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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1975, p. 6

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à The Canadianï Statesman. Bowmanville. October 29, 1975 i Scores Fourth Goal Against Hamilton Fin Cups B<N QUE TS G00d PaciÉL.es, Up lo 150 seaE.5. N\oderake prices For 00J. ?ooJ. I4eal For înýhni ýrorj wdàn recepýLtoyjor ca dJRnc e o a usvness 6relk<Çýask or re LremocrýLunt.rcheoq. THIE NEW-DUTCH OVEN I1~usak TaLrnÉorlRu.,Ool. 1h?83-5O00 Bowmanville Pet Shop 623-2921 34.KIng St. W. Bowmanville LOW 1 LOWI PRICES I We Do Dog Groomipig ~ HAL WALLIS'S Production of DIANA ROSS in "Mahogany" Starrîng RILLY DEE WILLIAMS PÛ ON E - 72-SW Umm *HeId Over 1*4th Week KINSMEN KINSME N SUPER BINGO PETERBOROUGH 1ê MEMORIAL CENTRE 7: 30 p.m. SATURDAY , NOV. 1 $6#500 in Prize Money 4 EARLY'BIRDS 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50. Each Three S150 Games, Kinsmen Arena Game $300 Pot of Gold I $1,000 Special $800 In 55 Numbers $100 Per Line or Less or $50 ulCr $300 Consolation50FulCr Win $2.500Jaekot if won i 54 numbers This photo was taken recently and shows Bill Leaman of Bowmanville after he'd scored the fourth goal against Hamilton Fin Cups. Bill is playing with Oshawa Generals this year, af ter graduating from the local Minor Hockey ranks here where his interest, skill and drive helped to bring seVeral championships to local teams. Iinfortunately, the Fin Cups went on to win the game 7-5. N ESTLETON week with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm 1w ere Mrs. Viol-a Thorndyke and Mr. Harvey Gray, Bethany. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew who are observing their thirtieth wed- ding anniversary on Monday Oct. 28. In honor of the occasion they were Sunday evening dinner guests of their daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Garry Edgar, Port Perry. Mrs, James Gibson attend- ed the ploughing mnatch on Friday and Saturday and demonstrated caning. On Thursday at Bowmanville High School she assisted with the caning. Danny Gibson (4 years) and bis brother David (1 year) of Belleville, spent six weeks in the summer with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson. On October 18 and 19 Mr. and Mrs. Gibson visited with bis mother Mrs. Laurie Quili.' more, Toronto, who is eighty- two years old and still quite active. Guests with Mr. andMrs. Grahame Fish for the Sunday anniversary service were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and family, Reaboro, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, Bow- manville, Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister, and family, Lindsay. Sunday Service Miss Dorotby Bulmer, Dea- coness, in the Presbyterian Churcb chose "Humility" as the theme for ber message reading the scripture passage Luke 14: 7-11. If we set our lives beside the hif e of our Lord then ail our pride will'dryu and self -satisfaction YwiIl shrink away. Christs last ride was on a lowly donkey. 'What better symbol of humility in face of the viciousness that surrounded hlm. Mrs. H. Visser and Mr. S. McNeely followed with a duet. Sunday November 2, Mr. S. McNeely a member of the Presbyterian Men's Group will be the speaker. Miss Bulmer will be attending a mission week-end in the God- erich, London area. On Monday, Oct. 27, mem- bers of the Presby terian Church (3 car loadts) are touring churcb offices in Toronto. 1835-1975 Nestleton United Church Anniversary 140 years On Sunday, October 26, at 2:30 p.m. Nestleton United Church Anniversary com- memorated 140 years since the former Salem (Nestleton) churcb was built and 75 years since the present church was erected. The Reverend S.C. Harry Atkinson. Grace-Carman Church, Toronto, a former Nestieton boy, was the guest speaker for this unique oc- casion. Reverend Victor Par- sons extended a most cordial welcome to the capacity congregation and to Mr. Atkinson. Reverend Atkinson chose "On Eartb is not His Equal" for the topic for bis message reading the scripture passage Rýomans 8:31-39, quote "38-39" "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor tbings present, nor things to come, nor height, nor deptb, nor any other creature shal be able to separate us from the love of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison visited from Satur- day to Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carie Woodward of Creemore. Tbey