I Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago flewcastle &OCial and1 9%rSonal We were pleased to hear on the week-end that Mr. Dav'id Porter, and his partner, Bar- bara Berezowski of Toronto, successfully defended their title in the senior dance competition at the Canadian figure skating championships in London, Ontario. The cou- ple will be going to the Olympics and world cham- pions nps in Europe next month. David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Porter who lived in the village of New- castle for several years. Their many friends here will be interested in the skaters' erformances in Austria and weden. We extend our con- gratulations and wish them well. On Friday, we editors recei- ved a letter from a Statesman fan in California. Her letter concerns figure skating also and we are sharing its contents with our readers. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Crago: As a past member of the Newcastle area, I am a devoted reader of the Cana- dian Statesman, and of course,'your column in parti- cular. If you have room in our column, might you consider a line or two, reminding our family and friends that our oldest son's (Jim) girl friend (Teresa Andrews), as a mem- ber of the Ice Capades Con- tinental Tour will be perform- ing in Peterborough on Feb. 5th, through Feb. 8th, 1976. We have notified as many people as possible, but were concern- ed that we may have forgotten some relatives and friends. If anyone we know is planning on ong to any of the shows, we'd ike Teresa to feel welcome, as only Canadians know how to do. My family and friends know m sense of humor, so I will adl ew banners which have 'Welcome - Teresa' on them, and many shouts of 'Teresa - Yea' would be nice. Thank you for ànything you could do, and understanding a' "dyed-in-the-wool" Canadian. Our only regret is that we won't be there with Teresa, but she will be with my sister Carol (MacMurchy) in Toron- to for a day or so, and that is the next best thing. Yours truly, Bery Keulman, nee Reichrath (Henry and Maretta). On Monday, January 12, the Ladies' Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. Harry Wade and Mr. Jack Crago attended the twenty-ninth Shouldice Hospi- tal Patients' Reunion at th e Royal York Hotel, Toronto on Sat, Jan. l7th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce visited on Sunday with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Be- thany., On Friday evening, Jan. 16, Mr Albert Naylor became President of the Durham Region Firefighters' Associa- tion. Mrs. Ron Garnier, Missis- sauga, visited with ber moth- er, Mrs. Howard Pearce, recently._ Birthday greetings to Mrs. Bessie Dean and Mrs. Alecia Spencer, Frank Hoar, Mi- chelle Hope and Mr. Everard Joli. Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buckley, were overnight guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore last Wednesday. Mrs. D. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Lisa and Donald, Downsview, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family, Belleville and Mr. Trewin, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton. The pupils of Lockhart Public School enjoyed skating at th, Newcast!e Arena on Thursday afernoon, Jan. 15. Miss Isabel Allin, Bowman- ville and Mrs. Florence Fer- guson were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Miss Heather Hoar and Mr. John Hoar, Toronto were home for the weekend with theirkparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar. Mrs. Betty Brown bas been moved from Sunnybrook Hos- pital to St. John's Convales- cent Hospital, Willowdale. Mr. an Mrs. Roy Hope and family, Nestleton, enjoyed Sunday dinner with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hope, Michelle and family. The, happy occasion was Mic- hele's ninth birthday. The Take a Break Club met on Tuesday morning at 9:30 for bowling. All ladies are welcome to attend. Theclub meets at the United Church Sunday School Hall in New~ castle every Tuesday morning, at 9:30 a.m., Mr. Everard Joll was plea- santly surprised on Sunday when he was invited to the home of'his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rudman for dinner. Those in attendance to help *celebrate bis birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rudman and Brian, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rudman