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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1975, p. 7

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Tbanksgiving eekend ,, e.sts with Mr. and Mrs. John -oughley and family were David Maynard, Leslie and Obi Pindiing, Nassau, Baba- î»as, and John Roughley Jr. T.C.S., Port Hope. 4'iss Heather Ann Ford, U-niversîfy of Western, Onf- ario, spent the Tbanksgiving holiday' with ber parents and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. John Ford and girls. A very pleasant Sunday affernoon was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowman- ville. Miss Leslie Forder and Mr. Bradley Forder, Porf Perry, were their dinner guesfs. Affernoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Brian McNabb, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Steele and Elin and David, Ottawa, and Mrs. Anne Me- Naiiy, Orono. Visifing Mr. and-Mrs. Cecil Wolters, for the chrisfening of their daughter Charlotte were grandparents, Mrs. Lidster, Melviile Saskatchewan and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Woters, Trenton. Aiso visiting were Mr. an~d Mrs. Ken Copping and tamily, Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smits, Shannon- ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Woifers and family, Frankfurt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Terpstra, town. May we remind you f0o attend the special exhibition of nearly 50 painfings of the Ontario Regiment in Worid War II now on display at the Robert McLaugblîn Gallery until October 29th. The Onta- rio Regiment this year wili celebrate its lO9th birfbday. Wednesday evening, Thurs- day October l5fb at 8 P.M., Kim Ondaatje wiil present sldes on historic bouses in the region. On Monday, October 'Borié1.Faith Teaches: The love of God is the true foundation ta al econamics. For further information see' Library Baha'i Books 2th at 10:30, coffee will be served af the Robert 'Me- Laughlin Gallery, affer wbich a tour of everything from churches f0, Victorian gentle- men's home in Whitby witb lunch at llatchHouse will take p lace. Cail the Gallery 576-3000 for information. Mrs. Penny Robinson for- merly of St. Stephen, NB., bas taken up resîdence in Bow- mnviile witb bier twin sisters, Mrs. John Watson, Bowman- ville and Mrs. Gwen Gibson of Newcastle. The Jack and Jili members did a beautiful job of decorat- ing Trinity Unifed Churcb for the Thanksgiving service on Sunday, Oct.,12. Their artistic arrangement of fruit, vege- tables and fiowers was mosf impressive and many favour- able comments were voiced by fhe congregation. Tbere was an excellent attendance despif e'if being a holiday weekend. Rudy Hartmann sang a -solo "O Lord Have Mercy." Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rehden and Howard Anyon assisted Rev. Wesley Oake during the service of Baptism when Tanya Chariene, infant daugbten of Mr. and Mrs. William Blackmore was re- ceived info tlhe congregation. Following fhe service there was a privafe family bapfism when Rosanne Elizabeth and Edwin William Robert Jr., cildren of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin William Robert Cook were baptized by Rev. Wesley Oake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- mond have just returned from Caracus, where Mr. Ram- mond participated with the 1976 model year start Up, program for G.M. Venezuela. Mrs. Hammond accompanied Items of Jnterest Phone 623--3303 St. PauI's United, Church, MINISTER - 11ev. N. E. Schamerhorn B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST - Gerald K. Burgess l4lst Anniversary, Services 11: 00 a.m. Guest Speaker Miss Elaine Kellogg recently returned from Kenya, Africa The Senior Choir will present special selections 7: 00 p.m. A Symposium - "THE GREATEST NEED IN THE WORLD TODAY" with Guest Speakers REV. DAVID HARTS IS of Maple Grove and Ebenzer United Church REV. ALLAN LAVIS of Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa 11EV. GORDON MONTGOMERY of Newtonville United Church Special Music by both the Senior Choior and the Chancel Choir Following the evening service we wiII cut our giant Anniversary cake and en joy refreshments in the Church Hall Nursary Care for Pre-school children bath morninci and evening. A SPECI*lAL DgjAY AT Bowmanville Pentecostal Churceh Opening the Addition To Our Church FaCilities Siunday, Octobér 19 You Are Invited to Share in This Day SUNDAY SCNOOL 9:55 A.M. SERVICES AT 11:00 A.M. and ;7:00 P.M. WITH Rev. R. W. Taitinger GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT 0F THE, PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA NEWTONVILLE Mr. Hammond on the trip and enjoyed the beautiful climate. Miss Sharon