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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 1

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Some Will Make Less than TopPrýincipals R aises, . for Cut to $2,4( The federal, Anti-Inflation Review Board has ruied against raises in the neigh- borhood of 26 per cent for eîght senior officiais -of the North- umiberland and Newcastle Board of Education. In a decision made public Monday,,December 29th, the raises to the senior officiais to $2,400, the maximum under federal guidelines announxced October 13 by Prime MUinister Trudeau. Salaries were' vol- untarily frozen peniding the Anti-Inflation Board ruiing. Local trustees on the board of education had voted on Octohpr 23 to continue, an Sýchool Administratorsý existîng salary formula for, the eight top admainistratos. This formula was set in 169and had fot been changed since- that time. It set thie adniis- trators' wages at pe-rcentaiges over the highest paid princi- pals' wages and since the principals had recently re- ceived a 28 Per cent inicrèase the admijnistra tors were also ea'rn ý4o,4ü0 with th $2,400 increases wvasr granted the formnula raises. raise abo,.ve his 1974 salary of every subsequEr fin the case of the director of $38,000. educýation mieetir education's salarÈy, the per- Once the board made the ees were bon-i centage raise amnounted to decision to continue the exist- comment oin the $9,500l, far above the federal ing formula for the admoinis- One reason, guideline. If the raise had trators the public of 'the good. faith in ec gone through the director Northumberland and New- formula) uised by -wouid be earning $47,500 as of castie jurisdiction beganto.'L who vo-tedj for th Januarv 1, 1976. Now he ýwill react. Protest on the salary (Turn To Paj Volume 122 15C Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1976 CUPE Sehool Workers bold Meeting Jan. l Oth To Decide Strike Actioni 24 Pages d.b registered at ent board of ng and trust- barded with a street. >(aside fromn ontinuihg c the the trustees leraises was ge Two) Num.ber -i Complete Rlenovcfions et Legion HqII damage, estimated at approxïimately $1,900 is visible to the front operated by Steven Bruce of Hunit Street, Bowmanville, after it .iday afternoon with one operated by Gunther Saller of R.R. 2, vehicles met at thie crest of a hili in a narrow ýpass on the road ýth to Mosport Park from the 8th Concession of Clarke, just west of ruce and a passenger Susan Robertson of Bowmanville received Sal1er, whose v7ehiclIe alýso, sustainied $1,800 damage was not injured. -Photo by Doug Taylor Caretakers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and general laborers for the Northumber- land - Newcastle Board of Education are preparing to strike since negotiations with the school board were eut off Monday afternoon Dec. 29th. The 160 employees of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, local 1206, enter- ed into contract negotiations four months ago. Monday's final conciliation board meet- ing resulted inr a recomm.,ýenda-' tion for a no board report. Negotiationis reached a dead hait when it was obvious the school board would not make a monetary offer to the union, according f0 union local presi- dent. Ror Wilde. Mr. Wilde said the schioi board refused to make a wagre uffer unless uion negotiators would agree to recommnend to its mebrhp hat any off er be taken to the anti-inflation review board for sýtu-dy. Since CUPE officialiy rejects federalwaýge anid price control, , M.WVilde ,said, the tTurn To Page Two) Council OIcst Closing Liberty-401 cand Several Area Accidents Level Cross'ln g Re moval1 By pougTaylorinsisfed on ti-e necessity ot proposed wide ingo ,0 closingl of the Librf treef mlainitaining9 the,: rail crossing, MiJnistr.y would be mosf 1 i e s401 inferchange andtlimia considering if a vital necessity oasiousf eliminafe ,he lion of the CNR level-crossing to such -local inidustr>ies as crossinîg for safety reas siding on 401, p roposed by the Goodyear. despife theadisiobtaý m. DMinisfy of 1ransporfation The minjster's leffer advi- movements on, the Une n o- ýQ ir and Communication for wid- sed thaf with respect f0 the (Turn To P'age T1wo) By Doug Taylor eA quliet session wýýas ex- erienced by moest police deatet as 1976 dawned in Cainada,a total of only three tràffic fatalhties having occur- red accordng to a Ca-nadian Press survey. Qrl iftg ýe 1-arodman ini Th-under Bay when his sn.owmilýe collided wit -,a van. Othner deaths i nclude four person'fs in Quebec whoe lost th{-eir lives in two