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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1975, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesma an, Bowmanville. October 15. 1975 FOR CLASSIFUED Tues., 12 noon FOSTER- Tom and Julia are pl,ýýsed ta announce the arni- V f their first born, Ryan 1, J'mas, weighing 8 lbs. 4 ozs., Sept. 22, 1975. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neal and Mrs. Eleanor Foster. Special thanks ta Dr. Anfossi and people in maternity af Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 42-1 MAIRS - Robert and Carol are pleased ta annaunce the safe arrivai of a son, Steven Jam~es, af Port Perry Hospi- tai, October 7, 1975. First grandchuld for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry. Praud great g ra ndparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent, Sundridge, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son, Mr, and Mrs. Wlbert Werry. 42-lx toisepih great pDasur e ha Mr. and Mrs.o MTedaWerry, fobrtcnheddinof uhbr Ont. Marriage ta take place on Saturda y, Oct. 25th, 1975 at 4 p.m. St. Joseph's Rom an Catholic Church, Bowman- MI OrLETON - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, October 8th, 1975, Zella Gibson, aged 77 years, beloved wife of J im Midd le- tan, Miii Street, Orono, dear mother of Elmer (Gibby), and Edgar (Jake), bath of Osha- wa, Eunice (Mrs. L. Hadder), Toronto, Enid (Mrs. .Bruce Tennant), Orona. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Friday afternoan. Interment Orono Cemetery. 42-1 MU IR - Suddenly at Memar- ial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wednesday, October 8th, 1975, Fred Muir, 148 Third St., Bawmanville, aged 62 years, beloved husband of Isabelle Rogers, dear father of Frank and Ronald, Dundas, Havi- and, and June, Burlington. Service was held in the Morris- F r-eral Chapel, Bowman- 1 , Safurday morning.In- fermnent Mount Lawn Ceme- teryV; Oshawa. '42-1 CAR-Ný4 ATIO For Al Yaur E? Flower Needs kSTOP IN AND SEE 0 ?' WEEKEND SPECIALS THIÉY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shap 33 Division St. 623-7141 ff "F owers Say it Best" V/AN BELLE DAILY Delivery t... Oshawa - Bewmanvilîe Area Phone 623-4441- MOORE, Mamie L.- ln loving memory of aur dear mother, grandmother and great grandmofher who pas- sed away'October l8th, 1973. We had a Mom with a heart of gold, Who was more ta us than 1wealth untold, Without farewell she feul asleep, With only memories for us ta keep. -Lovingiy remember by Kathryn, ibi and family. 42-1 -eVERN -- n oving memory uT a dear mother and grand- mothler Esie, who passed ,away October lth, 1969. Wanderful memories of one s0 dea r, Treasured stili with a love sincere, In aur hearts she is livingyt We laved her fao dear y ta for get. - E ver remembered by the saH 4- Miss Loretto Kilgannon and Shane Dilling would liketa express their appreciafion for .he,,iffs given fa them af the far-eli parfy by friends, relatives and neighbours. 42-1 TtiE family of the late Mrs. LoIL 'tapley would like ta thaý ' elatives, friends and ne~~urs for fhe lovely flowers and donations and ail their kindness in the death of a dear wife and mother. Mr. Richard Stapiey and family Mrs. Fred Brown 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Dil1ing wish ta fhank fheir friends, relatives and neiglibours for the lovely toaster aven.. 42-1 The family of the late Roy Jackson wish ta express their appreciation to friends, neigh- bors and relatives for their many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. Special thanks ta the Odd- fellows, members of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66. 42-1 I would like,>ta thank my friends and relatives for their visits, cards and flowers, during my stay at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Spe- cial thanks ta Dr. Siemon and ail the Drs. who helped. