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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1975, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Stalesmnan, Bowmaaviiie. Deceniher 31, 1975 NEWTONVI LLE 'Ne were ghad la have oam minister, Rev. Gardon Mont- gomery back wilh us, a week a go Sunday, la take the Christmas service, aiter his recent sumgemy in Oshawa Hospital. His theme was "Let Earth Receive Hem King," and emphasized the need for us ta give ireehy ai aur vaiaus talents, not oaly at Christmas, but alh the year aound, in appreciation for the-Savio's great gii t ta us. The choir sang the aid favorite, "Star ai the East,", and, aller the service, ipractice was held for the caig Christmas Eve ,Cnlhght Service. Mr. iaymond Bruce, with daughters Mms. Isabel Waters ai Toronto, and Mms. Marion Gibson ai Bowmaaville, at- teaided the Bruce Famîlv SChristmas Party, at McAr- thurs Milîs, wheme about 14 relatives sat dawa ta supper, and sevemah mare dmapped in Slater on. Mr. and Mms. Ray Tompkins and Family, wîth Mms. Bçrt Tompkins, and Mms. Alice Austin, atteaded mamning ser- vice la-Canton Chumch, a week aga. GiadCto hear Mms. Austin has recovemed frmmlhem ecent opeatian, and able ta be oui agala. Mm. and Mms. Art Austin visited hiem, last week. Mm. Gerald Zeahand was a Manday visitar with Mrs. Agnes Buley, and Christmas aitemnoon, other visitors with hem, were Nim. andl Mrs. Ron 'Bumîey, Newcastle, and Mm. and Mrs. Bob Burley. and son. Oshawa. The esuts ai the Remem- brance Day Litemamy Contest, sponsomed b y the Royal Cana- dian Le gion, Banch 178, inchudes t he namnes of sevemah Newtonvihle pupils, as fl- lows: Jr. Poem - 1 - Victoria' Clarke, Grade 7, Pines School. Jr. Essay - 1- Pamela Frank, Grade 7, Pines School. Poetry - 1 - Maie Raiaey, Grade 6, Newtoaville P. S. Essay - 2- Lauie Tisnov- sky, Grade 6, Newtonville P. S. Essay - 3 - Shelly Tamp- kîns, Grade 5, Newtonvihle P. S. Posters -1 - Dean Trimble, Newtonville P. S. Posters 2 - Tammy Dobbie,, Newton- ville P. S. Posters -3 - Evelyn Smith, Newtonville P. S. The Playgmoun'd Projeci for aur local sehool seems ta be pmrogressi-g iavomabiy. There lias beca a private donation ai $50 and a very eacaumaging amount of a Grant, irom Council, is expected. Ahmready, same ai the necessary equip- ment has been purcasd Grades three and four, ai Newtonvilie Schooi, led by their. teacher,5 Mm. MacDon- aldi, iavomed us with a singîng ai Christmas, Camais, on Thurs- da'y aflernoon, Dec. 18, as did alsa, Grades five and six, led by Principal John Veldhuis and Mrs. Diane Rowe. We appreciated their' singiag g reatly, especiahhywhea they ad ta endure the eally coid and wintmy winds, ta do sa. Happy New Yeam ta alai themr. Mm. rýand Mrs. Fred Rofa Port Hope, were ecent vîsi- toý rs, heme,, with Mrs. Gertie Ro,,we. Mm. Phil Gihmem, bis daugh- ter, Kim, and bis miother, Mrs. F. Gilmer, visitedi the latte's sister, Mms. Mvabehle Leush- ner, at Niagara Falls, d 'in the week-end, ecently. Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer, ai Tonawanda, N.Y., joined them, as dinner guests, on Saturday. .Mm. and Mms. Melville Samis were dinner guests, Christmas Day with Mm. and Mrs. 0. Ècigeton, and supper guesîs with Mm. and Mms. Morley Robinson, and iamily, Starkville. Mms Gertie Rowe spent Christmas with M. and Mrs. Neil OCanneli, and iamily, C-obourg. Mr. and Mms. Sidney Lan- caster were with Mm. and Mms. Jack Chard, and ogirls, Newm casîle. 1Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Rowe, and Tiffany, spent Christmas with Mm. and Mms. Bemt, Tim, and iamily. vice, sponsared by the Sunday School, was held in aur church on Christmnas Eve, the theme being "Putting Christ Back Into Christmas." Openiag with the Sunday Schoal Pro- cession, Christmas, Camais were sung by the variaus groups and the congregation, as welh as salas and readings, which were enjayed by aIl pre- sent. Appreciatian is expres- sed ta teachers, officers and ail members ai the Sunday School for their efforts. 'i'ftunerat ai Mrs. Char- lotte Ware ai Orihia, was held in Newtonville Church, an Wednesday aitemnoon, Dec. 24, with, Rev. Montgomery conducting the service, and Mrs. F. Gilmer at the organ.ý The former Charlotte Ovens. she grew up in this area, and leaves ta mouma hiem lass, lhem husband, Mr. Ken- Wame, iormemiy ai Port Hope, and two daughtems, Mms. June Herringtan. and Mrs. Pat Gilmour, as well as one brother, Frank Ovens. She was pre-deceased by hiem mother, Mms. Lena Ovens, ast year. Sympathy is expressed' ta the remaining iamiiy mcm- bers. Mms. Bea Jones, with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Conîsh, ai Orono, ihew ta Edmonton, Alta. Thursday mamning, ta spead Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones and iamihy. Mm. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson, and family, Mm. and Mrs. Ross Brown, and famiiy, and Mrs. Marie Tim weme Christmas Day dinner g uests with Mm. and Mms. Clinton Brown, ai Newcastle. Mm. and Mms. Jim Adams were with Mm. and Mms. Dan Adams, at Brampton, Chrisi- mas Day, and also visited Mrý and Mrs. Gerald Adams, and iamiiy, befome eturning home. Saturdav. Mms. Leone Lane, with Mm. and Mrs. CM. Jones, at the home ai Mm. and Mms. Ted Lane, and'faniiy, Orono. Mm. and Mms. Peter Hender- son, and Stephanie, ai Bow- manville, and Mm. George Henderson, ai Port Hope, weme with Mm. and Mms. Fred Henderson. Mm. Raymond Bruce was with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gibson,' Bowmaavilie. With Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit and Paul, were Mm. and Mms. Larry Frost, and family, and Mrs. Ingrid Fow- fer, and family, ail aof(Oshawa, and Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Green, oi Newcastle. Mm. Don Fletcher, ai Otta- wa, spent Christmas with his paetMr. and Mms. Ken Mm. Murray Barrie was a Christmas Day visitar with Mm. and Mms. Alex Barrie, at Mr. and Mms. A.J. Hoar attended a iamiiy Christmas dinner with Mm. and Ms. George, White and iamily, Bowmanviiie and visited Miss Florence Werry, Strathaven Nursing Home. Mm. and Mms. J.C. Cook weme Christmas dianer guests ai Mm. and Mrs. John Cook and girls, Hampton and Christmas supper guests ai Mm. and Mms. Keaneth Croweiis and lamiy, Salem. Holiday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. A.J. Hoar weme Mm. and Mms. Lamne Annis, Hamp- tan; Miss Aima Madili, Atiko- kon, Ont., and Mm. and Mms. H. Taisma and lamily, Caîborne. Mm. and Mrs. David Ail- dread and Russell, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Welsh and iamily, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Justice and iamily, Rich- mond Hill aad Mms. Harvey Strong, Salem weme Christmas Day guests ai Mm. and Mrs. George Alldread. Saturday, Mm. and Mrs. George Alldead were guesis ai Mr. Harvey Hardy and Russeil and on Sunday weme guesis ai Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Gaskin, West Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendry and Emihy, Toronto; Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Alldmead weme Tuesday supper guests ai Mms. Keith Alldead and Russell. Mr. and Mms. Don Lamb and lamily, Baihiebomo were Christmas Day guests ai Mm. and Mrs. L. Alldmead. Mm. F.L. Byam, Mr. Clifford Byam, Mm. and Mms. W. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowems and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Byam and iamihy, Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Park Canton. With Mr. and Mms. Jack. Kimbaîl and Jane, wei e Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brîght. and iamîly, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bîmney, ahi ai Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. Rager Peele. and iamihy, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbail, and Vicki. With Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Clysdahe, were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, and iamihy, adMm. and Mms. Phîl Gilmner, and iamihy, later in the day." 1Mrs. tva Farrow and Mm. Reg. Falls were wilh Mr. anîd Mrs. Jim Farrow. and iamiiy, in Bowmanviihe. Mr. and Mms. F. Gilmer, w 'th Mm. and Mms, Raymond Giimer, and boys, ai Isington, were Christmas dinner guests, with Mm. and Mis. Jim Gilmer, and iamily, Port Hope. With Rev. and Mms. Mont- gamery, visitars last week were Mm. and Mrs., Edwamd Homeli, and Heather, David, and Judith, ai Montreal. and on Christmas Day, ihey weme joined by Mm, and Mrs. R. Fallabay, Timoihy and Greg, ai Peterborough., On Boxing Day, the Moalgamemys an the Horrells visiied the Falla- bays, at Peterborough, and on Salumday, they visiled Mr. and Mms. Ahi. Owen, ai Oakville. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hormell, and iamily returned ta their home in Montreai. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow, and Karen, ai Gati- neau, Quebec, were week-end visitors with Mms, Iva Farrow, and Friday night vîsitors were Mr. and Mms. Cari Farrow, ai Toronto. Satumday visitors with My. and Mms. Dn Vrnkîe, iacluded Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Gil- mer, and Mary Fac, ai Cameron, Mm. and Mrs. Bihl Gilmer, ai Janetviîhe, Mm. and Mms. Pat MeDonald; and children, of Janelvilie, and Mr. and Mms. Bilh Clarki, ai Paisley.1 Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Boughen wer Christmas Day dinner guesîs wîlh Mrs. S. Gardon, ai Orono. Mm. and Mms. C. M. Jones, weme supper guests, bunclay, witl Mm. and Mms. Jack Giover, in Oshaw4a. Mm. and Mrs. Ken Briguail, and Melîssa, ai Bowmanville, were Suaday visîtars with Mrs. Iva Farrow, and Reg. Fahls. Sunday luncheon guests wilh Mm. