verStc ~ethe Bowmanville ýajor, Midgets won the SMidget Tourne and peting in theeSLver 1Ahmiiinary Finals were mi ljýy Streetsvilie. r fir st game at Bra- the Silver Stick tour- the locais defeated 4-2. Goal scorers'for viller- w.ere John Con- -ry Sarginson, Jerry and E-'ddie Gruyterî1. 0Wv an onHogarth 3 w assists with one Brept Badour.' eir second game Bay Ridges Minors ýtook a promising tack off and allow ýces to tie the game ie third period.ý The nie back'to life witb ý)nes to win 5-3. John ,Bowmanville, January 14, 1976 le Sports Mi*dgets by Streetsville in Preliminary Final Conboy bad onegoal and tbree Witb their first taste of assists, Terry Sarginson and league action in about two Jerry Leddy eacb one goal and weeks, the Midgets travelled one assist. Don Farrow and to Whitby where they fought to Chris Marchant had tbe other a 5-5 draw. The teamn was goals, while assists were ahead but again they slacked credited to Rick Mackey, off and enabled thebhome team J'erry Johnston and John to capitalize on their scoring Hogarth (2). cbances, In their final' ame the Jerry Johnston had one goal squad came up against a fast and tbree assists, Brent Ba- fore-checking, and a good dour and Don Farrow, one backchecking club and wvete goal andl one assist each, wbile unabie to overcome tbem. The Rick Mackey and John Con- finai outeome was 5-2 for boy rounde out tbe scoring Streetsvilie. Tbis was the Single assists went to Mark team's sixth game in four Lavigne, Hogarth, Mark Star- days and tbey were definitely key and Sarginson. tired and sore. Mark Lavigne The team bas a couple of and Jerry Jobnstonfi red the league games left in regular only two goals while Eddie season play and are lookîng Gruyters, John Hogar-th and forward to the Georgetown John Conboy eàcb got one Tourney and, the Ail Ontario assist . Playdowns. _____ For Little One's 3, Bob Gi, Mark Hickey, Randy Smait. Hires Root Beer 1, Bruce Cokeé. Atom January &th, Orange Crush 4, John Japteyn, Rielk Bakýer, Charles Sneed, Darry i Muller., Graham's I.G.A. . Shutout to Kevin Westlake. 'Tea ana-dings MayGray 2-2735, Joan Suteiffe 2-2718, ,Diane, Ho- warth 1-2774, Mary Bates 1-2615. High Single Bernice Partner 297. High Triple Bernice Partner 692. High Average Bernice Partner 231. 11 275 Club Bernice Partner 297. Top 10 Averages Bernice Partner 231, Nyhil Sheeban 221. Anne Plazek 202, Mary Brown's Novice Toros Pick Up Pair of Victor i e s to Take Sizable Lead in Leac>ue, Bow manvilie's Mary Brown's Novice Alil-Stars pic- ked up a pair of victories on the weekend in O.M.HA. League play to take a com- mandin leadatop the Lake- shore Novice League with a total of 29 p oints. On Saturday, January lO0tb, tfe Witby-Brooklin 'squad Denise Annaert 201, Dianie Howartb 197, Joan tlsutc "lfe 195, Irene Whitney 191, MaýIry Gray 178, Virginia Fairey 174, Wilma Bates 170. paid a visit to Memorial Arenia and were banded a 3-0 defeat. At the beginning of the, first Seriod, the visitors had the orne side penned in their own end for 'the- first severai minutes until Jeff Dawson checked a W-B defender and skated tbe length of tbe ice to score the o ening goal Tbe wboie compexion of thegame chaniged, at this point with% the Bowanvlieteam taking con- trol of thie contest. In the miiddle period, Tom McLa9ughiin, fired the second goal ofl the game, witb the assists going to Kevin Clark and defenceman Brian Heard wbo had blasted the puck froýn the point. Team Cap tain Chris Dreossi scoredthe last goal of the game, assisted by his right winger McLaughlin. The To- ros were without the services of one of their "power" players, %Greg Watson wbo was out of action, due to illness, as well as goaltender Richard, Smitb. Tracy Ste- phens was calied up froni the Re ce a tion League for- this game and played extremeiy well. Chris Clîf ton was in poal for Bowmanville and gaîned a weIl-deserved shutout, coming up with several big saves, particularly in the openiing stanza. On Saturday ~vnnthe Mary Brown's Novice Toros travelled to '0bourg for a re-scheduled Lýeague game, and skated to a 1-0 win. This conVtest turned out to be "Jon Clieff Night" as hle scored tbree goal and assisted on the other one for bis best effort of. the seasûn. Clieff opened the scoringý late in the opening priod assisted by Greg Watson and Mark Little. In the middle period Wat- son scored the second Toro mfarker, the assist going to Ciieff. Clieff connected for bis second at thie 8:43 mark, assisted by bis centreman Watson, who played a strong gaxne. Witb 3:46 remaining in the game., Clleff 'completed the "bat trick", with -the assist ~ igto defencem4n Briani eard.