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. AI Swain for visiting, me everyday, special thanks ta Mrs. Morris Nimigon for Iooking after -me when I came home and a special thanks ta Dr. and Mrs. Gray for renting aT.V. set for me and visiting me in the hospital, and special thanks for 3rd floor nursing staff for their excellent care. Many Ithanks toalal good people, and special thanks t6 Liz Armstrong for the card'. Stafania Tabba 41-lx Our most sincere "thank you- ta the entire community of Enniskillen for a Iovely presentation. Thank-you 50 much for the card tale set. We appreciate your kindness. Eric and Jennifer Bowman 42-1 x It would be impossible ta thank individually and ade- quatel y each of you who were s0 km d ta aur wife and mother during her illness and ta us the family since her passing, however, we would like ta say a special thank you ta Drs. Ewert, Mosi -enko and SingalI, the kind nurses on the Chronic and Medical flbars, Hazel Donoghue, Kay and Murray Cain, nurses in Emergency, Rev. Gracie and Morris Fun- eral Chapel. AIso ali those who made her difficuit days more, cheerful with visits, cards, gifts and flowers. George Foggand Family 42-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Dilling wish ta express their thanks.ta the Memorial Park Associa- tion for the gift of a beautiful dlock. 42-1 COURT VENTURE CANADIAN FORESTERS ANNUAL BAZAAR Sat., Oct. l8thi, 1975 2 p.mn. MEMORIAL PARK CLUB HOUSE Liberty St. South Bowmanville Proceeds Cancer Research 41-2 fIONSTER BINGO New Starting Time TH URS.DAY, 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION OS HAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE S»T 1 OSHAWA FALL SUPPER St. John's Anglican Church Blackstock Fri., October 17 5:30 p. M. Adults $3.00 Children under 12 $1.00 Pre-school - Free 42-1 x OPEN- MEETING of the MUNICIPALITY 0F NEWCASTLE Visijal Arts Centre Electians and Discussion of Future Programs Wed., Oct. 29, 1975 8:00 P. M. New Town Hall, Court Roomn No. 2 EVERYONE WELCOME 42-2 St. John's Martha Group, Faîl Rummage Sale, Thurs- day, October 16th, 2 p.m. ta 9 p.m., and Friday, October 171h, 9 a. m. ta il a.m. Tea and cookies. 42-ix Anniversary bervice, New-, tonville United Church, Sun- day, Oct. 26, 9:45 a.m. Guest Speaker - Rev. Gerald Brown, B.A.,1B.D3. Chaplain Pine Ridge Schoal. Special music. Tyrone LOBA 1244 Euchre and Penny Sale, Wednesday evening, Octaber 22nd at 8 p.m. Tyrone Hall. 42-1 Roast Beef -Di nner at St. Joseph's- Auditoriuùm LIBERTY ST. Sun, Oct. 26 Settings 4-5-6 p.m. Adu its $3.50 Under 12 $1.25 ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY Phone 983-5277 623-2697 623-2924 Bowmanville' Jaycettes pre- sents "Creative Fun for Little Ones" by Sandy Magwoold. October 2Oth, 8:30 p.m. at the Library. Admission 50 cents, includes' lunch. Door prize, compliments Bev's Floral Art. 42-1 Solina Library invites aIl ta an'Open House at the hall on Sunday, October- 26th, affer- noon and evening. The book "A Place calîed Solina" will be available, you may meet the author and enjay some refreshments. 42-2 Newcastle 0ons Club are holding their annual canvass for C.N.l.B. on Monday even- ing, October 2Oth. 42-1 Dance - Pontypool Commun- ity Centre, Saturday, October l8th, Gar y Bristow and the Country' Fever. Admission $5.00 per couple. Retresh- ments. 42-1 ICE CAPADES MAPLE LEAF GARDENS NOVEMBER 1 Bus leaves Forum Restaurant at 3:45 Bowmaniville Bus Stop at 4:10 Ad uîts $8.50 Chiîdren (12 and under) $5.75 (Includes Ticket ta Gardens) Phone: 623-7561 after four 623-3811 987-5246 after four 987-4434 after four 42-3 DANCE at Solina Community Hall Saturday, October 25th RAY AVERY ORCHESTRA 42-2 TRINITY UNITED CHU RCH Beef Dinner Sat., November lst Sittings: 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3.50. Available tram U.C.W. membersor phone Mrs. R. Coombes 263-2934 or Mrs. A.G. Harris 623-2638 S42-1 ESCORTED TOURS Mystery Tour October l9th Kitchener Market October 25th, Hadassah Bazaar October 29th Ice Capades November 8th, 9th, 1lSth &l16th Royal Winter Fair (Good Evening Performance Tickets Available) Novem ber 22nd Toronto Shopping Day Novem ber 8th Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary November lst and 2nd Toronto Shopping Day Novem ber 25th Wheeling, W.V. (Johnny Cash) November 15th and l6th SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope Phone 885-2211 42-1 HALLOWEEN and HARD TIMES DANCE, LEGION HALL Sat., Oct. 18,9 p.m. Music - "A Pasitive Outlook" $5.00 Per Coujple 41-2 EBENEZER TURKEY SUPPER Sat., Oct. 25th Settings: 4:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Tickets: Aduits $4.50 Chiuldren (Il1 and under) $2.00 FOR TICKETS CALL: 728-2172 atter 5 p.m. $100 rewaru. Lat, large black and white. Neutened maie. Lost in woods narth of Bowmanville. May answer ta name -Chanlie Brown". Cal Toronta coiiect 920-4916. 