net the same te us Since you were calied away. (ou bade ne one a iast fane- wei i. Nom even said goodbye, You were goni betore we knew it,, And only God knows why. It broke our hearts te lose you, But yeu did net go alone, For p art et us went with you, Bi il, The day God caiied yeu home. - Sadi y missed and levingiy remem bered by Mem, Dad, Jo-Anne, Bian, Karri and David. 37-1 KUBE - In ieving memory of a dean husband, father and grandfafher Daniel who past away $eptember 4th, 1972. Ged sàw you getting weary Se did what he thought best He came and stood beside yeu And whispered conme and rest You wished ne one a last fareweli Non even said geod-bye You had gene betore we knew itî And enly God knows why ,- Levingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Annie, son Mike, daughters Nellie and Mary and families. 37-1 WOODWARLU, William J. - In ovlng memory of William J. Woodward, who passed away Sept.,11, 1971. What I would give te ciasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see his sm ile, That meant so much bo me. - Sadiy missed by friend Pete. 37-1 x PORTEOUS l n loving memory of Dad (Stanley) who passed away Saturday, Sep- tember 11, 1965, Mum (Jen- nie) who passed away Satur- day, September 10, 1966. God took you home, t was his wiIl, But in our hearts We love you stilî. How we wish we could go home And knock at your door, But it is ail gone, Forever more. - Loved and missed by daughter Helen, Clem, Grand- chiîdren and great Grandchil- dren. 37-1 x FERGUSON -In loving memnory of a husband and father, Gordon who passed away, September 12, 1965. And while he lies in peaceful sleep 1 His memories we will always - idly missed by his wife Hazel and family. 37-1 x STRONG- in Iovinq memory of my dear parents, grand- parents and nephews. Effie Vera Strong who passed away June 13, 1952, David George Strong, passed away Sept. 12, 1955,- two loving nephews, Ronald Strong who was killed JuIy 11, 1958, Edward Strong, who passed away Feb. 19, 1966. From our happy home and circle God has taken those we love Born away from sin and sorrow To a better home above. - Sadiy missed and ever remnembered by daughter 1Mary and grandchildren. 37-lx BROWN - In loving memory iof our dear parents. Mother, Leona Brown, who passed away Dec. 11, 1969, and Dad, Luther Brown who passed away Sept. 9, 1972. Things we feel most deeply, Are the hardest things to say, Dear mumn and dad we Ioved you, in a very speciai way. If we could have one lifetime wish,, . One dream that -could comne true. We would pray to God with ail1 1our hearts. For yesterday and you. - Sadly missed by daughters, Reta, Audrey and Luel la, sons-in-iaw, Andy, Len and Sam and families. 37-ix BELLAMY, HUwr - ln lo,.ing memory et a dear husband and father and granidfather who passed away September 12, 1973. What wie would elve if we couid say "Hello Dad" in the same old way To hear your voice, see you smîie To sit with you and chat awhile Se yeu who have a father Cherish him with came For yeu'hi neyer know the heartache Tilyou see his vacant chair. -Sa dy missed and ever remembered by wif e Bessie, Betty and Ron, George and Edie, David and Damia and g randchiidren who knew himn Brooks, Mary and Rebecca. 37-1 The Metcalt family reunion wili be heid at Orono Park, Sunday September 14 at 12:30. 37-1 Fourth Bowmanviile Cub Pack will start on Setember lth at 7:00 p.m. - emoriai Park. 37-1 Durham County Club Tour Saturday, October 4, 1975. Turkey dinner at Ida, Ontario. For further information and reservations contact Mrs. R. Stonehouse - 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto, M5M 2P4, Ontario. Phone (416) 782-6806 not later than September 22, 1975. 37-1 The famiiy of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers wish to invite friends and neighbors to Nestieton Community Centre, Saturday, September 20, 2-5 p.m. on the occasion of their Sth Wedding Anniversary. 