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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1975, p. 9

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Recreatio--n Activities Girls Softball feated the Roadrunners by Willatts, Wenddv Brown, The first game of the 30 to 19. '['lie top lutter tor the Cindy Langford, JoAnne playoffs saw the Asti-os defeat Pinîk Panthex-s was Cheryl Lambert and Terri Brown one thic Bttercups by a 20 to 19 Anyan with five hits including hit each. 1 score. The top hitters for the a home run. Jo Anne Havnes lnthie first game of the best Buttercups were M. Asten wîth three hits, Gail Bishop out of tliree League finals the witli two hits and a home run. three hits wliile Shelly Adams, Astros defeated the Pink Lytîn Tennant two bits, while Dianne Peggy, Susan Van- Paxthers b y a 29 to 17 score. L. Car'lson, K. Robertson, L. Bakele two hits, white Tam- The top hitfter for the Astros Frank had one bit each. The mie Gray with four hits. The was Daphne Lobb with a Astros were led by Amandla Roadrunners attack was led Double and two singles, while Abbott with thrce bits while by Jo Anne Lambert, three Darcv Bissonette had tw.; Darcy Bissonnette, Lee Anne hits, diii Willatts, Wendy singles, Linda Richards two Willatts, Daptine Lobb two Brown two hits each, Terri bits, wble Judy Robicbaud, ~hits each Deborah Tbompson,' Anne Townsty and Lori flow- Carey Black, Lee Anne Wil- Judy Robichaud, Claire Gib- arth one bit. latts each had one bit. The oners. In the third and deciding Pink Panthers top hitters In tbe contest played on game played on Sept. 6th, the were Gayle Bishop four sing- Wed., Sept. 3rd the Roadrun- Astros defeated the Butter- les, Dianne Peggie a single, ners defeated the Pink Pan- cups by a 20 to 14 score. The triple and a home run, whtle tiiers by a 22 to 19 score. The hitters were Daphne Lobb Carol Hooper, Karen Stone- Roadrunners were led by with a home run and two berg, Sue Hartford, Susan Wendy Brown with three bits singles, Lee Ann Wilatts, two, VanBakel one bit eacb wbile including a home run, while Darcy Bissonnette, two hits, Cheryl Anyan contributed a' Terri Brown with two bits while Claire Geboers, Aman- home run. The winning pit- wilc Lorie Howarth, Brenda da Abbott, one bit eachi and cher was Lee Ann Willatts Green, and Jili Willatts eacb Judy Robicbaud two bits. The wbile Diane Peggie took the bad one bit. The Pink Pan- hitters for the Buttercups mss,. thers were led by a home run werc Lynn Tennant, Lisa - In the second game of the Dianne Pegge two bits one a Carlson, Leanne Bamsey, Bowmanville Minor Girls' home run, Cheryl Anyan two two bits eacb. Kathy Robert- Softball League Final tbe bits while Tammy Gray, Jo son, Megan Aston, one, bit Astros defeated tbe p ink Ann Haynes, Carol Hooper, eacb. Panthers by a 32 to 28 count. Gayle Bisbop each had one bit. In the other coiest played The Astros were led by the On Se pt. 4tb, the Buttercups on Sept. 6th, the Pink Pan- itting of Dapbne Lobb with defeated the Astros by a 15 to 9 thers defeated the Roadrun- two home runs and a single. count. The Buttercups were ners by a 14 to 13 score. Tbe Wendy Luxton had a single led by Katby Robertson with hitters for the Panthers were wbile Judy Robichaud, Linda four bits, Megan Aston, Donna Gayle Bishop three bits, Diane Richards, Darcy Bissonette, Hogarth, Lynn Tennant, Lisa Peggie two bits including a Kari Black, a single eacb and, Carlson two bits each while home run, Carol Hooper three Julie MacLean and Lee Anne Denise Stoneburg, Laurie Lee hîts, Karen Stoneburg one hit, Willatts eacb had a double. Perris and Lee Ann Bamsey JoAnne Hayes one hit. Tam- The Pink Panthers' hitters one hit eacb.' The Astros mie Gray a home run to tie the Joe Ann Haynes, three sin- bitters were Lee Anne Wil- score and Susan VanBakel hit gles, Susan Van Backel a latts, Daptine Lobb, Linda a homerun to win it. The home run double and a single, Richards two bits eacb while hitters for the Roadrunners Dianne Peggy two home runs Deborab Thompson and were JoAnne Lambert four and a double, Cheryl Anyan a Wendy Luxton one bit each. its, Terri Ann Townsley, single and triple, while Cheryl In a game played on Se pt. Brenda Green, three bits and Anyan a triple, Carol Hooper, 5tb, the Pink Panthers de- a home run. Terri Brown. JI Karen Stoneburg, Shelly 26 KING STREET EAST Hoaks Three-Foot Mus kie Seven-year-old