16 The Canadian Statesman. Bc ORONO OnW Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, Mr. and Mrs, Kennedy Graiy visited thei son David Gray in Kingston - also called on Mrs. Garnel Gansby and her mother, Mrs. Robt. Alfin, who celebrated ber -9lst birthday last week. Congratulations. Miss Susan Bail and Mr. Les Hreb!icek of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken BaIl. Mr. Gordon Walker and daugbter Gail of Thornhill were Sunday guests.1 Mr. Howard Coatbam' of Red Deer, Alberta, attended the Moffatt-Coatham wed- dii.g and visited his mother, Mrs. Halstead, Coatham and other relatives over the week- <end. Mrs. Kenneth Neal and Mrs. Gordon Power recently re- turned home from the Oshawa General Hospital. A number from the Kirby district witb members from Kendal enjoyed the Bus Tour ti) the Ice Capades in Toronto on Sunday evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luxton of Bow- manville, the former Greta Mercer, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mercer of Orono who celebrated their 3th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday night in St. Josephs R.C. Hall, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton' recently visited Mr. John Fratalocchi who is a patient in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred t)ayes of Blacksîock. Miss Judy Haight of Oshawa with Mrs. Doug Hird of Whitby were dinner guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence HriDouglas and Charles. Mrs. Harvey Ginn is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Herb Murray spentt*a few days last week visiting in Oshawa and Whitby. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and daughter 'of Brampton visited Mrs. Marshall, Chat- tertan and other relatives on Saturday. A surprise birtbday party was hetd for Mary Ano, at the home of ber mother Velma Armstrong of Orono. The party was arranged by bier mnother and ber Orono Skating Club friends of a few years ago and took the form of a reunion. Girls were present fram Windsor, Orillia, Barrie, Tarontlo, Bnm nville, Tborn- hilI, Osbawa, Orono and one yaoung man who lives in Toaronto. A tew nemibers of the executive and some sew- ing mnothers were also present. Last but ont least was aur super arena manager, Dane Found, without whom we neyer could bave put on carnivals im mid Marcb, on iaitural ice, sametimnes on ice tbat bad beeni cleared oÏ p<>dsofwaerb1w Dne 'nd hiis hockey boy s. Wýe had hoped ta see Mr. Ed Neilson wbo inade wonderf ul props for our carnivals now of T'oronto, but we had ta be satisfied witb a mnessage brought by bis daugbter. kebya Moving pictures taebyn amateur photographer, of action on lumpy ice or on fairly gond ice but during a miserable wind storm were shown'and were a real source of merriment as tbe girls walched tbemselves trying to keep their balance, falling, or trying to keep their costumes in place. Nothing pbased these girlS. Tliey were a joy to work witb and are stili a joy as they are now fine motbers and some are skating mothers. We remembered things and people ton. We remembered Mrs. M. (Kit) Linton who was costume convener, Mr. Ernest Dent wboa, under difficulties, did aur ligbting for us (free of charge). Mrs. Alice Chaters and mnany others wbo planned sewed, donated and belped in every way possible. Our 'club professionals of tbis era were Miss Dianne- ing in Nortbern Alberta, Paul L'yndon Steckley, died Friday, Oct. 31, 1975, near Lytton, B.C., tbe result of a truck, train accident. Born in Osbawa, March 17, 1945, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Durwin Steckley of Oshawa nec Hilda MeCut- cheon ni Sixtb Line Township of Clarke. lie is survived by bis parents, two sisters, Mrs. Nathan Corning (Dawn Marie) of Mancbester, Mass; and Mrs. Merlyn Cranston (Patricia Duaine) of Oshawa. Mr. Steckley, is at the Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Service was beld in the chapel Friday at 3 p.m., followed by cremation. Arcb- deacon F.'G. Ongley will officiate. Mouthwash and Gargle SPECIAL! 150 mi. Btl. COLGATE 100 4/e1 Bromno SPECIAL! 150) Gmn Btl. B ROMO 5 ELTER $10 Asst'd Variet les SPECIAL! 500 MlI. Cont. Landers Shampoo 2/$l Splash on Lotion SPECIAL! 1-150z- Cont. BRUTE 33 $1,00 New Freedomn Mini SPECIAL! Pkg. of 10 Sanitary Napkins 3/$l Green or Red Close-up SPECIAL! 