separate fires Thutrsday,, while two men described. by police as fe- maej er naO wr s,-taiiè WeIl eoY Eve in Montreal. On the local front, New- cateopp defachmient aiso exeined a reasonably qiuiet week tih e most se-rious of ou ao'accidents ccuinag Sunday Jan. 4), just north eo. the Clrke th Line west of enng of the Highway~ to six ianes, again received strong objections of Newcastle Coun- cil Monday nighf. Councîl previously advised thbe Minisfry that they would not favor any elimination or dowri-qrading of flie Liberty Streeftrc aýnge if andwhben the anx- ions, are Over 90 Merrymackers Enjoy New YarsEve Festivities at st. F j I's S MB e r i n co01 itcilWllSppr Tontia 's Aplcto Nï,wcasfl ,Counc-il decidedP P rJ byaw construction, haýd previously Th bylawi had beenito t ürt rar thebyav been turned do-wn by the town iprevent any a -cl bIe uilin for esi n g te 0m11onan appliceati on f0 sever four developmenf s n e area dwhIsoa2/2arsieb lots because 0f a bylaw, passeci whîch migt interfere with the Ma-rk Tomna ofR.RP.3, Blow- concerning the Courtice Con- proposed Co urtice Concept manville. ceot. ý(Turn To Page Two) Mr. Tomina was represent- ed by real estate consutant Jim nRobinison at the council mneeting due tf0 the upcoming QMB hearing on the mýatt er at which Mr. Robinson will niake a preSentation con behaîf of his client. Mr. Tornîna, owner of Yugo Charge Two Youngq Men With Extensive Damage Ont. st'. Pubic Sho rnie anhual Preside-nt's L2eVy wa 7S held at the ý,~oyal Ca-nadian Legion Hall on New Y-e a r's ,D ay, lien long tables filled with, delicious f ood geeted te hundreds of mt-em,bers and guests w7ho camre 10 enjoy some fell1owship and greet the new year amionig f.-iends, A touch of sadness entered the festivities when it was announced tLhat super chef for these occasions for manv vears. Seth, 'Snuffy' Hunat, pici.ured above with some oef his delicacies was malking his farewell appearanýe un ti caPacity., No information i s availa'ble as 10 his successol7, but he'ill hav e 'tobe good 1traitaC he reputationi that Comrade H11unt hais etbih Division 16, Durham Re- eional Poilice, report extensive inferior damage was done at Otar 'o Strecet School on Saturday (Jan. 3) somefime between 3:10 am and 3:30 a.r. and twjo local mnen have beeon arresfed iÏn conneef ion wifh theindet Entry f0 fthe sehool was apparenitly gained thlrough a window on the west side and inv-,estigation ocf the occur- rence by Conistables Ricard and Hlawrychuik resulfed In the arrest of Thomas Pflan- ger, 18, of R.R 2 Bowman- ville and BRonald Sheehan, 18, of Durham Street, Bowman- ville. Court Date for the Charges of Break, Enter and Theft and for Mischievious Damage is' set for Jan. 20. Unknown persons are ap- parently' lucky f0 have es- caped with their lives in a second break and enter at one of the D'Angelo Homes on, Hillier Street, Sometime be- tween Jan. 2 and Jan. 5. 1Fuse Panel was Alive After apparenfly gaining (Tun To Page Two) 0if Tax Hk N rewcastle Counîcl learned,, from Durham E, ast MN'PP Douig M4offaf t Mondany evening thaf if, is poal residentýs of Durhamn Region will be forced to pay more taxes in 1976. Ifwas explain'ed by Mor. MofÉt thaf the anfIicipatedA inicrease in taxes f0 resîdents of thIe regfion wixLl be thne resuflt 0f the eight, per cent ceiling on spending icesswihthe provin-ýcial gyovernmren t has approved. "The eighnt per cent cýauses hardships for the <commuffly sfill in a trniioa eriocI in mairnaïining programIs", he adVised,. TIhe m PP- could not however give any ,ýfirm figure on11what hetLhought the fax increase-s mlighf repreýsent,. terms, their stand on the matter and insist that Liberty and 401 !not be closed, He received support from Coun. Ivan Hobbs who also (,Ver 90 I1IrryIIIuMers Lrmet! a circle and sang "Auld Lang Syne"'. It was the cumntoof an evening of f un, food, games and dancing The party was organized by the newy tfcrmn- ed Cou p les' Club of Sf. Paul's wifh t he view in mmnd thaf BITS & PIECESI OPEN DAY CARE CENTRE - This Frîday afternoon at 2:30 the official opening of the Edna Thomson Day Care Centre at 156 Church St. will be held. The Rt. Hon. Lord Thompso-n of Fleet who granted permission for his late wife's namne 10 be used, wiiI bepresent, accompanied by th1-e 1Hon. James A. Taylor, On tario Minister of Comlmunity and Social Services. Other dignitaries from Durham Region and the Town of Newcasle will attend. Lord Thomson is nio stranger to Bowmanville, having spent mhany summner holiJîdays here at the beach with the Frank Pethick family. It's a pleasure to welcome him back fortids