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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1975, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Oct __5e _ r 9-* 1» .::.Z~f~ *.v.~... .......... L s ~' DEAD LUNE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon LIGHT hause cleaning. 12 day a week. Please cail 623-2438 after 5:00 p.m. 43-2x INSULATION, blawing method wifh rock wool, work- W anship quaranfeed. Seal- daire Insulatian, phone 705- 742-0272. Rep resentative Harry L. W ade, p hone 987-4531.43t DAY care for c hiîdren in my home, lunch-will be provided, fenced in yard, Lord Elgin School area. Phone 623-5616. 43-2 CONSTRUCTION of metal farm buildings. Wuis Con- struction, Peterborough, (705) 743-8784. 44-2x TREES cut and removed, lawns raked and drawn away and light trucking. Phone 728-2410. 44-2 CUS I M corn picking and shelling. Caîl Francis Jose, Newcastle, 987-4789. 44-l' FOR parties, weddings and any other activifies, if you need a Bartender, caîl 623- 6922. 44-lx PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf Lawn &Garden îCare Rlling, rotc-tiliing with a commercial machine. Seeding dawn new iawns or aid. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 tf D. BEERS & SONS CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovatinc Rec Romrs Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20 tt NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALI MAKES Harvey Partner Orcno 983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41 -tf 1iIs GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Diviuion St., Iowmanville Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Shoot and Fia.? Glass Sef led Units - St-rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mrrors Patternod and Colored Glass and laxing, 17 tf WATER Wells bored, 30, file Ward's Weil Borlng. To@ r hone 342-2030. Representô- Ive Harry L Wado. Tel@- ahane 987-4531. 16-tf, "SL 1 P" W. R. ""Slip"" Rowe Decorati ng 623-7493 43-2 JACK BU RGESS DIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS:, P.O. Box 43 -. Bowmanvllle 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing -, Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repaira Service and Estimates CaII'623-2641 33-f f PhiI's Carpenîrry Installation -Arborite Fences - Floors Repa irs cf ail1 types Free Estimate - Tradesmen Commercial - Residential Phono 623-3194 42-ff CENTRAL Marine Electro- nics. Phone 263-2918. Distribu. for for ComDev Marine Pro- ducts. 16-tf Carpentry - Renavating Monte Hennessy FENCING (Ail Types) REC. ROOMS CONCRETE WORK Phone 728-0131 43-2 Ref rigeration 1AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeratîon, - MiIk Cooleri PHONE BERT SYER Deys .............. 623M574 Nlghts ............. 623-31» Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC Tf CUSTOM upholstering, -Yecový ering, re-styling, very reason. able, wark guaranteed, 2( years experience. Free esti- mates. Please cati calleci 1 -986-5072. 26-ti ) DOMEIÉS tlI CMM EWC 1A L REFRIGE RATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES a SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., BOWManViîle 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-ff PETER SUTHERLANE ALUMINUM PROD. Siding and Alil Oti Accessorlies PLEASE CALI 623-4398 For Estimate RON'S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices,e Rug, Carpet and Uphaîste Shampooing, Wall Washir CA LL Ron Tu rcotte at 623-7966 C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona lly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE Attention: Friday Night Bi- ble Schooi children - because most of you plan f0 be ouf for Hallowe'en, there will be no Bible School this Friday. See you aga in next week. 44-1 trhe regular meeting of Jerusalem Lodge No. 31, A.F. & A.M., will be held on Novem ber 12 at 8 p.m. for the purpase 0f general business and conferring degrees. 