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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1975, p. 5

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TYRON Mr. Harry Shelaon, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lackey and son, Haliburton were recent dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble. The Stan and Keith Goble's did well at Lindsay and Bobcaygeon fairs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bergsma, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors of the S. Goble's and ' en in the evening Mr. and 1Vrs. S. Goble visited the K. Goble's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hooper, Vernon, British Columbia re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Hoar. Capt. Micheal Gibbs, Co- mox, B.C. has returned and is staying with his mother and brothers while his father Mr. Jack Gibbs is still very ill in Intensive Care in Toronto General Hospital. Gloom was cast over our community Saturday when it was learned that one of our former residents Mr. Mac Hamilton, Bowmanville had suffered a heart attack at the Ploughihg Match and had passed away. Our sincere sympathy goes out to his wife Louise and family. Many paid their respects at the Funeral E NEWS liome and attended the fun- eral Tuesday. Our sympathy also goes out to Mr. Gordon Smale, Hampton in the tragic death of his wife who was killed on Highway 401 when her car rolled over. Mr. and Mrs. S. Alward, Port Hope were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle and Miss Gail Rundle enjoyed a three week trip to the west coast calling on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stainton and family at Fort St. James, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Worden and Miss Erma Worden, Wayburn, Saskatchewan. The Brent familv had a good day at Bobcaygeon Fair and enjoyed the scenery on the way there. Mrs. Dick Rowan, Donny and Janet, Enniskillen were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Short, Lakefield spent a few days with the Rowans. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hooper, Vernon, B.C. were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hardy and Shane, Whitby. Mr. Stuart Hooey, New- castle was a recent visitor with the Prescotts. Miss Jean Philp accom- panied her brother Mr How- ard Philp, Bowmanvile to Waterloo and visited their brother Mr. Cyril Philp. Mr and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare on a trip north east to see the color of the leaves and enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Havelock Hotel. The 4-H unit have had two meetings with a membership of 23 girls. They are under the capable leadership of Mrs. Murray Yeo and Mrs. Alfred Knowlton and the unit is called "Lets Bake Bread" which should prove both useful and pr-itable to these young la es in the years to come. MVr Harvey Hardy and Russell, Bowmanville were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. George AI- idread visited Mrs. Irene Murray, Orono Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. -nd Mrs. John Cook, Hampton celebrating Cathy's 7th birth- day. Weekly Euchre party had fourteen tables and one extra with prizes going to Lorne Richards, Nellie Clark, Doug- las Brock, Molly Hortsman, Lance Phare and Fred Part- ner with the 5050 draw going to Bertha White, Orono: The theme of the church service on Sunday was Ste- wardship - of time, talents, resources. Rev. Bigby stres- sed the point that each one of us is a steward and this is our church Next Sunday Rev. Garrie Stevens and his family of Norwood, New York will be Muskies Give Second Goalie Good Protection In the exhibition game here on Sunday night, Lindsay Muskie's first goalie had to retire from actionin the 3rd period when¯he was shoved into the net during-a close-in play and hit his head. Here, their second goalie appears to be threatened with a similar injury but several Muskies are ganging up on the Bowmanville attackers to make certain it doesn't happen again. There were several encounters like this during the game that Lindsay won 8-4. guests in this charge. The Rev. Stevens will be conduct- ing our service as part of Worldwide Communion Sun- day. Don't forget the Official Board meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. in Enniskillen. All members of the session and the committee of stew- ards, and representatives from other groups should attend. ELIZABE THVILLE Church services were held as usual. Our speaker was Rev. Walter Von Boetticher B.A., M. Div. The choir sang an anthem. Our "at home" at the manse Welcome is Thur. Oct. 2nd. Our anniversary services will be Oct. 19th at 11 a.m. with Rev. Douglas Muir of St. Matthew's United, Toronto. Next Su iday is World Communion. Mr. Clarence beatty had the misfortune to be kicked in the knee by a calf. He is improving nicely. On Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew's family took them out for dinner and presented them with a picture for their 30th wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mercer moved into an apartment in Montreal over the weekend. They had been living in a camper until their apartment was ready. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Mercer went with them when they took their load of furniture on Sat. The first meeting of the 4-H club project, "Lets Bake Bread," was held d the 22nd at Mr. and Mrs. A. Chamber- lain's. The meeting opened with the pledge. There are eight members. Mrs. A. Shep- pard and Mrs. A. Chamberlain ý- he l eader-s. They made Freezer WbolerWheat Bread. Next meeting is at Mr. and Mrs. D. Powell's on the 29th. Election of officers were held: President - Donna Powell; Treasurer - Jackie Chamber- lain; Press reporter - Bonnie Powell. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill, Sunday. Several called to see Mrs. T. G. Sowden who celebrated ber 95th birthday at Port Hope on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Prouse, Morrestown visited with Mrs. F. Wheeler this past week while they attended the Ploughing Match. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sowden were with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bt-atty last week. Mrs. Jenny Dow, Metcalfe spent last week with her grandchildren Karen, John t and Alex at Dow Downsi Farms.i The World Plowing Match was most assuredly a great event for the Durham Region. Its success, no doubt, was due to much expert planning along with a great deal of time and hard work by individuals and' groups whose primary inter- est in the Match was to provide the visitors with a good idea of life in our country. The setting of course, was Ontario's finest and the products, so well displayed, would certainly give a fine impression to any guest. Among those from our community who worked many hours on various displays were the following: Lloyd Ayre, Gordon Barrie, Kenneth Bragg, Gerald Brown, Mari- lynn and Russ Dow, Donald, Garnet, and Jim Rickard, Rod Stork and participating in the B.H.S. Band productions were Janet Bragg, Rosemary Kil- leen and Nora Simpson. A hearty vote of thanks is extended to you all for doing such a fine job. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dow have returned home after a week at Calgary where they attended the Canadian Good Roads Convention. The high- lights of this trip had to be the usual Western hospitality with superb beef banquets along with unusually warm and very pleasant weather. Afternoon tea guests with Mrs. Doug Woods, Elgin St., on Friday included Mesdames Nellie Barrie, Doreen Barrie, Margaret Killeen and Thelma Th Vessenger Group from Trinity, Church held a weiner roast at the home of one of their leaders. Mrs. Gordon Barrie last Thursday after- noon with 13 girls and boys and their other leader, Mrs. Don Austin, present. The group toured the barns and they were very pleased to be abe to pet the animals and to ,see all the interesting sights at a dairy farm. Mr. and Mrs. Killeen and John David attended the Loucks-Fawcette wedding last Wed. evening. It was held at the bride's home at Melody Bay. Those who have visited the Buckhorn area will realize the natural beauty of the surroundings which the Faw- cettes use to the best advan- News tage in the very impressive and unusual lawn ceremony at their lakeside home. The reception and dance were held in Lakefield Legion Hall. We are pleased to report that Romona Rickard will be in charge of the Physical Fitness evening class at Clarke High School this fall. Miss Rosanna Worden and Miss Bonnie Jean Miller, Toronto were weekend guests of Jim, Romona, Bradley and Craig Rickard. As a member of the Board of Directors for the Children's Aid and Family Services for the Region of Durham, Anna- belle Rickard attended the regular monthly meeting at the office in Mid-Town Mall, Oshawa, Thursday evening of last week. It is interesting to note how the needs of our youngsters have changed from those of tiny children to those of troubled teenagers. Of great concern at this time is the real scarcity and need for accommodations for these teenaged youngsters either in foster homes or in group homes. Group homes would seem to provide a democratic type of residence wherein the right disciplines would create favourable results and are the subject of much study for this purpose. For any organization interested in becoming better informed as to the work of the C.A.S. and Family Services, speakers from among the social workers are always available and willing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre attended Milton Fair on Satur- day, Lloyd being responsible for the judging of the sheep classes. BET HANY tersonals (Social) A large number of area citizens were at the Ploughing Match during the past week including Mr. Bill Sheen who travelled with Mr. and Mrs. C. Morton. Senior Citizens havestarted on another season of bowling with ladies high points going to Mrs. Lucy Borrow and men's high points going to Mr. Pete Rowett. Runners up were Mrs. Florrie Driver and Mr. Pete Borrow. Mrs. Ina Palmer; Mrs. Mildred Bristow; and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Graham, Orne- nee were guests at a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Rhoda Johnson of Peterborough giv- en by Jane and Ron Teasdale' also of Peterborough. Mrs. Johnson celebrated her 80th birthday. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to the family of the late Mr. Mansel Finney who passed away on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Green visited with their daughter, Heather, Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, also of Oshawa on Sunday. Mrs. Lyla Kerr spent a few days last week with Mrs. Herb Neals• BLACKSTOCK With the World's Ploughing Match within our midst and with so many of our local people participating in count- less ways, the past week was indeed a very, very busy week for everyone. The Public School had a Professional Development Day on Wednes- day when many of the pupils enjoyed the day at the Match when on the same day the High School students went by bus for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown and boys of Michigan were Friday overnight guests of The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, October 1, 1975 5 Lauehlin and familv. Miss Noretta Mitchell of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Glad to report that Mr. Marwood McKee is showing steady recovery in Oshawa Hospital. Also Mrs. Clay Shaver who underwent sur- gery last week in Oshawa Hospital. This week is to be the last week for the Photography Contest of Blackstock Fair. Have your entries into Mrs. G. Kelly by this week. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schry- burt and family spent the weekend with Larry's family in Ottawa. The Girl Guides enjoyed a weekend camping trip to Greenwood Conservation area on the weekend. BURKETON Mrs. B. Smith, Oshawa (formerly of Burketon) cele- brated herbirthday atthe home of her son. Many friends, relations and neigh- bors renewed acquaintances and enjoyed a social half hour. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mulrooney with friends at Egypt over the weekend. Master Jason Spears has been a patient in Bowmanville Hospital and has returned home. We wish him a speedy recovery. Alrvery best wishes to Mrs. Argue. Her name came over the Over Ninety C.B.I. broad- cast on Sunday a.mn. who celebrated her 91st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatchell, Brooklin were Sunday Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson family and friends. Wes IeyviIIe Rev Walter Von Boetticher of Baltimore was in charge of the service at Welcome United church on Sunday morning and the service started as usual with hymri practice con- ducted by choir leader John Groeneveld, assisted by some choir members. Revs Boetti- cher's message to the children was of the power to be found in Jesus today, illustrated by the story of the healing of Jairus' daughter in New Testament times. His mess- age to the adults was one of concern for the use that is inade of time, talents and resources. The choir's anthem was "O, Father hear my humble cry". The church's calendar for October is very full withanniversary services, thankofferings and other spe- cial events coming up. Many from the area attend- ed the ploughing match last week including the Bests, Nichols, Thorndykes, Tuf- fonds, Paynes andBevans There was a special signifi- cance for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bevans. The contestant from England was a special friend of theirs and called to see them before participating Mr. and Mrs. Aiwin Hill of Winchester spent Tuesday night with Mrs. E. Barrow- clough before going on to the ploughing match on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nic- hols were in Niagara Falls Sunday and Monday of this week where Mr. Nichôls was attending a convention. ydoetising helps you compare he Frnendly People 21 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-4481 PARTS DEPARTMENT Get an Early Start on Cold Autumn Mornings with our TUNE-UP SPECIALS on PLUGS, POINTS, CONDENSER ROTOR, CAPS, ON MOST DOMESTIC CARS. 4 Cylinder . .... .15.25 6 Cylinder ......$17,50 8 Cylinder ...... '18.50 Cost Slightly More on Resistor Plugs REMEMBER ... Ali Departments are OPEN Tuesday and Thursday Nights until 9:00 p.m. Manager RON AVERY Phone 623-4481 Wicker basket arrangement of Dried Flowers and Mums $10,00 East: 623-4441 West: 579-1118 North: 728-5159 just caIl o¯ne¯ofour Flower Shops for Delivery P. G. Deegan Denture Therapy Clinie 33 King St. East, Bowmanville Tel. 623-4473 THEHAIRPORT 133 Church St., Bowmanville IS PLEASE TO ANNOU NCE THE ADDITION TO THEIR STAFF OF MARG GILPIN, Manicurist Phone for appointment beginning FRIDAY,_OCTOBER lOth HAIRORTHair Styling for Men and Women We Have Six Hairstylists To Give Prompt, Courteous Service OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. TELEPHONE 623-4901 Come In andJoin Us foraCoffee! SERVICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL RATES ON SERVICE RENTALSI You Just Can't Beat This Price on Fall Tune-upsl 4 Cylinder .. ... $35,95 6 Cylinder ..a' * 40.95 8 Cylinder ...... $46.95 THIS PRICE INCLUDES: Replacement of spark pluqs, points, condenser, distributor cap, rotor, adjust carburetor, set ignition timmng. PLUS: A 10 POINT UNDER-THE-HOOD INSPECTION Call me now for an appointr:ent Manager - Robert Switzer PHONE 623-4481 COLLISION CORRECTION CENTRE WE HAVE A FULLY EQUIPPED BODY AND REFINISHING DEPARTMENT AVAILABLE WITH EXPERT WORKMEN TO ENSURE YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. FREE ESTIMATEI CALL MANAGER REG HARMER at 623-4481 Rent a 1975 Maverick While Your Car is Being Repaired ý l il illii id ; p il li g l i i !: ! l ! ! il ! ý l :: 1

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