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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, p. 15

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'Y May the Blessings of the Holy Child lead you to find Peace and SContentment for Christmas and always. f rom the Staff at SFowers by Jackman "Bowmaniviile's Leading Fiorist- Since 1912 162 King'St. E. 623-3365 May ourChritma tr'e b gaywit deoainadyu oeb brgtwt amt agtr Sicr getng rm'I f sa FrmAlo sa Juy Lvi rgtr 2 KinS._._23336_____vll bc lse wii 1j\O1,Sflelw d frmA o sa Kno ENNISKILLEN NEWS, Ennîskillen Christmas Concert The Enniskillen Public School held their annual Christmas concert on Tuesday evenîng, Dec. 16, with over 400 pren ts, grandparents and fins in attendance. The Eaudience warmly received the efforts of the children, wbile a so)ecial enthusiastic resroonse Ewas saved for the kindergar- ten teacher, directing the Nur- sery Rhyme Land production by the youngest pupils. Each student is to be congratulated frte work they put into their annual production. The choirs were conducted b Mrs. M. Snowden (Senior CRoîr) and Mrs. E. Burgess (Jr. Choir) and Mr. D. Dewel was the pianist. Special appre- 4ciation is given to the soloists, D. Vaneyk, E. Burgess and K. kCoulter. A unique presentation was used this year with a display ofcolor slides to accompany the reading of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" by D. Heard and D. Vaneyk (direct- ed by Mr. H. Berry) and to accompany the choir as the Christmas story was told in sigbt and sound. Behind the scenes organi- zers and belpers include Mrs. P. Balsom, Mr. D. Barry, Mrs. V. Drew, Mrs. M. Gaudet, Mrs. H. Kinsman, Mr. B. bush, Mr. D. McKnight, Mr. b. Rogers, and Mrs. A. Hosevear and our tidy custo- dians. The auditorium overfiowed its seating capacity so it was unfortunate a- few had to remain standing after every- one joined in the opening by singing O Canada. (1) Clyde Catton extended a welcome to the audience in bis recitation, (2) The rafters rang fancifully as the Sr. Choir gave three choruses "Sing Song Blues", "Hello Tomorrow" and "Gon- na Buiid a Mountain", (3) We visîted, in imagination, Nur- sery Rhyme Land" with the wee Kindergartens as guides, (4) Earl Strong claimed our attention as be recited "San- ta's Mistake', (5) Danna Heard and Darryl Vaneyk were the clever narrators as we saw and heard the Christ- mas.Story as related in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", (6) The young- musicians of Grade 1 and G rade Il piayed their instruments in their Rhythm Band in four numbers "Joiiv Santa", "Rudolph the Red-nosedHeindeer", "Little Jackîe Jack Frost" and "Jin- Sle BeIls", (7) Sights and ounds of Christmas was the title for the 10 numbers by the two choirs in turn "O Hoiy Night" - Sr. Choir "Mary and Joseph" - Jr. Choir "Room in the Manger" - Jr. Choir "Unto Us a Son Is Born" - Sr. Choir "Dear Little Stranger" - Solo by Darryl 'Vaneyk, "Anigels We Have Heard on High" - Jr. Choir "And There Were Shep- herds" - Jr. and Sr. Choirs wîth soloists Eileen Burgess and Kathy Coulter, "Tbree Shepherds' _ Sr. Choir, "Star o£ the East" - Sr. Choir, "Go Tell It on the Mountain" - Jr. and Sr. Choirs. Al oined in the rousing "Finale' , "C" is for Christ Child and "Thanks for Christmas". Then of course, Santa. To write that the.Enniskillen Public Schooi staff of 15 members, whose names ap- pear in various places in the foregoing outlined program, are experts in their respective vocations this is wording it modestly and truly inadequ- ately 50 it must su f fice to say we h ae enjoyed these "an- nuais" immenseiy and are proud that our school restored the traditional Christmas con- cert a few years ago witb its E rogram, getting "bigger and etter" and add our sulent applause for a higbly com- mendable performance whicb we regretfully viewed through another's eyes this year, Enniskiilen News The official first day of winter was cold and frosty in its -0 degrees Celsuis Temper- ature but it was bright and sunn y and induced about 65 worsiiipers to meet in fellow- sbip fr the Sunday a.m. ....... . . Coming>touruwa,ý ... hidisigsofthe season! ne hope your Christ mas abounds in olda fashioned eheer.