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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, p. 8

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0 %SHBACK - 25,VEARS AGO - Togged in pie and gold, the Bowmanviîîe Kinsmen ;keteers did proud the new uniforms they wore defeated Oshawa 45-33 at Oshawa Collegiate on uary 3rd. For'Bowmanville, Ross, Rundie, Lagher and Sullivan accounted for 30 points. ýkness, of Oshawa a total of f/ points. LASHBACK-10 VEAR AGO -Bowman- Ile Junior Town League Ahl-Stars will pla'y eterborough Jr. B. Don Byes here on, New ear's Day. The local team wili have Larry emisz and Pat Murphy in goal,, forwards mn McMurter, Steve Burns, Warner Walroff, urray Brown,' Dean Rogerson, Bucky zghes, Mike Bothwell, John Mathers, and b Cameron. Defence will be Dave Kerr, ýh Adaras, Peter M cCullough, - Kerry Ckenîs and Gene Balson. <CONCRATULATIONS .- To the Philadeiphia Flyerý, and their coach Fred Shero). What a gamne, wcth - the Flyers taking charge- fromn the start. Everything has been said that can be said so we'li ~just add "Thanks fo'r a great gamne." THE ANNUAL - membership meeting and ~leinAf Aficers for '%nuth Cèntral Ontario Big Game Association will be held this Sunday, ' January l8th at 1 p.m. at the Legion Hall, York Street, Lindsay. The membership mark is only about a dozen members short of the 400 mark,, Lso plan to attend if interested. PETTING ZOO - run by the La Salie brothers will be(- heid in the Oshawa Centre Mail, until Saturday, January l7th. There are 35 animais ,,Irciudi;ng a emu which is five feet taill Chiidren have a chance to see the animais at close range. HAPPY FELLOW - last week we ran'into a ca whose namne we will not reveal, who sed"I've finally found a reason to be tjaifland.happy we have regional, govern- ment. We can play tennis and use all other .-Faiities of the newly opened "Bubble" in O'shawa." Seems that being, in the region affers anyone in the region the opportunity to ',r ',PLICATE BRIDGE- has begun its winter ~sossion, Tuesday evenings at the Public Library~. Wlnners on January 6th were N.S. - (1) Evangeline an~'d Howard Rundie, (2) Agnes Lewis and Jean Xanstône, E .W. - (1) Joyce Weekes and Bill Clipperton, (2J Una Miler and Ann Berry. The club 'Inot met on January 2th but new members are welcome when play resumes on January 27th. WAVERLEY - area chlldren are indeed 1ýnjoying their newly formed playground. Two the features include ice skating- and oggnig.Bowmnanville Fire Departinent "oded the ice area, which the developer Vdcleared. ÎfAWA - wiii again offer courses'for the physi- -illy disabied aged 3-18 at Centennial Pool, Civic 'uditorium, Oshawa. Anyone interested should phone 725-1111. STILL WITII G;ENEItALS- Apparently our information was Incorrect about Bill, Leamian 1being, sent back to'play with thýe Oshawa Junior WS. We've beeni informed that he is still with ý,he Generals and in good shape. That's. good news for his many friexids .and former team- miates in the area. INS SIXTH RACE - Artie Frost came through sub-zero weather for the hunch-betting fans to. ,pture the si-xth race at Greenwood Raceway on .onday, Jan., 5. Owned by Gay Meadow Farm of Dwmanvile, Ont.,. Artic Frost was driven to ctory in 2.11.4 by Gerald Robinson. The "ýe-year-old pacer led ail the way and returned for a $2.00 wager. The 1976 winter harness ~meeting at Greenwood continues through -,,h 2oth. Suis -Sportcoats Overcoats- Slacks - Shirts Reduced 20% o 50% at Marna r. es"Pick Up 4 Poini Beating By David Goheen The Port Darl-ington1M Hotel Junior "Cs" pickec total of four points last ,as they defeated Lindsai 1, and Frankford 5 to 4.1 third game of the week, lost last Monday nightt first place Cobourg Coug to 3. The game was three to after one'period in Cobi before the Mina Hotel- got on the score sheet i second on goals b Roberge from John ro Ted Puk from John Wood AI Emnard. 