Brochure Ouflines Remcrkable History of Phip'sof Endhoven Pne nEitor nas just received a most interesting brochure on the history of Philipit Elect- ronics Industries that origin- ated on Eindhoven, The Neth- erlands, in 1899. t was especially interesting to the Ed' or because at the end of World War 11, while hie was stationed in The Netherlands, lie purchased one of the first portable radios produced there, following the end of hostilities. -'The brochure was brought in, by Bowmanville's Philips Televisionk representative Mel Samelis who operates the Television Service on Chiurch 'The Phiips companyv start- ed out making carbon fila- ment lamp bulbs and di dn't do too well. In fact, they almost went broke until the founder withdrew and his two sons took over and really got the comnpany going. They began expanding into the X-ray tube and radio field during World War 1, extending their operations in the 1920's with the expansion of radio broadcasting. They added amplifiers, loudspeakers and microphones to their fine, and began making complete radio sets in 1927 when they also hired their 10,OO)Oth employee and brought in the 8-hour day as normal. The depression in the 1930's slowed the growth of the comnPany, but they had reach- ed a total of 45,000 employees whien war broke out in 1939. During the war, the Phiips company's production facîl- ities suffered severe damage Brush up .on terminology.. Learn 'the, Most home ente rtain- ment salesmen won'ttry to snow you witb a lot of technical terms and en- gineering talk. But it can't hurt to brush up on a few basic audio terms just in case. ACOUSTIC SUSPEN- SION A type of loud- speaker system designed to enhance bass sound,-in which the paper speaker cone floats on a cushion of air trapped inside a ber metically sealed box. AMPLIFIER-That part of a home mnusic system which magnifies the tiny electrica~j impulses from a stereo pickup, FM tuner or tape deck into, enough power to drive a loud- speaker. la nguage COMPACT - A three- piece stereo system con- sîsting of a control unit and two bookshelf. loud- speakers. The control unit, usually incorporates an automatic 'turntable and phono' cartridge with a stereo arnpflifler or re- ceiver. COMPONENT - Part of' a hi-fl system. Most com- mon -components are an automnatie turntabie-, ster- eo receiver, phono car- tridge and loudspeaker systems. qAD RA PHO NI C SOUND (or quad) --The reproduction of music us- ing four separate channels of sound. RECEIVER- A tuner and amplifier .mounted on and most of- the management team was evacuated to North America. After war ceased an intensive reconstruction pro- gram enabled Philijps to re.ach its pre-war production level by December 1946. Pr-ogress was rapid after that. In 1947 sales had reached $150 million and employees numbered 77,000 persons. The company ex- panded into new electronjc products such as television and tubes, until at present the company's sales have risen to the $4 billion level and they employ in excess of 350,000. Many of the features of their television products are outlîn- ed in the brochure, indicating that the company's research- ers have indeed brought about many new developments for the benefit of Phihips custom- ers. 9f audio a single chassîs. The tuner may incorporate AM radio, mono FM or FM stereo, while the amplifier section includes both a power amplifier and the 'full controls normially found on a preamplifier. STEREO- The three- dimensional quality of music recorded and repro- duced through two chan- nels of sound. TAPE DECK- The mechanism vwhich pulls tape past a record or play- back head, including the head itself and the metal plate which holds it to- gether. A tape deck can be either open-reel, car- tridge or cassette; it con- tains no loudspeakers 0f its own, and usually no ampliflers. F.m«ALL- SPECIAL DNL noie reduction system Auto stop at tape end 2P t ALC for perfect recordings NOW, ONLY $99!5 The TaditionaI Sound Of Experience General -Electronics Services 1202 Simcoe SI. N. Oshawa Phone 728-1122 I Supplement of The}ý iadian Statesman, October l5th, 1975 CLEA RAOmNCE 4261 kfll 1 The Cambrian ModelI 26P664 26"" Color T.V. Philips cabinet crafts men and designers have long been known as thc finest. The Cambrian's transitional styling, ex- emplifies their exper- tise. The ful down to the floor pedestal base is accentuated by the deep carved base rail and decorative- grille cioth. SPECIAL $749 SEE OUR SELECTION 0F TELEVISIONS and, STEREOS IN OUR SHOWROOM PILIPS PHILIPS Portable Color Compoent Tellevision Stereos ONLY ONLY $39îqjè0 0 $600 MANAGER MEL SAMELILS;m "We'Service What We Seil Ourselves" Electronic switch for Chromium Dioxide tape 3-digit counter andi memnory rewin d Electronically governed DC motor ~*TELEFUNKcEN o cil Color Televisions, 25" THE RIBERA Model F4550DE * Double Service for Senior Citiîzens * We Service What We Seli Ourselve's For the Best Deal on a Zenith ColorT.V. Corne and see Luke orJenny at FALCN TnV 723-0011 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa j' 3 I I I I 1 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I -I I 1 I I I A I I 'I 'I I I I. 'I I ,1 I. I