Mr. andi Ivrs. Utto Gerats- chek of Giselles Grocery and Gift Shop and his parents Mr. and Alois Geratschek. Oshawa have returned after a four weeks tour of Europe. ,Thursday, - Ocobier 2nd -at ci3pm.the first regularly tele6vised m.producétion expanded Wintario, province- wide, will be aired on' Global T.V. and selected C.B.C. and C.T.V. affiliated stations. The October l6th draw will be in Kitchener. The first concert of the Oshawa Symphony will be held on Sunday, October l9th. Representatives of the Osha- wa Symphony Association have formed a Volunteer Committee with the aims of providing support services for the orchestra and assisting the board of directors. Anyone interested in being a volunteer is mest welcome. Geore White, C.L.U. Pru- dential Insurance Co. of America has received the A11duit Educational Counsefling Services A FREE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE No Appointment Necessary COU RTIC E SECONDARY ';CHOOL Tuesdays, 7:00O-9:O00p. m. National Quality Award in recopition for outstanding qualIty and service in the life insurance field. On Saturday, September 28th a party was heldat he home of Mr. L. B. Nichols on the occasion cf his 88th, birthday. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Kingston; Mrs. Ila Fry, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. L. Vandriel, Bowman- ville; Mr. and Mrs. -Don Ferguson, Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Tam pa, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knapp, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Brudefield, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Stan McMurter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hancock and Kit, and Mr. Edgar Cator. Pebblestone Golf Course held their annual Members Buffet Luncheon and Cham- pionship day' at the club on Sunday, September l4th. After a sumptuous meal the follow- ing trophies were presented. Men's championship, AI. Caw- ker, runner-up Len Smith. Low Gross, Dale Hoy, the Art Stainton family trophy, Steve Sobil, Ladies Day - Bette Brick. The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, is oganizing a Hi- storical House Tour of the Town of Whitby for October 2th. Anthony Adamson, the witty author, wîll act as tour guide. Lunch will be at approximately 1:15. Reserva- tions may be made at the Gnlhrv. summoned mankind to the divine standard of unity and justice. For further information see Library Baha'i Bocks items ofdO Ivnterest Phone 623-3303 Librorian Speaks at, Lions Meeting Oshawa Ski Club ski school will be under the direction of Chris Davies, for the coming season. The all-new Illustrated Hi- storical Atlas cf Peterborough County is now off the press. The beautifully-illustrated de- finitive history of the County is unique. Information on obtain- ing this book by calling 705-742-9339. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence English, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Newcastle, attended the Grape Festival Parade at St. Catharines on Saîii.'"or- rung and attended the mùodern square dancing in the Rarna- bas Church Hall afternoon and evening. On Sunday they called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McBurney, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fontaine, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Air- hardt of Port Coiborne. This year the United Church Women installed a stained glass window to honor the women of Trinity United Church - Past, present and future to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the United Church and also to recognize this year as International Women's Year. Anyone who has neglected or overlooked a contribution, the appeal for funds will officia lly close October 5. Dedication will take place sometime in No- vember. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1206, and the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, once again are entering into negotiations for a renewaI of their collective agreement which ex pires 28th November, 1975. Included are Custodial, maintenance, cafeteria and bus driving staff. R. J. Cole has retired from Goodyear Canada, Bowman- ville plant after 39 'years. Reaching various milestones of service were G. Johnston, K. Nichols, K. Maynard with 35 years service, B. Nicholîs, G. White, T. Masterson with 30 years, R. Rogers with 15 years., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wal- den, West Vancouver, B.C. have been visiting Mrs. Wal- den's mother, Mrs. C. H. Mason. Sunday School graduation was held in