4The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. Setember 17, 1975 e Inoformation l'ne lVinstry of Transporta- tion and Communications bas announced new symbol signs indicating travel information centres operated by municipa- lities, chambers of commerce, or regional councils will be instalhd at provincial free- way interchanges. T[he signs, with a lower case letter "i" symbol and the legend "traveli information", will be included on composite signs listing various services available at freeway inter- changes. The first of these new signs will appear on tbe Queen Elizabeth Way in the Burling- ton-Sf. Catharines area this montb. 'J The "F" symbol will indicate an officiai information centre approved by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism and located within three miles of a freeway and in continuous operation eight bours a day, seven days a week throughout the tourist season. A composite sign including the 'i" symbol in advance of the appropniate interchange as well as a direction marker wifh the "i" symbol at the freeway ramp terminal will be erected by MTC. The information centre operator will be resosble for erecting any adiinal signs between ramp terminals and the centres. Beath Believes Match Can Unite Durham Durham Regional Chair- man Walter Beatb' suggested to some 400 gatbered at press and exhibitors day at tbe international plowing match site north of Oshawa, that the match will do mucb to unite Durham Regfion. Mr. Beafh was stressing tbe point tbat Durbam cannot exist as separate urbar, and rural municipalities. Along witb Mr. Beafb, publicif y commitfee chairman for the matcb, Grant Weber, indicated tbat tbe match will enable residents of the urban areas to better understand the agricultural community. Displays of agricultural "THAT MUCH TO REBUILD?" Your 35 year aid home may have depreciated cansiderab- Iy in value. But how much would if cost to replace if at today's building costs? We advise you ta investigate insurance ta "full replace- ment value", at James Insur- ance Agency. Jamines Insourance Agencil Limited 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES Office 623-'4406 Residence 623-5023 equipment and demoiI'stra- fions of modemn life on a Canadian farm will occupy the mammofb 100 acre tent cifv, deemed f0 he the largest tent city ever erecfed for a world plowing match. "This show is one sfep forward towards solving the communication gap befween urban and rural residents," Mr. Weber remarked. The Se ptfember 23 f0 27 event marks the third time the match bas been beld in Canada, the fîrst world match being held in Cobourg in 1953 witb another 10 years later bringing plowmen f0 Peel County. Chairman of the local com- mittee planning the event, Bob Timbers from Uxbridge indi- cated the match is more than just a contest. "If is a show- piece of agriculture." "Mr. Timbers, who bas represented Canada in fhree world events, chairs a group of some 300 committee mem- bers on 22 committees at the local level. The course of activity at the ~ma.cb - will see the interna-, tiotial event comtêitors, an- annual Ontario match, plow during the first three days with the Canadian Champion- ship'i on the third day as well. Concluding the event, Fri- day and Safurday, will bring on the world compefitors. Plowing' for the interna- tional and Canadian events will run from il a.m. f0 2:30 p.m. with the time sloted for the wonld furrows reporfed as 10 a.m. f0 i p.m. With more than $25,000 in prizes f0 be awarded f0 the champion plowmen organi- zers anticipate that this year's match will draw a record dttenddnce, of some 150,000 during ifs five days of actîvity. ENNISKILLEN (Infended for Last Week) Church mbors flung wide openi, the bell in the belfry tolled ifs welcome f0 begin the new Churcb year of services. Refreshed and enfhusiasfic our minister, organist, Sr. choir and congregation of 60 folks were in their places at 9:45 a.m. for the church service also the S.S. staff and 7 classes of pupils af il a.m. for S.S. Session. Rev. Bigby's fwo mýessages were excellent spir- e AUTO cP~ &USED CARS LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636 Two Mile! North of NE on Morgan's e o. 2 ( WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 14 Frank Street Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-4597 Residence: 623-7308 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental1 PR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D. S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30a.m. to9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours:, Weekdays 9 . Telephone 623-7412 If busy- 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FTE R NOON DR. W. M. RUOELL, D.D S. 75 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 9 'tii 5 Wednesday 9'til12 Friday 9 'tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 Section Two ifual food. His chilcren's story began as a review of the varied sumnmer activities and confinued totell the story of a prince in China wbo sougbt diligently for a precious stone which supposedly bad magic power but after a long search in vain lie was told by his companion tbat lie had discov- ered the stone wbicb required sharing to give ifs special power - a genuine lesson in Stew ardship for all. The sermon based on the story from Acts of the crippled beggar wbo begged alms at the Temple