and Christa and Valerie's grand- mother, Mrs. Alice Qmnney, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joll and Kenny, Bowmalville, Mr. Norman Fee, Leskard and Mr. Del Rudman and his fiancee, Bonnie McGee. Mr. Joll recei- ved telephone calls from relatives in Texas and Chica- go and many birthday cards. We extend our congratulations and best wisbes! Miss Candy Storks, Rexdale spent Saturday with her Sarents, Mr. and Mrs. William Miss Cindy Garrod, Humber College, was home for the weekend. Mr. Gary Johnson and his. cousin, Mr. Richard Trimble, Kingston, enjoyed the week- end skiin in New York State. Mrs. L oyd Stephenson and Mrs. Clinton Burley spent a few days last week visiting relatives in Ottawa, Congratulations to Miss Ruth Yates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yates, who rraduated from Humber Col- ege in Retail Floriculture. Misses Shirley and Nancy Allin, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allin, spent Jan. 14-18 in London. Tbey were among the 60 oung people who comprised the Youth Singers of Ontario. The Band an Choral participants prac- tised eight hours daily before the presentation of their concert in Centennial Hall, London, on Sunday, January 18. Lions' Meeting On Wed., Jan. 14, t e Lions members held their regular meeting. The guest speaker was Zone Chairman Graham Law, Cobourg. He praised the Club for their efforts on the Newcastle Lions Swimming Pool. Mr. Stanley Powell was presented with an award for bringing two new members into the Club. Reports on December activities were given. Union Local 1206 delegates and Northumberland and Newcastle Board negotiators will meet Thurs., Jan. 22, after which the results will deter- mine whether a second vote romised to the CUPE wor- ers will be needed. Senior Citizens' Club The regular monthly meet- ing of the Newcastle Senior, Citizens' Club was held on the evenin of January 15th in the Lions Centennial Room of the Newcastle Community Hall with thirty-six members pre- sent. The first order of business was the election of officers for the ensuing year. In the absence of President Harry Jose, Mr. Bill Morley chaired the meeting. The following were elected for this year: President J.H. Jose (Past President); Vice- President, George Buckley; Sec.-Treasurer, Mrs. May Burley; Prize Committee, Mrs. Bessie Dean. After the election, the ba- lance of the evening was spent playing Progressive Eucr. The prize wvinners were as follows: High- Ladies, Mrs. Duxbury; High Gents, Mrs. RachaelDennis (who played the part of a man); Low Ladies, Mrs. Florence Fergu- son, Low Gents, Mrs. Farrow (wbo also took' a man's lace); Most Lone Hands, Vrs Duxbury. After the card game, a tasty lunch was provided and ser- ved by Mrs. Embley, Mrs. Belsey, Mrs. Gwen G.bson and Mrs. Harris. ' We welcomed four new members to our club at this meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham. Anglican Church News On Sunday, Jan. 18, Rev. Robert Hayne chose as his sermon topie for the Parish from Luke 2:50 - They didn't understand what He meant - a discussion of vîews in the Church. Two Servers for the Parish, Reed Meachin for St. George's-" and Gregory Johnson for St. Saviour's were at the three services of Holy Communion. Flowers at St. Saviour's, Orono, were from the funeral of Mrs. Loucks, Leskard. Altar flowers at St. George's were placed in memory of shut-oqt. Third Game, Newcastle 4 Stirling 3 This was the championship game. Stirling scored the first wo goals at the six and eight minute mark of the first >eriod. Newcastle started a ome-back at the three- ninute mark of the second »eriod, Philip Dost from Robert Towns. Three minutes ater Tom Dwyer scored from like Mackey and Craig Flynn. One minute later Robert Towns scored from cott Foster to go ahead 3 to 2. Vith four minutes to go in the The Newcastle Independent Telephone 987-4201 Patricia and Rod Houghto sister of Mrs. Marg Maskell New Liturgical colore hangings were blessed an dedicated at St. Saviour's. Th red, green, violet and whit hangings are a Thank Offerin by Mrs. Irene Murray. Mid-week Communion thi Thursday has been cancelled Anglican Church Wome meet this Wednesday at St George's Parish Hall with Mr Sam Cureatz, guest speaker All women are encouraged t attend, bring a newcomer an something for the toy shower