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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, p. 14

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14 TPhe Canacian Stafesmain, t&rn, FOR CLASSIFIE Tues., '12 n-foon 5 *~g -~ s * e, ________________ A - A O e B ~- - 0~ Creditors and others having dlaims against fhe F'state of Daniel Wayne Alldread, lafe of the Town of Newcastle in the- Regional Municipality of Durham, Deceased, who died on or about fhe th day of July, 1975 A.D. are hereby notified to send their fully certif ied statements to fhe u ndernamed on or before the 23rd day of January, 1976, after which date the estafe will be distribufed having regard only to the dlaimrs of ,which the Administratrix then. has notice. Dated at the Town of New- castle, this llth day of December, 1975. Bertha May Alldread, admin- istratrix for the Estate of Daniel' Wayne Alldread, by her Solicitors Lovekin & Cur- eatz, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 1-2 RESULTS COUNTr! Multiple Litn Srvc Oshawa &Dsrc Real Estate Board if The Durham Central Agri- cultural Society wiII hold their annuaî meeting Saturday, January 24th, af 1:30 p.m. in the Upper C. E. Room of Orono United Church. Please plan toattend. - 1IN THE DISTRICT COURT 0F THE DISTRICT 0F NIPPISSING NOT IC E TO: GERALD TURCOTTE of R.R. 2 Maftawa, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in this Court-L- ASSOCIATES FINANCI' SERVICES LIMITED dn whichthe Plaintiff's C:- i is against the Defcr .ants GERALD TURCOTFE and BARBARA TURCOTTE as, makers of a Prom issory Note of which the Plaintiff is the holder. The Defendants are in Defa ult under the terms of the saýid Note, which Note isrcdated January 4, 1973 and which provides for an interest rate of 24 per cent per annum. The Plaintiff's Claim is for the sum of $2,213.23 and the Plaintiff further claims to have interest charged at the rate of 24 per cent per annum from the date of the issuance of the Writ to payment of this account or- Judgment. The said Writ was issued on the 16th dlay of September, 1975. AND THAT IT HAS BEEN ORDERED that ser- vice of the Writ of you be effected by this advertise- ment. If you desire ta defend the action you must enter an, appearanceat the office of the District Court of the District of Nipissing at North Bay, on or before the 4th day of Febru- ary, 1976 and file and serve on the Plaintiff's Solicitor an Affidavit showing the nature of your Defence. RODGER B. BOWNESS Barrister & Solicitor 348 Fraser Street NORTH BAY, Ontario Solicitor for the Plaintiff DATED at North Bay, this 1 9 day of December, 1975. 1-2, PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc-, 623-6056 50-tf JACK BURGESS blL BURNERS- FURNACES 'CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - ýBowmanvIlle 30-f BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cali1623-2641 33-f s 9e Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE 0F Otto Eileo Madsen, Retired Farmer, Single, Deceased., Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Muni cip ality1 of Durham, who died at theý said Town, of Newcastle on the 2th day of October*1975, are req'uired fo file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January 1976. After thaf date the Public Trustee will proceed to distri- bute the estate, having regard only to the dlaims of which he then shahl have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 6th day of January 1976. PUBLIC TRUSTEE 145 Queen St. West, Toronto. ADMINISTRATOR 2-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL BR UN N ER, deceased S Ail persons' having dlaims against the estate of Paul Brunner, late of the Town of Newcastle, ini the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham, who died on the 26th day of October, 1975, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February, 1976, atter which date the estate will be distributed with regard oniy f0, the dlaims of which the undersigned shahi then have notice and the undersigned will fat be hiable to any person Of whose dlaim they shah faot then have notice. DATED at Bowman- ville, Ontario, this 7th day of January, 1976. John Brunner, Executor by his solicitors, Strike, Strike & Van Nest Box 7, Bowmanville, Ontario. