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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1976, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Jiiuéir Bowmanville Pet Shop 623-2921 Model Aircrafts, Boats and Accessorîes plus R.C. 34 KIng St. W. Bowmanvillo LO 1 LOWI PRICES 1 We Do Dog G'rooming - KINSMEN KINSMVEN SUPER BINGO E' PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 7:30 p.m. Friday, January 9th $6,500 in Prize Money 4 EARLY tiIRDS 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50. Each Three r $150 Games Kinsmen Arena Game $300 Pof GolId $1,000 Special or Less or $300 I $500 Full Card Consolation Win $2,500 Jackpot if won in 58 numbers $1,500 Must Go $100 Free Lap Card Game Admission: 50 cents KINSMEN A NEW YEAR AT THE Newcastle Visual Arts Centre (in the historic Cream cf Bariey Mili on Simpson Ave. in Bowmanvîile) COURSES BEGINNING IN JANUARY Basic Pottery Jan. 12 - March 15 Monday afternoons 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 10 lessons Teacher: Wynne Wonnacott Fee: $25.00 Life Drawing Jan. 14 - Mardi 17 Wednesday afternoons 1:30 -3:30 p.m.l10lessons Teacher: Joan Stacey Fee:- $25.00 Advanced Pottery Jan. 15 - Mardi 18 Thursday evenings 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. 10 lessons Teacher: Mary Doezema Fee: $30.00 Monoprinting January 17 Saturday 9:00Oa.m. - 5 :00p.m. Teacher: Joan Dean Fee: $10.00 For registration details cali: Jean de BMois at 623-2196 or write: Newcastle Visuai Arts Centre Box 52, Bowmanville, Ontario Other courses pIanned for ithe future include: Building Model Airpianes, Soapstone, Sculpture Children's Art 7-10 Yrs., Ch~idren's Dra ma, Watercolour Painting, Si Ikscreen, and Basic Photography Ail Courses at the Newcastle Visual1 Arts Centre in Bowmanville, Home cf the "Newcastle Ga me" CABLECAST LISTINGS 00O Durham Rep ort 5:30 Journey, to Adventure 6:30 That's Magie, with Phil Pitman 7:00 Whitby Then and Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 The 3R's with Dave Hodkinson 9:00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventist 9:30 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. John Robb 10:00 Sign Off Thursday, January 8 2.30 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. John Robb 3:00 Shalom 4:00 Daytime 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Whitby Then and Now 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy 6130 Performance 7:00 The New Leaf 7:30 Rescue 8:00 Soleil 8:30 Faith Baptist Church Service 9:30 Expression: "Big Bro- thers"' with Bob Weber 10:00o Sign Off Friday, January 9 3:00 Testimonial Dinner for Rev. John Robb 3:30 Expression 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Music and the Spoken Word 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 That's Magie 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off Sunday, Januaryl 11:00 Shalom, for the Jewish Community 12:00 Music and the Spoken Word 12:30 Amazing Grace, a pro- gram of Bible Study 1:00 Church Today, with a Catholic viewpoint 1:30 Ritson Road Alliance Church Service 2:30 Wbat Does the Bible Say? 3: 00 Sign Off Monday, January 12 4: 00 Shalomn 5: 00 Daytime, a program for the Ladies 6:00 Evening Report, Corn- munity NewVs 6:30 Amazing Grace 7:00 Counteýrpoînt, a program with a Christian viewpoint 7:30 University Women's Club Presents: Ken, Munro, "Women in Education"~.1 8:00 Expression, with Ai-Non Members 8:30 Journey f0 Adventure Tuesday, January 13 4:30 Expression 5:00 Church Today 5:30 Counterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Er- cole Foresta 7:30 Durham Report, with Bruce _McArthur and Jack Gearin 8:00 Performance, music Larry Chupa 8:30 The New Leaf, with Gordon Wick 9:00 Hotline to Heaven, Topie "The Christain Need for Life Insurance" 9:30 Sign Off NOTE: Programs subject to change without notice. ENF'IELDJ After Christmas celebra- tions at home Mark and Malcolm Simpson spent a week skiing north of Montreal. They were guests of Greg King a fellow student. Kelly Simpson enjoyed a few days holidaying with her rcousins in Ottawa. Sunday guests at the R.B. Simpsons were Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mintern, Acton. Keith