37-2 Gigantic garage sale from furniture to knick-knacks, Saturday, Septem ber 13, 9 to 4 p .m. at 62 Alonna St., Waverly Rd. and 401 vicinity. (Just up from Preston's Movers). 37-1 DANCE at the BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB Sat, Sept. 13, 1975 Music by D.J. FRANK TRULL Tickets -.3: 00 per couple, PHONE C. McDONALD 623-5953 35-3 La nd-O-.La kes Visit OId Fort Henry. Cruise the Thousand Islands. Golf, fish, swim, relax in a modern one-two-fhree-four-f ive bed- room house keeping cottage on beautiful, scenic Hay Bay. Boats, motors at Iow rentai rates. .AIl you bing 'are your toweis. WeIl stocked gnocery store on premises. Make youn neservations now. Cal 613-35-364433-2f Ëtc a ROAST BEEF DIINNER SUN DAY, OCT. 26 4: 00, 5 :00, 6 :00 p. m. -Aduits $3.50 Children (under 12) $1.25 St. Joseph's Auditorium Liberfy Street South 37-1 CAR WASH Sat., Sept. 13 BANK 0F MONTREAL 10.-00- 4.30 Wash and Vacuum $1.50 Proceeds for Rehoboth Young People's RaIIy Fund 37-1 DANCE Branch 178 Bowma nvi lie Legion Sat., Sept. 2th 9 p.m. Music "The Ambassadors" $5.00 per couple 37-1 ESCORTED TOURS Mystery Tour Septem ber 14 Kitchener Market& Hespeler Woollen Milîs (Textile Festival) Septem ber 2th. Colour Tour Septem ber 28th Lanark &Perth (Kitten &Naturlizer, Out lets) October 1lst. Lake Placid Circle Septem ber 26th - 28th Algonquin Park & Gatineau Hilîs October 4th and th Wheeling, W.V. October lth - l3th. Quebec City October lth - l3th Colonial.Virginia Norfolk Tour October l8th -25th Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary Novem ber 1 st - 2nd SUNSMINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope. Telephone 885-221,1 Evenings 885-2200 37-1 1Plan to Attend BOWMANV ILL E LIONS CLUB App lef est and Carnival AT THE LIONS CLUB 1. veningof September l9th Games of Chance and Flea Market 36-3 Friday Night Bible School begins F riday, September 12 at 7 p.m. at the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Scugog St. For transportation, calîl 623-2300. 37-1 Bethesda Cemetery Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 14 af 2:30 p.m. In case of rain service wiIl be held in Chapel. PLEASE: Do not use wire to support flower baskets and no sod digging. The board wilI not be responsible for containers. 36-2 BINGO, NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Sept. l6th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 37-1 Introduction classes to me- demn square dancing wili commence at Ontario Street School on Thursday, Septem- ber 25 at 8: 00 p.m. Interested couples, phone 728-5042 or 576-9770. 37-2 APPEARING.AT The Qu een's Hotel N EWCASTLE COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday September 12-13 Dancing 9-1 AONSTER BINGO New Starting Tume THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Spensored by Oshawa Miner Seftbail JUBILEE PAVILION OSHAWA WOODVIEW 0f COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -ff Rebekah Penny Sale, Fmi- day, Sept. 19 - 2:30 p.m., Centennial Hall, Queen St. Atternoon Tea. Draw 8 p.m. 3,7-2x The Bowmanville Minor Hockey Mothers Association will be having a sale of used hockey and other sports equip- ment on Saturday, Sept. 13 beginning at 9 a.m. in the warm room of Bowmanvilie Amena. Anyone wishing to donate any articles for the sale, please contact: Joan Stevens 623-2111, Theresa Far- row 623-7485, Noreen Siggins 623-3133, Pat Lake 623-2947. 35-3 GOLD Inglis apartment size dryer, good-condition, $100. Phone 623-6074. 37-1 RADIATOR for 1965-70 Pon- tiac, strol er, tricycle, kiddie car. Phone 623-7289. 37-ix ONE wedding dress in good condition, size 15. One long, green gown, size 15. Cali 623-2858 after 4. 37-1 APPLES for sale. Phone 263-8161. No Sunday sales. 37-6 DININGROOM suite, buffet and hutch, 6 chairs and table. Phone 623-2756. 