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE RATE PAYE RS Special General meeting, Tuosday, January 20, 1976 at 8:00 b.m. in Bawmanville Council Chambers. Second annual nominations and elections for executive 1anai boiad t directers. TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION AIl Ratepayers welcome. The No,ýrthumberland and Newcastle Boardc Announces 1976 Kindergarten Registration Far The Town of Newcastle Schools will be holding Kindergarten registration as foll School Principal Newcastle Public Mr. R. Munree Kirby Centennial Mr. i. Glder 3rono Public Mr. R. Simser (acting) Mitcheîl's Corners Mr, E. Murdoch Courtice West Mr. M. Griffith Hamotnn Junior Mr. G. Gleibs Maple Grove East Mr. J. LÇWiS Enniskillen Mr. B. Lush Thie schaal nurse will be prose February 9 ta13i CentralI Mr. T. Turner Lord Elgin Miss M. Cauch Ontario Street Mr. M. Sîute Vincent Massey Mr. R. Merkley Telephane 9e7-4262 983-5802 983-5006 576-7222 728-5441 263-225') 623-2221 263-2970 Date February 3 February 4 February 5 February 12 February 12 Februaryp1 February 18 February 18 RON'S FLUOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing CAL L Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 49-tf of Education Time 9: 00 a. m. to noon 9: 00 a.m. taoneon 9: 00 a.m. taonoon 9: 00 a.m. taonoon 1:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p. M. 9:O0a. M. o 12: 00 maon 9: 00 a.m. ta 12 -,00nmon 1: 00 a.m. ta 4:Ô00 P.M. sent at the a bave schoals far Kindergarten registrations'., 3inclusive, from 9:Oa.m.to 3:30 p. m.da ily 623-5614 623-3682 623-5437 623-5502 Parents and Guardians are reminded of the folawing, points: 1. Children ta be reg istered must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 1976. 2. Proof of age is ta be presented at registration in the form of a birth certificate, notice cf birth, registration, passport, etc. 3. Praperty taxes for fami lies with children ini the public schools wiI11 go ta suf poprt public schools. 4: Precise information regarding residence location is important: iLe. Lot and Concession number where applicable. 5. For further information please contact any of the'schools isted above. Wl LL babysît pre-schooler in my home. Phone 623-7872. 2-1 x WOMAN with Credif Union- General Office, receptionist and feller, experience would like work in the Bowmanville area. Write Advertiser 591, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3 K9. 1-2x J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Riston Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 2-3 City Wide Door Service Supply Steel Doors, Framnes and Toilet Partitions Also inrstallations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 62,3-2625 45-tf NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAlRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner, Orono 98325206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Sealod Units - Sf'rm Windows Store Fronts - FlIoat Mirrors Patternod and Colored Glass and Glazing.> WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- p hone 342-2030. Representa- tme Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. - 16-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of a Il types. PHONE, 623-2263 20-tf Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Sidinci-Soffit-Facer Eavestrough, - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For, Free Estimate A4ff ')OMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNiTs and APPLIANCES, SALES & , SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St,, Bowmanville 26-tf DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING P-hone 623-2176 45ff C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona lIy Cleaned FREE EST IMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE n 7 9i c eý a yý e a a p - E 31 Wm G. Terhuýe CARPENTRy Phone 623-3575 1 -4x 'E Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Mi lk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights ............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-ff NSU LAI ION, blowing nethod with rock wooi, work- nanship guaranteed. Seat. :aire Insulation, phone 705- 742-0272. R 'epre sentati.je -larry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43-tf CUSTOM uphalstering, recav- 11ring, re-styling, very reason- ble? work guaranteed, 20 ears exeri!en ce. Free esti- mates . lease cail cal lect -986-5072. 26-tf IVL in companian ta an ilder ly lady, Bowmanville arça, preferred, details can be- arranged, references suo- plied. Write Advertiser 595, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. L'ic 3K9. 