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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1975, Section 3, p. 10

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nu ~i id Z Sateman, fowmanville, Deceinber 24, 1975 Edtr:Jck and Hazel Crago SUi S e Con fusioai o iiDo Renova FireHall in Mev Cuc'susual pract ipe of Council called on Totten, engaging consultants for con- Sims and fiubicki to prepare struction or renovation work plans and costs of renovation to be done on m "unicipal to the former Carveth garage buildings, once again doesn't which has been purchased b seem to have proven too the town for use as a fire haIl worthwhile wth respect to the in the village. new fîre hall in Newcastle The consultants came up Village. with a figure of-approximately $15,000 to dlean up and convert the premises into suitable condition for a fire hall. The matter of the fire hall came before the Commiunity SServices Committee las week a vry happi- ness be yours at this SChi.imas season. Yff1hanks for everythiný.,j from the S Management and staff af ~ ~STEDMANS Newcast le . TOThE As you experience the transcendent joy of this Yuletide, may your blessi, abound and brin g you ever hapopiness and fufiIIment, C.Ltde A ND STA FF NEWCASTLE !gs dndepe with Chief Jim fiayman and Vilage Chief Fred Glanvile in attendance. Coun. Ken Lyail reiterated a preiou feling that the mem bers of the village's volunteer brigade should Iend a hand to do as much work as possible to save expenses. Chief Gianville agreed that the, men would pitch"in on some of the cleanup work and, painting but insîsted that they wouid flot, wish to become involved with the major car- 'penty electrical and plumb- ing work Counc . Lyail was somewhat hesitant about Chief Glan- ville's opinion in that regard but others on the committee supported his comment and resolved Ithat estimates are to be obtained from local con- tractors and reported back to the committee. The reasoning for the mat- ter coming before, the com- mittee was a letter received fromn the consultants recom- mending that the conversion be turned over to the two Chief s to look after. Chief Hayman expressed the possibility that the $15,000 suggested by Totten, Sims and Hubicki might not be adequ- ate, the main problemn being the front doors. The present doors are of a 10 foot width which Chief Hay- man explains only leaves some 20 inches of clearance due to the distance the mirrors, extend out from the sides of the trucks. Also, one of the door;, is flot in the best repair and it is therefore recommended that new doors of a 12 foot width be installed. A further matter resolved was that of the upstairs portion of the building. It had been the feeling of the fire department that the upstairs area w"ýuld be lef t as an apartment in which, it was hoped one of the fireman will live.ý Another recommeèndation naat been to renovate the upstairs as a large meeting room. The committee also agreed with the request by -Chief H=yan to engage a Mr. ouhto plow the snow from the front of the hall. Telephone 623-4201ïI Judge R.B Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney Mr. Wright and duty counsel, K. Van Nest.' Ralph deCosta, 32, 138 Dynevor Rd. Toronto, charged April 22, 1972 did drive whilst a bility was impaired pleaded 'guilty". Hie had been in- volved inàacollision on 401. fie has been incarcerated on another charge, hence the delay in this one comîng to cort. The fine was $50. and n0w costs, in default 5 days. fie was prohibited from driv- ing for 3 months. Given one month to pay. Paul A. Passant, 17, Bow- manville, charged October 17 with having marijuana in his possession pieaded '"guity. fie was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped on a routine check. fie dropped 2 cigarettes out of a window. the fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days. Gordon Dwyer, 37, 93 Derry Rd. E. fiornby, pleaded "guil- ty" to driving after consuming over .08 on November 15. Const. Logan observed him disobey a traffic light on King St. E. Tests were .18 and .19. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 10 days. No driving for 3 months. Given one month to P ay Abench warrant was issued for Ronald Lee. Alvin V. Mallette, 34, New- castle, charged November 14 had care and control after consumîng over .08, pleaded "guilty". fie was also charged that he did intend to, mislead Const. Molyneaux by giving a false statement in giving a name, other than hîs own. fie pleaded "guilty" to this charge. The police had receiv- ed a complaint of a car at the back of the Castie fiotel. Tests were .14. The fine on the first charge was $150, and costs, in default 10 days. No driving for 3 months. For public mischief the fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days consecutive. The judge remarked "he hopedJit would be a deterrent to others." Bradley Boyce, 18, R.R.1, Hiampton, pleaded "guiity" to driving after consumîng over .08 on October 26. He was involved in an accident on reginal road 57 following a frind in another car. A blood test was taken wîth a reading of .13. Th e fine was $150. and costs, indefault 10 days. No driving for 3, months. fie was given 2 months to pay. Deibert Lýewis, 42 Miii St. N'ýewcastle, pleaded "guilty" t'c iin ~ wilediqafec on O_'ctober '13. fie WaIs investigated by'Const. Mc-- Leod at Concession Rd. 2. hie had a ýrevious conviction from a Cobourg court. The fine was $50. no costs, in delfault, 5 days. Given 2 weeks to pay. Theresa A. Bennett, Buri- inton, was charged on August 3lst on highway 35 at a. speed of 87 miles in a 50 mile zone. Const. James picked lier up by radar. The fine was $74. and costs, in default 7 days. License suspension was 30 days.