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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 12

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and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 264if DARLI NOTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf NE'ED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 9é3-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -ff GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Shoot and F loat Glass Sealed Units - Strm Windows Store Fronts - 9Foat Mirrors Pattorned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 7t WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's WelI Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- t[ve Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 if C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholste ry Prof essiona ly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf JACK BURGESS 011 BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON ý263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 -Bowmanvillo 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work.and Repairs Service and Estimates Cati 1623-2641 33-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes- Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 0t PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE, HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29- ff KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-tf Ref rigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days........ 623-5774 Nights ............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF RON"S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Uphoîstery Shampooing Wall Washing CAL L Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 .5 - e e - S PUPPI ES, border cole type. Phone 623-2730. 1-tf GOLDEN Retreivers, CKC registered, wormed and shots. Ready to go. Phone Newcastle 987-5013 affer four. 1lx REGISTERED femnale Bor- 7oi. (Russian Woifhoundl. Fiffeen months old. Phone 1-705-324-0621 affer six. PET OWNER'S SPECIAL FREE: Pick up and Del ivery for Professional Dog Groom ing Service.. -Il breeds and mixed. Bring him ta The Doggy Place Orono 786-2234 41-tf GOOD used portable type- writer. Phone 623-7078. 1-1 '75 FORD van, 3/4 or 1 ton, will trade '72 Ford 12 ton van or '72 Ford 1/2 ton pickup. Phone Blackstock 986-5517. 1-1 OLD or odd labelled beer, milk or pop boffles. Will pay cash and pick up. Phone Port Hope, 1-885-4411 affer 5 p.m.11 GOOD used furniture, baby furniture, other articles. Phone Townie Used Furniture, 623-4681 Bowmanville for in- stant cash and service. 1-l CASH for gold, silver, coins, quns, dlocks, jewellry, dishes, iurniture, crocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf WE buy and selI everyfhing and pay cash. Cali day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-tf WILL babysit in mny home. Waverly Gardens area. 623- 2893. 1-ix SEVENTEEN-year-old boy needs job on farm, live-in. Cali Peter 1-985-7405. WILL babysit in my home Waverly area. Phone 623- 7156. 1-ix CUSTOM uphoisfering, recov- ering, re-sfyling, very reason- fable, work guaranteed, 20 years, experience. Free esti- mates. Please cali coliect 1-986-5072. 26-tf Wm G. Terhune CAR PENTRY Phone 623-3575 1 -4x WOMAN witb Credif Union General Office, receptionist and telier experience would like work in the Bowmanville area. Write Adverfiser 591, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, LiC 3 K9. 1-2x INSU LAI ION, blowing mefhod with rock woi, work. manship guaranfeed. SeaL dlaire Insulafion, phone 705 742-0272. Represenfafive Harry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43tff City Wide Door Se rv ice Supply Steel Doors, Frames and Toi let Partitions Also installations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45tff Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod, Sidinq-Soffit-Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AI l work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail parts nd labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 6 23-5045 Bowmanville Cars, TrucKs, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf GIRL 18 wvouldi ke a fur,,nish- ed room with kitchen privi- leges. Cai l 623-5159?. 1-ix BOWMANVILLE 6- room modern apartmenf over Mah- er's Shoe, Store. Phone 623- 7523. 51-ff THREE bedroom house in Newfonville. $225 per monfh plus heat and hydro. Available now. Phone 613-394-3023. 