44- 1 NOTICE Anyone claiming any art- icles leff af Lee's Repair Shop, R. R. No, 2, Newcast le, may on or bef ore Novem ber 1th, 1975, dlaim same by identifying and paying any cosfs owing there- on. After Novem ber 1Ofh, 1975, any unciaimed articles wil be sald and the proceeds of such sale forfeited for storage cosfs. DATED af Newcastle, this 29fh day of October, 1975. Sarak Kathleen Zagozewski and Betty Friedrich, Executrices of the Estate of William Henry Lee, deceased, by their salicitar, Mervyn B. Kelly. 44-2 M ** * VACANT LOT 14 or hait acre, Orono-Newcastle. Some trees. No reai estate. Phone 623-7083. 44-1 x WE buy and seil everything and pay cash. Caîl day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-tf Rt.D dlover seed. Please bring in sample for pricing. Carnation Flower and Seed, 33 Division Sf. Phone 623-5577. 40tff USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's, Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-ff CASH for goid. silver, coins, guns, doêcks, jewellry, dishes, furnifure, cracks. oainfinos, sealers, appliandes. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-ff SUFFOLK ramn, 5 years old. Phone 263-2297. 44-lx G. Bar S. Ranch -orseback ridling $3 per haur. Our membership is even dheaper, we have 9 x 12 box stalîs for rent, pienty of room., Special riding ring and mndîvi- dual dorais fOr your donven ence. $50 per month. Cal1 Us Anyti me 623-4027 19-tf EQIJESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDNG instruction ini Equitation Jumping Schooling of Hunters& Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold ,RR a BOWMANVILEA 23-7336 tf THREE bedroom town house ideal for family living, located on a quiet court in Bowman- ville, close to, schools. $275 a month. Available immediate- y. Caîl Marylin Simpson 623-3393, Bowmanville or Toronto 923-9174. W. Frank Real Estate, Realtor. 43-2 BOWMANVILLE, one bed- room apartment, elderly cou- ple or widow preferred. Avail- able Nov. 1. Cali 623-4955. 44-1 125 ACRES of land, in the Town of Bowmanville, $30 per acre. Phone 623-7538. 44-tf ONE bedroom apartment for aduits only. Available Nov. 1, $125 monthly. 623-2453. 44-1 her FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week, or day, sflawer 3nd bath, idended premises, L reasonable rates. Castle Hatel, Bowmanvîlle 623-7072- 51 tf Swith carport. Sunset Blvd., Newcast le. Immediate oddU.f pancy. $300 per manth. Phone 728-0301. 42-tf etc. ry rg Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estafe of WILLIAM HENRY LEE, 0f the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Munîcipality of Durham, de- ceased. Ali persans having dlaimis againsf the Estafe of William Henry Lee, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the lth day of October, 1975, a re hereby notified ta send particulars of same to the undersigned an or before the 21sf day of Novem- ber, 1975, after which date the Estafe will be distributed with regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned shalj then have notice and the undersîgned will not be hiable fa any persan of whose dlaimn they shalînot then have notice. DATED at Newcastle, this 29th day of October, 1975. Sarak Kathleen Zagozewski' and, Betty Friedrich, Execut- rices, by their solicitor, Mervyn B. Kelly, 28 King Street West, P.O. Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K9 44-3: .RESUITS COUNT!, Multiple ,Listing rvc Oshawa & District uReaI Estate Boagrd ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 44-t1 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewelîers Ltd. DAN HOOPER Phone 623-5747 For Appointment REGISTERED puppies foi sale, Irish Setters, Doberman Pinschers and Boxers. Terms available. Phone 623-2805. TWO and one-hall Irish Setter, femalE $60 includes chains and dog dishes. F 5178. AFGAHANS, i10w( $125 and up. PhonE affer 5. PET OWNI SP EC lA FREE: Pick up and Del iv Professional Dog G Service. Ail breeds a Bring him t( The Doggy F Orona 786-22,' Safurday, Novem-ber 8th auction sale of livestock and produce. The property of Mervin Nelson, Lot 22, Con. 3, Dummer Twp., 7 miles east of Lakefieid on South Stoney Lake Road (past Melody Inn) or 5 miles north of Warsaw. 93 head of Charolais and Here- ford cattie, Charolais bull 3 yrs. old, 42 mature Hereford cows, 24with calves by side, 19 due Nov. and Dec., 25 Charo- lais heifers 'and steers, 1 yr. old. Approx. 5,000 bales of weli saved mixed hay. Approx. 600 bales of oaf straw. Terms cash, no reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctio- neers, Reaboro, Ontario 705- 324-9959. 44-2 NO SALE AT THE GRIST MILL AUCTION BARN untîl Sat., Novem ber 8th 12 p. m. 44-1 Auction Sale at Pethick's Auction, Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday, November 1, at 7 p.m. Sectional chesterfield (3 piece), recliner, odd chairs, hi-fi (like new), loads of other articles. Cliff Pefhick, auc- tioneer. 44-1 Sheridan Farms, Charolais Dispersai Sale for Bill Lawr. ence, Oakville, Ontario, 56 Head on Saturday, Novem ber 8, 1975, at 1 p.m. at Peterbor- ough Livestock Sale Arena, Peterborough, complete dis- persai of 20 high quality cows with calves, 7 cows yet f0 calve, 7 yearlings, open heifer and 2 full French bulis. All femnales are daughters of Abraham, Cabotain, Bingo, and 'Artiste, bred f0 a full French son of Acajou. Sale Manager's note- We are extremely pieased to conclude this season's Charolais sales with a sale of such quaiity. Plan to attend this important di spe rsai sale . Farm sold. Steve Liptay, Liptay Auction- eers Ltd., R.R. 1, Bowman- ville, Ont. 416-263-21-17. 43-3 Auction Sale, Saturday, Nov. 1sf, 1: 15 at Saveon Products Warehouse, Hwy. 28, Bewdley, consisting of rocking chairs, desk, tables, chairs, kitchen cabinet, chest of drawvers, dishes, glassware, 1947 Mercury, 2-door sedan (to be sold as îs) and other items stili being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 44-1 Saturday evening, Novem- ber 1sf. Special Twilighf Charolais Stocker Sale at 7:00 p.m., at Lindsay Communify Sale Barn, Angeline St. N., Lindsay, Ontario. Charolais stocker steers, heifers and calves soid in trudkioad lots or to your satisfaction. For consignments or furfher in- formation contact Carl Hidk- son, Proprietor and Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 38-7 Holsteins Breeders' Special Sale, Thurs., Oct. 30, 12 noon At Cecil Snoddon Farm, R.R. 4, Sunderland, Ont. 3 miles south of Sunderland on Hwy. 12, then 2 miles east on Con. 3, Brock. 50 Head Regîstered, Classified consist- mg 0of 15 head from Hiqh Point and Ocala Herds of Les and Lloyd Smith, Port Perry, 10 from Lillico Bros., Woodville, 15 f rom Jiîm Cowieson, Queen- sviiie vwifh additional consign- ments f rom several other breeders. 40 head will be fresh or close af sale day. Many wifh deep full pedigrees in- cluding a "Good Plus" 3 yr. old by Perseus Mark due at sale fime. She has 4 high producing Very Good dams. 4 Very Good cows with records to over 20,000 lb. in 305 days. One of the Stariite's selling Iust finished with (192-210 BCA). This sale features hlgh producers wifh many records in the 15- 20,000 lb. brackef. Severai bq' Starlite, Emperor, Chieftain, Wayne Achilles. An excellent opporfunity f0 buy foundation type cows that are f resh and ready to work. Don't miss If h ! Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, 416- 852-3524. 