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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 6

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6 TI.a Canadiai' Stâtesman. Bewmanville, January 7, 1976 Section Two .Firemen Douse Flcmes in Burning Car 1Bowmanville Fireman Brian Smith,,lef t, sheds a littie light on the subject while his comrade Mïke Murphy douses the flames in the engine compartment of a. 1974 Datsun which caught fire Sunday evening Dec. 2lst. on Preston Road, 1.5 miles north of uighway 2. The. .vehicle owned and driven by Robert Willoughby of Hampton took fire while being driven south on Preston Road, the entire front end and much of the interior being destroyed to an approxima te loss of $2,000. Cause of the 7 p.rm. blaze remains lrknown.- Photo by Doug Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sutton and Stacey, Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Le e Dianne, Donna and Ronalâ were Saturday guests for a pre -Chrîstmnas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and family. On Sunday they enjoy- ed the Redmnond family ath - ering with Mr. andMrs. Robert Redmond, Lindsay. On Monday the Lee family left for a week's vacation to Pennsyl- vania. On Sunday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weston and son were evenîng dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford. Visitors for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Glover Ross, Miss Carolyn Ghent, Tavi- stock, Mr. andMrs. George Wolfe and John, R.R. Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin, Lynn and Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Edgar and Erin, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mappin and Tanya, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frew, Dwayne and Andrew, visited and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew, Alan and Virginia for their pre-Christ- mas party. For Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nsbitt and family. Mr, and Mrs. Clarke W il- liams, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and family had their family gathering on Wednes- day, with Mr. and-Mrs. Doug Fallis and boys, Bowmanvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams remaîned overnight and spent Christmas Day with the Fallis family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew and Virginia spent a few days with relatives in the Delhi area. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenkins and Jim were with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jenkins, R.R. Blackstock for Christ- mas. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer, Garry, Steph- anfle and Dougie spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shaw and Charlene at, Oak Ridges. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Roh- rer were holiday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brooks at Port Loring. On Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian joined wîth other members of the family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Groves at Roseneath. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hoogeveen, Bob and Anne, Blackstock were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wygerde and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Leish- man, Jamie and Michael, Reaboro, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister, Karen, Keith, Cal- vin and Vîcki, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holland, Bowmanville had their Christ- mas family party on Frîday with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish. On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson were hostsfor a family gathering. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry, Larry and Joy, Miss Jo-Ann Ledus, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Balley, Howard and Tara Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Mairs and Steven. For Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson joined with other members of the family at the home of Mrs. Jas. Naylor, Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Wilson are vacationing with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price, Montreal. For Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross and family visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, Senior and with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason of Myrtie Station. Dr. W. F. MacKenzie, Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Sadier, had Christmas break- fastý with Mr. and- Mrs. Richard- MacKenzie, Claire and Leslie Ann. Mr. Wayne MaKezi sent the dayit his brother te Richard Mac- Kenzies. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Sadier were dinner guests of his mother Mrs. Robert Sadier, sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wetherall, Bowmanville. The Richard MacKenzies spent Friday with her parents the Sadlers. For Saturday mid- day dinner the MacKenzies, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer, Corby- ville were guests of the Sadlers. On Saturday the Richard ýMacKenzies were evening dinner guests of his parents Dr. and Mrs,' W. F. Ma'cKen- zie, Toronto. For evening dinner on Christmas, guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Earl were Mr. anea. Mrs. Wilfred Vine, Laurel, Darlene and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams, Scott, Dale and Neil, Constable Jerry Bowers of Miflbrook, Mrs. Larmen Hyland and Mrs. Hattie Cole visited Mr. Larmen Hyland, in the Com- munity Nursing Home, Port Perry, on Christmas and had mid-day dinner there. Even- ing dinner guests with Mrs. Ryland were Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen and Carl, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutton, Lori, Debbie and Tracey, of Peterborough. On Friday evening Mrs, Hyland had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen. Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw, Pam and Carryann,ý Port Hope spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw and family. During the day they ail talked with their daughter Brenda in Vancou- ver, Mrs. Ed Lawson, Mr. Bruce Lawson, Mr. and Mrs.* Bruce Heaslip spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrrs. Marwood Me- Kee, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robin- son, and, Tom, Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Weylie McKeown, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Mc- Keown, Caledon East, Mrt.'and Mrs. Allan Irvine,' Bowman- ville, Mrs. Alvin Bruce, Miss Marjorie Bruce, Port Perry visited with the Bruce Hea- slips on Sunday of last week. Corid Services 161 BASE LUNE ROAD E. BOWMANVILLE 24-HOUR SERVICE-623-6281 Specialists In: Furnae lann, ntaltin AUTHORIZE15 CONSUMERS' GAS DEALER Maintenance Contracts and Appliance Sales M;Ilbrook Arecna Closed JontOwnershi*pSuh F rFinancing Repaîrs Although the fate of the firm froin Toronto. heavily damaged by the for Millbrook arena is still being The firm's examination of' of the explosion, and repli( questioned, a report from the building found that it could ment of the external shel Millbrook Reeve K en Blair he repaired and such a report Reeve Blair had receîv indicates that the Ministry of was forwarded by Millbrook only one quotation as of Di Labor "was not satisfied with counicil to the Ministry. 21, from a contracterw the rivate structural eng- The Ministry found the estimated it would tal« ineers report and feels more report to be inadequate and an month to remove the damag extensive examination of the emergency meetin g between roof. building- is required. " Millbrook, South Monaghan Additional prices are e The arena was examincu and Cavan was called for Dec. awaited, after which a seco following the propane gas 118 to discuss alternatives, joint -meeting is to be cal explosion which shattered the The meeting decided that It, is felt that an open- nearby Steenburg home Dec. prices should be obtained for building would be a workal 4, by a private engineering removal of the roof, most solution for the arena which -,CutYou s ,ym.ns inHal -Consolidate Ail Your Loans - Pay Off an Existing Mortgage - Combine 2 ýMortga-ges into One - Purchase or Improve Property Any Worthwhile Purpose Farms- Commercial - Resîdential Mike ougehin Tel. 705-743-2501 Great NorthernFinancial Corp. -SAME DAY APPROVALS - I orce ace- ived >ec. who iged ed. i-air able bhis useci primarily auring ,the winter. In this regard, replacement of the present wooden shel with a reinforced steel struct- ure would be the first of several stages in the eventual complete reconstruction pro- gram. Such is the basis for the joint meetings of the three municipalities for the prob- able formation of a joint LONG SAUT Mr. Fred Partner, Orone; and Mrs. Sophie Kovacs were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble, Tyrone, were Christmas Eve visttors and Mr. and Mrs, Keith Goble and boys, Black- stock, were Christmas Day callers. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harm- er, R.R. 1 Bowmanvilhe, were Sunday callers and Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook were Sunday supper guests of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van- eyk entertained their chihdren and grandchildren te a family Christmas supper la Hampton Hall Wednesnay evenîng. Af- ter a very delicieus supper with ahi the trimmings, gîfts w.ere opened and ahi joined li singing Christmas carols, closing off a memorahie evenîng with dancing. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. De Mille and family, Bowmanville -and Sun- day callers of Mr-. and Mrs, A. Vandyk, Bradford. Happy New Year. ownersbip agreement, Mill- brook beîng unabie to carry the financial burden on its own. Under the present agree- ment, Millbrook is the sole owner of the building and therefore the res ponsible partv for upkeep and repairs, while South Mouaghan and Cax au are represented on the arena board to share any expenses for renovations and repairs xith Millbrook. The day to day operation bas beeri covered by the charges for ice-time. Seeing a joint ownerhip of the arena as the only feasible way a new ai ena could ever he bufit, Re'eve Blair is encourag- ing sîichan arrangement. 1 The village of Mllbrook just doesn't have the nec- essary capital to front such a major expendîture," he states, Regarding the present hock- ey season and use of the arena, Reeve Blair explained that "no teams have been out, everyone is stili playing hock-ý ey and skating. .Althougb it bas been an ineonvenîeîice, otber alternat- ives have been found and no one is missing out., He conclu des, "I 'cannot f oresee, however, any more use of theMillbrook arena for thîs winter season. (intended for last wecek> Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Welts and famîly on the death of ber father rMý. Ernil Liscka in Germnatv on Thursdav. Dec. 25. Mi s. Welts left on Saturday to attend the funeral service on Monday Dec. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fîsh were dinner guests on Satur- day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and family, Reaboro and over- night guests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannîster, Lindsay. On Sunday, Dec. 21, they vîsited ber aunt Mr. Russel Giles in Oakwood and called on Mr. Giles in the Bon Air Nursing Home in Cannington. In the evening tbey were supper guests of Mri andMsDa Corby, R.R. Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Proutt were boists on C'hristmas Day for a famiîly gatherîng. Guests were Mis. Ivan Proutt, Miss Ruth Proutt, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Caro- lyn and friend and Douglas, Lîïndsay, Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Gînn spent Tuesday to F'riday with their daughter and hushand, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stinson and famnily, R.R. Oshawa. For Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson were guests of Mr. an d Mrs. Joe Brndburn, R.R. Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bul- iock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hudson and familv, the familîrs of Mr. and-Mrs. Bob Presser, Mr. and Mrs. Don Prosser and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prosser were Christmas mor- ning visitors with tbeir mother Mrs. George Prosser. In the eveuîng Mrs. Prosser, Senior was a dinuer guest with the Don Presser family. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Groves and family were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hudson and family, Mr. and ýMrs. Ken Hudson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Peter borough, speut Tuesday to Tbursday wîth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McColl. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Sutton aud fàmily, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quackenbush visit- ed for Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quackenbush, at Pleasant Point. Guests on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. V. Sutton and famnilv weî e Mr. Harry Petherîck, Ontario Thee rethe fcs Outario's nexv Residential Premises Rent Reviexx Act affects most landlords and tenants in the province. The act allows tor a review of the amount of rent a landlord niay charge. Landlords and tenants should be aware of their righ ts and responsibilities under this legisiation. The Ontario Goveraiment is in the process of establishing rent review offices in major centres across the province. Review officers will hear disputes on rent increases by botb landiords and tenants. A rent review board is beinqý esîablisbed ta hear appeals by tenants and landiords against the decisions of rent review officers, What does the act cover? " apartments e bouses e townbouses * duplexes " triplexes e rooming bouses e mobile-home sites " rent-geared-to-incanie unîts What are the exceptions? " certain non-profit housing or non-profit ca-operatives *units in a batel. motel or vacation borne which are rented for a seasanal or temparary period not exceeding four montbs *buildings that were first occupied as residential premises on or after Jan. 1, 1976. *commercial premises How does it work? Ifyiou have entered inta or reneîved a lenanc'e agreement which becamne effective herwveen fa/y 30, and Dec. 31, 1975ý, inclusive. vou shou!d he oivare that: The maximum rent increase far.sucb agreements cannot exceed eigbt per