HAM IT UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS WITH YEAR-ROUND BARBEQUE, The bolidays hover just around the corner and bomemakers across the cutyface their usual ,diiemma: bow to feed that hungry horde . .. econom- ically and efficientiy. What- better way to save the day, 't~est borne econoniists fI <Carmglow barbeques c by bamming it up for tbé bolidays over the back- yard gas or electrie grill! À beautifuliy glazed bar- býequed ham is tbe perfect main"dish for a festiveê mëal, and cooking it out of doors frees valuable kitch- enf oven space for the variety of side dishes and desserts you like to serve. Wîtb ham, too, you bave the most versatile of left- overs: suitable for break- fast, lunch or dinner. In te mperate climes, barbeque grills are in use ail year round. But when the frost is on the pumpkin, many of us pack our bar- beques away and hope for an eariy spring. What a waste! A. gas or electric barbeque is a year-'round benefit, freeing you from the vagaries of wind and weather, which can have a catastrophie effeet when ordinary charcoal grills are used, You have the same infi- nite temperature control as you get on your indoor range; the temperature is constant, where you set it., No messy charcoal briquets, no horrendous dlean-up jobs afterwards, either - gas and electric grills are self - cleaning! They're money savers, too, costing far less to operate than charcoal modeis, and they don't poilute our air. If you haven~t already become the proud posses- sor of a gas or electric bar- beque, consider the pur- chase of one as a family holiday gif t. HERE'S HOW TO HAM IT UP! Purchase a fuliy-cooked ham weighing up to, 12 pounds, bone-in or boneiess as you prefer. Remove any rind and score fat diagonal- ly with a knîfe. Tie secure- ly with butcher's twine or beavy cord if necessary. Ce nter rotisserie rod through tbe bam, running it atU a sligbt diagonal downward for a firmer, bold. Insert meat thermo- meter into ham so thatit. does not, touch bone. Fashion a drip pan from heavy-duty aluminum foul and place below bam on grill. Cook the' bam on a pre- heated grill witb bood ciosed, usinig a No. 5 set- ting for Charmglow elec-' trie grills, a medium set- ting for Cbarmglow's gas models. When tbe internai temperature of tbe bam, as registered 'on tbe meat thermometer, reaches 135 - 1400 (approximately 2 hours for an 8-to-10-pound bam), appiy tbe glaze of your cboice. Turn 'your temperature setting to Higb for this last ten min- utes or so of cooking time, and baste frequentiy. (NOTE: If desired, hickory or appie cbips may be piaced on tbe ceramie briquets during the last Minutes, of cooking for a smoky flavor.) When in- ternai temperature reacb- es 150 degrees, remove hamn fromn rotisserie and allow to rest for 10 minutes for easier slicing. Do take advantage of tbe aiready-bot 'grill and tbe 10 minutes respite to bar- beque an appropriate ad- junet to your ham: pine- appie or appie suices, for instance, brusbed first with m-eited butter, andý g riiied over a medium beat. GLORJOUS GLAZING Tbere's scarceiy a limit to the variety of glazes you can devise to glorify your holiday ham. Home eco- nornis --,-f or.&Charmgilow- Produets suggest the fol- lowing to'be appIied as -a baste, but your ingenuity and imagination will iead you easiiy to endiess vari- ations. Generai instruc- tions for giazing: -brush mixture on. bam wben in- ternai temperature regis- tered on meat thermomet- er reaches 1351-1401. Turn temperature control to Higb. Repeat brushing of giaze severai -times until internai temperature of your meat reaches 150'. j-0AcO r1 LDA GRBBTINS'- Greetîng our f riends, old andnw.ad » Jam Dandy 1 jar (8 oz) apricot pre- serves 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 cup brown sugar f irm- ily packed 4 or 5 maraschino cher- ries, minced Combine ingredients; simmer f ive minutes on range, stirring frequentiy. Apple Basting Sauce 11/ cup appie juice 1/ cup'salad oil 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon parsley flakes 1 teaspoon diii weed Combine ingredients; mix well. No pre-cooking necessary; just baste. Saucy Pineappie Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 1/ teaspoon dry mustard 1/ cup brown sugar 1/ cup pineapple syrup Combine ingredients in saucepan; ,beat to boiiing point and appiy to ham. CranbÊeUryGlaze 1 can (7oz) jellied cran- berry sauce (2/3 cup) 1/3 cup dark corn syrup 1 tablespoon vinegar Combine ingredients in smaii saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring until melted and smooth. 'Twas the night before Christmas, wben al througb the bouse Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;,, The stockings .were hung by the, chimney with care;" In hopes that St. Nicholas soon wouid be there. The eîdren were nestled alfsnug in their beds, Whiie visions of- sugar- plums danced in their heads;ý And Mamma in her ker- chief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap. JU4* Cioser to ouùr hearts be the Christmas Spirit. -Charles Dickens, ýNEW TIMER'S A SUrPER% GIFT A super gif t designed to give peace of mmnd ail year - that's SuperCop. It's a new 24, - hour, plug - in Intermatie automatic timer, which turns lights and sound equipment off and.on at slightly differ- ent times, night after nigh 't, the better to confuse burglars. Though four burgiaries are committed every min- ute on a national average, burglars rarely take the risk of entering a home wbich appears 1occupied. SuperCop has been de- signed to add a new dimen- sion to*the "lived-in" look by turning on and off .amps, radio or a TV set at varying times. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvill e, D e- > 24, Christmas time is one of those occasions when we can extend our 't~ f ~ fromthemanagementald staff ofj ABERNETHY'S Paint and WaIIpaperý* 55 King St. West 623-5431 Bowmanville Best Wishes from J. RAE ABERNETHY'S PAINTING CONTRACTORS: PRACTICAL GIFT IDEA... heres how you adjust the vari able timing switch on the new 24-hour, plug-in, anti-burgiar automatic timer known as Su- perCo p, welcome gift for home- owners, apartrnent-dwellers,