43,-2 AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES and COLLECTABL -.ES TO BE HELD AT BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE ON Saturday, Novemb-er 1,1975 Featuring a large selectio f pine and ofher furnifure, primitives, small wares, glass, china, iron, brass etceftera. AIl items in excellent condifon. List not complete af this time, but a goad sale guaranfeed. SALE TIME --- 12:00 NOON LUNCH AVAILABLE. NO RESERVE AUCT ION E ER TED WATT, 725-3769 44-1 CLEAN Bachelar transferred ta Bowmanville would like small apartment preferably in private home. F urnished or runfurnished. Caîl St. Catha- rines cal lect 935-4031. 43-2x 43-2 WANTED by responsible - young couple, unfurnished 3 or yer 41 bedroom house, within f yar ldcommuting distance of New- andlsaeds stle. Please cali 623-3172. ;anfe 987 43-4x 44-ix REASONABLE apartment for - female, as soan as possible. eeks _old, Phone 623-5741. 44-ix .e 987-4343 ______________ 44- TWO or fhree bedroom house - or bottom floor apt. in house in E R'S Bowmanville area by Dec. 1sf. Couple with 2 children. Do nof kL drink or smoke. Can supply references.- Phone 786-2038 very for coliect. Rent aver $250 need ;rooming nof call1. 44-1ix and mixed o RELIABLE aduits wouid like Plcecounry house to rent. Within 34 awa, 1-705-292-7121. 41 -ff 36-8x INFORMATION an Bawman- ville Mechanic's Institute, lafe ninfeenth century. Inferested local historians, please phone 9835044after6. 44 lx RIDE from Liberty Street Exit at 401 f0 the corner of Farewell and Wentworth, Osh- awa ta arrive by 7 a.m. Phone 623-3192. 44-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobiîes For Wrecking Purposee SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 623-2503 BOWMANVILLE -Attractive 3 bedroom bungalow, 2 extra bedrooms in basement along with a finished- rec. raom, large lot. Only $35,500. ORONO - Triplex, a goad income praperty on Main St., near the park. Owner anxiaus ta seli due fo moving away. Make an offer. BOWMANVILLE - Nice 3 bedroom home centraliy loca- ted. New furnace, roof and garage. $39,900. 44-1 Peter Kowa 1 Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvilii Tele hone 623-2453 7 ACRES wifh 5 room home. Barn and driveshed, in New- tonville. Only $60,000. Terms. 35 ACRES with 5 room house, gravel pif, cedar bush and some g ood garden land. $60,000. Terms. Kedran- 4 bedroom 11/2 storey home on large lot near school. Has separate dining room, 2 outside porches, nice condi- tion, $44,500. Terms. PROPERTIES WANTED After haurs: J. Bartan........... 623-3098 G. Beech........... 623-'5265 P. Kawal Jr ........_623-5868 44-1 INDUSTRIAL LOT, onethird acre, MI zoning, front and rear access, ideal for light industriai use, equipment sto- rage, warehousing, 401 exit only one block away. A steal for only $25,500. Cal I Mendyk, Manfle Realty and Ins. Inc., 576-9700, Realtor, ask for Ron Barsi. 44-2 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLO APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C LASS IFIÉE DS Ontario Selecf-O-Xotic Live- stock Sale, Safurday, Novem- ber 29, Peterborough, Ont. Af the sale arena, a special sale of exotic Breeds of Blande D'Aquitaine, Charolais, Ch!- anina. Marchiagina, Limou- siri, Maine-Anjou, Simmental, etc. We are providing an excellent opportunity for any- one wifh recorded exotic caffle to merchandise them af this select consignment sale, nafionally prâmoted. Please send in entry or phone for information ta sale manager Steve Liptay,, Lipfay Auc- fioneers Lfd., R.R.' 1, Bow- man.ville, Ont. 416-263-2117. 43-3 Special Charolais Stocker and Feeder Sale, 700 Head. cOn Thursday, November 6, 1 p.m., at Kawarfha Livestock Exchange, Lindsay, Ontario. Selling high quality Charolais and Chrolais cross stocker and feeder steers and heifers. In anticipation of selling some of Onfario's Choicesf stockers and feeders we welcome anyone with qual ify Charcross steers'and--heifers' ta consign' f0 this important sale spon- sored by the Ontario Charolais Association. AIl early enfries wiIl be catalogued. For en- tries, enquires or information folder contact the sale mana- ger: Steve Lipfay, Liptay Auctio'neers Ltd., R.R. 1, Bowmanviile, Ont. LiC 3K2 416-963-2117. 