- The line of Watson Littie and Clief f bas developed into one of mostpotent scoring tbreats of the Novice League, with each of the linemates e ving it a great effort. Chris Iifton was again in the nets for Bowmanville picking Up bis team's eighth shutout of the season. The Bowmanville squad has scored a total of 75 goals, allowed 15 for a Goals Aainst average in 15 games of 1,.0hTey 'now have a record of 13 wins including a ;4-pointer", one tie and one loss to bold sole possession of first place. Courage without conscience is a wild beast." 1 11 encers D ef eat Brooks & RS U1 spencer Real Estate oosB.P. piayed a giht hoýckey game, witb rs comiýng out on top ýi the tbîird period. rs started the scorîng 'I in tbe Ëfrst wben Flintoff bit witb Jirti ;assisti'ng. Brooks ,ack and took tbe lead, the lirst ended, wben wtes scoredî with Rick r gttinig the assîst and Poliard hitting witb impson assistinig. ýks kept tbeir drive ýn tbie second as, Ken scord just 30 sçconds .îe period witb Jimn and Rick Wooiner rig. Spencers finaily d bCack to tie the game ýwo goals by Rick acher getting the first rant Flintoff assisting kve Greliting vitb ker andm- Waynie Paedien Brok ook the lead, witbh Rick Shackleton frýom Jim Burtcb and uson. Spencers tied it cfore the second ended im- Baker scored witb Paeden picking up the rprise Franks The third period went score-, from Larry Perris. iess until the' 18:ý45 nMark wben The third period saw Franks Rick Rademacher scored go out in front witb a taliy from Gant Fiintoff and Wayne from Bob Harness with Ted Paeden to give Spencers a 5 to Brown getting the assist. Then 4 victory over Brooks. with 2:15 leftnin the period D&R Tlhe second game saw DMR started their drive when Brian Sports stun, W. Frank Reai Bradley scored witb George Estate by comning back late Sainsbury getting tbe assist, ini tbe third (o corne out with a and theni Larry Perris scored victory. D&Rl started the bis tbird fromn Brian Bradley scoring, wben Larry Perris bit and George Sainsbury. Final- witb George Sainsbury assist- ly Eiroy Trimible tailîed from ing. Franks came right back Mike Corneli to give D&9 when Briail Rowe tallied with Sports a 7 to 5 win o,-ver W. Steve Burns and Brian Hughes Frank Real Estate. getting the assists. D8R took Next week, Franks take on the iead again wben Mike Brooks in the early mratch and Corneli scored witbi Randy Spencers meet D8B ini tbe late Donogbue setting up the play. encouniter. Franks didn't die as Brian Standings Hughes scored before the first W. Frank: Win 8, Loss 5, Tie ended wîth Steve Burns and 1, Points 17. R.B. Spencer: 7, Brian Rowe as.sitng. 5, 2, 16. D&R Sports 7, 7, 0, 14. Franks took the iead in tbe Brooks BP; 4, 9, 1, 9. second witb two goals by Gary Scoring Wilson wibRon Baker and Paul Forsey:ý Goals,18, AssistQ. Kim Rogers1 assisting, and 15, Points 33. Bob Howes: 13, Brian Rowe scoring an unas- 14, 27. Rick Woolner 8, 19, 27. sisted, sborthanded goal. D&_ irv Giil 11, 14, 25. Steve Burns: tied the gamne before the 11, 14, 25. Ron Baker: 6, 19, 25. second ended fromn Larry Dave Green 12, 11, 23. Brian Perris withn Bruce Osborne Hughes 9, 13, 22. Doug Crougb and George Sainsbury assist- 14, 7, 21. George Sainsbury: 3, ing and Brian Bradley scoring 17, 20. ro o k and Fran ks Tie ByvL.Biurný ranik Real Es te thmru sghs a gti-n )ols came bade ý--oal just befor (ed as Bob H h raRende] ýcond period ýo in front o: 1 goal by Rick ý ank's Steve E zsecond of the n Hughes and ýeping Io tie ,rooks went oi n when Rick ' J witb Ken Ho Before the se nks tied agai ýr scored withi etting Baker u I saw Franks ead wheni Paul Fo ed with Johin IHu, Defeat Whitby 4 toi1 tb o)nly two league games. )efore phay-offs, the Minor ets defeated tbe Whitby d by 4-1. The nigbt after Toro te-am tied- Bay ees, they fravelled to ýpton arena ta battie rîst the "large" Whitby d. efirst period remained iess as hotr.u teams play- rd but, becauxse of some defensiýve moves, both s rernaîned scoreless. earlIy in tbe second Id Brian Dennis broke tbe