4- me ~ ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hain Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CIfARGEX 44-tf EAR PIE RCI NG SERVICE Hooper's Jewel lers Ltd. DAN HOOPER, Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 40 tf IF you have a drinking problem please caliA.A. 728-102& 36-tf ME M&P M SËvÈN year old chestnut mare, American sade bred. Cana~dian andf Arnerian negis- tered. lReasonable. Phone 623- 7171 > 41-2 matching chai,-, excellent can- ditflan .Phone any evening affer six, or ail day Saturday, 623-3228. 4221 TWO pair of snow tires with rims, one pair G70-14, one pair H78-15. Phone 623-3123. 42-1 4 x 4 CEDAR, antique buffet (beautiful condition> 987-4205. 42-1 ANTIQUE dresser, china cab- inet, bed, chesterfield, fire- placesectionai chesterfield suite, buffet, 7 piece dînette suite, portable sewing ma- chine , telephline tables, baby carniage, baby stroller, woo- den play pens, chrome high chairs, girl's bicycle, car beds, occasional chairs, small tables, step stool, sink and tap unit.fowne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bawman- ville. 42-1 SHELL corn. Phone 623-2646. 42-1 GIRLS 24" bicycle $15. Pool table 4 x 8. $100. Phone 623-5179. 42-lx HOC KEY e quipment and horse bridle. Phone 623-4516. 42-1 x TWO sets of 14" snow tires, bath goad condition, with one set mounted on rims. Phone 987-5027 af ter 4. 42-1 TWELVE st ring guitar. Phone 263-8106. 142-1 ONE sofa and matching chair in verygaod condition, reason- abl e. ohne 623-2420. 42-1- COMMERCIAL heavy duty flbar pilisher with ail pads and brushes, General Electric vacuum cleaner, aisocalla lily bulbs. Phone 987-5214. 42-1 RECORD player and speaker, table lamps, ffan's eîectric razar, vinyl headboard, arm- chair bedrest, new pale lamp, small ail painting, new shel- ving boards, new wall lamp, desk iamps, pîywoad puppet stage, wicker pet baskets. 623-7490. 42-lx BOWMANVILLE SAND & GRAVEL Brick Sand, Wash Stone, Screened Top Soul and Driveway Gravel Phone 263-2143 -42-3 Cauliflower and Cabbage Ord ers naw accepted for large fresh cut cauliflower <57.00 per dozen) cabbage (53.50 per dozen) Appi y 2nd house east of Rekker Gardens 623-7401 623-2300 NO SUNDAY SALES 42-1 Oshawa TV le;I Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Asmials Apts. and Homes Pre-WIred REPAIRS Workmanshl p Guaranteed AIl1 priced ta SAV Eyou Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38tf COMPR ESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. We selI, buy and tradle. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 30-tf Buy direct from Manufac-, .ture - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd.,' Pas a hugelselectian of fine, ~uality monuments, large and' ~mail ta fit any need. Came by' W u display. yard at 73 Ontario treet, Part Hope or telephone 85-5216 for a monument that' ïndures.- 35-tf, 'WAI'E R -u p p 1y -- --o o1s, wel]- s etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-tf CHESTERFIELD anrd twa chairs, good condition. Inquire at Mulder's Funnifure. 41 -ff APPLES for sale. Phone 263- 8161. No Sunday sales. 37-6 WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 SECONDS in apples and pears,'all year round, $2.50 bushel. Phone Bibi Feddema 263-2074 affer 5 o'clock. Na Sunday sales. 39tf 'ANTIQUE CLOCKS' -REPAIRED- Parts avallabie for mosf anti-j, que dlocks, pocket watches~ ~nd modern watches and * docks. Our repairs are dane wi fil M ndern up-to-date equipmýenfl and qualifled Swiss, train ed, ----=watchmater. gelUcFEKCD LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 INSTALL AN ~ FURNAC BOl LE I HUMIDIFI HEATE Financing Available FURNACES CLEANE PARTS AND SERVIC CALI HARVEY Your ESSO Service Dea FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 24 Hour Servici Eatfarm-raise domestic rabbi Tender, deliciao white meat. Economnical No Waste Now aval lableî your meat store supermarket. PADDY'S Market nový new furniture, applia ,T.V/'s and stereos and used furniture and applii Will accept ýade-ins. Pa Market, Hampton, phor 2241. USED Furniture and ances. Paddy's Mi Hampton 263-2241. OSHAWA TRACTOR SAI. TRACTORS & EQUI1PMI LAWN & GARDEN EQU FARM MACHINqERF- COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES-SERVICE -R E N Phone 728-690' AIR conditioners, centra windaw units. Cali H, Partner' Orono 983-521 Zenith 14620. POOL COVERS UNLIMITED "By Polytarp" The new miracle lifetime plastic caver wili not rip. onfi. Simple ta instailion nemave ini minutes, use year round. Avere size wighs anly 20 lbs. This caver wiii support the Weight of several people, there neduces accidents. E liminates Algae gnçwth and damage vinyl ined pools. From 19 cents sq. ft., 2 ta eyear warranty. 