1Cobourg tallied twice i period to make the score 5 to 2. In the third, Vick Seggelen scored from Humenick and John Woo 'Cobourg tallied three t in the priod as Bowman coudn't get on track Cobourg kept the localsf Lindsay anid Ê getting any scoring opportuni- laîa ties on their net. dlrn Ip a tho e FridaK contest, Boyd weepaKo pened the scoring from ý wee Ror Gibbs. Frankford tied 'Ï 4to the score. Then Rory Gibbs ýthey scored from Boyd Knox and tthe Gary Cox to endthe period. In the second, Ted Puk gars 8 scored to increase the Bow- manville score. The assîst ýo zero went to John Wood. bourg, Frankford scored to put- t he team game in reach by a goal. in the In -the third, John, Wood, Mike scored, followed by Gary )d and Cox's goal from Rory Gibbs )d and ".'and Boyd Knox.. .Frankford came back with a n the goal but were unable to tie the read game in the final few minutes. In the Sunday contest, Van before the hometown crowd, Joe the local team treated the ýod. spectators to a hard-bitting, times exciting game. nville Rory Gibbs opened the Ik as scoring from Boyd Knox and from Jue Humenîck. Rory scored wjrank ford- the second goal of' the game two minutes later. The assists went to Gary Cox and Boyd 'Knox. Fiv*e minutes later, Gary Cox scored from Rory.,Gibbs and Brian Simpson. In the second, Doug Tam- blyn scored the only marker. The assist went to Rolly Simpson and Gerald Brunt. Randy Thiele had held the luskies off the score sheet until the 12:05 mark of the period, when Tom Jamieson scored* the only goal for This was the best hockey the Port Darlinýton Marina Hlotel Junior "Cs' have played in a Ion g timýe. The"s play back-to back games a.gainst Stouffville this week with the Sunday contest in Bowmanville starting at 7:30., Why flot try, and corne? The boys could. use your support. Preston the MoverMajorAtoms Win Consolation in 1, 000 lsland International Preston the Mover Major Tim1 Atoms did the town of Bow-, RobbiE manville proud in their ac- Paul tions on and off the ice at the ville th 1000 Island International was at Atom Tournament at Brock- by the ville on Jan. 3 and 4th. Every 2nd Ga boy earned this victory with. Bowi good dlean hockey; off the ice Two they were well mannered and assiste courteous 'to ahl people ip- by Tir volved with this tournament. to Rcr 1Sat., Jan. 3rd anothe Bay Ridges 2 -Bowmanville 1 -every1 Ths was one of those gamies' again. that could have gone either 3 way. Bowmanville àpened the Kingst scoring at il :55.uf the first pr iod o n a goal by Paul Kingý Stocker unassisted. Bay at 7:50 Ridges scored at 7:30 of the Bowma second period from Mîtch if uo Turner and at 6:56 of the third Stocke from Kirk Hengst, Bowman- Prestor ville M\over quit and missed period, mnany, chances to tie thescore one mi but i ust wasn't to be. Final firstp Bay Ridges 2 - Bowmanville 1. tieci it Sun., Jan. 4Mh markt lst Game 7 p.m. Against, assiste( Dollard Que. teams Score - Bowmanvîlle 3, Dol- oaiancE lard 0, two unassisted goals by but, it Pr de Stc the: ie nai on ki stoi ai on on. Brockvillè 'Tou rney Ireston and one bv Green, assisted by were finally starting to run out tockon g ave Bowman- of gas. 3 to 0 shutout, but this Last period (15 min, stop 'emeridous team effort time) these Toros proved they whole club. still had some left when at 8:33 ýne 1: 30 p.m., Napanee Tim Preston put Bowmanviile anvile - Npane 2 ahead for the first time in the :oals by Robbie Green game with the assist going to by Pul tocer ne hawn Houston. These guys yre ulSto ck ter. On closed the door on Kingston Hopcrof t. This was for the balance of the game to big teami effort with- win 3 to 2. You just couldn't id giving 100. per cent ask for any more. Congratulations you Toros: dGame 3:30 p.m. Scott Bates, Steve Allen, Dan ýn vs. Bowmanville for. Coombes, Todd Tremblay, 'lie Consolation Steve Taylor, Tim Preston, on opened the scoring T1im Little, unenn lvlatflews, of the first period but Jef Vvfschaft. Mike Glass. nville came back to tie Robbie Green, Paul Stocker. ,n a goal from Paul Kevin Norton,' Ron Hopcroft, assisted by Tim Shawn Houston, Coachi Ron At 3: 15 of the samne TopoMr Ray Preston, Kingston scored again Tramner Gary Coomnbes. inute" later to end the- Period. P.obbie Green tup at the il second of the second period ed by Steve Taylor, both sbattled it out for the ce ot the second perioci Stri ng" of Penaltie Kili Knapp's Hopes for Silver Stick Win Knapps Towing Major Ban- tains unleashed 'a powerful attack as they downed