and was helped by Je sus tbrough Peter. Our miinister stated that our react- ion to tbis story migbf be one of co mpassion, offence or indifference and added that the world and cburcb too is crippled and needs bealing. We need to cease our coin- placency whicb may be due to eéar and feeling of inadequacy like Moses. Rev. Bigby coun- selled bis congregation to encourage one another witb no criticism and witb Jesus' belp to use our lives for God. A warm welcome was extended to all with special mention of the Rod Simpson family. Offering was received by M. J. Hobbs and K. McGill. Jr. Church was in the care of Rena Kinsman. A brief meet- ing of Session was held at the close to advance plans of the Dedication Ceremony in the near future. Sunday, Sept. 21, Rev. Norman of the Can. Bible Society will be guest minister. We are reminded to visit the United Cburcb Tent and Displays at the Plougbing Match this month. Tbe S. Scbool period was opened by Rutb McGill witb son Brian at tbe piano. Brief promotions was part of this session as, pupils advanced from each class. A S.S. Staff meeting is planned for Wed. evening at Ruth McGill's home. Our Public Scbool Staff is back onduty witb very sligbit changes in pesonel aa brand new Kindergarten class beginning a strange, new and wonderful adventure. Mrs. F. Dorland, Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs, O.C. Ashton were among the relatives as guests at alinen and paper gif t shower for tbe briTe-to-be Miss Lynda Skinner held at the home of bier future sîsfer-in-law Mrs. Larry Ash- ton, Oshawa, also Mr. OC. Ashton attended a men's party for the groom - elect Mr. Dennis B. Ashton in Oshawa. Mrs. Harold Kyte, Black- stock was a welcome visitor of Mr. O.C. Ashton. The Stenger's gazelle-like Jerseys travelled via Bragg and Son Transport to our local Fair at Orono and literally Ilswept the board" winning many laurels for which we say "congratulations". We regret to hear of the illness of Mrs. Sadie Billett, a one time Enniskillen girl, who is now receiving professional care in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Our wisb is a speedy and comfortable reco- ver y for bier. The topograpby of our fair province h as turned to another stage by the brigbt yellow school buses and a variety of campaign signs wîth pictures of the nominated candidates in our up-coming Ontario elect- Business Directory Accounta ncy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 ion and lasfly the trees bave already begun f0 don tbe beautîfully colored hues of their autumn costumes. Wedding belîs rang loud and clear for some couples during the September montb 25 yrs. ago viz: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Griffin (nee Velma Colla- cutf of Tyrone) and Mr. and Mrs. Bey Veale (nee Jean M. Wery). now residing in Van- couver, B.C. May we extend congratulations and happy anniversary to these jolly couples? On Sat., 5ept. 6th Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Grif fin were guests of bonor at a surprise dinner parfy at "Ali Baba", Whitby, on tbe occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Table was fastefully decorafed witb a lovely we= ding cake made by daugbter Heather and son Dale, acfed as M.C. for evening. About 25 relatives and close friends enjoyed a scrumptious dinner, affer which Wallace and Velma were presenfed with several lovely gifts including a 25fh anniversary book con- taining a giff of money. Many local folks attended Port Perry Fair and some were fortunate f0 share a treaf of the prize winning chocolat e cake whicb was auctioned and purcbased by Bert Werry and a couple of bis confreres. We are sorry fo learn of the deafh of one of our former ministers the late Rev. E. Belknap of Castlewood Drive, Rochester, N.Y., who passed away Augusf 12f h in bis 89tb year. Our Sympafby is extend- ed to bis sorrowing family. Miss Lynda -Avery- bas returned f0 bondon for ber third year of studies at Western University. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Pontypool were Fni- day supper guests af E. Wrighf s. The Septf. meeting of the U.C.W . will be held at Mrs. E. Wrîghts' wifh display of cards. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry hiolidayed at Listowel, Clinton, London and Sf. Tbomas and refurned home wîfb a car load of peaches, also had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Williams, Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Haydon, werp Sunday visitors af Mr. and Mrs. I. Sharp's. Mrs. Donald Lamb and Mrs. Jessie Trew, Bailieboro, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb af their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell Jr., Mr. Wally Bothwell, Bow- manville, Mr. Dave Bothwell, Sr. and cousin Betty, Scotland, were Sunday supper guests at Mlr. and Mrs. C. Stainton's. Miss Elva Orchard spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Velma at Pigeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor affended Orono Fair and were supper guests of Mrs. W. E. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. S. Petbick visited Mrs. E. Dickinson and other friends at Hillsdale Manor recenfly. LIP Funds to Hire Parks Planner Apply f or Squeezing in just under the Seýpt ember 12 deadline for applications, Newcastle Coun- CI 's committee of the Whole, bave approved a recom- mendafion from Planning director George Howden f0 apply for an LIP grant f0 finance tbe temporary em- ployment of a Parks Planner. A report from Mr. Howden on the mat fer reminds that the town bas accumulated a sizeable amount of money for parks purposes througb sub- divîders agreements, the pur- cbasing power of whicb is decreasing wifh rising land costs. Mr. Howden therefore Mrs. Lorna Mustard, New- market was Thursday guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Mrs. R. Griffin accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, wbo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bryant, Pleasant Point, called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grif fin, Lindsay on way oe Mr.adMr.Ralpb Virtue and girls attended Orono Fair on Saturday and were supper guests of Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, Oronu. Misses Judy Virtue and Susan Nielsen attended Co-Ed camp a Quin-Mo-Lac, Moira Lake. Recent visitors at R. Vir- tue's were Mr. and Mrs. AI Martin, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grills, Ennîskillen. feels if would be advantageous f0 embark on a comprehen- sive program of land acquisi- fion arnd park developmenf. Mr. Howden makes particu- lar note of the land presently bounding on Bowmanville and Soper Creeks in Bowmanville wbich bears great potential for parkland purposes. He reports that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority basexpressed inter- est in acquiring parcels of land along these two creeks for passive recreational use. Mr. Howden also stresses the necessity of co-ordinating the efforts of the towni with those of the Conservation Authority in order f0 avoid any duplication of services and, take maximum advan- tage of available facilifies. The Planning Dîrector sug- gests that the most expedient method of co-ordinating such efforts would be a committee of representatives fromn the Conservation Authority and the Town. "However," Mr. Howden continues, "the work involved in establishing and co-ordinat- ing such a committee, as well as formulating a Master Plan for development, would re- quire a prohibitive amount of staff time." For this reason, Mr. How-' den refers f0 the fact that the "Local Initiatives Pro gram" provides funds for Federally approved projects which bene- fit the community at large. Sucb funds are reported by Mr. Howden as available fo individuals, grogps, or mun- icipalities and bne suggesfs that the town take advantage of the opportunify they pro- vide in order f0 hire a Parks Planner to work on a full time basis for 7'/2 months, the 'maximum time allowable un- der the funding period. Mr. Howden advised thaf such a job would be extremely suîted to a recent graduate witb a degree in Urban Planning, Geography or Land- scae Architecture. T h e part hired, should the IPfunds be granfed would be responsible for creating a Master Plan for developmenf of the Bowmanville and Soper Creeks in co-operafion wifh the Conservation Aufhority, Planning Deparfmenf and Recreafional Deparfmenf. Secondly, defailed proposals for the development of individ- ual segments of these creek valleys would be prepared including co-ordinafîng coin- miffee meetings, preparing minutes agendas 'and meeting schedules. Finally, the planner wvould formulafe a land acquisition programn outlining acreage, cosfs and pbasing. Councillor Ann Cowman moved the commiffee's con- currence with Mn. Howden's ee'HAR VEY OROINO 963-52.06 Êsso HQME HEAT SERVCICE HERH'0S 0 BABY DILI, SWEET MIXEO OR FACELLE ROYALE Intn hclt RALS 9C BREAD E& BUTTER OAC ASSORTEIJ COLORS-2-PLY45 TO5M5E HT LcOCoronation Snff Bathroom 2-O l TOSMSE HT LCD(4' OFF LABEL,24F SEDF Tdmmi P a Bambi Bread LA'160 69 CEV0 isu PG ~IfI~ JAR Mrg aineil 1TUB S-FO R Lion rîg Bars HUMPTY OUMPTV Pretzel Twists or Sticks 'P-'K'G491 CLEOPATRA, REGULAR là AIL SHEER BIEGE & SPICE > One ize antyHose 3 PKGSý JUNIOR TEEN ONE SIZE, POPuLAR SHADES PANTY HOSE OR PG.s Knee Highs 4 PG OIJIKKI PLASTIC Sandwich Bags 10'0,O 591 SANITARY Confidet Napkins PK 12OF71 CONCENTRATED FROZEN Welch's Grape Juice TIN 651 FROZEN 32-FL. oz Rich's Cofree Rich CTN. 55e h PRODUCE 0F REPUBLIC 0F S. AFRICA SIZE ff? 88's Out Orn anges [)Z89 C ANADA No. 1 GRADE, PRIDE 0F NIAGARA Rii rnnrnr r rn 4-O$10 IjJf Bii. -1I 3-LB. t) BAG F BAG --. 2FOR 390 77 KING ST. E.ý SUNDAY STORE HOURS 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I NEW CROP PRODUCE 0F USA, FLORIDA MARSH SEEOLESS CANADA FANCY GRADE 9W 'hiteo Mclntosh Apples G ra pe fr uit CAAD N. GAD OSIZE f 48's PRODIJCE 0F CANADA «I FOR -7997 Pepper Squash WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ÛUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRIJ SAT. SEPT. 17 - 20 Supplied by THE OSHAWA GROUP LIMITED supply depoi for progressive independent recommendafion f0 ap.ply for the LIP funds. Seconding the motion, Councillor Ivan Hobbs nofed that alfhough if mighf neyer be carried ouf there was no barm in applying. MANY AWARDS WE WOID HPA VE WON#~ 'WI THYEY GAVE OUT~ OSCI RS FOR A J.OB -1 VELL DONE$-# Look for more Red Tag Values throughout the store MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM jUIL FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALI COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dia l 1-668-3381 CALL s FneEL091L TODAYUSXF E I FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE '0 qu', -- - qv»Q 1'/ý-LB. IJU#P PKG.