2l Antique auction sale, furni- fure draftsware, silverware on Thurs. Jan. 22 at 6 p.m. f0 be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa. (All furniture in good condition.> seven piece Chippendale bed- room suite, antique tea wagon, five piece matching love seat, Chippendale secre- tcry desk, Franklin stove (good conditi on, over 100 yrs. old), 6pce. feathered Mahog- any bedroom suite (perfect condition), walnut tea wagon, china cabinet, buffet, 3 rock- ing chairs, bosfon rocker, scho 001 ock, mantel cdock, wall dock, oill lamps, 7 pce. dining room suite, hall tables, four center tables, glass top coffee table, powder horn, picture frames, antique botties, antique hanging lamp, radio, R.S. pressure, cup and saucer, occupied Japan dishes, carnival glass, jardinere, cracks, prayer oul Iamps, hundreds of other antique pieces. Ail antique furniture welcome. Preview Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also one hour before sale. This is a real good antique sale. Plan to attend. Myles King, auctioneer 725-5751 or 723-0501. 2-1 Thursday, January 22, 1 p.m. HO LST E INS Complete Grayson Hostein Dispersai owned by Hugh Gray, R.R. 5, Belleville, Ont. Selling at the far-mn, Lot 32, Con. 4, Sidney Twp. From Hwy. 401 take Wallbrîdge- Loyalist Road (Exit 90> north il/2 m iles f0 Con. 4 then ea st114 mile tofarm or 2 miles west of Hwy. 14 on Con. 4. 40 head, registered, R.O.P. Tested, Type Classified. This has been a complete home bred herd since 1937 and ha been one of the highest proR ction herds inf Hastings Co. for many years. For example: last year's records average 16386mn 662f 4 per cent test (145-159 ECA Average). 10 fresh or springing at sale time. This is a very high testing herd with a consistent test of over 4 per cent. Some of the sale features: 3 ftuil sisters by "Rockman" from an Ex- cellent "Bertrand" with P05 day records to over 18000 of 4.2 pýer cent (159-175>. An out- sanding young Very Good, "Rockman" Grayson Roma, (V.G.) with over 14000 lb. of 4.3 per cent as a 2 yr. old. Her G.P. dam has 305 day record of 17094m 759f 4.4 per cent (144-174). Selling with her ye sarling by "Man-O-War", this mart young cow is due in May tp Wholesome Perseus Leader. Her V.G. sister by " President" selis f resh Jan. 1, 1976 with a heifer, caîf by Seiling Rockman. Grayson Francis, a. Jan.' 1, 1975 yearling from a G.P. "Rock- man" with 3 yr. 348d 19070m 782f 4.1 per cent, 2nd dam a Very Good Lassie Leader with 6yr. 362d 20312m 838f 4.13 per cent. 15 daughters by Seiling Rockman. This is truly a breeder's herd with deep f ul1 pedigrees of foundation type animaIs. Don't miss this top dispersaI. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 1-2 flDM r'Iw l'lwt 3 bedroom bungalow, finished famnily roomn with fireplace, twe car garage with paved drive. Lot size 75' x 200'. .Priced $65,000. Cali1983-5996 2-2 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC IT8 623-4428 OSHAWA - 4 bedroom, 2 starey link semi. Carpeted thr'oughout. Attached garage. This home is across the road f rom school and park. A must ta see at $49,900. $49,900 - Brand new home with family room, fireplace, eat-in kitchen, separate dining room. On nearly 2 acres. Vendor will hold mortgage at 111/2 per cent with law down pa ment. 30 min. f9 Bowman- 10 ACRES - just north of, Newtonvilie. Part ially wooded with stream. Permits avail- able. Asking $48,900. i 2-1 REALTOR 623-7461 - ' 623-2492 Bowmanville - King St. E. 2 bedroom bungalow with broadloomn throughout, com- mercial zoning, excellent lo- cation for lawyer or doctor, a bargain at only $44,900. with 10> prcent mortgage. Bowmanville ' centrally la- cated $3000. down for this 4 bedroom bungalow on large lot with garage, close ta hospîtal and shopping asking only 537,500. Easy terms. Bowmanville '- forth end executive type 3 bedroom ibrick bungalow with double .aftached garage, broadloom > throug haut, 3 bathrooms, epelarge ivingraom wifh floor fa cel gfieldstone fireplace, large famîly room with floor ta ceiling fieldstone fireplace, ý am es room, on lot 90 x 150. ail today for inspection. Bowmanville - north end, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with partîy finished rec. room, hall ywood kitchen, lot 141 feet deep,. Asking only $55,900. Easy ferms. Bowmanviîle - west end, 4 bedroom side split with attached garage, two tire- p laces, large family room on lot 69 x 116. Asking only $85,900. Open ta