*Thank v ou so. mueh Ioryourpatrona.gein the past. Mrs. Lola Wright, Art and Lillian, Ron and Dan Hooper and families. Hoop-er 's Jewellers Lbtd., oMay the pecice A Othis Holy Season j O lringi oy toa al M Mcinkind. O Best Wishes from Otto, Gise la and Famiiy O at OGeratschek O Vàriety O 27 Second St. O Bowmanville services. Rev. Bigby's mess- ages were excellent spiritual food. The children's story was introduced by reference to the iovely decorations, which in- cidently included two pretty, glowing green candles placed in the Communion Table holders and lighted by Diane Werry. Our minister continued to tell that the decorations con- tained symbois of Christmas, one of whicb is the Poinsettia' which grows everywhere. in tropical areas and one of its legends is that of a sad little girl who had no gift to offer but on an Angels advice gave some roaadside shrubs, with love, which were transformed into beautiful Poinsettias. The sermon bad an unusuai yet a most apt titie "The Absurdity of Christmas". Our minister's explanation included the fable of Rip Van Winkie and a poem 'When Winter, Comes' to further illustrate the meaning of bis words. He elucidated each p art of the story of the first Ch ris tmas in Bethlehem as written by Luke with many co nditions and problems then, similar to ours today, e.g. war, strikes, equity for both sides, disease, world pro- blems, etc. As the shepherds experienced a miracle, fear and good news so we, too, can follow their example in rever- ence and recapture hope and see the same scene of a little child who brings new life. The Sr. Choir and Dîrector completed the festive decor as tbey were in seasonably suitable adornment and sang two' delightful anthems "AX Chiid of Hope"' and "Emman- ueli" which încluded a pleasing alto solo by Joyce Chambers. In the mae section two were absent and one, we know, had flown to bask in the California sunshine with one of bis sisters and brotber-in-law. Under the cboir's and organ- ist's assistance the congre- gation quickly learned our newest carol written by our minister viz: "0 Sing a Song of Christmas Cheer", This week will have the Christmas Eve Service for the combine d congrega tiotis in our church whiçh wiii be reported next week. 1We are saddened and griev- ing in deepest sympathy with Gary and ellie roenveld,, Michael and Nancy (our newly acquired neighbors a t the south end of our little village) over the great5loss of a dearly beloved mother and Srandmother in the sudden eath of the late Mrs. Groen- veld of Bowmanvilie. Among the Christmas Sun- day visits was 'Our Manse family with friends in Toronto. Margaret and Orvilie Ashton with Karen and Charles Ash- ton., Oshaw4a. Orvîlle and Margaret Ash- ton attended the South Cour- tice Schooi Concert iast Wed- nesday evening, to see their gran dson Hichard Worden taking part in bis first school concert. The S.S. Session was anoth- er "red letter day" as many parents and grandparents joined with the pupils and teachers for their Christmas Sunday program. The S.S. Supt. welcomed everyone and bier words were dittoed in a recitation by Pauline Beckett. Then ail joined in sinçing a carol "The VirginMary 'with ~ anist Ulah Chambers. The hristmas Story was narrated by Susan Werry and Beverley Stainton with t he other mem- bers of Hazel Bigby's Inter- mediate Class playînig the roles of the ProphetI saiah by Susan Nielsen, Angel by Darla Lamb, Mary by Judy Virtue, Josep by Scott Werry, three shepherds by Paul Bigby, Bruce Rahm and Han dy Pollard and the Babe in the Manger, two piano solos by Sheryli Bigby "Waltz" and "Let There Be Peace on Earth". Christmas in many lands by Shirley Draper's Sr. Class began b y 'Christmas in Polland' wbich was descrîbed by-Linda Sharp. The Beginners class and teachers Hena Kinsman, Bet- Grant Ashton also a vocal solo "Away In a Manger" with piano accompanist Ulah Chambers, recitation by Pen- ny Beckett, piano solo "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" by Mary Lee Howe. Christmas in Sweden b y Debbie Pollard. Jr. Choir and.leader rendered the antbem "When Lightsý Are Lit at Christmas". Piano solo "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" by Cindy McGill., A Christmas Meditation by Giadys Ashton's and Eleanor Werry's girls' class viz: Mary Lee Howe,Wed Werry, Michelle Stepheso, Tracey Pollard, Hobyn Kinsman, Wendy Stephenson, baurie Virtue, Sheryll Bigby, Patri- cia Lamb. FrenchCanadian Customs by Don Howan, poem "The Christmas Gift" by Lisa Kinsman. Christmas Customs in Germany by Joyce Cham- bers, piano solo "The Skating Lady 'by Laurie Virtue, Guiana Customs by Brian McGill. Christmas in France by Donna Lamb. The offering was received by Brian McGiii and Don You Meet the Friendliest People af OSHAWA TRAILER SALES Hwy. 115 and 35 - North of Orono If You Need Advice on New Used and Reconditioned Ask or qui-pment. Ask or E PHONE Business - 983-9113 Gord Donnelly Home -579-0609 Warm Winter Wishes From Ail of Us to Ail