Hamil- ton 8-1 in the first game of Regional Silver Stick Compe- tition in Bramalea. Paul Reid put in a tremen- dous effort scoring five goals -and adding a pair of assists., Completing the Toro scoring route were Jim Hogarth, Wayde Preston an dBill Wright. Scott Sellers bad two assîsts while Jody Ross, Greg Brunt, John Stewart and Wrightpeicked Up singles. The arskating, crisp passing Toros compleely dominated play, as they wrapped in three in the first, one in the second and four in the third. The Toros faced Milton'in the semi-final and dropped a 5-4 decision. Leading 4-1 with the game well in command on a pair of markers- by Wayde Preston and single tallies b John Stewart and Paul Reic the Toros ran, into a series of six straight penalties witb nine minutes left in the game. During this time 'with the Toros playing two men short, Milton banged in four goals in less than six minutes to chalk up the victory and eliminate Knap.ps trom furtier silver Stc gompetition. Dean Holmes drew a pair of assists during the match. Cobourg. Fouls to Appear- for Third Knapps i On Saturday, Jan. 3 Cobourg came tu the local Ice Palace and werc set down 4-0 by the, Major Bantams in a game which endcd on a sour note. Playing sound offensive and defensive hockey, Knapps scored twice in each of the first two periods before the game was awarded to the Toros. Scoring.for, Bowman- ville were Scott Sellers, Jack Pinch, Paul Bedard and Dean Holmes as Greg Brunt direw two' assîsts wbile Bedard, Holmes, Sellers, Ken Cowle,. Bill Wright and Paul Cascag- nette each assisted once. Mike Paterson turned in a §trong performance in recording the shut out. Incensed by the officiating, Liberty Belles Team iStanaings Nickerslon 1902-3, Roberts 1771-3, Spear 1931-2, Alldread 1917-2, Pearce 1843-2, Partner 1812-2, Foran 1900-1, Coombes 1880u-1, Bons 1786-1, Mac- Donald 1761-1, 'Lewis 1713-0, Forsey 1587-0., Hlig h Single 315 Enîd Austin., 1 Higli Double 484 (249, 2ý35) Jeanne Spear. T 1op Averages J. Spear, 242, F. Allen 242, E. AuLstin 222, M. Alidread 219, H. NihiilI 213, M1. Pearc e 213, M. Hrstmian 206, E[. Biokie 204, Z. Bragg 200, J. Therteil 198, K. Stephens 197, E. ONeil 197. Vin Game 1the Cobourg coach came in physical contact witb one of the referees as the teams headed for the dressing rooms after the second period draw- 1ing a match penalty in the process. Cobourg failed to appearfor the third period face-off arnd, after the waiting time bas expired, Knapps were awarded the game 4-0. Night Hawks Cabbage Heads 32, Sweet Pefpers 32, Carrot Tops 23, Celery Hearts 15. 'Higli Single Cindy Cowle 257. High Trip le Cindy Cowle 712 Averages Cindy Cowle 207, Gail Mill- son 198, Marlene Stacey 195, Joy ce Stace'y 19,4, Peggy Mison 193, Karen Carter 190, Bernice Henderson 189, Pat Milîson 179, Olive Henderson 173, Donna Morris 168. NIGH HAWKS BOWLING K. liaiston 312. Higli Triple K. Raiston 688., A. Larusso 2900-4, I. Wright 2816-4, M. Trimble 2735-2, B. Wilbur 2608-2, A. Burgess 2472- 01 M. Bates 2465-0. Top 10OGa mes K. Raî.ston 312, A. Larussoi 235-.238, Brenda Burgess 251,' L. Burgess 230 , J. Burton 233,- D. Denas 235, P. Bromeil 240, B. Wilbur 241, G. Van-son 236, ý Potter 236, I M 166 King St. E. you compare I -~ COMING ON STRONG - After a few weeks of floundering, the port Darlington Marina and Hotel Junior C Eagles appear to be coniing into their own, with some of the top Potential scorers finally finding the net. If they-can keep working together, they should be able to knock off almost any other tea#n in the league; they've certainly got the manpower to de it. There are several other teams here that appear to be heading for league championships if they can continue playing asthey have, been in recent weeks. IN 4M T W T Youth Bo wling fTYKES DeLorme 5, Cath Connelly 0; CarolynConnelley 5, Mur- ray 0; Sodhi 5, Hancock 0; Smith 5, Wesselîus 0. Team Standing Carolyn Coninelley-10, De- Lorme 10, Smith 8, Sodhi 7, Hancock 5, Murray 0, Cath Connelley 0, Wesselius 0. High Singles M. Murrav 182, Carolvn Connelley 179-162, K. Greenley 158 High Doubles Carolyn Connelley 341, M. Murray 3(t6, K. Greenley 252. BANTAM BOYS Richards 7, Woolley o; M. Luxton 7, Smith 0; Tippins 7, S. Luxton 0., Team Standings Richards 12, Tippins 12, M.' Luxton 9, S. Luxton 5, Woolley' 2Smith 2. Hi ghbGames S. Wesselius 190 (489), M. Li$tpn 211 (473), S. Richards 221 (461). -BANTAM GIRLS Luxton 5, Hiancock 2;, Knapp 4,. Coombes 3-; Taylor 7, Wright 0. . 