offers. ALLUN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS' (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.)' Ahi work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. Ail parts nd labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanvj lie 52-tf BowmanvilIle 11il2 storey brick home on Fleff St., has 3 bedroom S, separate D.R., Rec rôom, garage and paved drive, asking $49,500. Calî to inspect today. Millbrook Area - new 3 bedroom brick bungalow now being complefed in well built' u.p area. Cail for information. Orono - large 21/2 storey 3 bedroom home with separate D.R. and good solid hard wood floors, situated on over 2 acres, well treed and very secluded, has small barn also, asking 69,000. Vendor anxious. Orono - 2 bedroom brick bungalow overlooking the Park, large 75 x 165 foot lot, with, self confained apariment on Mie Iower 'evel to help defray expenses, Vendor will hold mortgageat 8 per cent, immediate posses- sion, asking $54,000. 2-1 e Pat Marjerriso'n 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonvîlle) COUNTRY ESTATE Custom built home, 2-years oid. Pîllars at front door, cedar and stone decor, 2 fireplaces, family room with bar. Walk-outs to Iower patio and upper balcony. Scenic two acre lot with b irch frees. Ponfypool area, 25 minutes tram Bowmanville, $93,500. O'DELL STREET Neat fhree bedroom, brick bungalow in goad residenfial area, close fa downtown. Recently decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Only $44,900. FARKWAY AVE. Custom built bu;ngalow, quiet residenfial.area, fam-.ily room with fi!replace, four bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot, paved drive. Real value at $57,500. 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 NEWCASTLE BUNGALOW Three bedrooms, large rec room area, patio and two car para e,,6f large pie shaped lot. Azkng $53,900. Cail Stew McTavish. LOT- PURPLE HILL AREA Buy now and be ready ta build in spring on this excellent 851 x 250' wooded lot. Selling af $22,900. Cali Elfie Jost. BOWMANVILLE - ESTATE SAL Eî Centrally lacatedl, six raom brick bungalow, camplete mother-in-law apartment for addifionaî revenue. Vendor will consider affers. Asking $52,500. Cali Paf Yeo. BLACKSTOCK - 100 ACRES Slightly ralling land. 95 acres of excellent productive soul, goad barns, one for horses, one for caffle - with stable cleaner and water bowls. 7 room frame house. Value for anly $139,000. Cail Bill Grady. NEWCASTLE - COMMERCIAL LOCATION 2 buildings - five roomn home and service station. Stock includes - compressor, grinder, gear ail pump, bat- tery, charger and air gun. Asking $63,900. Cali Bill Grady. BOWMANVILLE - $39,900 Six room home on 66 x 165 ff. lot. Close ta stores. Cali Blill Grady. BOWMANVILLE - 934 per cent MORTGAGE Oversizeside split with family room and fireplace, waIkauf to patio, professionaliy decaraf- ,ed, laads of expensive ext ras. Ultra modemr kitchen with separate dining roam, laundry room on main level. Double garage. Good location. Asking $59,900. Cali Stan Lockyer. BOWMANV ILL E-SUPE R TWIN HOME If yoi. like spaciaus rooms, have a look at this 4 bedroom home with 11/2 baths, living and dlning roomn 21' x 22' wifh walkout ta patîd. Priced at $49,900 wifh 9/a per cent mortgage. Caîl Christa Win- terhelt Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped ta handle yeur home needs anywhere ir Canada and U.S.A. * Coast to Coast Real Estaàe Service REALTOR Super semni - one lyear old home located in new subdivi- sion in Bowmanville. Three large bedrooms, two wash- rooms, rec room facilifies, broadloom, drapes, and fool shed included. Excellent de- corating, nothing f0 be done. Very comfortable living af a very comforfable price. 10 Acres Orono - executive home $127,500. Custom bu!ilt 10 room back split on two acres of, lawn. Enclosed inqground pool with guesf house. Panor- amic view. Bowmanville, north end - older four bedroom, 11/2 storey home. Large lot one-third acre. Completely remodelled, asking $45,900. After hours caîl: Joanne Hornigold or Jean Pootmans 263-2568 263-8070 APPOINTMENT DARRYL SOMERSCALES Robert A. Shea F.R.l. presi. dent of Thos. N. Shea Ltd. Realtor, is pleased fa announce the appointment of Darryl Somerscales as Real Estate Sales Associate ta the Oshawa Staff. Darryl has completed his required courses with very good results, and has joined the Oshawa & Toronto Real Estate Boards. Darryl is a resident of Bowmanville and weli known there for his activities i his church and community. He is weicomed, ta the Shea Team by the Oshawa Staff. Thos. N. Shea Ltd. Realtor 221 King Street East Oshawa 579-2243 or 623-4214 Peter Kowaî, Jr. Real Estate & Insuranice Ltd. NEWCASTLE: Three bed- roomn brick bungalow on large lot (60' x 179'), inground pool, a good famhily home, $58,900. SCUGOG STREET: One and one-haîf storey trame home, good size lot, close to school, asking $44,500. TAUNTON RD. WEST: Two bedroom bungalow, forced air ail heat, paved drive, lot 52' x 125', asking $44,900, terms. 