Bottomley and Jennifer, Georgetown, Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Ryerson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz and family, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Kossatz and girls, Barrie. UN CONCERT NEWt -Quadraphonic Sound - Horn Section Saturdoy, January lOth 8:00 p.m. TICKETS ON SALE: Shoppers Record & Tape Mart - Oshawa Centre Sports Villa Auditorium Box Office ADMISSION: Advance $4.00- At door (a fter 6: 00 P. M.) $4.50 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mercer had her family and parents. Mrs. F. Wheeler was with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Westheuser were with Thick- son'son Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Frew had Mr. an~d Mrs. A. Frew, Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. A. Frew and son, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyko and son, Baltimore, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremco, Orono and Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thick- son had Christmas dinner on Saturday, December 27th and had ýMr. and Mrs. Robert Westheuser and girls, Mr. and Mrs. John Dekoker. Sunder- land, Mr. and Mrs. H Staats and Linda, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore and girls, Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. J_ Skvenhuysen, Toronto, Mrs. Brenda Fowler and two girls, Port Hope wiih Mr. and Mrs. Staats and Mr. Moore staving over until Sunday and Mrs. Moore and girls staying until Tuesla.. "Walter Beath, Chairman of the Municipality of the Regfion of Durham with Mrs. M.B. Dymond, President, Durham Region Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, as he proclaimed the week of January llth to l7th "Kick the Habit Week." This is a national program activity- its objectives are in keeping with the recommendations of the Third World Conference on Smoking and Health. Write to your TB-RD Association for a free "Kick the Habit Kit." Photo Courtesy Port Perry Star 'Kic the Habit' Week Launched in Durham This week is a busy one. With KICK THE HABIT campaigns nagainst smoking. Christmas Seal associations across the country are waging an intensive campaign to urge smokers t o chuck their cigarettes, pipes and cigars for a day, a week a month. Forever, hopefully. Becoming a nonsmoker HIS CIA CODE NAME 15 CONDOR. IN THE NEXT SEVENTY-TWO HOURS ALMOST EVERVONE HE TRUSTS WILL TRY TO KILL HlM. INO DE LAURENTIIS PRESENTS ROBERT REDFORD FAYE DUN-,AWAY CLIFFROESN MAX VON l"SYDOW INAÀ STANLEY SCHNEIDER PRODUCTION A SYDNEY POL.LACK FILM 0F -TH- E JOÏHN HO',-USEMAN eu, ,DAVID OUl~oco O OE OCCCC 0ýo .JAMES (iRADY eLORENZO SEMPLE, JR. -.oDAVD RAYFIEL ,.oceSTANLEY SCHNEIDER .--,,eSYDNEY POLLACK PANAVIIONO TECHNICOLORe A PARAMOUNT RELEASE Held Over ieOshawa Centre NIGH4TLY Cinema I 7-00-9:15 Oshawa Centre NIGHTLY Cinema 2 7:10-9:25 takes practice. Most smokers try to quit once and fail. And try again - and again. It's al p ractice; and eventually they kick the habit or cut down drastically. But some heavy smokers simgly have f0 quit 'cold turkeyP'. They are s0 hungup on smoking that they have to make a dramatie and complete break. Smokers quit successfully adopt certain attitudes. They see quitting as a big plus and smoking as a major minus. Smokers who don't manage f0 quit still see tobacco as a kind of friend, always there when needed. La contrast, these smokers resent being de- prived of tobacco. Thinking of quitting as a positive act instead of per- sonal deprivation makes the difference. And one in every three persons who tries to q uit succeeds. More than 2 mil lion Canadians have now kicked the habit.' A KICK THE HABIT KIT is available free from your Christmas Seal Association. This kit provides the special assist lots of smokers want. If y ou missed the kit application form in last week's news- paper, write to the Durham e ion TB-RD Association. They also have information about a smoking withdrawal course startïng 1ebruary 9th. ELIABTHV1L LE On Sunday the sacrament of the Holy Communion was held, it being the first Sunday in the new year. The choir sang and Reli. R. Bartlett spoke on "Thtý