cent af tbe rent cbarged during tbe lasi fulrnonth prier ta Aug. 1, 1975, unless: (a) the tenant and landiord agree on a bigher rate of rent, or (b) tbe lanA lord obtaîns tbe necessary approval from a rent review officer. A landiord may apply ta ai rent review oficer for permission to increase rent more tban eight pet cent. A tenant may file an application witb the landiord requiring bim tojustify any increase. Ibese applications must be made by Jan. 31, 1976. Should ai landlord and tenant agree on an increase in vent above the eigbt per cent guide- line. thex' must com~plete and sign a vent increase agreement ne later than Jan. 17, 1976. Copies cf these aLyreemenîxsbould be kept bv both parties. Fotis nmax be ohtained bx xritine Rent Reviexx. Box 580. Pýostal Station 1-._Toronto. M4Y 21-8. Or xou mav xxisb to use the t'ormn publislied recentlx n this newspaper. However. a teniant ma% cancel sucb an aLreernent bx comipleîung a statemient of revocation xx thin 30 davs of tbesigninq ot the acreenment. Bx, si-nine- a rent increase acreerment the tenant x icsthe'riîeblt te appeal the increase duringe the. pctîod Juls 30. toDec. 31. l975 EThe tenant also waîx es the riuebt to collect a rebate of rent as prox ided for ini this act. other tban the. aitintn of rehate. ifany. stated in the vent increase aoreemient. Rent increase asteemenîs do not appîx l'ot anx period after Dcc. 31. 1975. and do not coflstitute a wxaive etof the tenani's riglit to appeal the anciftl of vent clbare-ed on or allerlan. 1. 1976. T he vent increase agreecments do not relieve tbe landlord from bis oblioatien to obtain approval ft'om a vent reviexx officer for any rent increasse cbateed on or after Jan. 1. 1976 tbat is more "than eigbt pet cent of the July, 1975 vent. Where the landiord and tenant do not agree on a vent increase above the eizbt pet cent. tIse tenant is entitled to a rebate of any vent paid in excess ai eight pet cent by Feb, 16, 1976. If the landiard fails ta make such a rebate tbe tenant may apply ta a vent reviewx officer. ý1/a lenanc r agreement beconzes e//ectiive or i.s r-enesu'edhelrweenii1an. 1, anýdJfili 31, 1976. indlusitv, vau shou/d /s nowv: A landlord wbo xxishes an increase of mate iban eiîgbî pet cent,,must file an application witb his vent teview office and notifv tbe tenant at least 60 days befere the increase is scheduled ta become effective. In respect to those rentai increases taking effect beîxxeen ian. 1. and Feb. 29. 1976. tbe application miusi be made bx ian. 31. 1976. A tenant wbo wisbes to appeai an increase bas 60 days in wbich ta file an application witb bis ý landlard requiring him t j ustify the increase. lu case of a hearing, a date wihl be set by the lreut review officer and bath landiord and tenant will he netified, After the hearing the vent review oflicet wilt establish the vent, and mav order retroactive: adj ustm cis. What is a tenancy agreement? A tenancy agreement gýives a tenant the rigbt ta occupy a particular dwelling,.oetote enew the right to vent a particular dwxelling. Tbe a-reement can be ,vritten, verbal or implied. In other wards, even if you don't bave a wtitten lease vou are covered bN the le.gîsiation. Fot writn aotreernents, the Reni revicxx le-islation is tied to the dweiling -)n an annuai basis xitb tbe Julv. '1975. rent taken as the base tenu. Who attends hearings?, Tenarnts, lanieords or their representatives sbeuld attend rent reviexx bearings. Fai lure to appear or be represented rernoves the rigb t to appeal tht rent review officer's decision. The hearings xviii bc informiai, and every effort xviii be made to keep the procedures simple so Ibat imdix iduals may conduct their own cases. A rent review officer bas the power ta cal witnesses and to order the production of the necessary documents. Tcnanîris.yhouild b i arethuat, s/îoild îhev appeî 1 lheir renti icrease Ita areni rev/iwo1ic/jùcthe a//ucer coaiHperint t/he landiord a greater itucre se' than t/he ane oiginalî koiandcd W'here ci lanillard has heeui required Ib jusiift an e vîsting or praposed renir increase, tie rent revul.e i o//i cer mas' ad/ast the lent Io an aininuirheloitt me original reuit les el. [Jntil the rent rex iew miechanisrn is in place. please do not telephone. You can obtain furthe r information on the Residential Premises Rent Review Act by writing: Rent Review, Box 580, Postal Station F. Toronto, M4Y 21-8 z Province of Ontario THqORT"HUMBERLAND &NPEWCA-STLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION at COYURTICE SECONDA RY SCHOOL In *ANTIQUE COLLECTING *CAKE DECORATING *CROCHETING *HANDYMAN MECHANICS *JUDO *PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR WOMEN 2*QUILTING ~2- *SEWING *YOGA Thurs. Jan 8, 1975 7,9 p. m. à CiOOL TLEP"iHONE:728-5146 1

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