37-1 PICK your own- Macintosh apples. Browview Farm, Jun- ction of 115 and No. 2, Newcastle. 37-2 SEVENTY-FIVE white Ieg- horn hens and baled straw. Phone 623-2675. 37-1 STRAW, mixed oats. 1-983- 5436. 37-2 SINGLE Ski-doo trailer, ply- wood sides, Ski-boose plat- form, $110. Phone 623-5295. 1 1 37-1 FIREPLACE wood, 20 bushel bin, $10. Phone 623-7176. 37-1 TV 21" Phillips B-W Table model $50. Phone 623-4674. 37-ix SECONDS in apples and pears, ail year round, $2.50 bushel. Phone Bill Feddema 263-2074 after 5 o'clock. No Sunday sales. 37-tf '71 SKIDOO Olympic, '72 Skidoo Olympic, double bed trailer. Phone 623-4188 after 6 o'clock. 37-2 QUANTITY of one bushel apple boxes. Phone 623-2637. 37-1 CHESTERFIELD suites, chrome suites, roII-away bed, oak dining room table, buffet hutch, occasional chairs, cof- fee fables, end tables, suit cases, card table. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 37-1 ROCKING chair, $19, chest of drawers $22, rocking chair $23, chesterfield suite $40, chest of dr'awers $26, 3 Pac. chrome suite $29, platform rocker $17, child's desk $6. Temperance, Bowmaniville. 37-1 Rubber Back Carpet by Harding Ideal1 for rec. rooms etc. SPECIAL $6.59 Sq. Yd. Limifed Quantity F. A. Kramp Furnifure Ltd., 37 King St. E. 623-7071 37-1 Garage Sale Sept. 12 & 13 10 'til 6 Middle Road 1/4 Mile North of Taunton Rd. Watch for signs. 263-8018 37-ix CERTIFIED seed, Fredrick winter wheat, Huron winter barley. Ceresmore Farms Ltd. 623-3552 and 623-7233. 33-6 16 Ft. Saiîboat Used One Sea son, Sails, Lifelackefs, Cushions Included. Ma ke Deal on Motor. Phone 623-7232 FOURTEEN foot fibregiass boat, 50 h.p. motor and traiter. $1200 or best offer. Phone 987-5238. 37-1 PCK your own pears, $25Ua bushel. 1/2 mile west of 115 at khird concession, Newcastle. 1/4 mile north on Lockhart Road, opposite scheei. Phone 987-5215. 37-1 SIDES of beef f rom corn-fed Hereford steer. W. Vaneyk 263-2088. 35-3 Oshawa TV %f Antennas &Towers ROTORS i114STALLED UHF -VHF. Coîored Aeils Apfs. and Homes Pne-Wred R EPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed AI1 pri cedfto SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L, HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf Marine HUGE CLEARANCE Starcraff Boafs and Mercury Outboards Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario 725-1181 Credit Ternis Available P.S.: First comne, first servedi, don't miss eut. 36-A F RESH vegetabies for freezer or table. Corn, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, beets, potatoes, etc. Wili deliver. phone Ted Buttery 263-2511. 34-4 #WHITE'S I.V. TOWERS Towems, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wi red Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 COU RTICE 30-tf Snowmobi les ARCTIC CAT and MERCURY (Special Offer) -buy now and save up te $150. -10 per cent down hoîds any Cat or Mercury and you pay ne interesf until Jan. 1,,1976 Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshawa, Onta rio 725-1181 P.S.: Huge savings en left- over Ski-doo ciothing and accessories. 36-4 BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak wood. New furniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-43771 52-ti PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances T.V.s and stereos and aisj used f urniture and applilances, Will accept trade-ins. Paddy'~ Market, Hampton, phone 263 ?-2 4 33-ti USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf SCREE NED and unscreened top soli, screened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 22-tf AIR conditioners, central and window units. Cali Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 21-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts availabie for most anti- que clocks, pocket' watches and modemn watches and ci ocks. Our repairs are done witý modemn up-to-date equipmenl and qualified Swiss trained Swatchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tj WTRsuppiy - pools, wells etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf APPLES king of fruits. The fliood gates are now opening. When we eat as much fruit as our new Canadian fniends then will we add much life to our personai seives. Rob Roy's Orchards, Lot 8, Con. 6, Darlington. 