1 Team Standings Taylor 14, Hancock 9, Coombes 8, Luxton 7,,Knapp 4, Wright 0. High Singles .Hancock 191-182, J. Coombes 188, D. Taylor 166, B. Seto'165, K. 'DeSousa 165, 1High Triples D, Hancock 513, J. Coombes 488, K. DeSousa 453. JUNIOR BOYS Crossey 4, Murphy 3; Coomnbes 5,, Samis 2; Steven- son5 ' Hammond 2; Richards 7, Edm'ondson 0. Team Standings Richards 12, Stevenson 10, H1arnmond- 9, Coombes 7, Cros5ey 6, Murphy 5, Edmond- son 47, Samis 2.' High Singles D. Murphy 255, R. Kirkton 216-2 5 , J. Edmondson 221, J. We&ehius 210-250. J. Wes seli ri, R. Kirkton 580, J. Edmondson 574, R Cr'osse(_y 538, D. Murphy 531. Advrtising helps See It Today. At FALCON TV' 426 Simcoe Street South O9hawa Phone 723-0011 %rTIuI E90, 1mOp Quaity-, 10w Mileage, E.P. Guaranteed ) IndorUsed Car Sale -Indoor- 1974 BUICK CENTURY 4-DOOR Only 11,000 miles. One owner. Power steering, power brakes, white walls, radio, Alpine Green with matching interior. Lic.- HRC823- 1968 RIVIERA G.S. BY BUICK One owner, a car with style and prestige. Immaculate throug hout. A, collectors prize, fully equipped and rustproofed. Lic. KM C170. 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK Radio, white walls, 4,cyl., a real gas saver. Lic. EDB463 1974 GMC PICKUP V-e, auto., radio. Just 28,000 miles. Lic. D42255 nwner. Lic. DZR038 -Ojutdoor- 1972 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-DOOR istproofed. V-8, auto., power steering and brakes., radio. Lic. EBE546. 1968, FORD, TORINO 4-DOOR V-8, auto.,, power steering and brakes, radio, white walls, vinyl roof, only 53,000 miles. Lic. ËB0285 1973 LE MANS 4-DOOR TRKUCKS V-8, auto., Power steering and brakes, raidio, rustproofed. Lic. E BL479. 1973 GMC SUBURBAN 1973 LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, radio, V-8, auto., power steerîng and brakes, radio, Wvhite walls. Lic. DX0757. interior, 9.50 x 16.5tires. Lic. EEB 1973 MAVERICK GRABBER193TY AHiLXPCU 6 cy., adio - hroe whelsLic.EBM41;4 cyl., automatic, buckets, radio,fibreglass cap. L 1973 BUICK CENTURY 2-DOOR One of a kind auto, with 455 V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, bucket 1969 CH EV. PICKUP seats, console, Mag wheels, dual exhaust. Lic. E BC146. V 8, radio-white walls, low mileage. Lic. E43220. custom exterior and B M762. .ic. ES3256. "The Home of OId-Fashioned Hos pifa Iity" Bowmanville 623-3396 ~., r 1974 BUICK LE SABRE 4-DR.HADO CV8,,auo, power steering and brakes, radio, radial tires, air Fire Corl Bronz with mtch ing cloth inrio.Lc R7 455 -aauto, pwer teig ad brakes,dulehstAMF steeCra rone owner, Juth23,000 mie i. Rc2., R71 1974 PCAMAOPRSENEBOGA V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, radio, mag wheels, white Iettered tires. Only 23,000 miles. Lic..J BA774, 1973 BUICK LE SABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP This fully equipped Iuxurious Buick has only 19,000 original miles. One 1974 BUICK CENTURY 4-DOOR V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, radio, white walls, rui >Only 1-1,000 miles. Lic. H RC823 1974 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, radio, defogger, white wi top, body mouldings, Lic. H RD428 1974 OLDSMOBILE D)ELTA ROYALE 2-DOOR HARDTOP, V-8, auto. , power steering and brakes, power windows, air con, C ,OWAN Pontiae-Buick ZOOM'SPACE COMMAND 1000 REMOTE CONTROL New from Zenith! Smooth, quiet remote control oper~ation with Zenith's a lI-new 6-function E lec- tronic Transmitter featuring new instant Zoom. Just press the ZOOM button and you get instant close-up. The ZOOM picture is 50 per cent larger. Just press the ZOOM bu tton again and picture instantly returns- to original size. Also press buttons to turn set on or off - change chànnels higher or lower - adjust volume to four levels and completely mute sound. Featured on ail 26" remote control models and spdcified 20" ýT l ............... 1 1 Ir m 0 0 &-ImF L- ý ' 623-3396

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