Todd Balson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Balson, Hampton is one of the proudest youngsters in the area, and well he might be. Over the weekend, he and his parents were fishing on Lake Scugog when Todd feit something tugging on his line. When he brought it in with a bit of help, he found he'd hooked a three-foot long muskie, a prize catch that will be mounted as a lifelong trophy. Adams, Correen Wells, one bit eacb. The wînning pitcher was Lee Ann Willatts whibe Gaybe Bisbop took the loss. Baton Beginniers Baton and Tap classes on Saturday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium. Starts on Saturday September 27tb. Registration Wednesday, September 17 at the Recrea- tion Office, Bowmanvibbe Town Hall, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The fee is $12.50 for 9 essons. BalletClasses Ballet Instructions for chibd- ren on Saturday mornings at the Bowmanville Town Hall. Class times to be set later. Registration wil be hebd on Wednesday, September l7tb and classes wibl start on Saturday, September 27tb. Fee is $12.50 for 9 lessons. Baton Advanced Baton Classes at the Lions Centre Rose Room from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Starts Friday, September 26th. Registration fee is $1250 for 9 essons. Registration for Baton and Tap classes on Wednesday, September l7tb, froni 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Office in the Bowmanville- Town Hall. Men's Swim and Gym Class A Men's Swim and Gym Club wilb be conducted at the Pine Ridge Scbooi froni 5: 00 to 6:30 p.m. two days a week. Starts on Monday, September 22nd, 1975. Registration fee is $10.00. Legion Ladies 'learniStandings Plazek 5-5383, Sutebiffe 3- 5027, Sheehan 2-5088, Partner 2-4789. High Single: Pbazek 264; High Triple: Sutcliff e 664; Higb Average: Sutcbiffe 218. Averages Sutcliffe 218, Pbazek 211, Sheeban 206, Gray 199, Whit- ney 195, Oke' 179, Bissonette 176, Howarth 169, Murdochi 169, Simnick 169. Men's Majlor Larry Piper let everyone know that be is stibl the top bowler at Liberty Bowl. Piper bad the first 400 of the season and added two more games of 267-233 for the first 900. This brougbt Larry's average to 268, tops for the league. Ron Etcher had 856 (321), Randy Beauprie 822 (344), Don Bradly 804 (276) and Lowell MacDougal 803(324). Ron Good had a nice 321 single. The Beaver Lumnber teai had bigh single 1396 and bigh tri ple 3764. Cowan Pontiac and Coliss Ebec tric are tied for top spot, eacti having won fîve and lost only one gamne. Night H awks Teani Standings Mable Trimble 5352-7, Barb Wibbur 4927-6,' Lois Burgess 5046-4, Kris Raîston 4888-4, Mary Bates 4591-3, Joyce Rowe 4809-1. High Single - Abice Burgess 290. High Triple - Alice Burgess 721. Top 10 Averages Alice Burgess 215, Alice Lor- usso 201, Ina Hughes 186, Mary Bates 183, Luty Lens 181, Maureen Summers 181, Minnie Evers 179, Barb Wil- bur 176, Kris Rabston 173, Lois Burgess 173. S TÀRK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Litbe, Caniphebiford, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey. Mrs, Edna Dobson bas returned home froni holiday- ing w'ith lber sister Mrs. Campbell Duthie, Hartney, Manitoba. Mrs. Ethel IGilmer, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler, Toronto, were callers with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson were guests at the Tresise - Patterson wedding in Oshawa on Saturday afternoon. Mr.-and Mrs. Lbew Hallo- Telephone 623-3808 well returned home on Sunday froni travelling tbrougb Nor- thern Ontario, Winnipeg and Sask. visiting friends and relatives, reporting having, a wonderful time. A large crowd turned out to church on Sunday, Rev. Mort- gomery message was "The Lord of the Seven Wonders". Mrs. Mary Caswell was organ- ist. Church service will be held on Sept. 28th. The U.C.W. meeting was beld at Mrs. Carl Todd's on Wed. evening. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Haroici Soucb on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen and boys, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. John Cart- wright had Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Soucb and boys. Maple Grove lst. Maple Grove Cub News The lst. Maple Grove Cubs and Leaders wish ahl the boys, wbo were in Cubs last year, and did not return, because of overage the best of luck. We hope they enjoyed their stay with us. A special thanks goes out to, the principal at St. Joseph's Sebool in Bowman- ville, principalsalMaple Grove East Sbol, Maple Grove West School and Cboo Radio in Ajax, in helping us find fourteen new Cubs this year. They are: Steven Brun- cli, Scott Milîs, Ted Carter, Jerry Brigg, Scott Zealand, Keith Gallagber, Sean Clark, Allen O'Reilly, Michael Cart- Or. John Chamberlain, Danny Van Hemmen, Lloyd Yenik, Doug Bakker. We welcome theni to the brotberhood of Scouting. We Can Save YOU Money! Recently we trained on and installed in our Service Bays, the latest in automotive diagnostic systems, designed to speed up and increase our service capabilities to you, "Our Customers". These Facilities Are Available to.,You at "NOcOSI," Sa t., Sepmt. 2Oth 9: 00 a. m. to 3:00p. m. In a matter of minutes, your car will complete a "40 point inspection" and our friendly, courteous staff wilI answer any questions you may have on economy or performance of your vehicle. Phone 623-3121 and let us know what time to expect you. T. J. (John) Sunoco 96 King St. E. To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle: We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as at December 31, 1974 and the statement of revenue and expenditure for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and sucb tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circunistances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as at December 31, 1974 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance witb accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities consistently applied. DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants. Oshawa, Ontario. April 3, 1975 (except for Note 4 as to bihthe date is July 28, 1975). iÀcence No. 001 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1974 Accumulated net revenue at December 31, 1973................... $ 623,988 Expenditure: General Government ............... .... 300,303 Protection to, persons and property ........ 339,134 Transportation services ... ........ .... 1,176,408 Environniental Services............ .... 147,811 Social and family services................. 400 Recreation and community services..... 415,551 Community planning and development . 97,307 Financial expenses (Note 3).-............ 446,083 Region or county - share of expenditure .... 1,103,247 Education.-........................... 2,514,384 Other ..............................._..9L0 Total expenditure (6,635,528) Revenue: Taxation.................... 4,717,492 Contributions froni other governments ..1,026,945 Other................ *..... ........_3760 Total rpvenue 6£121067 Accumulated net revenue at December 31, 1974..................... 927 Analysed as follows:: General Revenue ................... ... 221.983 Special charges (Note 4)............ ... . (94,900) Special areas ..................... .... (17.556) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1974 Current Assets: ASSETS Cash................................$ '167,301 Accounts receivable.................... 527,270 Taxes receivable ...................... 664,301 Other................................ 9,684 Marianna Developments a mg e w ioddQ àmee Look for ISL Signs Corne, See and Compare Save At Least l1O,OOO by driving a few extra miles ga~~ng k Qly 9Gs. a ehMygm. the ýaviing elough to poy t o uh ggu 6ON a eaà. $2,000 down to qualified-buyer s will move you into a beautiful single home with extra large lots to choose from Some lots feature trees and year-round running streams. Priced from: 144,900 Trade-Ins Considered For Information, Caîl 705-932-2132 IRWIN, SARGENT & LOWES LIMITED 1,368,556 Capital Outlay To Be Recovered in Future Vears <Note5) ................. 2,146,482 Other Long Terni Assets (Note 6) ............. 116,620 Total $ 3,631,658 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Temporary boans ................... $ 465,763 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 757,952- Other (....... ...... ................. 30,406 Total current liabilities 1,254,121 Net Lon g Terrni Liabilities- (Note 7) .......... 1,342,278 Reserves and Reserve Funds ............... 925,732 Accumulated Net Revenue.................. 