Trinity United Church on Sunday, Sept. 28 at il a.m. as follows: Primary to Junior - Robert Anderson, Kari Black, Douglas Brown, John Harmer, Suzanne Land, Ian Morrison, Neil -Munday, Chuck Nash, JanetPreston, Steven Sarginson, Lisa Sweet- man, Michael Tugwood, Cor- inne Wells, Tommy Yeo. Kindergarten to Primary - Dawn Bain, Michael Barber, Kelly Black, Joyce Blender- man, Penny Carlson, Scott Cole, Heather Cooke, Andrea Kichko, Danny McLean, Ro- bert Meyers, Leanne Mutton, Lori Whalen, Jacqueline Wood, Trisha Yeo. Nursery to Kindergarten - Janet Ander- son, Matthew Byers, Brett Cole, Judy Frank, Jimmy Harmer, Jamie Henderson, Kerry Starkey, Sarah Taylor, Matthew Tugwood, Ginny Rundle, Donald Wood. The special speaker was A. A. "Dick" Merkley, principal of Vincent Massey School who delivered a most inspiming talk on "The Two A.'A.'s" which meant as he explained at the close of his address that each member of the church is an advertising agent for the Gospel. Rowland Coombes contributed a solo, "Some- body Cares." R. E. McNight bas been apinted manager of mer- cadise distribution at Bow- manville plant, of Goodyear Canada. He started with the company at Toronto in 1966 in merchandise distribution, and, in 1970, was made a supervisor in the department. In 1972, he was transferred to the purchasing department as a superviser, a post he held until his recent appointment. au& auxEEa mauxEauNENEEEEEEEEEKKZEEEUEz 191919 Attend Church Thî 's Sunday The' Bowmanville Pentecostal ChurCh 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. D. Rogers Phone 623-5182 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:55 a.m. - sunday Schooi 11: 00 a. m. - Morning Worship 7: 00 p. m. - Evening Service Tuesday - 7:30 - Youth Meeting Wednesday - 7:30 - Bible Study A Friendly Family Church ln: Oa.m-. - -Adult,-in UDoer Roomr 10:00 a. m. - Classes fora Il ages, 9 and up 11:00a.m.- Nursery Ba by Care, Toddlers and Kinderciarter' 11: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept. ages 4to 8 11 a.m. - WORLDVIflF COMMUNION SERVIrF A warmn welcome For Everyone Bible Study Group, Wednesaays, 10 a.m. in Church Par lor Junior Choir, Pizza Get-Together, 6:30 p.m., Oct. 2 Hi-C Pot Luck Supper, 7 p.m. Oct. 5 Ail members and adherents are invited to meet in the Sanctuary on Moniday, Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m to hear Major Ron Hawkins of Barrie- speakina on the significan-e of he (ommitment Plan" to tre United Churcni of ç-Canada and Trinity congregation. U.C.W. Thankoffering- Tea and General Meeting, Tuesday, October 7, 2' p.m. in Church Hall. Miss Frances Stephenson will speak on "India, Yesterday and Tomorrow." Would ail those who wish To contribute To the Memorial Window in honor of the women of Trinity Church kindly make their donation on or before Sunday, Oct. 5, as the books will then be closed. The committee a ppreciates the interest shown and wishes to sincerely thank ail those who have donateci. Trinity Beef Dinner 5 qnd 6:30 p.m. Nov. 1sf st. John's A nglican Church Temperance St., Bowmanville Rev. Tom Gracie, Rector Harvest Thanksgiving Services 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. - Hoiy Communion 7:30 p.m. - Harvest Evensong St. PauI's United Church Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess 11:00 a. M. Service of HoIy Communion for World Wide Communion Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL Seniors - 9Years and Up -9:45 a.m. Primary and Kindergarten Chiidren wiIl attend first part of church service with their parents. NURSERY Parents are invited to leave their Pre-school children in our play and learh nurserv while thev attend church. Al-Anon - Tuesclay in Church Hall A.A. - Thursdays - Church Basement Entrance off Silver Street EEEKZKEEEEZZZEEEKNUUWEEEEKEEEENZEEEEUEZEEEUEK Graduate C.YNTHIA ANNE KOWAL, Daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Peter Kowal Jr., 21 Concession St. E. recentlv, graduated from Humber Col- lege as a Registered Nursing Assistant. Cindy is on the staff of, Etobicoke General Hospital. EN'NISKILLEN Anotýier brighit and sunny Sunday was one inducement for the inceased attendance at the Chumch Service and S.S. Session Rev. Bigby gave 2 excellent sermons viz: The Children's stery and the sermon which took the form cf a discussion on Stewardsship and was introduced with the question "Are we living up to our ability?? " A few members of the congregation expressed some of their ideas. The Sr. Choir and director added a third message in music in the anthem "O How I Love