A Servers' Guild is beini formed for the Parish. Th first meeting for all member will be Sunday, Feb. 1 at, p.m. àt St. George's Paris Hall. Newcastle United Church News On Sunday, Jan. 18, a Newcastle United Church, Mr Ross Allin rendered a solo 'There's a Voice in th Wilderness'. Rev. Thoma Smith's sermon, Raising thE Lot of Others, was based ou the text Bear Ye one another's burden and so fulfill the law o Christ. Mrs. Pauline Stork's Sunday School Class will be babysit ting at the church on Satur day, January 31, from 12 noon until 6 p.m. Cookies and milk will be served. Girls from thi class will also dust or clear Charges will be made fo these services. Misses Fay Jose and Sheila Munro wil accept telephone calls.. The Nursery Room at the United Church is in need of an adult rocking chair. The Live Love Project for 1976 will be North Saskatche- wan Caravan Youth Work. On Friday, the Drop In Centre for young people (Grade 7 and up) will be held at the Sunday School from 7 until 9:15 p.m. Volunteers to help would be appreciated. The annua bCongregational meeting wili be heid at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 25th. Come as a family to share in a pot luck supper and to remain for the meeting which will finish about 9 p.m. Skating Club Skaters ExcelI in Tests Friday, January 9th, excite- ment ran high at Newcastle Memorial Arena, as skaters of the Newcastle Recreation Fi- gure Skating Club took to the ice for the first test day of the 1975-76 skating season. Judges for the event were Mr. Fred Haywood, Peter- borough; Valerie Tunstall, Port Hope and Mrs. Jane Derby, Oshawa. Many thanks to Mrs. Colleen Pickering for the time she spent in arranging these tests and for the efficient manner in which the tests were carried out. Thanks also to Mrs. Kathy Allin for looking after refresh- ments for the Judges and a special note of thanks to the s aters for making us so proud of their decorum and accomplishments. Fourteen skaters were involved and of the fourteen, eleven were successful. Pass: Wendy Couch, Preli- minary Figure, Canasta Tan- go, Swing; Pass - Lawrie Ann Rogerson - Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango; Pass - Irene Brereton -Dutcb Waltz; Pass - Beverly Henderson - Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango; Pass - Vicki McNaughton - Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango; Pass - Lana Collier - Dutch Waltz, Canasta Tango; Pass - Lisa Allin - Swing; Pass - Wendy Johnson - Swing; Pass - Dianne Moir - Swing; Pass - Barbara Moir - Swing; Pass - Shelley Pickering - Fox; Fail - Suzanne Forth - Canasta Tango; Fail - Carol Selby - Swing; Fail - Collette Picker- ing - Fox Trot. Congratulations to all who passed; better luck next time to those who didn't quite succeed this time. Next test day is February 6th, and plans are already underway for the Club's annual carnival which will be held March 27 and 28. HOCKEY NEWS Eastman's Gulf Major Bantams Coach: George Towns Newcastle Wins Coîborne Tourna ment First Game Newcastle 6 Cambellford i This was a bard-checking game against a big rough team. This team matched them bit for bit. Goal scorers for Newcastle were Philip Dost with a bat trick and an assist, Robert Towns a goal and an assist, Donald Rowley, a goal and two assists, Craig lynn, a goal. Assists going to Tom Dwyer, Tom Glover and Dean Walker. In goal were Scott Moir and Don Nicholson. Second Ganme Newcastle 3 Colborne O The team played a perfect game forchecking the Coi- borne team and scoring on their mistakes. Newcastle scored three powerplay goals, Doug Nicholson, unassisted, and Philip Dost two goals assisted by Dean Walker. Don Nicholson was in goal for the game, Tom Dwyer scored on an end to end rush unassisted. Newcastle had two penalties in the last three minutes. Stirling scored with 47 seconds left to end the scoring. In goal were Scott Moir and Donald Nicholson. Note: This was the team n, that eliminated the Major . Bantams of last year. d Newcastle Community d -1Bowling e Youth 125 andOver, e M. Goach 132, S. Goach 144, g J. Boyd 145-193, . Brereton 160, M. Williams 162-150, K. s Rahme 131-139, R. Metrailler d. 161, M. Zegil 167-175, M. n McPhee 193, A. Bonsma 157, t. K. Wade 174-160, B. Forget r. 204-150, D. Nickolson 187-132. . R. McKenna 150, J. Carr 143, o M. Wilks 128, L. Kozak 