1-2 LARGE brick farm house, $300. per monfh. Available immediafely. Phone 416-223- 0710 befween 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1-2 TWO bedroom upsfairs apart- menf, newly renovafed, cen- frai for school and bus, $165 monthly includes heaf, pay own hydro. Phone 623-4805 affter 4 p. m. I11 Furnished Bedroomis by month, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premnises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 -ff F RE E removal of t resh, dead or disabled large animais. There wiIl be a $5 charge on smail caives and pigs. Call Margwili Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46tff Buy direct from Manufac- turer- Rutter GraniteC--o., Lfd. has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and small f0 fit any need. Come by our display yard at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hiope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35tff MORTGAGE MONEY A VA ILAB LE PHONE ORONO 983-5584 PUREBRED Yor kshire boars serviceabie age. Phone 263- 2719. 1-2x EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping DressageW Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 tf URGENTLY REQUIRED! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanviile area. Perha "ps your home wouid bring top dollar? We'li be pidased fo appraise if for you and help you locafe the nome ot your dreams". For friendiy efficient sale of your home, cal P. & R. Reaity Company, Realtor, Bennet Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. l7ff Orono 4 Bedrooms 3 year old, 2 storey on lot 100 x 150. Livingroom with stone fireplace, separate dinîng room, extra large kitchen with dishwasher, 3 bathrooms, heated garage wîth furnace and workshop., Concession 4. $75,500. Thomas N. Shea Ltd. Doris Smith, Whitby 655-4339 or 668-8865. 1-l "Waverîy Gardensý" In Bowmanville Bujit by Marianna Developments Vour Guarantee of Oua lity Construction HUMES FROM $47,985 DOWN Features include: Clean Dopondablo Eîectric Heat -Large family kitchen -Flnished famiîy room -Completely broadloomed -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Attached garages -FuIly soddled lots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection Ilhis Weekend and Daiîy 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle- Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m Choice of 2 Deluxe Models to Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Buiît by Division of Veltri & Son Limited Well known for quality construction and superior workmanship. FrrI IICIEAGENJTS 234q Kuig St.E., oowmanvile 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 43-tf 576-3333 OPEN 1HOUSE OSHAWA-$4,00- uying on a budget, here's, the home you have been waiting for! 2 bedroom immaculate borne on large lot 207' deep. Cali 728- QUI ET VI LLAGE 0F HAMP- TON - this custom built ranch bungalow is a dream home in a dream setting! Priced at ny $64,500! Firepiace, rec. room, dining room, broad- loom, fridge and stove, etc. Hurry for this Ieweli. TYRONE -modemn brick bungalow on almost 1 acre, next to a beautiful trout stream! 2 naturai fireplaces, huge master bedroom and more! Priced f0 seli at only $53,900., JANETVILLE - $48,900 - Handyman's Special, 30 acres with barn and older large home. Hurry ouf, it's f00 good f0 miss. CENTURY HOME 120 acres, large 13 room home, 2 barns, creek on properfy. Ideal for beef farming or for the horse loyers. There is no better way f0 brighten your future than with this invest- mentfarm. JUST LISTED- $79,900 -Wben spring roils around a buy lîke this won'i be found - large custom built' brick ranch bungalow on large lot 150' x 250'. 3 bedrooms, recreation rnnm, double attached gar age, nicely landscaped. In- spect without obligation. Cail 728-7328. THIS WEEKEND 1: 30 P. M. to 5:OO0P. M. at 190 Burk Street, Oshawa, Ontario. After hours please caîl: AI Werry 263-8190 Lee Rocchefta 576-8179 Ed Varga 728-6322 Rorie O'Boyie 576--1224 Louis Voit 728-7068 Eleanor Thompson- 728-0056 Earl Hannan - 728-1770 Joe Leclerc 725-7976 Nels Burshaw 728-8266 Steve Englert 728-5581 Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 DRUM LESSONS Ail Private Instruction b) FulIy Qualified Drummer CONTACT: 'PERCUSSION IST and DRUMMER 1-1 y I 623-6407 s * s - Peter Kowa 1, Jr. Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. Newcastle - 3 bedroom bunga - low with rec room, fireplace and in-ground swimming pool. Located in nice area on large lot. Asking $58,900. Terms arranged. Bowmanville - 4 bedroom 11/2 storey trame home on large lot close fo school and park. Has dining room and 2 encl osed porches. Bargain at $44,500. Terms. Oshawa - North end. 2 bedroom bungalow wit h paved drive. Partially finished rec room. $44,900. Terms. After Hours J. A. Barton 623-3098 P. Kowa1 J r. 623-5868 1-1 REALTOR 623-2503 Maple Grove Area: A home for you and your parents or rent haif. 3 bedrooms, beauti- fui .family room, fireplace, patio doors, workshop and semi-detached 2 bedroom home on a 3 acre lot. Only $64,000. Now Under Construction: 3 bedroom home on large country lot near Orono. Pick your own colors in ruggîng and paint. $56,000. Bowmnanville: Centraliy lo- cated 2 storey, 3 bedroom home. Separate dining,. room, enclosed porch, garage, close to schoois and shopping. Asking $48,000. Orono: An ail elecfric ranch style 3 bedroom bungalow. Affached garage, extra fuel saving feafures. Large lot on edge of town. $59,000. 