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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, p. 14

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14 T'e Canadian qtatesman, Bowmanville, December 24, 1975 EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CEN~TRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOAR DING inlstruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters &Ju Hunters & Jumpers Bought RR 3 BOWMANVILLEE62"3 BOWMANVILLE - 6 room modemn apartmrent over Mah- er's Shoe Store. Phone 623- 7523. 51-tf THREE bedroomn house ir, Newtonville for January 1, 1976, $230 a month plus heat and hydro. 'Phone 1-394-3023. 52-1 Furnished Bed room s by month, week, or day, shower and bath, icenced premnises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 49-4 if you have a drinking problem, please caîl A.A. 728-1020. 45ff The Durham Women's Movement will start a Con- sciousness Raising Group in your area. If interested or for more information cdli 728- 2111. 46-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-f EAR PlIERCING 1 SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers, Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs .Special 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrïngs with the release form. p ho0ne 623-747 Auction salie -a0 Pethick's Auction Ba3rn1-, Haydoni, one moile east cf Ennimskillen on Saturday evenýing, December 27th at 7:00 p.m. This is a Christ-mas Cearance Auction Sale. Cliff Pethick, auction- ee, MORTG Ar. i gr 137 King St. E., Bowmanvî le ilE A1-T OR 623-7694 - 623-7661 I<REALTOR1 ~\ Asking OnIy $35,900. for this three bedroom home, large back porch, nice back yard, located in Oshawa. imnpers S& Sold Asking Price is only $31,900. 7336 for this two bedroom bunga- tt low,' dining room, large lot, phone now for an appoint- ment! Roand Spencer 623-7694 Elsie Spencer 62-3259 Banner Passant 623-3258 & 786-2991 Joyce Buckinghamn 725-7847 Joan Gray 983-5258 Ursula Beeching 576-4547 Laurie Bothwell (secretary) R. B. Spencer and staff would like to wish you ail a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 52-1 234 King St. E., Bowmanviîle 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 5 Acre Mini Farm Bowmanville 3 miles. In lovely setting with stream, pond, trees. 4 bedroom brick fbungalow with separate din- ing room. Small barn. Asking $89,500. Cali Bill Turansky. Newcastle Rural 3 bedroom bungalow on 105 x 205 ft. lot. Excellent location. fLovely view. Asking $49,900. -CaîliBill Turansky. 10 Acres- Kendal Lovely woodlands with pond and everflowing stream. Approx. two acres clear at front. Ideal for your country home. Permits available. $45,000 with terms. Cai Elfie Jost. 83 Acres- Enfield Rolling open land wîth seven ac 'res bush. Askinq $125,000. Cali Stew McTavish. 3 Acre Hobby Farmn - Orono Three 'bedroom brick home, large barn with water, good garden sal, completely fenc- ed. Located on Taunton Rd. Good place for horses. Ask 'ing only $57,900. Cali Charlie Reid. Lovely 3) bedroom home, separate living room, dining froom, new carpets. Lot 66 x 132. Close Ia shopping. Asking $52,900. Cali Charlie Reid. Estate Sale - Bowmanville Brick bungalow with 3 bed- rooms on main floor, built in stove and aven, plus legal 3 room apartment with bath on lower level. Asking price 552,500. Open for offers. Cali Christa Winterhelt. Country Bungalow- Haydlon 52-1 1 yr. old 1400 square foot home with large rooms, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, extras, colored appliances, fenced 65 x 165 ft. lot. Owner leaving Country. Priced at $55,900. and ~.GE open for offers. Caîl Christa Winterhelt. A VA ILAB LE, P'HONE ORONO 983-5584 44-tf URGENTLY REQUIRED! We have cash bibyers for homes in the Bowmanviiie area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar' We'il be pleased to appraise it for »u and help you locate the -nome or your dreamS"'. For friendly efficient sale of your home, call P. & R. Reaity Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy.', Bowman- vilW 576-6120. l7ff Multiple Liing Service Oshawfa & Ditrict tf CA:SH for gold, silver, coins, gÇuns', docks, jewellry, dishes, furniture, crocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 ýKing West, 725-9783. 38 tt USED Furniture and Appli, ances,'Paddy's Market, HarTtpton 263-2241. 33ff WE buy and seil everything and pay cash. Caîl day or night 725-9783. Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawva. 19 tf Bowmanville Choîce area, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, 2 yr. old home. FuIly broadloomed family room fwith fireplace. 11/2 baths. Asking 156,900. Try an offer. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. 163/4 Acres - Sportsman's Paradise Perfect country, goad stream, 2 stocked trout ponds, over 30 thousand pine trees. Good cottage, fuliy winterized cabin, etc. Caîl Bill Grady or Ken Brown. 52-1 Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER?, We are Equipped to handie, your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. * Coast toCos Real Eýtate Service G ET C1 01 o1) %X% FOR 01.1) XIPPEI XN( I TIIROUG(II S TA.TES MA N CI..SSIFIED I FINE QUALI1TY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS STAFFORD ~AfF~J BROS. LTD.1 Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Witby Phonie Whitby 668-3552 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyc les Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICEPAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Resîdence 623-7112 45 tf DINO DE LAURENTIIS PRESENTS ROBERTREF D FAYEDUA Y CLIFF'ROBERTSON MAX VON SYDOW IN A STANLEY SCHNEIDER PRODUCTION A SYDNEY POLACK FILM DAYS OF THE CONDOR' JOHN HOUSEMAN «.