109,527 Total $ .3, 631,658 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended December 31, 1974 I.Establishment of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle was establisbed on January 1, 1974 under the provisions of Bill 162 (Regional Municipality of Durham Act). The Corporation assumed the assets, liabilities, reserves, reserve funds and surpluses of the following -former municipalities (except for those amounts associated witb the services assumed by the Region of Durham as indicated in Note 4): The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville The Corporation of the Township of Clarke The Corporation of the Township of Darlington The Corporation of the Village of Newcastle The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîhle, September 17, 1975 9 On Saturday, Sept. 2th, are looking forward to receiv- there will be no paper drive in ing your support on our bottle Maple Grove,. We are very drive. Thank you, Yours in sorry but we cannot get rid of Scouting, Akela - Andy Van The Corporation of the Toewn of Newcastle AND FIN ANCIÇa1A L STAT E ME NTSbe for the year ending December 3lst, 1974 2.Basis of Consolidation The Consolida ted balance sheet reflects the assets and liabiities of the revenue lund, tue capital fund and ahl reserve funds of the municipality. Trus t fund assets administered by the municipalîty amounting to $44,968 bave not been consoidated, nor have the assets and liabilities of the following local boards of the munîcipality been consolidated: Bowmanville Museum Board Bondhead Cemetery Board Lîbrary Board Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission Hydro Electric Commission of Orono Newcastle Public Utilities Commission Clarke Museumi and Archives Clarke Game Commission 3.~~~~~~~ PoiinfrorigCitlReserves Provision for working capital reserves amount- ing to $400,000 is included as "financial expenses" in Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. 4. Regional Services (a)Regional Sewage Services: The Regional Municipality of Durham is responsible for the operations and debt costs for sewage services. The excess costs over user benefit charges are invoiced to tbe benefiting area municipality. The estimated excess costs of $94,900 for the year ended December 31, 1974 have been reflected in the accompanying financial statements as a special charge to be recovered from benefîting users. (b) Re gional Water Services: The Regional Municipality of Durham is responsible for the operations and debt costs for water facility services. The excess costs over user benefit charges are invoiced to tbe benefiting area municipality. The estimated excess costs of $167,500 have not been reflected in the accompanying financial statemfents as these costs will be offset by the combined December 31, 1973 waterworks surplus of the former municipalities. 5. Capi tal Outlay to be recovered in Future ears Some capital -outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Special charges on benefiting landowners $227,354 Municipal enterprises 74,300 $301,654 6. Other Long Terni Assets Include-d in the long terni assets is an amount of $80,000 which represents a boan to the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission to be repaid over the next tbree years. 7. Net Long Terni Lia bilities Total long term liabfli7ies incurred W ~the, municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $4,148,813 0f the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges bas been assumed by -others for a principal amount of 2,806,535 Net long term lia bilities at the end of the year $1,342,278 Týotal chargesFr tihe year for net long term liabilities were as follows: Principal payments............ $109,714 Interest ....................... 108,764 $218 478 0f the total charges sbown above, $201,i paid from the revenue of the municipality and is included in exuenditure, classified under the appro- priate functional headings, and $17,062 was recovered from the municipal enterprises for which the related net long term liabilities were incurred. 9.Labilitfor Vested ik Leave Beneits Under tbe sick leave benefit plan unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may become entitled to a cash payment wben they leave the municipality's employment. The liability for these accumubated days, to the extent that they have vested and could be taken in cash by an employee on terminating, amounted to $63,202 at the end of the year. No provision bas been made for this lia bility. Total Current assets 8. Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities

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