meeting wý,as opened with the reading of a Christmas poem by th president, Mrs. K. Ashby. Minutes of the pre- vious tw?ýo meetings were read because of curtailment of business at the general meet- ing in November. Businless discussed and settled included - agreement that the citation presented to the group for Red Cross work donc, be hung in the home of the Red Cross representative, rs. A. Austin; report was heard concerning the Presbyterial rail at Campbellford by Mrs. Ashby; a report concerning the programme planned for the year by Mrs. Murray Payne and distribution of copies which had been pre- pared by Lance Payne. Mrs. Ashby thanked mem- bers for their co-operation durîng her two years and apreciation was ex- pressed y mem bers for Mrs. Ashby's service for her time in thiis important position., The devotions were lin charge of the group for, the mnonth; Mrs. Wilson described social conditions at the time Jesus' birth. Mrs. A. Ford read the prophecy of Jesus' coming, Mirs. Irw-in read a Christmas poem, and Mrs. T. Wilson spore o f th e spiritual meanîng of ;the five pointed star-humanity, joy, peace, guidance, and love, Sxitable carols ,vere sung between readings. Mliss Berniece L'est received the wxhite gif t offerîng which goes to the Fred Victor mission.- Two short.plays were pre- sented to give an entirely different siant to the telling of the Christmas story. Three angels hoverîng in space were heard discussing the sending, of Jesus to earth,. They were, very concerned about what mîght happen to him. One of themn felt- fromn what she had seen of the inhabitants of the earth, they did not deserve Jesus, but the others von- vinced her it was God's will. The players were; Mirs. (C. Irwin, Mrs. H. Best and Mrs.ý A. Ford. The other play took place at the inn and was narrated by a very old man Who- told how he had been working for his uncle, the innkeeper. He had hoped to be remnemnbered ini his will but the ininkeeper's wife saw to it that her people got thfe property. But in the meantime Joseph and Mary had arrived and it was the innkeeper's wife Who insisted they be given a bdin the stable at the samne rate as' the house. Joel, the narrator, was played by Mrs. Ashby, the înnkeeper's wife by Mrs. T., Wilson, the innkeeper by Mrs. H. Best. The acting w as well done and gave a different look of events on that night of nights. There were about 20 present for this last meeting of 1975. The .oflçers elect for îtue coming year for this unit ar"e: Past President - Mrs. K. Ashby; President - Mrs. Clarence Nichols; Vice-Pres.,- Mrs. T. Wilson; Secretary- Berniece Best; Treasurer- Mvrs. H. Reeve; Social Com-, mittee - Mesdames A. Ford, K. Dinner, H. Barrowclough, and C. Irwin; Community and Friendship Mrs. J. Walter, Mrs. K. Dinner; Child Spon- sorship - Berniece Best; Programme - Mrs. M. Payne, Mrs. T. Wilson and Mrs. H. Best; Nominating Com. - Mrs. M. Irwin and Mrs. E. Barrow- clough; Red Cross - Mrs. A. Austin. Red Cross work has been carried on by some of the ladies in this group since it was, started by them at the beginning of the second great war and at this meeting four afghans were handed in, one made by, Mrs. Jay in Port Hope and others by Mrs. H. Barrowoljugh. Markham on Constitution InsuiranceMi or llidgets ended their slump when they defeated Mar-khami B, to ýl. After recei'ving a pre-game pep talk the Toros caeout fighting. 'With 12 seconids played ini the first period. Brad Godfrey scored, uinasjsisted. And then at the 1:41 mark Scott Stevens scored, assisted by Dan Strike and Ron Visser. Again at the 11:52 mark of the first period, Bowmanville's Brian Dennîs scored after taking a hard siapshot from the b lue line, wheîi he received a pass fromn AI Brunt and goaltender Britt Murphy. Shortly in the second period Markham scored one of their togoils. Then the Toros: scored again, after Dan Strike' Wed'nesday ~ot te puk hoe, Hick Bain Os^ 'Cd on, t1e play. Minutes later Gary Dùlsseld orp scored ,wih fi rAd î fryand Mike Adamt" assisting.' Inth tir-d peliod Rick Bain scored i Dan,, Strik-e and Scot Stevens receiving cred- its for the( assists. Less than 1 m1in"fuhelerGary lDusseidorp .crdalter Ed Visser gave Ili!' a pass, also wt Ron Visrassistingý as fve11. At thîs, point Mairkhýam scored .their final goal. Buwmýran- ville's finial goal was scored by Mike Foster assisted b)y Ed Viýser and AI., Brunt. ' Etitt Murphy minded the net for the IBowmanville squad. Next gameé is January 7th a-,t 7:30 p.m. in the Hamptoi, arena against Whitby. % me Super Home ead end street. 2 bathrooms, four $53,500. Cati Kay Back Split )ossession. Four ces are inclù-ded ,900. Cali Ken workmanship. ï37 King St. E., Bowfmaiville 623-7694 & 23-W661 REALTOR ASKING $49,900.00 tor this 3 bedroom brick and aluminum back-split, 4 years old, ideal family home, compietely fen- ced lot, large garden area, recreation room and -dining room. Phone now! diPvig-. r- nUovInaviII ASKING ONLY $36,900.00 for e- 25 Acres 62ý3è393 hscmltyreoad Aetro. Beautiful Direct Toronto Lin@ 923-9j74 thungaowpltly enovatedng )veriookýing Rice 3t and heating1 and insul!at'ion, bush Askin,-g _____________ new laundry room, kitchen aill Turansky. and, bath. We can do the financing! g I ~V V~N *Not all sizes ",' % Mns Boys',IIE~ Thrml inter Jacket Tops Cardigans * /2RCE ndrWer Reg.,$1O.99 Reg. $3.99 Reg. $10.99 12D EOP 1/ W SPECIAL SPECIAL M 149 M rs 3 iOf f $7 $133$7e33 Reg. 294.4.99 BULKY LADîIES' LADIES' 'LADIES'. Ys hoevof long Cardigan T Shirts Cotton Blouses Skvvy Tops rintd.CorinAc- Reg. $7.99 Reg. $3.49 Reg. $8.99 R g. 7.99 eYour t h o e r n co- Orsli*a col- 1SPECIAL SECIAL S PEI SPECIAL LADIES' C H1LD R EN'S CH IlD'S MHILD'S Asst,'d. Jackets Winter JacketsSkJaet WnrJce TEýRIIc DEAL $35.00 To Reg. $17.99 SIE' O1 $12.99 & à $50,00 RisReg. $11 ý99 $19 $50.00 ~~ TSSPECIAL SPECIAL Reg 99AilY3 off 1/3 Off V8.013 Off Loglevdand s1Vles Cu 3 TIER CHILDREN'S CF ILDREN'S F amalcshed clus CrigWr pc ak Snowmobite Sut i~k ir- and Pattîrs ,XL SIZES 2,4.6 8 T0 12 YRS 3 vdept Reg. $59Rg.12.99 Rieg. $23-99 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL $5: 97 $397 $8e66 15 M. &LJY NoWi eld Over - PAY LATER Centre NIGHTLY "~'JtJT SAY na 2 7: 10-Y:25 CHARCE-Il Bomavlle StoreOn1 I_______ emanviIIe ated on di 4 pce.t Srosfor 0î? only $Sý Brown. Àt.Iic Lake Arq 10 Mfiles to YtUîng land I k e. S ome, - 36,50.Ca l i The CaýIadian Statesmnan. Bow'manviIl e, December 31, 1975 Minior Midgets Dçfeot