memorable occasion. SUPER FUND RAISERS - 10-year-old Steven Hayes, 91 Hunt St. was a busy boy on New, Year's Day canvassing all his neighbors-for donations to the CFTO Cystie Fibrosis Founda- tion Telethon. He collected $56. Out Pontypool way, Cub leader Vern Kish and his' son Rodýney also put on a drive for the Telethon and they came up with $67 that they took to Toronto, a nd appeared on television. Nice going! NEED A CALENDAR - Carson Elliott of North- cutt Elliott's Funeral Home has some supurb calendars for 1976 that he's eager to give away to anyone who would like one. Just give him a caîl or drop in, he'll be happy to hear from you. Just don't stay too.long. We'e plugging him here because he inserted an advertisement about the calendars and only had one caîl, and that's not the response we like to see from anyone' s advertisinig; it's no good for business. MISSED A FEW - The editor and his spouse-. driver extend apologies to thie folks at St. Paul's United Church hiere, PontYpool, Bally- duff and probably others who were holding part ies on New Year's Eve. We didn't start out until after that thrilling Montreal Canadiens vs the Soviet Armiy hockey game and had to hustie to reach as many as we did. Photos from mnost of themi appear on the front of the second sec- tion. Individuals, ire not identîfied but give an ovcralpicture of how the young and the more advanced in years brought in the New Year thrughutmost of the area. We hope We are around to contact the o-thers next ye, ar. W'hl wager those who were celebrating mn spots wherýe there was no booze feit mach better tlhe next morning.. KICK THE HABIT -- Don't foret this is 'Kick the Hab)it' Week- and we don't mrean thie work habit. And we just bought severalpake of thocse viile weeds they caIli cigarettes. Pobets!- bore thiýs ouf The hallw' aseul c!ecoratCed witýha profusion of colours astres were ( Turn To Page Twoý,,) While1 6cD rive r SeekPig HeIpn. Aside from t 'he Tuesday even ng cal to a car fire On Trul's Ro-ad, south Of High- way 2, and a staindby ,with foam protection while a tank truck was remnoved from the ditch Friday morning, Bow.- manville firemen 'have had a fairly quiet holiday session. The only other cal' received was for a car fire on New Year's nighit (Jan. 1) on Courtice "Road, north Of Higch- way 2. The 7:31 p.m. fire, believed to have been. caused by the vebiicle's electrical sybtem, burned the dash and frontý seat upholster-y. The 1971 Crse apparent- iy quit running and the operator.,àGigrt Bertrum of Pontypool,Vwent to get a tow trcfinding he vehice on firewhenhe rtured. The Royal Canadian Legion hall extensiý've renovations that will provîi parking lýotshn above.-, as well as mn facilities, washrooms and Changes ih appearance and ueuns of the bul] enire project aind fromp the comm reniý were delighited with the results of thÈ Reporter Digs 0f Assessiga Bis Now undeý Bv Liz ,ArmnstronF, if youÏ'vep tried f0 pay your waýDter 'bih afthe Public Uf1ilities Céommrission lately you've already discovereci that the local PUC office doesn't mwant your nmoney. ..bu bbef ore y, ou close your wailet, ifi shoud bepointed t oufthaf the heganpwiljy accept if. Tocj lear up theý confuision that mn people have ex-peri- enced in the monfhs, it m& briefly -whaË'4' wif h Vhe wat how if wiil a:i Since Janl Regional Muiý ham has bee dut ies of fi progressive bý f0 water and[ though at ai on QuenStreetreelyunderw de a new at!traýctive entirance from. ~iny chanige:s to the interior. New kit-C i the mnain hall have alItered the ins lding. Don Brooks wias in charge of s heard ovier NlewYars the memInb ir $55,000 expenditlure. rReg'o ontrol ly lhelp 10 revî'ew been happening er systemn and fect cosmes uary 1975, thle icipaifty of Dur- 'n assum-,ing the ýe PUCs 0on a ýasis wifh respect serservices, recent regionai mnenfafiio.o the uniform, sewerï rate was effectiveiy bocked lfor th'ýe time being by oshawa, Accordig f0J..Garfey, %h Commiissioner aofFiac for the regiion "the newv compferzedbiùling sysîem wil ue extremel ueful nc, economica, hughbetwcen (urn To Page wo DrierNot Hurt When Tranker Rolils (ver )rchrdviw Evd., Bowmpanville, escaped linjury F4riday morning ýwhen the f ýviïng ainan ice coevered road,1 skidided Jintl te ditch andrlld nto its siçie, re, Firemnen fr-om 1Bo)wma-nville wiere calleéd toq the scneas a precautionary n ono iý Towng'tnmvehicle hauled the tanker b>ack onto -)ils whiee!s The sî,o, --Photo by bu CI 1 ý Anti-iniiation r %,,W# %,,, t,,e u m %J v we 1 1 m Z; vv g ýr:r m e

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