2-1 "Waverly Gardens' In Bowmanville Built by Marianna Developmnents Your GJarantee cf Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 793/4 % $150 DOWN Features includle: Clean Dependable Electr Ic HeDt Large famnily kitchen -Flnlshed family roomn -Completely broadloomned, -11/2 baths -Fireplaces *Attached garages *Fully sodded lots *Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.mn Choice of 2 Deluxe Modlels to Choose From. MARIANA DEVELOPMENTI' Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limlted Well known for quallty con.structon and supoerier workmanshlp. EXCLUSIVE AQENTEi Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 Adverti"sing serves by informing. OPEN HOUSE Sunday January 18, 1976 31 Alonna St., Bowmanville 2 to 4p.m. Directions - Hwy. 401 to Waverley Rd. cut-off, first street runnin g north and south, west of Waverley Rd. ShelI Gas Station. 2- 13 17 King St. E., Bowma 1nvllle 623-7694 - .2-76 IREALTOR COURTICE AREA HOME, Asking only $39,500 for this four bedroom bungalow, din- ng room, laundry room and Bar room, very nice home, phone now! ASKING $35,900 for this three bedroom bungalow-semi, nice .back yard, priced right, im- mediate possession!i 2-1 LON A UL T Friday nîght euchre held in the new Tyrone Cammunity Centre had 14 tables wi t prizes gain g ta Earl Prescott 87; Greta Cameran 87 - Rose Griffin 81;. Caral Hicks 80;. John Broame 47 and W. Woalley 34. Mr. Hicks, Osh- awa was the lucky winner of the 50-50 Draw. Mr. and Mrs. George Tazer Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs., Fred Cliffard, Burketon -and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Clemens and Tanya, Hampton were Sunday su per guests of Mr.,,and Mrs. JcBaker. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and Ruth were Saturday eveningsts of Mr. and .Mrs. a riel Kayacs and Glad ta report Mrs. Bert Johnson was able ta return home from hosptal Thursday, m_ uch lmproved in health. JServîng people IrwiS argent &Lowes LmtdR ea itor w o b s Millbrook 932-2132 Custom Buj1t, by Marianna Developments -1975 PRICES -PRICED FROM $44,900.00 to $48,900.00 TRADE-INS CONSIDERED - 1W, DOWN PAYMENTS AND TAXES -*QUIET VILLAGE WITH MANY AMENITIES- 35 MINUTES TO OSHAWA -WILL ALSO BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PLANS FOLLOW THE MAP TO M URGENTLY REQUIRED! We, have cash buyers -for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased to appraise if for you and help you locate -the "home of your dreams-. For friendly efficient.sale of your home, cail -P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor. Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il1le 576-6120. 17-tf sM 1é Auction sale, 2 private estates. Property of Mrs. Jean McDougail, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville (Tyrone, Ontario) also Mr. D. Barnes estate from Coleman Vain and Storage, Oshawa f0 be held at Stirte- vants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa, Thurs. Jan. 15 at 6 p.m. Most of furniture less than one year old. Nine piece dining roomn suite made by Victoria Villa, Philips stereo and record player with tape recorder, 5 piece Spanish bedroomn suite (1 yr. old, new price $1,000), 4 piece chester- field suite with sheppard casters (1 yr. old, new price $740), Iazy boy chair, red plush broadloom (app. 25 sq. yds.), green plush broadloom (app 0 yOs.), Spanish 3 piece end tbeý and coffee table, 2 Mona Lisà lamps valued app. $200, vinyl lazy boy chair, Philips color 25" television, 5 piece modem ,Fleetwood bed- room suite, teleJphone table, lady Brentwood hairdryer,' fondeau set for six compl ete, large pcture, baby crib com- plete, ail furniture in excellent condition. Reason for sale: Barnes moving ouf west. Terms cash, no reserve. Don't forget antique sale Jan. 22 at 6 p.m. Consignments accepted. Myles King auctioneer 725-5751 or 723-0501. 2-1 s * a

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