150 mi. Tube TOOTHPASTE $1.00, Curity Tape-Tab Daytime SPECIAL! Pkg. of 9 Disposa ble Dia pers 2/$l1 Snappy, Plastic Kitchen SPECIAL! Pkg. of 15 GARBAGE BAGS 12/$l SPECIAL! Nith Pork in Tomnato Sauce 19 Fl. Oz. Tin Dominion Beans 3/$l Nhole Baby or SPCA!4FlzJa Slice Pickled PCA!1FIOzJa BLUE BOY BEETS 2/$l Granny's, Peanut Butter, 8 Oz. Pkg. Raspberry, Date Filled, Fruit and Honey or >utch Chocolate SPECIAL! I Voo'rtman Cookies '2/$ lain, with Meat or with Mush- 14.5 Fl. Oz. jar omrs, Chet Boy-Ar-Dee SPECIAL! 2/$l1 Spaghetti Sauce Pink or Lemnon Debbie Liquid 32 Fl. Oz. Cont. )ETERGENT SPECIAL! 2/$1- rainie Maid, Wheat Pufts 10 Pt. Bag CEREAL SPECIL! 2/$ l Stuart House, 12 Inch FOIL WRAP 25Ft. Roll Frozen Concentrated Bird's Eye 12 Fl. Oz, Cont. Awake SPECIAL! 2/$1 ORANGE DRINK Asst'd Varieties Instand Fried 12 Oz. Pkg. Dainty SPECIAL! 2/$l RICE MIXES CANADA CHOICE, RIO 28 FI. Oz. Tin TOMATOES SPECIAL! 2/$l1 Jello, Lemon SPECIAL ! 4 Oz. Pkg. PIE FILLING 3/$l Danesborg, Danish SPECIAL! 16 Oz. Ti n FETA CHEESE' 1.89 Colored, Soft Monarch 16 Oz. Cont. MARGARINE 79" Asst'd Vàrieties, Frozen Il Oz. Pkg. Savarin Dinners 75"' Hunt's Plain SPECIAL! 14FI. Oz. Tin TOMATO SAUCE 3/$l Jets SPECIAL! Pkg. of 10 SOAP PADS 3/$l Asst'd Varieties Frozen York 8 Oz. Pkg. MEAT PIESSPECIAL! 3/$l Regular, Buckwheator Buttermilk 16Oz. Pkg. AuntJlemîma SPECIAL! 35 PANCAKE MIX 3$ Canada Fancy, Bright's 14 Fl. Oz. Tin APPLESAUCE SPECIAL !3/ $1 Rîch's, Frozen SP ECIA L! 16 Oz.Cont. COFFEERICH 3/$1 Hein T z SEL Asst'd-Varieties, Dr. Balîard's 14.5 Oz. Tin C4T FOOD SPECIAL! 4/$i Asst'd Varieties with Fruit, 6 FI. Oz. Cont. Sealtest Lighf N'Lîvely YOGURT SPECIAL! 4/$1 Beer, Chicken or Mushroom 10 Fl. Oz. Tin SPECIAL! HEINZ GRAVY 55 Condensed, Vegetable or Tomato 10 Fl. Oz. Tin HEINZ SOUPSPECIAL!,5/$1 Rîchmello. SPECIAL! Pkg. ofl12 BUTTER, TARTS $1.00 Richmello, Jam or SPECIAL! Pkg. of 12 LEMON BUNS >59C Dom in ion Cut Wax or Cut 19 Oz. Tin SPECIAL' GRE'EN BEANS 4/$I Regular or Dîp Hostess 8.8 Oz. Bag POTATO- CHIPS 87ç Canada Dry 26 Fl. Oz. N. R.B. GINGER ALE 49" Rîchmello 10OOz. Jar INSTANT. COFFEE 2.49 Post Cereal 120Oz. Pkg. HONEY COMB 89Ç The Tea, Orange Pekoe 16Oz. Pkg .of 120 TEA BAGS 2.33, Heinz > SPECIAL! 20 FL Oz. Btl- TOMATO ýKETCHUP 69C 5.5FI. Oz. Tin Flaked, White, Cloverleaf, Glad, Plastic SPECIAL! Pkg. ofîo GARBAGE BAGS 1.00 Loose Pack,,Stuffed Manzanilla . 8 FI, Oz. Jar Coronation Olives85 Coronation 24 FI. Oz. Jar Baby DilI Pickles 87c Powdered, OxydaI S P E C 1IAL! 80 Oz. Box DETERGENT / 2.00 Fleecy SPECIAL! 64 FI.Oz. Cont. Fabric Sof tener$10 Asst'd Colors, Facelle Royale 4 RoIl Pkg, 2 PIy SPECIAL! 10 Bathroom Tissue 10 Dominion or Brights SPECIAL! 480z-Tîn TOMATO JUICE, 39c Asst'd Varieties Lowney's 6.9 Oz. Pkg. CANDIES 69Ç Burns Campfire Brand, By The Piece BOLOGNA 3Lb./$ Fresh, Centre Cut Lb. LOIN PORK CHOPS $1.68 Fresh Tenderloin End or Rib End Lb. PORK'LOIN ROAST $1.28 Meaty, PreviouslyFrozen Lb. Pork Side Spare Rîbs $ 1.48 Store Packed, Frozen SPECIAL! Lb. Beef Steakettes 69,C 6Oz. Tin Ut akes goe sense to switc 1h VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSiNG TIME TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 95. EXCEPT PRODUCE AND BAKERY PRICES EFFECTIVE ÉNOVEMBER 12 TO NOVEMBER 15, 1975. WERESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTs. DOMINION STORES LIMITED WE RESERVE THE RIGHI TO LîMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DOMINION STORES 1. IMITEFn to Shoss Sausýage Burns, Sliced, Chicken, Meat & Olive, 60Oz, Pkg. P & P, Mac & Cheese, Dutch or Bologna COOKED MEATS , 3191 Polish, Salami, Pepperoni, Bierwurst, 8 Oz. Roill Beef or Bavarian, Maple, Leaf PARTY SNACK 98Ç 18 Oz. Chub M'aple Leaf, Frozen, Golden Fry Bittner's, Vacuum Packed, Cured BEEF TONGUES Bittner's, Fresh, Tray Pack Bratwurst Sa usage Bîttner's, Sliced Golden Ski let CHICKEN CUTLETS Mary Miles, Mac & Cheese or Maple Leaf, Smoked, Boneless Maple Leaf, MiId Cured Schneiders, Sîiced Burns WIENERS Meaty, Fresh, Whoîe or Top Haif LAMB LEGS Ideal for Broiling, Fresb Shoulder LAMB CHOPS Thick and Juicy, Fresh LOIN LAMB CHOPS 1 Lb. Pkg. $1.43 lb. 991, Lb. 6Oz. Pkg. Lb. M8 160Oz. Pkg. Lb. $1.44 6Oz. Pkçg. $1.22 1 Lb. Pkg. 69', Lb. Lb. $1,58 Lb. $2.28, Heinz SPECIAL!