43-2 GUARANTY Real Estate 728-1655 OWNER HAS BOUGHT UN- CONDITIONALLY. Must sel this four bedroom brick bun- galow with carpart. Holly- woodl kitchen, including appli- ances. Spaciaus recreation room with bar, 2 bafhs, beautifully landscaped. Musf be seen fo appreciate. Cal Mrs. Grant 728-1773. 44-1 Saturday, Novembéf 1sf, auction sale of livesfock, impiements and household furniture. The properfy of Russell Cruse, Lot 6, Con. 3, South Monaghan Twp., 6 miles easf of MilIbrook or 7 miles south of Peterborough By- Pass on Hwy. 28, 2 miles east and 1/2 mile south. 76 head of Hereford cattie, purebred Hereford bull, 25 Polled Here- ford cows with 25 calves by side. (Hull blood uines showing good size), 25 Hereford steers and heifers 1 yr. old,,1971 M.F. 135 diesel tractor (1800 hrs.) power sfeering, chains, Allied manure loader, hydrauiic buc- ket, Cockshutf 30 tractor PTO, M.F. No. 10 baler PTO, extra good, 1971 M.F.- No. 66 *3-12's plough, Int. heavy dufy culti- vator, M.F. side rake, Codk- shuft15A power mower, M. H. 26 seed drill, 36' hay elevator, 2 grain augers, George White 6' snow-blower PTO, lumber, eiecfric mofors, rubber tired wagon with rack, fullI une of machinery, hay, straw, Int. refrigerator, Findlay elecfric stove, bedroom suife, dresser and washstand, 6 chairs, buffet, seffee, antique beds and dressers, pine table, antique bread riser, pictures and f rames, 2 cistern pumps, 2 copper boliers, coal oil lamps, trunks, large oval table, many other items. Terms cash, no reserve, as farm is sold. Furniture sale 12:30 p.m. Machine sale 1:30 p.m. Caffle sale 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 43-2 Direct Tcontc -Lin. 923-9174- 4 Bedroomls - $44,900 Bowmanville, close ta dlown- town area. New bridk semni detadhed home, broadlaam, 11/2 baths. Terms. The best value in fown'. Cali Bill Turansky. Cedarcrest Beach Extra large lot near Bowman- ville. Small cottage, partially furnished. On paved road Asking $21,500. Cali Bill Grady for inspectian and get your offer in. Bowmanville - Estate Sale Acf fast on this. Prided ta seil is this neat and tidy, 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Spaciaus 56' x 130' treed lot. Gaad location, anly $43,900. Cali Phyllis McRobbie or Bill Turansky. Lakefront Cottage.- Caesarea Neat as a pin desdribes thîs fuliy remodelled and furnish- ed 2 bedroom cottage, .45' x 150' lot on Lake Scugog with safe, sandy beadh. Realis- tidally priced at only $22,000 wifh 55,000 dawn. For details, dali Elfie Jost. Orono Sidesplit Lovely 3 bedroom home. Dining room il' x 10, eat-in kitchen, partiy finished base- ment. 90' x 100' lot. Existing 9 per dent mortgage. Asking $53,000. Cali Bill Turansky. Bowmanville Prided ta seli is this 4 bedroam, 2 storey, 21/2 year aid home. Fully broadiaomed, famiiy room with fireplace an main f loor, 11/2 baths. Lat 50' x 100'. Asking $56,900. Terms at 93/4 per cent, Cali hls McRobbie.Phls Bowmanville Golf and Country Club area, almost 1 adre. 4 bedroom home for only $53,900. Must be seen. CalilBill Grady. 1 Acre Ranch Home $79,900 for this oversized 9 roomn home. 19' x 16' famiiy raom with firepiace, ultra modemn kitchen wîth Ioads of cupboards, 2-4 piece wash- raoms. Double garage. Lavely iandsdaped lot wifh mature trees. Close ta Oshawa. Cali Stan Lockyer. Estate Sale Building lot in Village of Orono. 66' x 170', an town wafer. Permits availabie. Asking $22,500. Cali Paf Yeo. Mosport 48 acres planted ta spruce trees in 1971. Goad gravel deposits. Asking $40,000, with excellent terms. 