Divine Invita- tion." Next Sunday evening the annual Interdenomina- tional Service of Unity will be held at St. John's, Port Hope. Speaker Rev. Glen Barrett. An oyster supper is to be held in January. Many parties were held over the holidays. Christmas visi- tors were also many. Mr. Tom Wood spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wood, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill held Christmas and had Mr. and Mrs. J. Curries and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. John Quantrill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Quantrill, Hamilton, and Mrs. M. Quantrili, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Holden, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pea- cock spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Peacock, Bolton. Mr. andi Mrs. Alan Sheppard held Christmas for the Shep- pard family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgîns had his mother and brothers from near Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty had Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty and their girls with their husbands or boy friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mercer were with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crombie, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Frew, Millbrook nad Mr. and Mrs. Ken Frew and their family for dinner on Saturday. Mrs. Inez Todd is home from the hospital. Mr. E. F. Fowler's broken finger is : coming along nicely. Many had New Year's,- parties. A number attended the one at Canton Hall with a supper and trimmings at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker held the Powell New Vear c gathering with just the par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. D. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Frew and others. Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Der- emeo, Orono, had some of the cousins and Mr., and Mrs. S. M MacLean and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Varemo had the Beatty family and Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty on New Years. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler held the New Year's dinner on the Sunday and had the whole family Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson, Miss Casselton and Miss Bivi. Gari-en Hill Sunday Sehool held a excellent Christmas Concert on December 2lst, with songs and skits. Lunch e was served by the Explorer Fr Group. Little Alyson Westheuser is in Oshawa Hospital with a - high fever. She will have tests to see what is wrong this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer, Montreal, were home over the week of holidays and they had Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer. Also Mr. and Mrs. Fajt and family, Mr. and Mrs. 9K R. Provost and Angie were 9Ki with Mercers at Christmas, Going to the Atirport? Ta ke Trentway Bus Lines Limited Daily Limousine Service and 'Air Express Service, Ser'ving Bowmanville and Newcastle Area For Further Information and Reservations Cali BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 623-3182 or 885-8166 **da 50SSO SO SOSOSO 1 SS00SS*S -Un c *PCAL N IN Moen*isyigTcnq o Me a* eoen 21 T mpirrice St. 2%C-,4 1 'à B wmü vîle Adam & Ev Wewoldfiettan Wliomenstmr adfrun o : hi 2 Teprane rSt 1. W23-419 197owile Hap anerseos erfryu *e are s laedt nu an se e on *pontet eîhJa vial o *oda eoWdedy :0 ..t :0P *emnn "Seeil 0 Re.$00ee.$50 * NO w $2*0eW 2 5 ÀorOSTARANT MON DAY -THURSDAY 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. FRIDAY& SATURDAY 6 a.m. - 1a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11: 30 p.m. Serving Deliclous Chinese Food Take-Out Orders ASpecialtys e Delivery in Bowmanville on Ail Orders of $6.00 or More Full Course Meals inac Home-Like Atmosphere. ng St. W. 623-5412 Corne to the Oron o Jamb oree Sunday January 1llth 2: 00 p. m. ORONO TOWN HALL GU EST ARTISTS: 1Irv Mil ler - Reg Post Marlene Ogar (Talented 15-Year-OId) Bowmnanvilleý's Bill Luxton OUR REGULARS The Country Hits with Fay Adams Glory and'Don Adams Joe Howe - Lee Summersca les

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