1-1 Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Doîlie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville) COUNTRY ESTATE Custom built home, 2-years- old. Pillars af front door, cedar and stone -decor, 2 fireplaces, famiiy room with bar. Waik outs f0 iower patio and upper balcony. Scenic two acre lot with b irch trees. Ponfypool area, 25 minutes from Bowmanville, $93,500. O'DELL STREET Neat three bedroom, brick bungalow in good residential area, close to downtown. Recenfly decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Only $44,900. PARKWAY AVE. Custom built bungalow, quiet residenfial area, family room wifh fireplace, four bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot, paved drive. Real value at $57,500. ONTARIO STREET Century home with antique fireplace, 2 large bedrooms, country-size kitchen, dining room. This home has f0 be seen fo be appreciated. Oniy $43,000. 1-l Orono - Income home on the -main streef nverlooking the park, 2 bedmooms on top level plus a self contained apart- ment on the lower level, ample storage areas and large lot, would make an excellent family home as weii, asking $54,000 with terms at 8 per cent, immediafe possession. Orono - 21/2 storey house in a beautiful seffing amid tal trees on over 2 acres wifh small barn, very privafeyet in the tnwn, house has separate dininq room and good solid hardwood floors. Asking $69,000, Caîllf0 see this one fnday. Bowmanville - Excellent loca- tion for business or offices on the main street with ample parking areas on the deep 221 foot lot, or could be used as a duplex, asking $54,000. Vendor anxinus. Millbrook Area- 3 bedroom brick bungalow now. being compiefed on large 170 x 300 foot lot, easy access fo Hwy. 115. Cali for more information. Bewdley - Gond invest ment af $9,500, large 75 x 300 foot lot in future develnpment area, weil treed and dry. 137 King St. E., Bowmanvill 623-7694 - 623-M'd REALTOR ASKING $42,500. for this lar 4 bedroom famiy home extra large lot, separa dining room and laund room, close to 401 and Highways. Immediate possE Sion. ASKîNG ONLY $31,900.1 this niceiy decorated 2 bE room semi-detached bunc low, fenced yard, dining ro< bas possibility of 3rd bedroc upstairs. 234 King St. E., Bowmanvjll 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 le irge on -ate dry 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 1T8 623-4428 I 2 94 ACRE FARM - Less than 5 es- miles from Bowmanville. Good brick home, large barn, greenhouse and pond. 75 acres for of open workable land. A good ed- investment at $139,000. Iga- om, MINI FARM - with a million )OM dollar view. 5 acres just north of Eiizabefhvilie. Large house 1-1 with small separafe apart- - ment. Huge barn, implement Ished and greenhouse. Priced af $68,000 wifh $15,000 dlown. BOWMANVILLE TWIN HOME - Exceptionally large lot overiooking town goes with this 4 bedroom home, dining room, 11/2 bat hs, and attached garage. Only $47,900 with le large firsf mortgage. 4 Bowmanvi île Must seil. Owners moving. Lovely 11/2 year old spic and span 3 bedroom brick bunga- low on fuily privacy-fenced, professionally landscaped lot, close to shopping. Asking $52,900. with 9/à per cent morfgage. Cali Elfie Jost. Starter Home - Bowmanvilîe Large lot in excellent location close fo schooi. Three bed- room bungalow wifh ail con- veniences. Large garage. Ask- ing $39,950. C ail Jan Oud- shoorn. Bowmanvilie Clean four, bedroom older home, commerciaily zoned or suitable as private residence. On niceiy treed street. Asking $43,900. Cail Sfew McTavish. Orono 2-year-old, 4 bedroom, 2 storey home, separate dining room, carpet floors. Walkout base- ment to large lot. Attached car port, extra built- in storage. Other good extras. Nicely decorated. Owner mov- ing west. Asking only $53,900. Cail Bud Virtue. 3-Acre Hobby Farm - Orono 3 bedroom, brick home, large barn with wafer. Good gardenf sou. Excellent location for horses or cattie. Complefely fenced. Asking $57,900. Cail Charlie Reid. 3-Bedroom Home - Orono Double car garage, finished rec room, office, large living- room and kitchen. Lot com- pietely fenced. Asking only $49,900. Cali Charlie Reid. Bowmanville - Owner Transferred Older, immaculafe, 2 storey brick and stucco home, 3 bedrooms. Living room 24' x 14' with cosy brick fireplace. Bright and cheery kitchen, 4 appliances. New double gar- age with workshop. 