Hamnmond, who is attending Centennial Col- lege of Nursing, Scarborough, spent Tbanksgiving weekend with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond, Church St. On Sunday, Sept. 28, Leroy and Phyllis Short celebrafed their silver anniversary. A famiiy dinner was heid at Gil's Marina, followed by an evening party af their home. Forty friends and neighbours a ttended from Brooklin, Kedrom, Oshawa, Port Perry, and Port Hope. Their son, Allan Short, was home from Trent University, Peterbo- rough. Miss Jo-Anne Diiiing, Uni- versity of Western, Ontario, holidaved with bier parents and brothers, Mr., and Mrs. Wallace Dilling and sons. An increasing number of shut-ins and others in this area are tuning to 1540 for the 11: 00 A.M. Sunday service broad- cast from Timofhy Eaton Memorial Churcb, 1foronto, it is reported. Former general secretary of the United Churcb of Canada, the new minister, Dr. George M. Morrison,p uts special empba- sis on f h e growing radio congregation. Mrs. C.W. Semon, Niagara Falls, spent Thanksgiving weekend witb bier son Dr. and Mrs. C.W. Siemon, and fami- ly, Martin Road, N. Mr. and Mrs. John, W. Noble, London are visiting their son Mr. and Mrs. James Noble and family, 191/2 King W. for Tbanksgiving. Mr. and -Mrs. Norman GilmoreýLefroy, Ontario, visi- ted wifb Mrs. W.A. Edger, recently. Congratulations f0 Janet Munday who won a silver medal from the Royal Conser- vatory of Music for obtaining the highest mark in grade 5 piano in Ontario. She also won a scboiorship for $30 to continue hier music. A number of peopie cailed f0 Rev. and Mrs. E. Scbamer- born, and family of Bowman- ville, were supper guesfs a week ago Sunday at the manse, witb Rev. and Mrs. G. Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Walace Mer- nul, Warkwortb, were Sunday visitors also a week ago witb bis sister Mrs. Bea Jones. congratulafe Mrs. Editb Stain- ton on ber 9tb birtbday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Englisb wbile she was visiting there recentiy. A plant tour of St. Mary's Cement Company, Bowman- ville bas been planned by the Lake Ontario chapter of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, October 23, at 8:00 p.m. For further details contact: Mr., M.C. Ringham, P. Eng., Bus. (416) 369-3561, Res. 668-6598. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gary Diliing, Dwight and Diane, Brampton, spent Thanks- giving with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Diiling, Queen .Street. On Thanks- giving Day, Mrs. Doris Eckerf John, Scarborough were with the Forresf A. Dilling's, Queen Street. Dr. and Mrs, L.C. Ogburn, Winston-Saiem, N.C. spent Tbanksgiving wifh Mr. and Mrs. Robert James, Minden, and visited Mn. and Mrs. John M. James on Friday. A $1500 grand prize wiil be awarded in the current Poefry Contesf sponsored by tbe World of Poefry, a montbiy newsietter for poets. Poems of ahl styles and on any subject are eligibie f0 compefe for the grand prize or for 49 other cash or menchandise awands. Second place is $500. Rules and official entry forms are available by wrifing f0: World of Poetry, 801 Portola Dr., Dept. 211, San Francisco CA 94127. Contest deadiine: No- vember 30, 1975. "COME TOGETHER" for aI Anniversatry Service of BEAUTIFUL MUSIC OUTSTANDING GUEST SOLOISTS at ORONO UNITED CHURCH October l9th at 11: 15 a. m. HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Centennial, Sunday, Oct, l9th Parade: 2:30 p.m. Depicting lite over the lasi 100 years 7:30 p. m. CENTENNIAL SERVICE Guest Minister DR. ROBERT McCLURE Past Moderator of the United Church 1Music by Kingsview United Church Choir Organists Mrs. Keith Billett, Mr. Ross Metcalf Sunday, October l9th, 1975 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:Oam. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:ooa.m. -Casses foraIllages, gand up 1:00a. m. - Nursery Ba by Ca re, Todlers and Kindergarten 11;15 a. m. - Pr ima ry Dept. ages 4 f8 11la.m. -YOUTH SERVICE Members of the youth groups wi Il participaie 7 p.m. - HI-C FILM NIGHT BIBLE STUDY GROUP Wednesdlay, 10 a.m. in Church Parlor ANNIVERSARY SERVICES On Sunday, October 26, Trinity wiII be celebrating 140th anniversarv with special services at il a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. W.M. TONGE, B.A., B.D.. wilI be the guest speaker and ROSS METCALF soloist at 7 o'clock service GUEST SPEAKER A nim, isn lGooc to Know", wîiIbe presented on Monday, October 27.' TRINITY BEEF DINNER Saturday, November 1sf, 5 and 6:30 p.m. C.G.I.T. BIKE-A-THON, OCTOBER 18 To raise funds for C.G. I.T. Projecfs this year. A Warm Welcome For Everyone Local membens attending t he Women's Institute 75th District Annivensary at Hamnpton last Wednesday evening incluçled Mrs. Queen- ie Fletcher, Mrs. Olive Hen- denson, Mrs. Inez Boughen, Mrs. Leta Samis, Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, Mrs. A. Mlligan, Miss Bernice Milligan, Mrs. Iva Farrow, Mrs. Madeline Buckley, Mrs. F. Ferguson, and Mrs. Anna Hughes. The latter received a gif t on behaif of ber mother Mrs. Sowden (now in hospifal) the only remaining chartered member of this District. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones returned borne last Thursday evening from their recent trip to Edmonton, where they were guests of Mr. and Mns. Bud Jones, and family having ceiebrated two birthdays while there. Last Thursday affernoon oun Senior Citizen group were priviieged in having Mr. Doug Palmer of Port Hope join us at oun local scbooi. He is the Secty-Treas. of the Ganaras- ka Conservation Anea Organi- zation, and presented a show- ing and commenfary of very interesting pictunes. These gave us a condensed version of some of the work accom- plished in tbe various areas, since the opening of this worth-while project in 1972. Some 9000 acres are indlu- ded in the entire area, and we were ail impressed wîtb the way in wbich fbey have been developed, not only as picnic and scenic grounds, but also as winter recreational. If is estimated tbat over 5000 people avaiied tbemseives of the opportunity fo use them during the winter months. Principal John Veldhuis is our, own Representative on this important project, and be expressed our appreciation f0 Mr. Palmer for coming ouf f0 ententain us. NEWS Mr. George Cameron of Brownsviile, representing Clarke-Townsh ip on the Board of Education, also spoke to us telling us f0 take a stand for more land required for Park and recreation, adjoining our school. The rest of our time was spent in piaying cribbage and euchre, ending at 3:30 as usuai. This Thursday, Oct. 16, Mayor Garnet Rickard, of Newcastle is f0 be our speaker and we urge ail Senior Citizens, and others interested to be there at 1:30 p.m. in the Library Room for an enjoy- able afternoon., The death of Mrs. Lila Waikey occured iast Wednes- day in South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle, with funer- ai heid at the Ross Funerai Home, Port Hope, Friday afternoon and interment in Port Hope Union Cemetery. Sympa thy of the community is expressed to the remaining family members. With 1976 being the 5th Anniversary of the Canadian Legion Golden Tulips for our Cenutaob have been bought by Veferans Tony Ton, and Frank Gilmer. These were pianted last week by Mr. and Mrs. Ton and appreciation is expressed f0 both for their kindness. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glead of North Vancouver, were lun- cheon guests at the manse eariy iast week with Rev. and Mrs. Montgomery, while Mr. Arthur Thompson of Kendal was a visitur there on Satur- day. There was an unusuaily large attendance at church, Sunday morning and ahl ap- preciated the very appro- priate harvest decorations through the church, including the basket of lovely fiôwers at the altar, in memory of the iate Mrs. Walkey Before the chidren went downstairs to Sunday School, Mrs. Marlene Stacey rend the names of ail those who have earned their attendance certi- ficates, pins, seais, etc., about twenty-eight in ail, and these were duiy presenfed, as weli as an expression of thanks f0 Mrs. Mary Vinkie, for her many years of faithfui affen- dance, and assistance. 1Rev. Montgomery's theme was "Remember the Lord," and Evelyn Stacey sang an enjoyabie solo, "He For- gives. " Foiiowing, the sermon, the Sacrament of Hoiy Com- munion was administered, wîth Eiders Iva Farrow, Jessie Best, Wallace Boughen, and Jack Kimbail assisting the minister, also Melville Jones. Mrs. Lena Ciysdaie and Mr. Sid Lancaster greeted the congregafion at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Carence Farrow,. and Karen, of Gati- neau, Quebec, were visifors over the weekend with Mrs. Iva Farrow. Sunday dinner guest's with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kimbali and family included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, and June, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbali, and Vicki, Mr. and, Mrs. Don Bright, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Berney, ail of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lane, and family,,of Peterborough, were Sunday visif ors withý Mrs. Leone Lane, and al attended morning service, here. With Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, over the weekend, were Darreil, and Lorie-Anne Donnelly, of Port Hope, and son Gary, of Hamilton, while Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapieton, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors. Our local coilege girls were ail home over the holiday weekend: Carol Hençierson, from Kingston, Brenda Hen- derson, from Waterloo, Carol Stapleton, from Belleville, Penny Webster, and Cindy Eliiott, from Peterborough. Our felicitations f0 Mrs. Alice Austin, of Canton, wbose The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie. October 15. 