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, and Mr. and Mrs, Phil Gilmer, Ken, Kim, and Cindy Irais. Bey. Montgornery 's Sunday morning theme was "The Road la New Lfe," and the chair sang 'Joyiul, Joyiul, We Adore Thee. " We wîsh al aur readers a happy and heaithy aew year. and boys weîe Christmas Day supper guesis ai Mm, and Mrs. James Murdoch, Bawraan- ville. Mr. and Mms. Bruce Ten- nant, Orono; Mr. and Mrs., John Reid, RHR. 1, Bawman- ville, were Sunday supper guesis ai Mm. and Mrs. W. Park. Mm, and Mms, Rai p Bowers and family attended the Bow- ers iamiiy Christmas parly held Satumday aiternoon in Nesîleton Commuaîty Centre. An Old Time Reunion Christmas Party ai Tymone fieads was heid in Tyrane Communily Centre Salumday evenîng hosted by Mm. and Mms. Gene Roberts ai Chatta- nooga, Tenn U.S.A. (nee Bett hihîîps) aad Mm. Clii- lord Byam. All enjayed a vemy memomable lime enewing aid friends and neighboums. Mm. and Mms. David Breat, London; Mm. and Mms. Ross Pooley, Oshawa and Mm. and Mms. Don Badour, Breal and Tracy, R.R.1, Bowmanville weme Boxing Day guesîs ai Mm. aad Mms. Gordyn Breat. Mr. and Mms. Germy Cor- nish, Shannon and Keénaeth were Christmas Day supper guests ai Mm. and Mrs. L. Phihips and famihy, Bowmaa- ville and Suaday supper guesîs ai Mm. and Mms. Ran King, Seagrave. Mm. and Mms. Stanley Gable weme ecent vîsitors ai Mm, Fred Pantner and Mm. Roy Mercer, Orono. Mm. and Mms. Keifh Gable and boys, Blackstock; Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Gable and family, Ponlytnool were ecent visiior.ý of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gable. Miss Sheryi Watson, Orono was aise a recent dinner guest with the Gob1 es and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Sy- mens, Colborne were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Parker and Tyson were Saturday evening guests of the S. Gables and Brian and Bobby Gable, Blackstock spent the weekend with their grandparents.. Christmas Day dinner gtwsts of Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble and Bruce were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and family, Pontpo and Miss Sheryl Watsa ad Kevin, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. 'rom Dodd were Christmas Day guests of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodd, Ajax. Mrs. F. Genereaux and famnily, Manilla visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dodd on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, R. Perfect and Richard, Bowmanville, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling AI- wood and boys, Port Hope, were Saturday visitors of the J. Gibbs. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell were Mrs. F.B. Glaspeli and Mrs. A.D. McMaster, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Barry St. John and Stephanie, London and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glaspeil and boys. Sunday evening guests of the Glaspells were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis, Hampton and Miss Aima Madili, Port Arthur. Christmas Day dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Joy and Charles were Mrs. Clarence Avery, Lindsay, Mrs. David Malcolmn, Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. Fred Castie, Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin, Wili and Paul, Mrs, Mîldred Anderson, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Godfrey, Grace and Frank, Keene, Mr.,and Mrs. Vernon Avery and Emily, Little Britain and Mr. Glen Martin, Ajax and Boxing Day guests were Mr. David Morrow and Alexandria, Toronto. Alexan- dria remaining for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tre- win and Mark, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mr. Russell Ormi- stan, Ennîskillen, and Mrs. Minerva Horn, Oshawa, were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Strawbridge. Tommy and Phillp, Indian River being recent guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefield, were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr' and Mrs. James Rowan and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan and boys were boxing Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Shortt, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. James Rowan and boys were Christmas evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rowan, Enniskil- len. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Cliaton Bigelow were Christmas Day guest 's of Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott were Christmas Eve dinner guests af Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hardy and Shane, Whitby. Mr. Stuart Hooey was a Sunday afternoon visitor of the E. Prescotts. Mrs. J.W. Herod, Weston vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Hay- don and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Plea- sance and family were Christ- mas day guests of Mr. and Mrs . Bill Pleasance and family, Egbert, and on Sunday attended the Snowdon family Christmas party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Pengelly, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey and family, Castieton and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Philp and family, Oshawa, were Christ- mas Day.guests of Mrs. Edna Murray Yeo and famîly atten- ded the Yeo family Christmas gathering at the home of Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Gylytiuk, Bowmanville. Mr. Paul Vaneyk, Biack- stock was a Christmas visitor with his family. Mr. and l4rs. John Rundie and Mr. and Mrs. M. Yeo lwere Christmas Eve guests and Monday supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, Miss Julie Luxton, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Meszaros, Oshawa, af Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Knowlton. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundle held a birthday party for their grandson. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Rekker, Shane and Jamie, Omano, Mr. and Mrs. Eari Carter, Mrs. Don McKnight, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rundie and family, Bowmanville., Christmas Day visitors of the John Rundies were Mr. STARKVI Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair wer'e callers an Mr. and Mrs. I-on Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Waad lManday evening. Mr. ana Mrs. Jim Souch, Brian and Blaine, xwere Sun- day suppe ,r guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood, Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim, Oshawa wxere Tuesday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Trim entertained their f amilies an Christmas Day. With Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Ross and John, on Christmas Day for noan din- ner were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinsan, Scott, Michael and Paula, Mr. and Mrs. Ran Robinson, Cheryl, Marty and Angie and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, B rad and Laurie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and family had noon dinner Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jae Burton. Bowmanville. With Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd anid Anna for Christmnas were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonviile, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Farrow, Newton- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow and Jan, NewtonMile, Mr. Stan Bowen, Bowman- ville, Mr. Bill Biekle, Newton- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair, Todd and Tara. .With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch for Christmas Day dinner, were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch, Brian and Blaine and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen, Michael, Jason and Terry of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayae and Jody, Bowman- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. John, Cartwright were Christmas Day supper guests with Mr. an Mrs. Harold Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey had Christmas supper wt Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Ross and John. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie were Christ- mas Day guests with Mrs. Inez Todd of Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch, Brian and Blaine were with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weekes, Harwood for Christmas sup- per. Mm. and Mrs. Robert West- heuser, Allyson and Lesley spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thickson af, Elizabethvilie. With Mrs. Westheusem and Peter on Saturday for their Christmas dinnerwere Mm. and Mms. Robert Westheuser and daughtems, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Birihauer and fam- ily, Tomonto. The Biribauer iamily staying on 'tii Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Birihauer and family were visitors Sunday evenîng with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Westheuser. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim and Merrilee, Bowmanville had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls aad Harvey on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephenson, R.R. 2, New- castle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and family had supper on Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce' Therteli, Todd and Tanya, Orano. With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim on Boxing Day were Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Shemnault ai Oshawa and Mm. and Mrs. Ralph Shemault of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and family had supper Saturday evening with M r. and Mrs. Ozzie Konnezlmann, Mari- anne and Eric. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Don Shead entertained some af their neighbors. Those R resent were Mr. and Mrs. Roman Opaka, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Maas, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rosseau and' Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sinclair. Also Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Philips for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little Campbeiiford spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J a m es Wo od 1ey,C hr ist-m as Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundie were Sunday dinner euests ai Mr. and Mms. David Hale- waod, Oshawa. Christmas Day family gatherings were heid at the homesof Don Davey, J. Webb, Dick Gihhs and Gerry Taylar's. Mrs. A.A. Hilîs, Bowman- ville, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Craig and family and Mm. and Mrs. Hemb Craig and family, Janet- ville, were Sunday guests of the D. Craigs. I wouid hike ta take this oppamtunity ta thank my Tyrone friends for their za-opemation during this last 15 rnonths and hope yu will give my successor the samne co- ceration. Thankiag you ail, LLE NEWS Maurice Hallaweil. Micheie and Scott ai Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweli, Les, 7Bey and Jefirey and Misses Beulah and Norma Hallowell ai Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shier ai Toronto were recent guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. Layng and Mr. and Mrs. 1M1Lean ai Mantreai wvere. Saturday visitors with 1Mr. and Mrs. Llew l-allowecll Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson and iamiiy had Christmas SuIPper with Mr. and Mrs. Les Peck ,Newtonville. With Mrs. Edna Dobson on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Barr and family, Haroldsmith with Mr. and jMrs. Grant Lowery, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mackey, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven, Port Ilope, Mr. and Mms. Cliii Fonk, Tanya and Peter and Mrs. Forrester ai Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fonk 1were speniding the weekend in Brantford caming home on Monday. 1 I hope the good old iellow ~ was good ta everyone and wish a H-appy New Yeam toalah. Any news for nexi week, phone 796-2656. Honor Retir'ingy (From Page One) most part had acted as chief engîneer ai the department. Mrs. Watson received a corsage on this occasion presented by Mrs. S. Mather. Mayor Rickard brought greetings irom the Tow~n and als> spoke ai the dedicatian and pr-ide with which Gord has served his comrnunity as part ai the local tire department. He said Gord was passibly ane af the unsung heros ai the cammunity for he did not seek headlines and went about his work in a casual, efficient mariner. The Mayor alsa injected some humor in the evening when hie recailed for those present some ai the former dayS relatîng ta Gord and VeLa and even the Mayor himself . He said it was people like Gord who made councii's job samewhat easier knowing that certain services within the commuait y are being conduct- ed in a dedicated manner. The May or presented Mm. Watson wit a watch on behahi ai the Town ai Newcastle. Harvey Partner presented Mm. Watson: with, a silver fire helaiet coînplete with front plate with "Gord Watson" inscribed on it. Gord was also presented with an Orono lire jacket. In replying bath Velma and Gord thanked the depamtment and the Town for their consideratians. Gord sard he hadt many, mremaories ai his yeams on the departmeat with same providing some humor. He alsa said lie wàs pleased ta have been able ta be ai service ta the community. Local fire chief Ross Mercer also spake ai Gard's dedi- cation ta the departmnent and, although hie was metiring fmomn the de partment he would aiways b e weicome at the hall and 'ta take part in the activîties ai the departmnent. Following the presentatioüs the gmoup continued the even- ing wit dance ta music pmrovided by Ron White ai the local department. Bus Terminal (Contimmmpd From Page One) unused at the presenit time, the iast occupants having been- the Durham East Liberal workems during hast Septem- ber's Provincial Electioa. SHad the structure been la better repair and housing some business or other yen- ,ture, the damage estimate might have been corîsiderably' higher, perhaps ta the $30,000 range. Fortunateiy, the lire which is behieved ta have beepn Boxin g Day (Cantir'ued From Page One) The mishap occurred