37-1 BED compiete and dresser arborite top kitchen table and six chairs, two occasional chairs, stove. Mrs. Blake Short. Phone 623-3057. 37-1 A NAVY and white English pram in goodcondition. $25. Phone 623-3964. OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS& EQUI PME NT LAWN&GAR DEN EQUI P. FARM MACHINERY COMPACT FARM T RACTOR S SALES- SERVICE -RENTALS Phone 728-6901 16 If MILemorials let us help you make the selection SIMPSON MEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St. Pnrt Hope. Ont. 416-M-6.434 Evenings Cahi,- Mauri Simipson (416) 885-4443 cm - Buy direct from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd., lias a huge selection ef- fine, quality monuments, large and Smail to fit any need. Come by ur display yard at 73 Ontario t reef, Port Hope or felephone 85-5216 for a monument that n dures. 35-tf COMPR ESSORS, generators; electric motors, grinders, drill p resses,, heavy duty power. tools, etc,. We seil, buy anud trade. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St, Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30-tf Eat farm raised domestic rabbit. Tender, delicious white meat. Economica I No Wa ste Now available aï your meat store -or supermarket. USED 1354D 1. H. Tractor (Demon- strater - 50 Hrs. oniy); 474D i.H. Tractor (600 Hrs.); 434D i.H. Tractor; 414D l.H. Trac- tom with Loader; Satoh 650OGas Tracter wIth AIlied Loader (20 Hrs. Only); 170OAiis Chalmers Tracter with Cab and Loader (775 Hrs.); SC4 Case Tractor; No. 30 Cockshutt Tractor; 1. H. 175 Swather; New Holland Baie Thrower; John Deeme Fiail Type Spreader; J.D. Ground Drive Spreadem; N.H. Fiail Type Spreader; Gee. White Spreader; No. 21 I.H. 1Soreader; l.H. - 9' Trail Cultivator; I.H. - 121/2' Mount- ed Cuitivator with Muichers; Giencoe 12' Mount.ed Culti- vater; Triple K - 16' Mounted Cultivator; Cockshutt 81/2' Trail Cultivater; Cockshutt 9' Trail Cultivator; 3 F. Cock-ý shutt Piow; J.D. 8 Blade Tiller; 1.H. Wagon and Case Forage Box. Robinson & Kitchen Farm Equipment Ltd. Lindsay, Ontario (705) 324-6136 OSHAWA SAND A.ID GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND GRAVEL.and STONE' LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Suzes for briveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL. TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il-tf SEPTEMBER SPECIALS Lawn & Garden Equipment 1 OnIy Model 55 (5 h.p.) Ride on Lawn Mower 2 Only Model 76 (7 h.p.) Lawn Tracters wifh 36" Mewer 1 Only 20" Cut Economy Push Lawn Mowem 3 Oniy 20" Cul Deluxe Push Lawn Mowers 1 Oniy Model 526 (5 h.p.) Waik Behind Rotary Tiller 2 Only Model 250 Power Washers 1 Onhy Model 2550 Power Washer 1 Onhy Model 2A Lawn Sweeper 1 Oniy Trailer (Use with Garden Tracter) 1 Oniy Model 59 (5 h.p.) Shredden Grinder WAS 635.00 1065.00 119.95 139.95 350.00 425.00 500.00 185.00 139.00 350.00 SPECIAL 525.00 850.00 99.95 109.95 295.00 350.00 425.00 149.00, 99.00 295.00 ROBINSON & KITCHEN, FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Lindsay, Ontario- (705) 324-6136 Home Carper Rec. Ro0ms - Fences - Repairs of ail typ Free Estimate - Tri Commercial - Res Phone 623-3* IL). BEERS& 50 CON STRU CT 1< New Homes - Rer 1Rec Rooms Repairs of ail tyl PHONE 623-2263 Ref r igerati( AND f Appliance Ser Commercial and Dor Days .... . . . . . . Nights .. ..... Lander Hard' and ELECTRI DO0MESTIC &COMMI REFRIGERATIONL and APPLIANCE SALES & SI Kool Enterpri