100 Acres Hampton Owner dictates property must be sold at once. Gaod 2-storey brick home, large barn. Level land with 2 road frantages. Asking $150,000. Open for affers with terms to be arranged. Are Yeu Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handie your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. * Coast to Coas t Real Estate Service BE A + BLOO DONOR B -a f37 King St. E., BowmanVII14 623-7694 -623-7"1 REALTOR COMPLETiELY RENOVAT- ED, aider three bedroom home with dining room, new double car garage and work- ishop, lot 66' x 165', good garde.n area. Asking only $43,50Ô. $69,900. ASKING PRICE for this large ranch style home on 21/2 acres of land, broadloom throughout, large room in basemlent insuIa ted 20' x 13'6, fruit cellar and breezeway, bus at the door for ai l schoois. AS KING $39,900. for this aider 3 bedroomn home, trout streamn runs through the property, aiso a smail pond at the front, 11/2 acre lot, a very secluded retreat. Cail now! REASONS WHY? YOU should flot rent 1 -Government Grant - 2,000 down -Financing available if you quaiify -2 bedroom compîeteiy reno- vated bungalow on 70' x 250' lot -Cali Gary Winacott, 623-7694 or 668-6740 44-1 '"Waverly G r 'ns" In sowmanvllle Built by Marianna Developmnents Your Guarantoe of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 93/4% $4,'f150 DOWN Features includo: C(ean DépendabIe ElectrI c Heat -Large famlly kitchen FInI shed famliy room *Completely broadfoomed 11i/s baths C *Attathd garages -Fully sodded lots Compieteiy servlçed Open for Inspection This Wegkend and Dally 10 A.M, to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturdey &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. Cholce cf 2Deluxe Modela to Chocs. Prom. MARIANNA DEV ELOPMENTS Bull? bhy Division of Valtri & Son Llmlited Weil known for qua llty constructionand superlor workmanshlp. JJRWIN, SARGE-X àLLOWES LIMIT MILLBROOK - handyman's sp ecial, asking $24,000, 4 bedrooms, partially moderni- zed older home, open ta affers for quick sale. Cal lrwin, Sargent & Lowes Limited, Realtors, 705-932-2132 any- time. PETERBOROUGH - owner has moved, home vacant, immediate possession, four- level split with double attach- ed garage, irfimaculate in every way, beautiful wooded lot. Mortgage over $16,000 at 91/2 per cent, $146. P & 1 plus taxes, approximately,$335. Asking $67,900. Owner says seil. Easy commuting dis- tance ta Peterborough.. Cal Ted Storey, Millbraok 705-932- 2132 or 705-743-6786 Peterbo- rough. APSLEY AREA - Esfablished hairdressing business in new plaza, narf h of Peterborough. Complete with two sinks, 3 stations, 5 dryers, boutique area, 2 piece bafhroom, air conditioned. Rent $1117 per month. Full price, $6,500. Caîl Bill Domm, irwin, Sargent & Lowes Lt., Apsley 656-4969 or Peterborough 745-8807. 44-1 REALTOR S REAL ESTATE LIMITE>' 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Li C MT 623-4428 BOWMANVILLE - Large 4 bedraamn semi with garage on quiet crescent. Extra deep lot overioaking town. Cali, for terms. ENJOY THE COUNTRY LIFE in these brand nc, bungalows and sidespi l homes, wlth garages, f ire- r lace. On estate size 1-2 acre ots. Try yaur down paymneni. Onhy $49,900. KENDAL - has level 51/2 acre building lot, 2 road frontages. Came and see if! Asking $26,900. OPEN HOUSE - Yaur chaice, $45,900. each. Bethany offersi bedraam, separate dinirg room, raughed-in f ireplacf-,, basement gara ge in these quaiity buiît hames with picturesque setting. Open for your inspection Saurday and Sunday, Nov. 1 and 2, 10:30 a.m. ta 5 pm Directions: Hwy. 35 nrt t Hwy. 7A, east on Hwy. 7A ta east end of Bethany. Watch for "Open House" signs. 44-1 ls

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