34 acre hedged and fenced yard. Plus upstairs, 2 bedroom apart- ment to heip defray expenses or could easily be converted to original spacious famiiy home. Asking $64,900. with terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. Bowmanville - Owner Transferred 3 bedroomn home, separafe dining room, kitchen and famiiy room 28' x 12' com- bined. Dishwasher, stove, air conditioner included. Finished extra room in basement. Spaclous 60' x 180' fenced lot. lnground swimming pool, wifb ail equipment. Change house. Asking $56,900. wifh terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. Newcastle Rural Brick Bungalow 3 bedrooms, fireplace, suni porch, fool shed, finished rec room. Lot 100 x 150. Attached garage. Fuily landscaped. Realiistically priced af $57,000. Cali Bill Grady. Country Rancher - Newcastle Brick, 3 bedrooms, attacbed garage wifh enclosed breeze- way, fwo open fireplaces, 100 x 150 foot lot, are featured in thîs excepfionally well buiit dwel- iing. Asking $61,900. with terms. Cail Paf Yeo. Bowmanville - Only $22,900. For this detached one bed- room home located centrally. Gond starter home or ideal for elderly couple. Ail stores, churches, etc. within walking distance. Cal Albert Kerekes. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped to handie your home needs anywhere in C anada and U.S.A. +Coast to Coast Real Estate Service RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oàshaw,.a & District Real Estate Boarld tf ALLEN - Suddeniy at his home, North Street, New- castle, on Monday January Sfh, 1976, Jesse Albert Allen, aged 87 years, husband of the late Ethel Rhodes, dear fat her of Isabel Allen. Resting at the Morris'Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, for service on Thursday atl11 a.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Le- gion service 7:30 Wednesday. 1-1 faM ý Thursday, January 22, 1 p.m. HO LST E INS Compiete Grayson Holstein Dispersai owned by Hugh Gray, R.R. 5, Belleville, Ont. Selling at the farm, Lot, 32, Con. 4, Sidney Twp. From Hwy. 401 take Wallbridge- Loyalist Road (Exit 90) north 112 mi les to Con. 4 then east 1/4 miletofarmi or 2 miles west of Hwy. 14 on Con. 4. 40 head., registered, R.O.P. Tested, Type Classif ied. This has been a compiete home bred herd since 1937 and has been one of the highest production herds in Hasti ngs Co. for many years. F or example: last year's records average 16386mr 662f 4 per cent test (145-1ý59 BCA Average). 10Ô fresh, or springing at sale time. This is a very high testingherd with a consistent test of over 4 per cent. Some of the sale features: 3 full sisters by "Rockman" from an Ex- cellent "Bertrand" with 305 day records f0 over 18000 of 4.2 per cent (159-175). An ouf- standing young Very Good -Rockman" Grayson Roma (V.G.) with over 14000 lb. of 4.3 per cent as a 2 yr. old. Her G.P, dam has 305 day record of 17094m 759f 4.4 per cent (144-174). Seiling with her yearling by "Man-O-War", this smart young cow is due in May to Whoiesome Perseus Leader. Her V.G. sister by "President" selis fresh Jan. 1, 1976 with a heifer caîf by Seiling Rockman. Grayson Francis, a Jan. 1, 1975 yearling from a G.P. -Rock- man" with 3 yr. 348d 19070m 782f 4.1 per cent, 2nd dam a Very Good Lassie Leader wifh 6yr. 362d 20312m 838f 4.13 per cent. 15 daughters by Seiling Rockman. This is truly a breeder's herd wifh deep full pedigrees of foundcation type animaIs. Don't miss this top dispersai. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager ana Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 1-2 EA + BLOO DON oR Temperance St. FOR CLASSIFIE Tues., 12 noonk, H L.Wood Bantams "PIo y i n K ingM--sto n Bîra ntfo rd Tou r neys On Dec. 23, playing against Kingston Township Centre 70, Tomos showed good desire by coming f rom behind twice to tie this game and force a shoot off in which we won. Kingston opened the scoring with 2 goals in the first period. Tomos scored two goals to tie the game. Then with 112 minutes lef t in the game, Kingston scored to lead 3-2. Our team neyer gave up and pulled our goalie for an extra attacker and with 19 seconds remain- ing, scored to tie the game and force a shoot off. Toros scored on the first shot while King- ston did not. Final, Bowman- 1ville 4, Kingston Twsp. 3 in overtime. Scoring for Toros a well deserved hat trick to Ken Hoy with 3 goals, with assists going to Brent Clemens 2, and Rob DeBoo 2.