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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 5

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Month ly News letter f rom The Volunteer Services of Memoriol Hospia We taxe this opportunity to welcome Mrs. I. Down as our new Auxiiary President, and to extend our best wishes for bier coming tenure in office, and to assure bier of our su pport. As was announced iast montb, the Hospital Auxiliary and Volunleer Services wiil be sending out a joint imontbiy letter to keep you informed about the activities of tbe Volunteer Services. What a re the Volunteer Services in our>Hospital? They compose the foiiowing: (a) Hospital Auxiliary, - Fund- raîsing and sponsors of the Volunteers; (b) Management of the Gif t Sbop, the revenue [rom which is the cbief source of revenue; (c) Gîf t Shop - (boums il a.m. to 8:30 .n) Gift Camt, and Library Cart Volunteers; (d) In-Service Volunteers - this group is considcred to be a sinaîl part of. the Hospital Teain. These volunteers eceive orienta- tion, descrîbingg encrai proce- dures, practical instruction, etc., before commencing duty in any area wbere their services are requested. Eacho Volunteer is res onsible to the Head Nurse of tg e departinent wbere she bas been assigned. These Volunteers bave been semvicing various areas for the last three years. In the inontbs ahead, the need for Volunteers will increase because of the budget-trimming in al bospi- tais. As we face 1976, it is Î ong to be a challenging year or us al. Heip is needed in ail these areas. If anyone would like to give a littie fimie for this very wortby cause, your contribu- tion wouid be geatly appre- ciated. Tbe Festive season is now bebind us. We are grateful to ail wbo, in any wyay, helped to bring a lîttie cheer to those who were bospitalized for Christmnas. We were most fortunate to bave the Reverend T. Smith conduct a beautiful Christinas Service on Sunday, December 22nd. Mrs. A.. Ayre was the pianist for Christinas Carois. T is service was enioyed by Staff, Patients, Visitors and Volunteers. We hope tbis may be a forerunner of other services. Mms. Buckley, of Orono, was tbe lucky winner of the dol ralfle. Iwouid like to thank ail wbo made this projcct a success. Your suport was mucb ap- May 1976 bring you Peace, Good Heaitb and J-appin ess. Froin Your Volunteer Services, Mrs. D. L. Childs, Director Volunteer Services. Sewer Hook-Up Elderly Couple Can'tAff ord At least taken by1 kard towar ly couple i with résr book-upv apparently the couple afford. The -ma Council Ji receivcd cc the residen South in t Mrs. J. W. In the '- argue that systemin i nature and sbould ha' hook-up. The fori had conch prior 10 M they appar, bad a sewe Prior t1 tt yor WilI Approach Region ;t one step will be been handied by septic taiiKs. ayrGarniet Hic- The village bylaw cailed for rdbiing an cldem- those residents past whose in Newcastle village, homes the systein ran to pay ;pect to a sewer frontage and connection wbicb the Region charges and for connection tc y is insisting on but be made witbin one year of the edcaim tbey cannot date the plant commenced operation. The plant was put atter caine befome . into operation about June 1974 Jan. 5 when they and, therefore,, connections lorrespondence [rom sbould have been completed ots of 195 Beaver St. by June 1975. te village, Mm. and However, the takeover of Murray. Sewer and Water servicesby letter, the couple the Region brougbt a change their present septic as tbey decided 10 notifv ail sstili of a usable residents not yet connected d question wby tbey and ailot thein nine months ýve te pay for sewem froin the date of notification to connect. mer village council Applications cai'i be made tc Iucted a piebisite the Regional Councîl request- 1973, ai wbîcb time ing an extension of not more rcntly agreed to and tban two years frorn the end of, rer systein installed. the nine xnontb period, witbin bat ail sewaec bad whicb 10, make the required AWAY AUTO LEASIN Leasing Al Makes q and Models t o the Business,:Commrunity, Since 1960 1120 Dundas St. E. 1Whîtby WhitbY U saiToronto U36438Oshawa 7230661 z_______- 20%(Off Everthing in the Store ALSO 10% Off Ail of -Our WickerItems at the GIFT LAND 65 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-7541 hmal eesELECTRONICS il Taunton Road East, Oshawa "Our Most Important Product ...Service" JANUARYý SALES on 1976,Phtliups Solid State Color TV's Visit Our Showroomn Today Corner of Simncoe Street and Taunto'n Road East W. have a Fleet ot Radio Dispatched Trucks for Fast Reliable Service PDHONE 725-1,685 r 1Coun. Ann