1975 7 Tories Discuss P0S t 0Meort'i visiting. With the latter, and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, and family, Mrs. Austin'attended Church service at Canton, then later on, entered Oshawa Hospital, where she is to undergo a cataract operation on one eye. Best Wishies for a speedy recovery.. Visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher during the holiday weêkend included Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher, of Downsview, Miss Cathy Fief- cher, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clys- dale, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adams, were Sunday'callers at their.cottage at Cbemong. Mr. George Henderson, of Port Hope, and Mr.,and Mrs. Peter Henderson and Stepha- nie, of Bowmanville, were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer, witb Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown,. of Newcastle, were dinner guests, Sunday, with, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, and family, Port Hope. U.C.W. members, remem- ber our invitation to Orono U.C.W., in Orono Church, Thursday evening, at 7:30, when special speaker wiil be Mrs. M. Ferries, President of Oshawa Presbytery. Our own Church Anniver- sary will be Sunday, Oct. 26, at 9:45 arn. Guest Speaker will- be Rev. Gerald Brown, B.A., B.D., Chaplain of the Pine Ridge Scbool. Special Music, also. possible followed by a series of meetings leading Up to a nomination meeting. In attendance at the meet- ing were Representatives from polis in Clarke, New- c astie Village, Darlington, and Oshawa, At a meeting in Oshawa last Thursday, members of fhe Durham East Conservatîves Association laid plans for the next Provincial election and held a post mortem on the last one. A report on the meeting signedb y Ken Lyall advises thaf with Association Presi- dent Paul Riley in the chair, members delved into the Tory losses of September 18 includ- ing thaf of Dr. Charles McIlveen in Durham East. The meeting concluded that Regionai Governmenf, the 3uestion of rent controls, the ebate between Premier Bill Davis and Liberal Leader Robert Nixon aiong wifb the gasolîne and sales fax issues were the main causes for the Conservafive losses. Plans for the future of the Durham East Riding were discussed and wil include the re-opening of a centrai com- mittee office as soon -as Mr. George Pethick, of Rouge Hill, was in our village, Sunday, calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were visitors witb Mrs. Minnie Drinkie, Oshawa, on Monday. Mr. Stan Bowen, of Bow- manville, is-visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mrs. Gertie Rowe spenf the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Neil O'Conneil and family, at Cobourg. erices A FREE ONFIDENTIAL SERVICE No Appointment Necessary COU RTICE SE CON DARY -SCHOOL Tueasda ys, 7:00 -9. 00p. m. Wish you could find a compact wagon with four doors? For nearl y everybody who needs a wàgon, Sporfabouf is as much wagon as fhey'll ever neeo. ror- camping trips or trips f0 the supermarkef. For family vacations or the neighborhood car pool. Working hard or faking if easy, Sporfabouf beautîfully fts info your daily lite-sfyle. Sporfabo ut has four big, wîdle-opening doors -fwo doors more and twiceýî the convenience of other small U.S.-builf wagons! Cargo space (wifh rear seat down) measures over 56 cubic feet. There's generous room for heads, legs, shoulders and elbows wifh a fu load of passengers, foo. Sporfabouf has a frim 381/2-ff. turning diamefer. lt's so much easier than a big wagon f0 maneuver through fraffic and slip into parking spaces. Vts quicl< fa load and unload. And Vts economical wifh ifs 'low base price, sfandard Six engine and Iow upkeep. Really, Sporfabouf lis in a class by if self. Wlell1m anMotorisL td. 100 Nonquon Road - 728-7351 - Oshawa SERV ICING THE DURHAM REGION I Sportabout. Ail ns, \\i( car reba.ked k the e,\dusve AM\C Bu\cr PrtecionPan. Ak us for FEAmC FOR OVER 28 YEARS c We have in stock a Complete line, ofÊ Baby Care Products .Wi de Selection of Quality Cosmetics .Expert Photo-Finishing and of course Headquarters, For Ail Your Family's Drug and Health e s Alex MeGreg ) " Drug 5 King St. West 623-5792 YOUR LOCAL I.D.A. DRUG STORE For Your Convenience, You May Pay Your Bell Telephone Account Here.

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