6. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville October 29, 1975 ELDAD UC-W vjur October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Bray with the Presi- dent Mrs. Fred Watson presid- ine. Minutes were read and various items of business deait wth. Plans were compieted for our U.C.W. church service on November 2, 1975 at 11: 30 a.m. when the Rev. Sidney Bates, Minister to the Deaf, Bay of Quinte Conference wili be our guest speaker. Rev. P. Erb assisted by Mrs. Erb presented the wor- shîp service with the theme of gave a sketch of the life and work of Rev. Bates and his ministry. As lunch was served by those in charge Mrs. Burney Hooey conducted an auction of fail produce which greatly helped to iiirease our trea- suty. Friencis regret that Mrs. George Heaslip and Mrs. Lee Shaw are patients in Port Perry Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Ploughman who were guests of honour at their fiftieth wedding anniversary party on Sunday afternoon in the Oddfellows and Rebekah Hall, Port Perry. Mrs. Plough- man was the former Effie Bruce and many Cartwright folk attended to congratulate this young couple on this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynch, Mrs. John Fratalochi, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Prest and Jeniffer Li Lindsay were Wednesday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Eari. Early on Sunday morning Mr. Lorne McKee acc 1ompani- ed some friends to their cottage in the Sudbury dis- trict. They will spend their leisure hours deer hunting. Mrs. Robert Stinson, Lotus, isvisiting with Mrs. McKee. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore. On. Sunday evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Curtin, Lindsay. Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Mrs. Arnold Wiliams, Mrs. Mau- rice Edgerton, and Mrs. Grahame Fish (president) of Nestieton United Church Wo- men attended the Oshawa Presbytery at Maple Grove on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middle- ton, and Bruce of Mississauga and Miss Nancy Anderson, Blackstock were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine. Mr. Herbert Vine, Senior, who had been a guest with his daughter and farnily. returned home with themn. Pen Pals for Forty Years On Wednesday evening Mr. and- Mrs. Wilfred Vine, son Herbert and her father Mr. Herbert Vine, Senior, were guests at a party at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middle- ton, Mississauga. This was to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Addison\ of Johannesburg South Africa. Mrs. Middleton andMrs. Addison have been pen-pals for over forty years and this is the first tîme they had met. Mr. and Mrs. Addison were on six weeks vacation, having spent two weeks in England two weeks wth the Mîddletons. From Canada they were travelling to Greece for another fort- night. During their holiday here Mr. and Mrs. Middleton showed their guests points of interest and beauty spots in Ontario. They had a tour to see the magnificent autumn colors. They went to Ottawa and to Niagara Falls. The Addisons were delighted with Canada. There is very little snow in South Africa. At present spring is commenc- ing. Mr. Addison who is in the banking business reports that the economy there is much the same as here. This is a human interest story and we United Church In the Ujnited Church Rever-F end VîFctor Parsons chose "This Fellowship" as the topi for his sermon readng 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31. This portion deals with the parts of the human body and the function each part contrîbutes to its well being: There must be co-ordination of ail parts. This also applies in any group. Each indivi dual must perform his or her part in co-operation with ail members. In the church the minister has hîs duties to perform. The laity have their duties also té assist the minister and tog ether that "fellowship" shoul include the whole congregation. 8' Wall Angle. 16-Oz. Claw Maimmer :eatures steel claw and shaf t with comfortable 'ubber grip. Ardox Panelling Nails 1 " nails painted to blend with panelling. Tan, Beige, Brown, or Black. 0 e IwnmL M- Recessed Lighting Fixtures bà. 100 W. housing. Full aluminum reflector. 8-1/8" square housing. 41/4" deep, 91/4"X9'/4" overail. White trim. 'GE Permanent Baseboard Heaters la. An easy-to-install, efficient heating system. Contemporary styling blends with most decors. Available in 500-2500 watts. lsÎo2r50 2849io Torcan Portable Baseboard Heater b. Slimline, 1500 watt heater features instant radiant heat plus fan-forced warmý air distri- bution. Thermostatically controlled. CGE Portable 1000W Radiant Heater -c. Instant radiant heat where and when you want it. Automatic thermostat control, chrome safety grille. 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