623-3528 OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOudTS AIL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS - & PARKING LOTS - TOPSOIL & DIRT FIL 911 5ý-e DELIVERED OR REMOVEO ý- TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT $Now REMOVAL CALL 725-0232 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SOLNA RD. N. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. Give you rself a head-start fo a successf ul career in Medicall or Dental Office Assisting -Day Course - 6 months -Night Course - 10 Months -Brand new air-conditioned facilities -Classroam and Practicai training included -Advisory Counsel by doctars and denfisfs -Student boans available HOME STUDY COURSE in DENTAL OFFICE ASSISTING NOW AVAILABLE Phone, visit or send coupon today . 0'aREER NADA' LIMITED 3rd Fboor, 55 Queen Sf. E. Downfown Tarant o 41)363-3721 Name ............. Sfreetf........... . . . City ............... Phone ............Age .. Diningroom Waiîtress 34-tý Expenionce Necessary For interview and appointment Mn. J. Bounke 623-3373 R Cocktail Waitres :ER R Expenience Necessary For interview and appaintmenf M. J.Bourke ZE 623-3373 CouId -You Use Extra Money? 3 er The Ontario Automa S Association -needs cammL 14620 represenfatives ta accept :e send in mlembership appl 2-ftians tram motorists. M 2-f representatives repart their earnings i their sI time have entirely paid fi cobor T.V., vacations, ste t.typewriters, etc. Na ý experience requit Write for full free informa ta: sales Manager, Box 307 London, Ontario at Plant clerk required or manufacturer. Applicî should -have previaus al i experience, preferably 304f purchasuing depart ment be a conscientiaus wor vh Apply ini writing to Averi ncesj 58o, c-a The Canadian Stz daist man, Box 190, Bawmanî ýances Ont. Li C 3 K9 addy'iï e 263t EXPERIENCED haindre 33-t wanfed. Phone 623-5455 ApiÇ623-4620. arket,j 26_tf{ _ MiVsfflarpetq -ES Installation - Arboi Fences -Fic Repairs of a Il types Free Estimate - Tradesr Commercial - Residentii Phone 623-3194 4 ýENT WILL babysit in your hon' UI. mine. 1Phono 623-3091.4 -Anger Constructig CO. -- Chimney Repair ROY ANGEcotc Refrigeration ITALS AND Appliance Servi( 16-tf Commercial and Domesi __Refrigeration - MiIk Coc ai and 1 PHONE BERT SYEI îarvey' 'Days ............. 623. ?06 orNigits....... 623. 21-tf Lander Hýardwai and ELECTRIC, rea r. aie RON'S FLOOR eby CARE lta Includes Homes, Offices, etc. Rug, Carpet and Uphoîstery Shampooing, Wall Washing CALL 42-3 Ron Turcotte - at623-7966 40-5x Blackstock, Ont.- 986-4868 - SERVICES - r * Butldoz!ng -Ba. oen Sand -Gravel -Aggregates Carbozite Protective Coatungs' CE M-. Lawn &Garden Care Rolling, roto-tilling with a commercial machine. Seeding ,down new lawns or aid. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 ff NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 tf BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Flo -at Glass Sealed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts - FIoat Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. WATER Wells bored, 30" tule4 Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-:2030. Representa- tive Harry L, Wade. Tele- ahane 987-4531. 16 tf MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGIN E Repa irs ta ail1 makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 St V>. BEERS & SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating 1Rec Roams Repairs of aIl types. PHONE 623-2263 0t JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES i5 1 CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PH4ONE HAMPTnN 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanvllle 42-1 -30-tf BOBBEERS 137 ELGIN STREET bile Pîumbing - Heating nify Pressure Systems. and New Work and Repairs lica- Service and Estimates any Calîl 623-2641 that ,pare 33-tf for- ai reo, CUSTOM uphalstening, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- ired. able, wark guaranteed, 20 tian years expeiece. Free esi- mates. Pasecali caliect' 1-986-5072. 