Cowman suppor- ;e ted the question raised by the y couple during the Monday 1 evening session, howevem, ) Coun. Ken Lyall advised the c situation was merely a malter J of economics. t Coun. Lynîl indicated that 4 "there are probably a lot of speople wbo h ave good se ptic 1 tanks but il woulda't e f air for thein to have 10 pay for f sewers and not others '. i The Murmays are reportedly eretimed and living on a, fixed Iincome which would make il 1 difficuit for thein b mccl the srequimed paymenl of $500 for )the hook-up 10 the sewer systein. However, the pay- Sments could be sprcad over a maximum of six years. Mayor Rickamd is to ap- fproach the regional officia is ifurtber on the matter. Swim Tfest Res ultsé Results of Swim test course compîeted December, 1975 aI Pine Ridge School Pool and Fiying Dutchinan Pool. Canadian Red Cross Society Senior: Shelley Lycett, Maie Hancock, Cathy Me- Gregor. Intermediate: Terry Mof- faIt, Susan Dennis, Je ff West- brook. Junior: Bey Caiswell, Sherry Lee Robinson, Andrea Dyk- stra, Barbara Dennis, Scott Hooper, Dana Peebles,, Dianne McGregor, Paul Gaina, Pamela Vandesteeg, Jackie Weslbrook, Charlene Bickle, Barbara Sawyem. Beginner: Cindy Anger, Esîher Allin, Lee Ann Mutton, Doris Sinclair, Diane Fowler, Colicen Gordon Janet Stolk, Monica Pickard, Lenore Hic- keyý, Karoline Adamn, Jean Gi ron, Margaret Coombes, Jin Coombes, Elva Hockini, Joanne James, Ken Lee-, Vincent Bishop. Pre-Beginner: Beverly Burtch, Judy Hope, Anne Todd, Doris Sinclair, Iris Fowler, Sharon McAdam, Ken Lee, George Lee, Bernice Lee, Daryl Derbey., Letter to the Editor Bowmanville Jaycees P.O0. Box 25 Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Mr. James: Befome peopie ýforget, I would like bo say a few words of thanks, b some of the often unmentioned, but indispens- able persons who are ever belpful in making events sucb as our recent downtown Bow- manville family Christmnas night sucb a success. Speciai Thanks 10: Bud Fanning, for putting bis deparîment at our disposai, again, 10 assist in every way possible, as -during Bowman- ville Week, the encourage- ment and co-operation froin bis entire staff was unbeliev- able;, Joe Kennelt for, among other things, risking bis neck and a speeding ticket 10 get Bruce Markle's convertible to the parade on lime; Jin Hayman and bis [ire- inen, for making room for us in the firebali to consîrucl Fmosty the Snowman, for pulting up witb us during the ordeal, and helping ouI in the para-de at the last minute; Clare Mutton, for the lban of bis ladders, clown suits, and expert advice; HiuIlon Transport, for sup- plying their trailer 10 us for the stage; Goodyear, for the stage of decorations; The B.-.S. Band, Salvalion Army, and Golden Le- gionaires,- for baving the elements because they said they would; Roily Spencer, for donating the large Christmas tree; The local supermarkets and Shaw's Community, for their gracious boan of the coffee urns; Local merchants who bave, or will, support il financially; Brian P urdy, who, firsl broacbed the idea, and pro- excellent coverage of the event; The citizens of the Town who showed their appreciation by their prescence; and to Santa Claus, for taking turne from his busy sehedule to talk to 500 kids., As for Frosty his magic bat may recover Ïor next year, but meanwhile, I hope those who assisted and supported the Jaycees in this and other events will accept our hearti- est thanks and best wishes for 1976. May it be an even better year than last for community spirit and active citizen co- operation. We salute you. Sincerely, James W. Robinson ProjectChairman Bowmanville Jaycees OBITUARl JAMES LEES JOHNSON In failing health for the past year, James Lees Johnson p assed away, at Peterborough Civic Hospital, January 1, 1976. Mr. Johnson was born in Lancashire, England, August 25, 1895, the son of Thomas and Margaret Johnson, and came to Canada in 1911. Mr. Johnson married Chris- Isie Thorp in Toronto on May 24, 1918. After living in Toronto and area and Nortb'ern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson settled in Orono in 1957. An adherent'of St. Saviour's Anglican Church in Orono, Mr. Johnson is survived by three sons and one daughter, Leonard of Parr Sound, James B. and Vernon of Peterborough and Margaret (Mrs. Lorne Atkinson) of Whitby. Surviving also are 14 grandchiidren and 8 great grandchîldren.. Rev. H. Robt. Haynes B.A., Lth., conducted the -funeral service at Lane ChaD)el on Saturday. Spring interment ~at OronoCemetery.