- Riobert Proulx, R.R.2, Beth- any, pleaded "guity" to a May 30 charge of having marijuana in his possession. While the RCMP were search- ing a residence in Scugog Township he drove in the driveway and was searched. The fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days. Jarnes R. Walker, 27, R.R.2, Wj~ith evenj qood wish for the holidays. Thanks for your loyal support. BobSharon row To Ail Our Customersr)' BoSarn Btaffand Friends from and taffFred, Marion and Sam Tower's Coffee GLN LES Shoppe ~ VARIETY NEWCASTLE NEWCASL To friends old lA Yand new, Greetingsý Ve ektend of theSeason's Greetings M of he Seson-ýand warm, C rag g appreciation toalal. Drien and Len Jonest and the staff at ~ Baut Sop ~ ELMHU 4 'R STi NEWCASTLE HOTEL Newcast le ", 1 Il.. STIDINGS Çwaroîing our deep appreciation for your valued patronage Ben, Pat and Staff at BECKERS Newcastle Q. "Q 4, "Q 1, t, a .4 "Q Q Q "Q Q Santai's bringi*ng you our » wvarmest wishes for a merry Chrisimas holiday, filed with tÏM good cheer. We thank you for. your past patronage. VENEZIA RESTAURANT Hwy. 15 /2 Mile South of Orono WIISH A MEiýRRY CHRISTMAS AND AHAýPPYýNEWYEAR ùOALL THE IR LOCAL CUSTOMEAFRS AND FRIENDS F. Canceliere and Maddalena 'Proprietor ~Ceery greetings to Our frienês from i Littie Jean's e ~Beàuty Salor4e ~ Jean andiJudy NEWCASTLE holy, blessed meaning of the birth of our Savior dwýe1in your heart. In that spirt, we say thanks. SNewcastle Lumber Co. Ltd. g Management and Staff NEWCASTLE ~I "- t's such a pleasure to~ say "Thank you" ta aur..ý many friends' and cus- ýj dtomers at Christmas. Mý Happy holidays! M ~ duleFerilizes Lt MNwcsl Bownianville, pieaded "'fot Suilty" to break and enter at a arn R.R.2, Newcastle but -guit,," to the lessor charge oftheft under $200, fHe had been dealing with an area fariner over a stock car and obseî ved a space heater and removed it fr om 'the harn. Counsel, Greer asked for a conditional dîseharge. He was put on probation for two years with general ternis and if no further trouble, a conditional discharge xiii be gîven. Peter Willoughby, 17, R.R.6, Bowmanville had 4 charges of fraud read out which occurred in September and October. fie plea ded -gulty" to ail char- g es. Captain Hewlett of the a vat ion Army spoke on his behaîf and 'offered to take him to the flouse of Concord. the judge toid Willoughby he had to co-operate whiie at.the flouse of Concord. fIe was put on probation for two years and to remain at the flouse until such time as the officer in charge tellsy ou, you can leave. You iii abide by the rules of the flouse of Conlcord. On departure therefrom and wxhile on probation you wiiI make restitution to the people who were defrauded. Dean Wm. Nelson, Ritson Rd. Oshawa, pieaded 'gùilty" to taking two articles from Doms Auto Parts on Septem- ber 6. fie was further charged with driving while disqualif- ied. Const. Foreman was parked soùth of where Dean's vehicle was parked. Hie oh- served him emerge from the fence area. The first fine was $100. and costs, in default 10 days. fie was also put on probation for 2 years, with generai terms and one other term, not to be found in area of Dom's Auto Parts, For driving while disqualified the fine.was $50. and costs, in default 5 days consecutive. Judge Bax- ter commented "one of these days there will be a jail sentence instead of a fine.' Robert Cayley, 31, 90 Welý lington St. Bowmanville, pleaded "guilty" to driving after consuming over .08 on October 5. Const. Mackie observed a car drîving south- bound on Centre St. and strike a curb, Tests were .13. The fine was $100. and costs, in defauît 10 days. No driving for 3 months. fie was given 3 weeks to, pay. Robert Johnston, 36, 24 Manvers Dr. Janetville, was charged November 4 with being in possession of a fire arm. fie pleaded "guiity". fie was huntîng with a friend and later heard a noise, thinkinig it was a deer and hit Mr. Vaillancourt, a neighboui. Mr. Johnston is helping theinjured man financialiy. fie was put on suspended sentence for one year. The weapon which was seized will be returned to him. Steven A. Wiliams, 18, 83 Park Rd. S. Oshawa, was charged with failîng to comply withhliÊs pobaion,) order from consumle an achicbv age." He pleaded -"guilty". the fine xwas $25. and costs, in default 2 days. If the crown sees fit he cao be brought back and sentenced on bis other charge.

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