of You Firth Meats Ltd. and Staff 47 King St. E. Bowmnanville The Northumbertand-Newcastle Board of Education BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL E wV,E NING CLASSE The folîlowing evening classes will commence during the week of Januàry le if sufficient persons enroil. Each course will be ten weeks in length. FEES: $7.50 per course Senior Citizens: No Fees REGISTRATION DATES: Jan.6andl TIME: 7 -9 p.m. PLACE: Bowmanville H-igh School MON DAY: Crochet - Tailoring TU ESDAY: Antique Collecting Auto Maintainance Introductory Basic Knits Advanced Basic Knits Macrame Off Loom Weaving, Wall Hangings and Mola Art Textile Arts and Crafts Beginner's Typing: Part 2 Upholstery Women's Physical Fitness WEDNESDAY: Sewing - Advanced Upholstery Rowan, Joyce Virtue acting as Mistress of Ceremonies ex- pressedb appreciation to pe r- formers and audience adding also a Merry Christmas wish to ail. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Borrow- dale, Christopher and Caro- lyn, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. EA. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- mnaid and Fay, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biilett, Scarbo- rough, were Sunday caliers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy- McGilis. Mr. 'and Mrs. M. Stainton, Miss Elva Orchard, calied at McDermott Pannabaker fune- rai home to pay their respects to their cousin Mrs. L. Pearce of Oshawa and were afternoon callers on Mrs. Aima Perigoe, Caesarea. Miss L ynda Avery, London, is sending lber .Christmas hoiays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ashton and baby Paul, Bowmanviile, were Sunday tea guests of H. Ashtons andMr .Sq.Kersey. Mr. and Mr,,;. Lloyd Siemon and family, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs . Eari Trewin, Enniskiilen R.R., Mr. Stanley Taylor, Burketon, were Suniday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tayl or. Eening visitors with ýMr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and family, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howe and family, Whitby were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe's. Mrs. E. Stainton is visiting in Toronto with Mrs. E. Carlson and Mrs. B. Duquette. Sunday family Christmas was bel at r. and4,Mrs. L. Stainton's with the Cryder- man's, Zion and the D. Stainton's Cobourg. Mrs. John Griffin, Oshawa, Mrs. Russell Griffin, Enniskil- len, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and family, Orono, had Sun- day evening.dînner at Mr. and Mrs. Walte~r Rahm's celebrat- ing Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm's l8th wedding anniver- sary. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton is celebrating Christmas1 Day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hockin and family, Elmvale and also with daughter Doris at Barrie.. Merry Christmas to Mr. and Mrs. J. James and staff and ahl the readers of this weekly paper and a happy and prosperous New Year. OPP RPR During the past week the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investig ated 18 motor vehicle identsand attended several general oc- currences. The motor vehicie -collisions caused injury to three persons and resulted in three persons being charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act.. The general occurrences investigated included offences such as, B reak and Enter, Thef t, Wilfui Damage, Fraud and Assault. Seven reersons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Control Act, three persons have been charged with offences under the Crim- mnai Code and four persons have been charged with im- FRIVING TIP: WINTERIZED DRIVING MOTORISTS! For an acci- dent-free Holiday, make sure your drilving is winterized. .. adjusted to winter driving conditions. Slow eariier for curves, downhili siopes, inter- sections, railway crossîngs and any other location where the inability to stop could be fatal. Leave more stopping room in moving traffic bet- =en Our car and the car aha. Always make sure you have al'round visibility.. and stay alert. Yes, - winterized driving is a MUST for safe winter driving - and a safe and happy New Year. leW t 1IL d( ista. .&una aLay5ý f rom the Management and Staff, 1of SF.A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 37 King St. E. Bowmanville he Canaclian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 24, 1975 15 Christmas ve Wishes for everIasting peace q and joy. Thanks ait. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE BOWMANVILLE BRANCiI

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