__ Section Two A True HockeyMother By John Squirreily, Rudyard Kipling's comment that the female of the species is more deadiy than the maie is nowhere more observable than at minor hockey games in the Novice, Tyke and Atom age groups. The littie kids are happiiy racing up and down the ice, now and then tripping over the blue line, wbi e the True Hockey Mother is hur- ling insuits at the officiais and urgine their offspring to commit mayhem. AI bf this is done in a voice that ap- proaches the whine of a jet engine in shrillness, and sitting in front of a True Hockey Mother is to invite a ten per cent hearing loss. I had just settled down to watch my ten-year-old son's house league game when a banshee scream from directiy behind told me that a True Hockey Mother was there.. I wiggled my littie finger in my ear to belp it back to normal functioning and turned around to inspect the T.H.M. witb tbe Wagnerian lungs. What I saw was a sweet, angelîc, demure looking wo- man whose face, had it been wreatbed in a smile, would sureiy have melted the heart of a Devil. As it was, the, otbcrwise guileless blue eyes shot sparks and the soft F leasant mouth was set in a tirm, hard uine. "Madam," I inquîred inno- ýcentiyý, "was that realiy neces- "yo bet it was Buster, she snapped, "did you see wbat that littie fink tried to do to my kid? Say, whose side are you on, anyway?" " Weil, my son's team lis in blue," I said. "And mine's in red" she rasped menacingiy. "Oh," 1 said. I h'ad barely resumed watcbîng-the gaine when hier Vaikerian voice eut tbe air like a buzz saw, "Hadiev! Do vou hear you mohertalking to you9" Hde oldn't have missed bearing bier if be'd been out in the parking lot.,"If that littie jcrk tries that agaîn, Kili in!" The iast two words were a full octave hîgher than tbe rest of tbe order and my eardrums were sending an SOS to my brarn, They were telling me to cut and run belore I suff ered a permanent un p ament. AsI was siting uncasiiy in my seat tryîng to figure out a graclous way of getting out of earsbot of thîs soprano can- non, 1 noticcd one of my son's linemates being tripped by a player in a red weater. "That's the boy, Hadley," the T.M.H. whooped, "take the man, not tbe pck!", Her glee suddeny turned to outrage as the referee wbistied down tbe play and sent Hadley t0 the penalty box. "What are you, talking about, you -goat? He was pilaying the puck! Wbcre'd you learn tbcrules, r cf, in Russia? Hcy, ref, wheme'd you gel the striped -sbîrl? Kingston? Or the CNIB? You don't need a wbistle, you necd. a white cane! " A passing bot dog, pitched at the refere, left a colourful splotch of mustard in my bair. I lqoked around, askancc. "Was tbat your kid that took a dive," she demanded. "No," I said, "it wasn't, and I wouid appreciate il if your ain were a lit tic better afler this. Wbile I thînk mustard bas its uses, I don't consider it a good baîrdressing,"I f dabbcd gingerly at the patch with my handkerchief and bcaded for another seat on, the other side of the arena. Aftem the gaine, which we won, I met the T.H.M. in the lobby. "ISorry about that liftte bit of mustard there,'" sbe said. "I guess I sort of get womked up at hockey gaines." "Quite understandabie," I murmured, "tbink nothing of il," 1She looked at ber watcb. "My goodness," she ex- ciaimed, "look at the time! I'xy gttto get going. You sec," The Canadian Statesman, BowmanviieI f' TableFesbly ud Tablingmoin seem to be Jan. 5 and one recomýP 'n in order at Newcastle Council aation troin tne 'Déci she explained, "I belonge to the Community Services Commeit- ViiigLadies Society and tee meeting which befell sucb IVsitg ak yrons action was that regarding a We drop in on sick people and feasibility study for a Coin- shut-ins and brîng thein fruit munity Centre in Orono. and then sit around and taik The committee, having for a while. You know, just heard a deputation from the being pleasant and cheerful present Orono Arena Board, means so much to then. Ea recommended to council Besides, I really enj* the that a consultant be engaged work. It neyer hurts, a wa s to do a feasibility study on the say, to be nice to people. We 1, project in conjuniction wîth here's Hadiey. 'ye now. See representatives of the area yo next aie" vd and report back on Jan. 24-, Wui t tat,Ée ae and When the matter came headed for the door, then bfr oniCu.Ia turned around and smiied. Hobbs moved it be tabled until Sweelyanglicllyandde-accurate costs of na' anglialy ndde such consultants are obtainecl Corid Services 161 BASE UNE ROAD E. BOWMANVILLE 24-HOUR SERVICE-623-6281 Specialists In.: Furnace Cleaning,- Installations Maintenlance Contracts A and AUTHORIZEE) CONSUMERS' GAS APàe1wls DEALERAplaeSls

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