- Scoring Toros overtime goal on a shoot off was Rick Simpson. With this win we advanced ,to the semi-final game against' Kingston "AAA" team. And with a tired team playing this second game in three hours, could not put any attack together. Kingston scored one goal in the first period, four goals in the second and one in the third. Toros' only goal came when Stan Greeham scored assisted by Neil Jones and Rick Simpson. Final score Kingston 6, Bowmanville 1. On Dec. 27, playing in the Brantford Firefighters Tour- nament, Tomos met Wellands "AAA" team and outplayed them only to lose out in overtîme. Welland opened the scoring in the first, then Toros came back with two goals to end first period leading 2-1. In a well played second period neither team scored. Welland scored early in the third to tie the game which went scoreless untîl the game ended in the third period. John Storgaard played a strong game in goal for Toros. Going into a 10-minute sudden death or most shots on goal overtime period, Toros had outshot Welland by a fair margin when a Welland player knocked a puck out of the air and caught our team deep in their end zone, skated in and scored to win 3-2 in overtime. This moved us to the consolation side of the tour- nament. Scoring for Toros Ken Hoy assisted by Brent Clemens. Then Robb DeBoo scored assisted by Ken Hoy and Brent Clemens. On'Dec. 28, playing against Guelph's "AAA" team, Toros had their hands full playing this rough team, that saw questionable refereeing as Tomos were called on six penalties while Guelph were called for none. Tomos opened the scoring in the first, then Guelph tied it up in the second, Toros took a 2-1 lead and Guelph tied it up again in the third at 2-2. Toros scored the final goal in the middle of the third and Mark Shackelton, playing outstand- ing in goal, held them out, to give Toros a well deserved win. Scoring for Toros, Robb DeBoo from Brent Clemens and Ken Hov. Then Rick Simpson unassisted. Scoring the winner was Brent Clemens from Ken Hoy. This win advanced us to the semi-finals against Gaît. On Dec. 29, playing Gaît in the semi-finals, our boys played down to this scrambly team and neyer put their game together. After opening the scoring, we neyer counted again as Gait produced four goals. Scoring for Toros was Rick Simpson from Stan Greenham. Congratulations to Brantford on a fine job in this tournament, as Bowmanville was well treated and our team gained from top competition. League action resumed at Bowmanville Sat., Jan., 3 against Bay Ridges, then Thurs., Jan. 8 in Markham, and Sat., Jan. 10 at home against Cobourg. Rounding out our ehedule Jan. il exhibition game against To- ronto MTHL "IAA", Red Wings, Jan. 13 in Ajax, Jan. 14 in Bay Ridges, Jan. 17 at home to Whitby. H.L. Woods Minor, Bantams are one point in first place at this time in league play. Friday Night League Second Schedule Team No. 1 - E. Brock, G. Dickens, L. Milîson, M. Win- ning, A. Adams, M. Kirkton. Team No. 2 - L. Smale, M. Nuwlan, B. Harris, B. Purdy, C. O'Neill, M. Burgess. Team No. 3 - M. Richards, Peggy Milison, R. Webb, S. Viékers, J. Nowlan, H. Lyle. Team No. 4 - G. Milison, B. Konopacki, T. Ruddy, V. Miller, Mike Kirkton, S. Adams. Team No. 5 - B. Engley, E. Dickens, R. Land, P. Smale, C. Harris, S. Ruddy. Team No. 6 - V. Prout, I. Welton, R. Mitchell, D. Kono- packi, S. Welsh, J. Vickers. Team No. 7 - G. Piper, F. Land, T. Miller, J. Lyle, J. Welton, P. Milison. Team No. 8 - L. Welsh, D. Reynolds, B. Burgess, W. Webb, T. Bennett, M. Flintoff. Team No. 9 - R. Van Meer, T. Milison, B. Winning, B. Kennedy, J. Engley, H. Piper. Team No. 10 - M. A. Richards, F. Bradley, K. Kennedy, B. Mitchell, H. Bennett, C. Purdy. Team No. il - D. Bradley, D Smale, P- Prout, B. O'Neill, E. Van Meer, P. MacArthur. Team No. 12 - H. Brock, H. Reynolds, D. MacArthur, M. Welsb, A. Milison, B. Flintoff. TeaminStandings Roy Sandison 14-6148, Gary Conway 9-5494, Rose Marie Conway 9-5414, Bob Brown 7-5615, Clayton Morgan 5-5559, Art Deboo 5-5373, Paul Peils 5-5360, Marg King 2-5442. Hig h Triple RnoySanison 739, Jean Holroyd 648. Hfigh Single Don Zea land 278, Jean Holroyd 240. Top 10 over 233 Don Zealand 278, Cia yton Morgan 265, Rnoy Sandison 260-253, Cory Elîs 252, Art Deboo 241, Bill IHolroyd 241- 240, Paul Peils 240, Jean Holroyd 240, Bob Brown 238, Mary Chisholm 234. FINE QU I MONUME i TA ND MARK ERS Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E..- Whitby Phone Whltby 668-j352 I Bowmanville ~1 - AuayaQ Fail and Winter Merchandise Reduced! Dresses - Skirts 25% 'Off Gowns 33% Of f Lynda' s Ladies,'Wear

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