26-tf: 42-2 CEN i RAL Marine Electra- for nics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu- -ants ton for ComDev Marine Pro- ffice ducts. 16-tf ,with and DOMES 1Iiça&COMMER'CIAL, ker. REFRIGERATION UNITS tiser and APPLIANCES ates- SALES & SERVICE ville, KooI Enterprises 42-1 PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîle ,sser 26-tf or 41ltf DARLINGTON ~ MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACESý rie CHIMNEY CLEANING oors Phone 623-2176 45-tf iaI 42tf PHOTOGRAPHY îe or Commrercial - Weddings 42-lx WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL ýon 705-277-2261 29-tf C&CJANITOR SERVICE 9-4x Carpet - Upholstery- Professionally Cîeaned' FREE ESTIMATES ic BOWMANVILLE lersi 31j Homne Carper ýe Rec. Rooms - TF Repairs of all typ Free Estimate - Tradesmen Commercial - Residential t-ione 623-3194 Wenmore Financial Services 1050 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 576-0410 Fir.st and second mortgages arranged at prime rates, use the equity inyour home for home purchases and consolidation of debts. 42-4 NOTICE NOTICE 0f an application by the Regionai Munici pality of Durham for approva I of a by-law imposing a special charge respecting fhe wafer works sysfem.of the Regional Municipalify of Durham. IT is- the opinion of the Council that ail residenfial buildings in the Regional Municipality of Durham not being a single family building, a double building or a duplex building, and ail combined residenfial and non-residen- fiaI buildings having more than fwa dwelling unifs, affer the passing of fhls by-law may impose a heavy boad on the water works system of the Region, by reason of which expenditures may be required ta provide additional wafer works capacify which would not ofherwise be required. THE Cauncil of The Regia- nal Municipality of Durham intends ta appiy ta the Ontario Municipal Board for approval fa impose the charges upon the awner of every residentiai building, the owner of every combined residential building and non-residenfiai building in the Regionai Municipality of Durham erecfed or enlarged affer the passing of this by-law. The total sum shahl be collected on the fallowing terms and apply ta each unit ta be constructed: (a) for bachelar dwelling units and one bedroom dwelling units $225.00 per unit; (b) for dwelling units contain- ing fwa or more bedraoms $450.00 per unit; ANY charge or charges impased under this by-law shahi be made payable af the time of an application for water works connection and shahl be collected by the Works Department of the Regianal Municipality of Dur- ham. This By-law shahl not apply ta: (a) every building on lând exempt from taxation under any- general or special acf; (b) every building on lasicj ti respect of which an Agreement has been en- tered into with the munici- palify under Section 33 of The Planninq Acf or any predecessar f hereof; (c) every building or any land in respect of which a con- tribut ion ta provide wafer suppiy facilities has been made within ten years' previaus fa the applica- tion. for a wvater connec- tion; (d) every resicle.ntli buldng having nat more than two dweiling units; (e) every combined residen- fiai or non-residential building having naf more than twa dwel ling- units. ANY ratepayer may within fwenty-on (21) days affer the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post ta the Clerk of the Regional Munici- pality of Durham at 605 Rossiand Road East, Whitby*, a notice in writing stafing lis objection ta such approval or ta the imposition of the special charge. THE Ontarioa Municipal Board may approve the spe- cial charge pursuant ta the statute, but before doing sa if may ap point a time and place for public hearing when any objections wiil be considered, bu t notice of such hearing will be given anly ta those persans who have given notice of abjection as pravi ded for a bave. DATE D at the Town of Whitby, t ,his lSth day of October, 1975. C. W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. Cîerk, The Regional Municîpality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 é ~42,1 Dr. A. F. McKenzie wili be on holidays tram Oct. 13 ta Oct. 19, inclusive. 