Jesus" Reva Kinsman took care cf the Jr. Congregation in the S.S. Room, S.S. was opened by Supt Joyce Virtue and Ulah Chambers at the piano. Next Sunday is the annual Atten- dance Awamds presentation. Parents and friends are cor- dially invited to remain after the Church Service for a brief period for this special event. Friday evening at B p.m. a meeting of the, Official Board for Ennis-Tyrone charge will take p lace in our Church te complete some future plans. Itemember next Sunday Oct. th is World wide Communion Sunday and a Pulpit, Exchange with the United Methodist Church, Norwood, N.Y. when our visiting minister will be Rev. Garrie Stevens, Please Come. Wedding Belîs rang again at our Church for the marriage ceremony cf a young couple from Oshawa who are close friends cf our Manse family. Our organist Ulah Chambers presided at the organ and Ross Metcalf, Ham pton was soloist. It was also a unique way for our Minister and his wif e to celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary, "Con- gratulations" and Happy An- niversary Hazel and, Lecei- ster. With almost full co-opera- tion from -the weatherman there was a large number cf folks from our cemmunity in attendance at the near-by and with something for everyene at the International Canadian and World Ploughing Match and Farm Machinery Show all last week. Among the Mini- sters assisting in the United Church Tent was our own, Rev. E. L. Bigby who was there 4 eut cf the 5 days Tent City's existence. Mr. and Mms. O. C. Ashton accompajnied Mr. and Mrs. H. Worden of Bewmanville R. R. 2 te visit the Plowing Match.- Frank Dalton, Eileen and Ernest Dalton, Robert Dalton, Charlie Mitchaîl came fromn Templeton, Quebec to spend 3 days at the Ploughing Match and visited also with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Karen and Charles Ashton, Oshawa as well as June, Bill and Barry Bragg Bowmanville R . R. 4. Little Elisabeth Worden Bowman- ville R. R.2 was a weekend guest of her grand-parents O. C. and M. Ashten. Mm. Wmn. Mahaffy, Blacksteck called on Orville and Margaret Ashton and Mrs. R. Virtue and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Bill, Bonny and Kim, Orono, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Russeli Grififin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, attended the Anderson-Avery wedding- in Bowmhanville on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. S. Douglas, White Cloud, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland, and Clark, Sapeer, Michigan at- tended plowing match and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland and all were Saturday dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Mr. Harold Sory, Rochester, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 1- 1975 7 N.Y. were weekend guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrights. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whit- taker, Hamilton, Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone, Mrs. Roy Graham, Haydon, were Fmi- day àft'rnoon éàllers ai Mrs. Russell Griffin's. Mrs. Herbert Stainton was Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKnight and family, Bowmanville and en- joyed a motor trip to see al the beautiful leaves. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarboro were Sunday visitors with parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Mr. S. Kersey, was Sunday supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Len Player,, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cobb, Waterloo, spent the weekend with W. Griffin's and family and attended the ploughing match Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woods, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Callers were Mrs. I. Argue and Mrs. Hodge arwight. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Piery, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Keir Lamb, Fenelon Falls, Mr. Donald Lamb, Bailieboro, Mr. Jim Dawson, Port Hope were visitors with Mm. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Miss Diane t)îneen, Chief Librarîan for the Town of'Newcastle explained why the local library system is unable to provide services comparable to many other regions in Ontario. As usual, finances (or lack of them) are the main cuiprit. Lion Bruce Lush introduced the speaker. The Salvation Army wishes ta express its thanks and, appreciation to the citizens of Bowmanville who sponsored individuals wvho will be participating in the Walk-A-Thlon, which is scheduled for OCTOBER 4th (SATURDAY)