are triends with whom tbey became acquainted during their Florida vacation. When enroute home on Monday they called on their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot to congratulate them on their wedding anniversary. On Sunday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Edgerton, Miss Denice Edgerton and Mr. Wm. Tripp attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams to honor ber mother, Mrs. Harry Ed- gerton on ber eighty-fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moffatt Welland were Sunday over- night guests of ber sister-in- law, Mrs. R.W. Jackson, ed anniversary service in the United Cburcb. Dr. and Mrs. W.F. Macken- zie, Toronto, spent the week- end with their son and daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacKenzie, Claire and Leslie Ann and joined in the worship at the United Churcb. Friends are pleased that Mrs. Charles Briggs bas made such a splendid recovery following ber surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer, Corby- ville, were Sunday guests of ber prents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralp adler and also attend- ed anniersar% service. Guests on , unclny of, last $1,500U Must Go $100 Free Lap Card Game Admission: 50e KINSMEN BRING THIS COUPON TO BINGO $ 20 ak o adPrice-Save $1 BDE A+ BLOOD DONOR HELD OVERI The Famous Jackie Mittoo LP and Recording Artist, Direct from Bristol Place Motel. "THE MAN WHO INVENTED REGGAE" NIGHTLY AT THE -HAMMOND ORGAN and in addition Saturday Supper Dancing with the Dick Valleau Quartet teaturing BOBBI SHERRON, VOCALIST We are fealuring a New Menu at New Low Prices DANCING NITELY - Dining Room Opens Daily fromn 5:00Op.m. to 9:00 p.m. Entprtainffent Nitelv frrnma.:30 cnm. SATURDAY SUPPER DANCING - Dning Roorh Open fromn 5:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m. - __________Dancing fromn 8:00 p.m., Entertainment from 9:00 p.m. TH E NEWS God, whicb is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Often the question arises why a minister keaps on speaking, week after week, Sear after year, when mem- ers of the congregation frequently cannot recaîl any point of the message. He keeps on because be be ieves in bis heart, that "On Eartb is not Ris Equal." That Devine Presence is necessary to all mankind whether it be in times of stress or times of affluence. IWe may say money is not important but that is not true. The altitude of love of money is wrong - how we use it in glorifying God and assisting our fellow man gives it a true value. Reverend Atkinson, a dynamic speaker, also with a sense of bumor retained the attention of the congregation and bis message will be a bigbligbt in their memory. Nestleton United Cburch Reverend Atkinson, better known as Harry camre to Nestieton from England when be was a teenager. Dedicated leaders in the Sunday Scbool cburch and choir had a great influence in bis decision to enter the ministry. During the thirty years since his ordina- tion he has continued to keep in touch with bis boybood 7 home. During the course of bis sermon he remninisced about those memories. The choir with Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm, presiding at the organ graciously sang four selections, "Praise the Lord," "Jesus will be our Guide," 'Blessed Assurance," "Thanks be to God." Assisting in the choir we former Nestleton members, Norma Armstrong Wilson, of Dun- troon, Mabel Campbell Mc- Mullen, Port Perry, Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Blackstock, and Mabel Armstrong Caw- ker, Nestleton. Reverend Par- sons, and Roy ofthe Barbados also assisted. Interesting let- ters were read fromn Rev. Merle Thompson, Melville Sask., and Rev. Wesley Hut- ton, a former minister. Flowers at the altar, in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Armstrong were donated by their daughters, Mrs. Otto Bragg, Mrs. Sam Cawker and Mrs. Keith Wil- son, all of whom attended the service. Eleanor's Flower Shop, Port Perry also contri- buted a number of floral arangements., A large anniversary cake with ligbted candles and the United Church Crest at the front of the church contributed to the spirit of the occasion of 140 years of church dedica- tian (Jt ý-LuaJ in Z) gâOlet Music by Durham Region Composer Clarence Burgess November 9th, 19 75: 8:00 P. M. BOWMANVILLE ilIGI S CHOOL AUDITORIUM Performed by Concordia Pops Orchestra B. H.S. Ba ncia nd Assusti ng Artists