PHONE 623-322- 24 Division St., Bowrr DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-ff Geddes Electric Renovations - AlterationE Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimâtes Phone 623-2398 48-tf C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery ProfessionaIly Cieaned FREE ESTIMATE9 Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf Fail Pîowing Stubbîe and Sod PHONE 723-1308 ANYTIME. I NSTALL AN OURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIR AIR CONDiTIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED fPARTS AND SERVICE POLI CV CA LL HARVEY PARTNER Vour ESS'OService Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 HoUr Service 23-tf iJACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151, M~AIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bewmanvllle 30-tf BOB BEERS 137,ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repa mrs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-tf CUSTOM upholstening, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- abl e, work guaranteed, 20 years.exper ience. Free esti- mates. lease cail coliect 1-986-5072. 26-tf DAY came in my home. location - central. Please cali 623-4294. 36-4x PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Pertraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf MATURE woman wîil babysit one or two pre-school chiidren in my home, 623-5673, north end. 37-1ix Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches - Drains Foundat ions and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfilled Screened Stone, Cmushed Gravel, Sand Ivan Mountjcy B LAC KSTOC K 1986-4737 NEED A ntry PRESSURE SYSTEM? Arbonite REPAîRS TO ALL MAKES Floors Harvey Partner pes. Drono 983-5206 - Zenithl 14620~ ýadesmen sidential BîII'5 194 GLASS and MIR1RORS LTD. 7 Divislon St., Bowmanviile S Ontario. Phone 623-5187 NS Sheet and Float Glass ON Seaied Units - St-mm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors novating Pattemned and Colored Glass pes. ~and Glazing. 17t WATER Wells bored, 30" file, 20 If Ward's Weli Boing. Tele- phone 342-2030. !Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- lor phone 987-4531. 16-tf rvice MAPLE GROVE miestic SMALL ENGIN E l Coolers VYER Repairstoail makes of 623-5774 Lawn and Garden Equipment 623-3W.7 579-2001 iNar TF Lawn &Garden Ca re ERtIAL Rolling, moto-filiing wifh a UNITS commercial machine. Seeding :ES down new lawns or old. Tmee ERVICE culting and odd jobs. lises Phone mianville 9752 26-tf if Ail-Type Painting and Roof ing Bowmanviile, Ontario -623-5038- Interior and E xte r ior Sea -O-Matic Shingles CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. Distr,,ibu- tor for ComDev Marnre Pro-. ducts. 6t A Shakespeare fishing rod and Mitchell reel, lest near Osaca. Phone 623-5730. 37-1 White short-haired cat, aýering ed and vh~ite f lea- coiFar. Phone 623-5113. 37-1 Room and Board availabie. For information phone 623- 3265. 37-1 Apple Growe.,rs Again buying luice apples in large volume buîk at farm, aise peelers. Cash paymgqnt and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 37-4 Ride from Bowmanville, Liberty Street, North to Yonge and York Milis or Yonge and 401. Leaving around 7 o'clock and returning f rom 4 to 5 p.m. Phone 623-7802 or Toronto off ice 928-4508. 3,7-2 Popular Piano Playing For beginners or ciassical students wishing te play pop music. Aduîfs enîy. For demonstraton Phone 623-2697 37-1 Loans NEED MONEY? Fer Cars, New or Used or any other worthwhi le purpose CALL: THE TORONTO DOMINION BANK at 623-2514 and ask for Mn. Weldon or Mrs. Cee. 36-2 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STAT ESMAN C LASS IFlE DS FINEQU ALITY MONUME liS ANO MARK31RS Stafford erothers Monuments LIMITE O Box 133 318 Dundus St. E. - Whitby Phone Whltby 668-3552 ........................