41-2 The Clarke Museum and Archives is closing ifs 1975 seasan on October 29th. 4 , Sues a LOOKING for a way ta figlit inflation? Aecome an Amway 3-tf Distributor. Day, part-ftime business t ram your home. For ntr apoinf ment 728-0685. 41-3 Arborite GET CASH TODAY Floors, FOR OLD APPLIANCES' pes. THROUGH CLASSIFIEDS Room and board for pen- sionen in central Bowman- ville. Plane 1-786-2216. 41-2x NEW 80BOWLERWS NEEDED BY Canadian Foresters' PHONE 623-6782 or 623-3238 NOTICE NOTICE of an application by the Regional Municipality of Durham for, approval of a by-law imposing a special charge respecting the sani- tary sewer system of the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham. IT is the opinion of the Council thaf ail residential buildings in the Regianal Municipality of Durham nat being a single family building, a double building or a duplex building, and aIl combined residenfial and non-residen- fiai buildings having mare, flan two dwelling unifs, after the passing of this by-law, may impose a heavy load on fhe sanitary sewer system of the Region, by reasan of which expendifures may be required ta provide additional sanitary sewer capacity which would not otherwise be required. THE Council offthe Regional Municipality of Durham in- tends ta apply ta fhe Ontàrio Municipal Board for approval fa impose the charges upon the awner of every residential building, the owner of every combinied residential building and non-residential building ini the Regional Municipabity of Durham erected or enlargec affer the passing of thi! by-law. THE total sum shahl be collected on the fallowung ferms and apply ta eich unit fa be constructed:1 (a) for bachelor dweliing units and one bedroom dweliing units $225.00 per unit; (b) for dwelling units con- taining two or mare bed- roams $450.00 per unit; ANY charge or charges imposed under this by-law shahl be made payable at the time of an application for sanitary sewer connection and shaîl be collected by the Works Department of the Regianal Municipality of Dur- ham; THI1S By-law shahl nof apply ta: (a) every building an land exempt fram taxation un- der any general or special acf; (b) every building on land in respect of which an Agreement lias been en- tered into withfthe munici- pality under Section 33 of The Planning Acf or any predecessar thereof; (c) every building or any land in respect of which a con- tribution ta pravide sani- tary sewer facilities lias been made within, ten years previaus to the ap- plication for a sanitary sewer connectian; (d) every residential building having nof mare than two dwelling units; (e) every combined residen- tial or non-residential building having not more than two dwelling units. ANY ratepayer may within 21 days affer the f irst publica- tion of this notice, send by prepaid postta the Clerk f the Regianal Municipality of Dur- ham at 605 /Rossland Road East, Whitby, a notice in writing stating his objection ta such approval, or ta the imposition of the special TUEOntario Municipal- Board 'may approve the special charge pursuant ta the statufe but before doing 50 if may appoint a time and place for publ ic liearing when an y objection wiIl be considered, but notice of sucli hearing will be given anly ta those persans who have given notice of abjection1 as provided for a bave. DATED at 'the Town of Whitby this lSth day of October, 1975. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Cerk, The Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, Ontari, LUN 6A3 42-1 Twa goalies wanted foi men 's hockey, Sunday even- ing 11:00. Phone 623-4250. 42-2x, URGENIYfREQUIREd.11 We have cash buyers forý homes Lni the Bowmnarvillei area. Perhaps your home would bring top do!lar? We'llia be pleased ta appr'aise, if for', you and help you locate theý "home of. your dreams". For' fniendly efficient sale of your' home, cail P. & R. Realtyl Company, Realtor, Benr1'tt! Rd. and Na. 2 Hwy., Bowman-: ville 576-6120. 17-tf.; e O BABYS ITTER for three year aid boy in Waverly Gardens. Write Advertiser 582, C-a Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontari, LiC 3K9. 42-1 LEAVING for New Bruns- wick, October l7th. Riders wanted. Cali 987-4327 after 7. 4271 Cars, TrUCkS, -Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les <For Wrecking PurposeF SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 6213-5756 Residence,:623-7112 IE R s t'-

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