iokteas he deflected a into the net. Tim Button- and AI Brunt receiving ssists. Toro's scorecl i when Tim Buttonshaw .1 Brunt shot the puck out the corner. Near tbe end esecond perioci Whitby -i heir (only-goaL Defeat Spencers, ;tate, i g Brooks came cniar-- Spencers finally o stae, irg bekas Keni Hoimes bit board when Irv i Ince, twice Wvitb Wr ay Rendell, Rick from Rick Rdima fi iast Woolner and Bob lhowes ahl & R increased tbeir r anfks getting assists. Then with one Doug Crougb -scorE e first minfutç remralining, Franks wîth BarryOliver a. 3Witb, " their goaltender and Burgess assisting, an the flulle the gamue when Brian Sainsbury encing thý Eýt Hughes scored -witb Steve with Doug Croug ai ro the Burns.and Brian iiowe geting, Osborne assisting.' [owes the assîsts.1 D & R started the [1 and The second gamne saw D again as Doug Croug & R Sports môve into a second bis forth goal of the g saw place tie by defeating tbeir George Sainsbury -pi, nan co-point getters Spencer.Real the assist. Spencers Sbhac- Estate ? to 4. D & R star ted life as they scored tw Burns the gamne off with the only Peter Nowlan and Da, day gals in the first by Doug with Jim Baker, Waý Pau I rogb with George Sains- den and John Tayloi tbe bury and Bruce Osborne the assists. D & F Ut in, assisting, -Brian Evans wîth Cornell got their lastî Wool- Barry Oliver and Randy Randy Donoghuea Arnes Donoghue assisting, and Mike Spencers scored on( econd corniellgetting the third wîth before te gamne ende when Randy Donoghue getting the Gili with Dave Green iBob assist. Ashton assisting. ip. 1 The second period started Next week it's D &« take with D & R making it 4 to 0, on Brooks in the fi rsey wben Doug Crough talliekd Spencers meeting Fi ighes with Brian Evans assisting. the second. The Toros tallieci up, two more goals, as Brad Godfrey scored on a slap shot from the point on a power play. Brad also got the. iast goal as hie received a pass from linemate Ed 'Visser. On behaîf of tbe team, they would like to thank the crow for supporting tbe Minor , Midgets. The ,next game is Jan. l7tb at 8: 40 p m. In Whitby. Tie 3ý3 With Bay idge On Tuesday,Ja.6hte constitution Insurance Minor Midgets travelled to Bay Riciges to tie tbem 3 -3, The Bowmanvilhe squad came out flying in the first, period and electrified thecrowd, as they scored two goals in one minute. Brad Godfrey secoreci the fîrst -one, as bie flippeui the puck hi gW in the net, after he received a pass from ulnes- Jack and JI came Down the Nul but theye we renet ca rry ing ijust a pa jl1 of water THEY FIAD A BUNDIE 0F BARGAINS purchased at MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1YEARLY SALE of fine quality men's clothingan furnishîngs. Sale starts 8 Sîimcoe Street Nort-h Oshawva a stone's throw f rom the -i Corners. ot on tbe ill scored icher: D W lead as .d again and Marty id George he second and Bruce Bthird off igb bit for am itb =kngup came to wice from ve Green ayne Pae- ar getting- R's Mike goal with assistîng. .ce more [d by Irv, R taking 'irst and Pranks in ~nsituionMinor Midcgets Ridges' mate Gary Dusseldorp. Dan Stiegot tbe next one as be reeaed a quick slap shot in front of tbe net, wben Scott Stevens gave bim a pass, after be picked Up the puck from Dean, Rutherford., At this point, tbere were a few mental 'en-ors performed. by tbe Toro squad, wbich resulted . n a goal for the opposing teani. Dan Strike received credit for Bowmanvîhle's last goal, when be scored late in the first period. Scott Stevens and Dean Rutherford assisting The rest of the gamé inay Ridges scored the only goals, as Bowmnanviiie again macle a few errors, wbich cauised two more goals againist tbem. The third period scoreless, as both teams played bard toget the winning goal, but as shown, both came up emipty. Trhere was a total of 11 penalties caled in the game, as bth played rougb, but dlean.. Pee Wee January 7tb - Hires Root Beer 5, John Foote 2, Dereck Lamont 2, Don Hart; Franks Variety 1, Dan Desousa. Bantam Frank's Variety 4, Paul Cormish 2,' Jeff Down, Alan Haward,' Shutout to Dale Grant. Hockin Real Estate 0. 1Midget', Gis Texac-o Jets 7,, Ron Lockyer 4, Romneo Zeppier, Dan Doiron,Ja Nimig on. Voyageujr Resturant 2 ,Glen Martin. Jrur Tyke yaur 8tb - Creative Fun BUY New PAY LATER JT SAY CÎ*ARGEMI Bowmanvîille Store On Iy Whitby, Tie BOY