Tickets available at HARRY LOCKE TV Aduits - $2.50 Children - $1.25 ina Pop Organ Concert at ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Coiborne and Centre Streets, Whitby on Wednesday, November 5, at 8: 00P.M. Mr. Irwin wilI conduct a workshop in our Whitby store, 1820 Dundas St. E., Whitby, for keyboard teachers and students between 1 :00 a nd 3:,00 p. m. on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1975 -EVEItYONmj WELCOME - Many interesting items and pFcture-s tke efir-tffyears were displayed in the entrance hall. 0f special interest was an autographed quilt which was made to obtain funds in 1900 to assist with the new church building. Ten cents was'the fee charged for each namne. These wer eàeuiTully-autog-rap-hed. When this was auctionedT Mr. Dave Malcolm, Lawrence Malcolm's grandfather was the proud owner. A total of $140 was realized from their effort by the ladies. Seventy- five years ago this seemed a large sum of money. Followf-nl,ge -he urcéh ser- vice a felowsbip hour was enjoyed in the Nestieton Community Centre wben the U.C.W. provided refresb- ments. The three anniversary cakes were decorated by Joan Malcolm assisted by Janice MacKenzie. Many pleasant memories were recalled when Marie Marlow, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marlow, brouglit greetings. She and her three sisters attended the service. Reverend Hill spoke briefly. Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, Minister of our sister Presbvterian Church brought greeting and Mr. Dan Black a forriier member reminisced. Paul Ford, .son of Marlon Taylor Ford, was busy taking pic tures. Friends were present from Welland, Duntroon, Toronto, Oshawa, Claremont, Bow- manville, Port Perry, Brook- lin, Blackstock and surround- ing areas. It is impossible to namne ahl the guests but of special interest are Mrs. Isaac Snell (98 years) wife of the late Reverend Snell a former minister. Lt was hie who performed the marriage cere- mony of Mrs.* Sadler's father and mother, also Mr. Jim Wilson (over 90) of Claremont and our own Mr. Malcolm Emerson (91) a faitbful ad- hererit. The congregation extended their appreciation to all wbo attended and made this an- niversary a memorable occa- sion. Nestleton Walkatbon The Sunday School of the Nestleton United Church are sponsoring a Korean child in their special outreach pro- gram this year. On Sunday at 10 a.m. they participated in a walkathon in Caesarea. They carried placards explaining their pro- Ject. Many of the children are quite small. Most of them walked one hour, the older ones spent two hours. Each had a sponsor for their efforts and they are looking forward to quite a successful day co-operatively. Teachers and parents are commendedfor their efforts in this as the little cbildren are learning in a most meaningful way, "It is more blessed to .g!yLe than to receive." THE ANNUAL ROBERT MCLAUGHLIN GALLERY THIS YEAR IN THE GALLERY AND UNDER THE BIG """Top THE PLACE FOR UNIQUE GIFTS HANDCRAFTED POTTERY - LEATHERWVORK * WEAVING ORIGINAL PAINTINGS -CHRISTMAS CAROS WORKS 0F ART -ANTIQUES L F-RIDAY O-CTOBE-R 3lst -- -NOON-- 9pm I, SATURDAY NOVEMBER lst - NOON -5pm SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2nd - NOON -5pm SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ADMISSION $100 - SNACKS ' IN' REFRESMENTSDRAW TICKET SHERRY SHACK FOR AN ORIGINAL DESIGN THE FAMOUS"HOCK SHOP HANDMADE 'tANADIANA OUILT" c RESTA URANT MON DAY -THURSDAY 6 a..n. - 12 p.mn. FRIDAY& SATURDAY 6 a.m. -l1a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.M. - 11:30 p.M. Serving fleliclous ChineseFood Take-Out Orders a Specialty Full Course Meals In a Home-Like Atmosphere ENJOY A RELAX ING MEAL AFTER A DAY 0F SHOPPING 9 King St. W. g 623-5412 HMALLOWE'EN DANCE ùl- with costume $ 2-0 without costume each Person .Friday, Oct. 31lst 9:00,p. M. Port Darlington Marina and Hotel Lake Road off Liberty St. S. la Hotel 623-4925 Marina 623-3501 WINII ATRI p FOR TWO 1to Barbados for a Week Plus $100.00 cash for expenses or cash value of $900.00 DRAW TO BE MADE Sat. Nov. 29,,1975 PROCEEDS ARE FOR 'iHi NEWCASTL E COMMUNITy SWIMMING POOL TICKETS ARE 50 CENTS EACH or 3 FOR $1.00 PICK UP VOURS TODAY! at Bowmanville Travel Cent re 47 King St. W., 623-3it2 or f rom any Newcastle Lions Club member. .- Ci~. >~îery S. . ad 01623-3373 Bowmanville ,Liberty St. S. and 401 1

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