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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1975, p. 9

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Hampton Girls Win Recreation Softball Title On Saturday morning the Recreation Department's Girls Sofibali championship wound up ai Meniorial Park, with' this team from Hampton winning the, trophy, defeating Orono in the finals 15-11. Tearn members, front row, lef t to right, Chelle Gibbs, Cathy Steeves, Asst. Capi. Elizabeth Hursi, Capi. Shelley Hollister and Lorie Hunt; back row,,Coach Mrs. J. Gibbs, Lorie Cook, Carole Beavis, Shelley Beck, Bel h Beavis, Teresa Miller, Coach Deanna Barnes and Coach Harry Barker. Pine Ridge Kinsmen Girls Lose Out in Final The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 1, 1975 9 *~mmmmmmmmUUUUUjChamber Hiolds Successful Golf Tunmn FLIHTWINNERS - in golf at Bowmanville country Club were Ladies "A" - Audrey Gardner. 2nd Peggy Fayle. B" - Lil Hooper, 2nd Rena Island. Men's "A" - John Rundle, 2nd Ray Twist. "B" - Wayne Aasen, 2nd Lloyd MeQuillen, "C" - Si Trewin, 2nd Ken Brown. BEST BALL - winners at Bowmanville Coun- try Club were, Ladies Ist Lii Hooper and Val Mii- ler, 2nd Anna Strike and Helen White. Men's, lst Lloyd McQuillen and Dennis Noakes, runners-up Ted Aldridge and Hugh Mulligan. Mixed, ist Louise Lyle and Si Trewin, 2nd Betty Trudeau and Joe Mcllroy. Husband and wife champion- Stu and Marion Lane. Parent and Jr. - lst Bob and Paul Sheridan, iow net - Arthur and Alister Westgarth, 3rd Mac and Cory Island. NEED PLAYERS - it has been drawn to our attention that winter sports are now getting under way. Several teams in various sports need more players. Therefore, anyone înterested in hockey, caîl the Recreation Department or local 'arena. Bowlers contact Liberty Bowl, Curlers contact Bowmanville Country Club, Badminton, the High School. Figure Skating, Baton Twirling, etc. contact theRecreation Department for informa- tion. SAILING- the Whitby Sailing Schôoo have purchased three wind sailing buggies and have commandeered the Iroquois Park parking lot. A fine week course on using the machine is to start November lst. The buggies reach up to speeds of 35 miles per hour. Contact the Whitby Recreation Department for further information. The Or ono Girls team, sponsored by Pine Rige Kînsmen Club were a close second in the Recreai ion Softball finals. They were, front row, lef t to right, Kendra Kemp, Megan Hurst, Beth Gatchell, Caroline Opoka, Jackie West, and Kelly Hall; second row, Coach George Kemp, Coach Allison Rahm, Anila Hannam, Janice Gatchell, Andrea Williams, and Paisley Stutt; back row, Coach Jim Hulion, Coach Lura Bridger and Coach-Roman Opoka. Wins Most Valuable PIc yer Trophy Officials at the final playoff -game on Saturday chose Anita Hannam, Orono's pitcher, as the Most Valuable Player in the finals. She is shown above ?eècei-ving her trophy from league organizer Reg. Willatts. NEWTONVILLE Tfhe Library at Newtonville Scbooi opený on Wed., Oct. 1, at 1:30 p.m., and will be open each Wednesday, hereafter lrom 1:30 to 4 p.m., On Oct. 6, a Book-Mobile will be at the school, when books for cbildren and aduits may be bought, by anyone. Thursday, Oct. 2, at 1:30 p.m., a meeting will be held at the sçhool, when, it is hoped, senior citizens will attend, in oî'der to get sometbîng orga- nized for -the coming faîl and winter months, in the way of entertainment. Oct. 9, at 1:30 p.m., a representative of the Gana- raska Conservation Commit- tee will be coming there to speak; Oct. 16, the speaker wiit be Mayor Garnet Ric- kard, and on Oct. 23, tbe topic for a speaker will be "Educa- tion ." It is hoped there will be a good response from our senior citizens, and ail in this age gro up who are interested are welcome to attend. Several interested in form- ing a Tennis Club, have responded, and a meeting is being planned, shortly. "Open House," beld at the home of Mrs. Anna Hughes, Port Hope, 1Priday, in honor of ber motber, Mrs. Sowden's birthday. was largely attend-, ed. Local people there, in the af ternoon or evening, included Mrs. Leta Samis- with ber- mnother, Mrs. Prouse, Mrs. A. Lancaster, Mrs. I. Boughen, 1Mrs. Iva Farrow, Mrs. F. Ferguson, Mrs. A. Milligan, Mrs. Queenie Fletcher and Miss B. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sa mis attended the Forty-Sixth Wed- ding Anniversary in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gilmour, Peter'borough, held in Fraser- ville Hall, Friday evening. Messers Trueman Hender- son, Sid Brown, and Don Vinkle were duck-hunting, over the weekend, at Pencil Lake, in Northern Ontario. Mi'. and Mrs. Glen Staple- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendeî son, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Maclnnis, and Mr. and Mi's. M. ONeill were among those attendingz the Masonic "Ladies Night," in Newcastle Community Hall, Saturday night. Judy Brown was home from Humber College over the weekend. Grant Wade spent the week- end with Miss Joanne Main, at Fonthill, and Friday and Monday evenings, they atten- ded the races at Elmira. On Sunday they went to Port Dover where a country music comipetition was held. Rev. and Mrs. Montgomery w ere on duty in the church tent ail day Saturday at the World Plowing Match, and part of their job was counting aIl who came in, approximate- ly 3000. They also took part in the big Parade, about tw.o miles long, the float they were a part of, being the one celebrating the 5th Anniver- sary of the United Church. Mrs. Leone Lane, with son Ted, of Orono, visited Mrs. J.C. Moore, Sunday in Brant- ford. Leslie Gardner spent the xeekend in Toronto, the guest of ber aunt Mrs. C. Richard- son. Rev. Montgomery's Sunday morning topic "Somebody" was taken from a poem of that title, written and given to him by an elderly friend some time ago and as usual was quite thought-provoking. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow and Karen of Gatin- eau, Quebec,. spent the week- end here with Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg. Falls and ail attended the Plowing Match, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walface Letter To The Editor Septem ber 26th, 1975 Deai' Sirs: With the words hardiy out of Mi'. Marchand's mouth, an- nouncing the scrapping of the Pickering Airport, what do we heai' on the radio but Mayor Potticary of Oshawa orating on, "now there is evýen more î'eason to expand the Oshawa airport'. Bill Davis admits the origi- nal study erred, and that in tact another airport is not i'eaily required at this time. But Mr. Potticary's own divine study apparently re- veals that we should have one, and by God it should be iocated east of' Oshawa in Newcastle. Isn't it, time politicians in this land stopped playing ci eators, and as our public representatives, wait for the buiescommrunity and the tax\payers o1f this cmuntry to as'k foV- , ese ~r P~~sand subsequentl y voffer direcition on how our bard-earned mo- ney is to bc invested. If Potticary, bis council, and otheî' poiticians across our nation sense they are capable a)fi iinaking tbe decisions for the 2rivate sector, then they shouid be first capable of stoppîng inflation and decrea- sîng our deficits, instead of t'onstantiy increasîng our taxes. Lets stop these wasted studies, wanton rape of our prime agricultural lands, and concenti'ate on the reai pro- tlemis and the politician's real role to work for us in solving themn. The technology and business Boughen accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ye o and Scott of Orono, spent the weekend at Huntsville where tbey atten- ded service in the United Cburch and enjoyed the color- fui surroundings. Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Best were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds at Foxboro. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster with Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow attended the Masonic service Sunday in Lindsay United Church and called on friends in Bridgenortb en route home also enjoying the scenic color. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were at Memorial Hospital Sunday afternoon calling on several sick fî'iends and on the way home stopped in for a vîsit with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Brown, Newcastle, the latter having returned home from hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones were among the guests at the bouse of Mr. Thomas Mar- shall, at Canton, last Wednes- day. when the lOtb birtbday of bis mother, Mrs. Ber'tha Marshall, of Toronto, was celeb'a ted. About thirteen relatives and friends, gathered at the bouse of Mrs. Jean Cochrane, in Newcastle, last Tuesday after. noon. to honor, Mrs. M. Walkeys birthday. Unfortu- nately, the latter was not able to be there, in person, on account of illness. but ber supper was taken over to ber, in South Haven Rest Home, and appreciated. Gr'ant Wade came home fromn Lindsay Fair, with a Fii'st Prize Ribbon in bis pocket- we are not sure what foi', and neither was he! Maybe itxvas for being the Best i-nnouncer!! Wednesday evening. Grant attended the Flamboro Downs Races. at Dundas. Local people among the bus load attending the World Plowing Match, last Thurs- day, included Rev. eand Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, Mrs. Har'vey Farrow, Mr. Reg. Falls, Mrs. Leta Samis, and Mi's. Mary Jones. Mrs. Quee- nie letcher and Mr. Sidney Lancaster also drove out. Mrs. Doris Chrysier is now our local Avon Representa- tive. expertise o tprîvate enterprise has developed this country. One of oui' great achievements is "The Stol" aircraft that can x irtually land in your back yard. Think about it! If in the future however, the politicians must have a larger airfield, ltLs send them toa place like Camip Borden, for example, ai large area -that we paid for way back during World War I. Hlighway 400 goes right by the doot . Put in a Mono Rail or Go1 Train and Helicotiter Shuttle Service, and the problem is solved wîthout reducing some of1 Canada's finest farmland to tarmnack and uprooting faîni lies that have contributed to our community for generat- ions. No, Mr. Potticary and the i'est of your ilk, we do flot want an airport in the Town of Newcastle any more than the people wanted one in Picker- ing. Be patient and just do the job you were hired to do, and if the need is there we the people will let you know. Concerned Resident of Newcastle. .st Wednesday, the annual Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament was well attended at Bowmanville Country Club, with Bob Welsh winning the~ trophy for low score. He is shown here, receiving the trophy from President John Pogue, lef t, and Jay L'ilge, right, the club professional who assisted in organizing the event. In the evening, golfers and guests enjoyed a delicious dinner prior to the resentation of the awards. Men's Major Bowling Elton Brock captured ail top honors this week with high single 378 and high triple 816. Russ Oke next. one pin behind Brock 815 (346). Ray Van Meer had a big 368 single, MVorley Etcher 358, Ron Sel- leck 320, AI Osborne 307, Roger Davies 302. Larry Piper dropped bis average to 263 but st leads second place Elton Brock 249, Roger Davies and Bob Smith are tied at 244. Coliss Etectric ladsin( the teamn standing with 9 points, Osborne and Shank are third with 8. Frank's Variety had high single 1253 while Dykstra's Food had a 3606 triple. NEW C ASTLE R ECR EATIO N DE PARTMVENT Bowmaicnvlle Girls Recreation Hockey League AGE LIMIT: Girls 14 years of age and up. Those wishing to coach or ref eree contacet tbe ecreatiOfice a623-3379 Ex. 32 or 46 or 49. Register before October 3rd, 1975 The registration fee will be set later by the Community Services Committee. uoa frien RADIO FOR TODAY m m m -.qmmmp, m - - - - - -

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