- - -DAVID GRUSlN/.,se.o-,,,, s,.o,, , ,, c,.ooJAMES ORADY LORENZO SEM PLE. JR. .OAVIOIRAYFIEL _.yoo STANLEY SCHNEIDER nso,,SYDNEY POLLACK< PANAVISIONO TECHNICOLOR- A PARAMOUNT RELEASE Sta rts Dec. 25 :~j Oshawa Centre NIGHTLýY Cinena I 7i:00-9:15 Starts Dec. 25 Oshawa Centre NIGHTLY Cinema 2 7:'10-9:25 PARKWAY AVE. Custom bulit bungalow, quiet residential area, family roomn with fireplace, four bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot, paved drive. Real value at $57,500. ONTARIO STREET Century home with antique fireplace, 2 large bedrooms, country-size kitchen, dining. room. This home has to be seen to be appreciated. Only $43,000. O'DELL STREET Neat three" bedroom, brick bungalow in good residential area, close to downtown. Recently decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Onl1y $44,900. "Waverly Gardens" In Bowmanville Buit by Marianna Developments Your Gua rantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 %3/4% DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electric Heat -Large famnily kitchen Finished famnily roomn -Completejy broadloomned « 11/2 baths, -Fireplaces, Full sodledlots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10OA.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Safurday &Sundlay Î-4:30 p.m, Choice cf 2 Deluxe Models ta Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Bulit by Division of Veltri & Son Limited WeII known for quality construction and superior workmnanship. EXCLUSIVE AGýENTS 234 King tS E.,Bowmnvglei î 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923- 9174 43-f HIS CIA CODE NAME IS CONDOR. IN THE NEXT SEVENTY-TWO HOURS ALMOST EVERYONE HE TRUSTS WILL TRY TO KILL HIM. CHRISTMAS EVE SBar Closed 6:30 p.m. Dining Room Open Until 8:00 p.m. CH RISTM AS DAY . oo 0 9: 0 p M DinngoomOpen 12 ont9:0pm SNEW YEAR'S EVE Dining Room Open 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm SNEW YEAR'S DAY. Dining Room Open 12 Noon to 9:00 p.m. CAFETERIA OPEN 7:00a.m.to9:00p.m. On ail ofthe above days. MOT8ORw:I4Nii Liberty Sreet South and 401 omnil ~,~hone 623333 TYRONE The second Friday night Euchre party again took place in our new hall with 15 tables. Prizes went to Alvin Spencer, 80; Fred Partner 78; John Broome 77; Jack Cook 77; Gordon Beech 39; Carl Gim- blett 38. The 50-50 winner was Maxine Brock and the special Christmas prizes went to Ann Manns. John Broome, Bessie Spencer, Clarence English, Jack Cook, Maxine Brock, and Walter Park. There will be another euchre Friday night Dec. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of ýMr. and Mrs. John Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Real and family held a pre-Christmas family party for the Real family on Saturday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Win Stone and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Real and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Stone and fnmily, Greenbank, Miss Shona Ferguson, Rn g lan; Mr. Paul Bradley, Black- water, Mrs. J. Starks, Misses Janice and Jill Stone, Toronto. Christmas Eve church ser- vice will be held in Enniskillen Church at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk visited Mrs. Lottie McCul- iough, Port Hope, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Yeo nnd family were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, Bowmanville. Miss Dawn Vaneyk, Guelph Univer * ity is home for tE Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Alîman, Oshawa, were Sunday after- noon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowling, View Lake were Wednesday evening dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Philp, Warkworth; Mrs. Dora Good- fellow, Brighton were Wednes- day guests of Mrs. Edna Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Plea- sance and family entertained Mr. and Mcs, James Pengally and family, Bcooklin; Mr. Richard Gimblett, Miss'ý Pat Nocris, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowden, Oshawa, to a pre- Christmas Sunday evening dinner.-, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson and Mr. Reg Dowen, Bow- manville, wece Sunday after- noon guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs visited Mr. and Mcs. Mac Shortt. Lakefield Fciday after- noon. Mrs. Fred Ferguson and Mrs, P. Westlake, Enniskillen were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mcs. Ray Scott, Kedron, to help celebrate Mrs,. F. B. Glaspell's 90th birthday. Congratulations tq a, grand lady. Miss Christine Brent, Mc- Master's University, Hamil- ton is home with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent for the holidays. Mr. and Mcs. Russell Mor- ley held an Old English Open House Sunday afternoon. Those attending were Mr. and Mcs. Ralph Bowers and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd UiBES FRA fU Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton, Mr. Clifford Byam. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park visited Mrs. Howard Steel, Peterborough, Sunday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. James Rown and boys were Friday supe guests cf Mr. and Ms. Dîck Rowan. Enniskillen and Sun- day guests cf Mr. and Mrs.' M. stiortt, Lakeflelci. (lad to report Mr. Shortt is home from hospital, much improv- ed. To our patients in Memorial Hospital, n speedy recovery and to all others who are suffering fcom flu and colds. The Season's Greetings to all andmay pence reign in the hearts of all ns we enter a New Yenr. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family, Orono; Mrs. John Griffin, Oshawa, Mrs. Russell Griffin, Enniskillen were Sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mcs. Walter Rahm. Sorry to report Mr. John Griffin, Oshawa is n patient in Wellesly Hospital, Toronto. ENFIELD The U.C.W. entertained the mothers and preschoolers to their Annual Christmas pot luck luncheon Thurs. at 12:30. Thece wns a marvelous tucn out of both people and food. White waiting for Santa and bis clown to arrive, Mrs. Winnie Ferguson and Ruby Griffin led n sing song. Tbe ladies present exchanged gifts but gifts for the cbildcen came from Snnta's pack. Everyone enjoyed themselves and re- commended baving this trent another yeac. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simpson recently attended the parents day at Mark and Mal's frnternity bouse at U. cf T. which included a beautiful buffet supper served hy the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Brid- gett, Bowmanville, were at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tay- lor's. Mr. and Mrs. Cînyton Lloyd, Newtonville, Mrs. 'Muriel Simms and Peter, Cnesaren, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tamblyn and Carrne, Osbawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lloyd and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, Mr. Ivan Griffin, Mr. and Mcs. Fred Samis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Julie attended a Christmas dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mcs. Richard Beare, Port Perry, on Sunday. Mr. and Mcs. George Lav- ender attended the, Mny-Mof- fat wedding at Simcoe St. Church and reception at Civic Auditorium, Oshawa, on Sat- urdny. Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin and Julie were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Bradt and boys, Caesnrea and Miss Consina Samis, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Samis, and Mrs. 'Diane Samis, Osh- aw a, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Ferg Abernethiy and Mr. and Mcs. Alex Abernethy and family, Manilla. Mr. and Mns. Vick Wilbee, Happy New Year and many more. Sincerely, R. A. Liliey. Ed's Note '-Such priase lenves us speechless, but most thank- ful. Like the star that guided the Sshepherds and Wise Men, may Sthe love and warmth of the ho- Sliday season light youlr way toaa Struly blessed Christmas! Greet- Sings toalal! From the Management and Staff at .,Diykstra's Delicatesseni Food Market M S73-77 King St. W. Bowmanville M Phone 623-3541 The following places of business mwilI be COE Boxi*ng Day m und Sat., December 27 to allow theirm jstaff s an extended Christmas Holiday Ken's Men's Wear Lynda's Ladies' Wear Optical Boutique Bowmanville Fabries Myles TV Bev's Floral Art Riekaby's Kool Enterprises Lander Home Hardware Carnegie Pro Hardware F.A. Kramp Furniture Ltd.Ml Ho'oper's Jewellers Ltd. Carter's Bake Shop Chartran's Men's and Boys' Wear 1 Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mvrs - Don Griffin and Julie.- Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and family and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Mr. andI Mrs. Donald Griffin and Greg, attcnded a birthday party for Mr. Chester Lee at Whitby on Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pas- coe vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sargent and boys, Cavan, on Tuesday. The Ladies of Enfield U.C.W. held a Christmas party for the children of the district from pre-schoolers through high school in the church basement on Friday, Dec. 12. The party organized by Mrs. Helen Lavengder and assisted by several other ladies was a great success. Ruby Griffen plnyed the piano for Carol singing by all. Then a few very enjoyable numbers by the Enfield Girl's Choir were heard. Next a visit from Santa and two clown helpers with gîfts for ail the cbildren. A lunch of bot dogs, cookies and cold drinks was served to the children. Then home to bed, tired but happy. Letter to Editor General Delivery, Bowmanville, Ont. Dec. 20, 1975. To: The Canadian Statesman, Editors and Staff, MERRY CHRISTMAS and tbanks for another year of great publishing. Whtever is said about our Town of Bowmanville or whatever, various people caîl our Town, Bowmanville or whatever various people cali Town, we can, wel be proud of our Weekly paper. "The Canadian Statesman", rîghtly called. Yhýzfflffl NEW YEARtS DANCE Four Man Bard THE 1 AD-ELS' FIRST RATE COLD BUFFET in the NEW TYRONE HALL Hats, Balloons, Noisemakers Door and Spot Prizes $25.00 per'couple Advance Tickets For Sale at BYAM'S GENERAL STORE Our good wishes to you,. a bouse full of joy and happiness M Sthis Holiday, Season,! - GEORGE VAN DYK REAL ESTATE LTD. and Staff 181 CHURCH ST. E. - BOWMANVIL

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