Fmi- day at 12:45 a.m. on Scugag Street x4hen a '69 Ford opera ted by Jeiirey Ross aif il Chapel Street, southbaund, struck a '74 Olds parked on the west shoulder and drave it 42 feet forward itt a hydro paie, la front ai 96 Scugog. The hydro pale escaped dama ge whihe the Olds is,- consicdered a total lass aýt $3,200 and the Fard similarly at $1,000 damage. Ross, wha was charged w i.h exceeding .08, sustained sligat injuries but reiused medicilt treatment by the ambu1ýlnce crew in attendance at the scene. A second vehicle mishap in the aiternoon an Fri(iay caused a total ai $400 darnage. Durham Regianai Police, !?iv- conditions on Scugog Strtet at the CPR rail line cra ýing caused the 5:20 p.m. colilsion between narthbauna and southbound vehicles. A '75 four-wheel drive .Ihev. vehicie, aperated by Boébina Nitchuk ai Toronto was south- bound, negotiating a slighi curve at the crossing wten the vehi(ce slid on the shudh and collided with a northboand '74 Ford driven by John i3 aum- chem ai R.R. 1, Blackitock. N.o charges werio laid through investigation by Con- s ( John Logan due ta the road conditions. The vehièles su- stained $200 damage Jach. Sports Win (Continued From P~ ge One) remnaining. Kin_- aýthen tied the g ame witu ý fiity-six seconds left on tlie dock. But the Sparts camé ýiýht back aine seconds lattmr With Jerry Leddy sendingJ hîConbay la ail a lone ta drive home the winner. Captain John Conboy was presented with thý cham pion- ship trophy. The: consolation champion wat Whitby who deieated Weiliàgton 5-0. Bowmanvillk played its fi- nest hockey 91 the season at Kingston witt gpeat two way play by the f#ngards, a vemy steady defence ànd sensation- ai goaltending from Bobby Koczulab who allowed only a total of three goals for the three games. FLU BUG H'ITS MANY There appears ta be a pesky flu bug around that is taking the joy out of the holl- day season for many people. At least three on The States- man staff have been more or Iess under the weather since Christmas Day and aur in- formation is that there's a great deal of the same com- plaint around the com- munity. SOME CHANGES COMING The start of 1976 wiIl see quite a few changes coming into effeet that wilI keep almost everyone on their tocs. There will be no Sun- day shopping at super- markets for a beginning. Motorists will be required to wear seat beits and speed limits ail super-highways have been redu ced fram 70 ta 60 miles per hour. We'I1 bet there will be a heap of money change hands if the police go ail out ta enforce the new ules. $,400 Damage fo Tru-ck Shoppingout I twnSaur- day for aller Cmsmsbr gains may have been more costly than warthwhile fqý ai least one Bowmnanvihle >i- dent who discovered conkjmim -able damage ta bis vehicle an returning hcme. Dumham Regionai Police were advised by Richard Fournier ai 43 Lawrence Avenue about 4 p.m. Saturday thatlihe had discovered dam- age ta the windshiehd, right door and right side ai bis '74 Dodge Pickup. The vehicle had been used during the day for the shop- ping trip and is believed ta have been damaged at one ai the three locations. The dama ge was, howevem, not noticed b y Mr. Fournier until late ;in the aitemnoon when hie discovemed the mimmor was missing. Investigation ai the unlortu- nate situation by Const. Smith estîmated damage at $400. TRAGIC BLAZE - If you think you had a busy Christmas Day or a sad one, you couldn't be mueh unhapier than those folks in Bethany who had ail their furniture and Christmas presents burned up- early Christmas morning, plus their dog. And you have to feel sorry for the 50 odd firemen who came from miles a round to help extinguish the blaze until nearly noon. Some of them from. Lindsay had been up late the night bef ore as well battling another big blaze in their own area. DELOITTE, HASKUNS & SELLS Chartored Accountants OFFICES INMAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Buildinb OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764 Whutby, Ontario, To. AU1 Owners or Tenants in Durham Region: T-ake notice that pursuant to Section- 40 of the Aýs.sssent Act, Chapter 32, (as amended) RSÔ, 1970,!1 have on the 6th day of January, 1976 delivered or caused tob be delîvered ASSESSMENT NOTICES to ail owners or tenants in this Region. LIFE 5 AN tVERLASYIN6 5iR(6qU£ TO KFf P MOKEY CONfi I' ,AN TEET AND HAIR FROftCOMI$46 OUT. By A m PLUMBING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYROINE, ONTARIO %. Phone 263-2650 TYRON TOWN 0OF NEWCASTLE Christmas I week of Jan. 5th to Jan. 9th weather permitting. Trees should be put out with the regular week's garbage pick-up and wiII be picked upwith dump trucks - flot garbage vans. J. Dunham Director Public W o rks,

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