143, J. d Burns 172, W. Couch 142, B. . Shetler 126, P. Willems 130, P. g Johnson 145. R. Coulas 127, D. e Chard 163, C. Opoka 213, D. s Burns 128, T. MeRenna 139, D. 7 Towns 141, S. Quinlan 136, C. h Sinclair 143, K. Gilmer 154-140, T. Glover 152, B Pollock 138, W. Dobbie 162, R. Nickolson 158-180, F. Glasbergen 126, G. t Martin 146, K. Jenkins 158-190, . K. Willems 203, T. Wind 143, D. , Glover 135. e,, Ladies 200 and Over s D. Mercer 243-287-222, H. e Couroux 249-220, K. Mercer n 214, D. Forth 255, B. Major 264, s M. Major 232, M. Zegil 253, I. f Brown 205, M. Foster 228-212, M. Burley 206-219, J. Pollard y 219, A. Langstaff 202, E. - Meadows 220, N. Williams - 221-270, L. Ellis 201, B. Meta n 200. k . Men 225 and Over s J. Forrester 241, D. Huber . 225, S. Powell 230-245, P. r Gardner 237, G. Kimball e 291-245, W. Flintoff 244, R. Il Sutcliff 225, M. Henry 244, J. Ogden 280, H. Clark 256-254. The Jolly Tryers 200 and Over C. Szymezak 220, G. Tom- kins 201-204, T. Myers 215, D. Bailey 215, R. Wright 209, J. Wright 215. . Thursday Mixed 175 and Over 1 W. Forget 202-180, C. Mac- Gregor 195, M. Lewis 189-199, ) J. Danford 191, D. Mercer 192, J. Forget 183-223, O. Herd 181, F. Lewis 182-190-188, R.'Forget i 189. Friday Mixed 200 and Over M. Henry 271-230, E. Em- bley 219, T. Embley 220-232, R. Burley 286-261, E. Darling 217, G. Henr 253, G. Kentner 201, R. Good 16-245-212, J. Plea- sance 204, M. Burley 251, T. Slymers 200, A. Pearce 257- 210, A. Delaat 288-207, J. Barchard 215, L. Pearce 260-227, L. Willems 226-215, R. Winter 215, S. Glanville 252, E. Couch 212, B. Call 287-223-204, N. Madill 217, B. Madill 232-211, A. Guthrie 214-276, F. Wright 229, S. Powell 202, Jl. Nickolson 205-263. NEST LETON Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers left on Saturday for six weeks vacation in Florida. Their son Mr. Earl Bowers is doing the mail route during their absence. On the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs left Malton-for two weeks holiday in the sunny south. Reports have been rather discouraging but it is hoped that the temperature will be warmer and more seasonable. Mrs. Dave Smith, Keith and infant daughter Christine Kara, a New Year's gift, spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer, Garry, Stephanie and Dougie. Mr. Smith is finishing his education at York Univer- sity and the family have an apartment there. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Oshawa, called at Mr. and Mrs. Rohrers to see their youngest grandchild. Mrs. Marguite Hicks and her father Mr. Wm Arm- strong (aged 97 years) moved into Mrs. Hick's home on January 2. Mr. Armstrong who is a native of Cartwright Township, is fairly well andis contented to be back in his home environment. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gran- dell and son are also residing in Nestleton. They have mov- ed into his grandmother's house. Nestieton folk welcome these folk to the village. Nestleton Recreation Club sponsored a dance in the Nestleton Recreation Centre on Saturday night. Gordon Grills four piece orchestra provided the usual excellent music. Prize winners are nlot available but it was a gala evening for .all. Mr. Brian Hamilton efficiently called for the square dances. A number of Cartwright residents attended the Ecu- ~menical Service in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Port Perry on Sunday evening. n& Saturday evening Mr. and rs. ictor Malcolm joined with members of the family for dinner witb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kyrytow in Oshawa. Other guests were Mr. and The Canadian Statesman, Bo i terial in Lindsay. The ladie allocation was $10,000 whic] they exceded by $1,000. Com munion was participatec jointly by the Men and Ladies groups. Miss Bulmer in he address spoke on Missions i Canada and Africa. This i r.eaching beyond ourselve, whether in Canada or over seas. (An outreach program) Ecumenical Service On Sunday evening the World Wide Ecumenical Ser vice for Scugog was held in the Church of the Immaculat Conception, Port Perry. Plans were made for this by th Ministerial Association. A number of the clergy took part in the service. Represent ing the United Church were Reverend R. Brown, Rever end Charles Clarke, Anglican ministers were Reverend R. C. Rose, Reverend A. Wool cock and Presbyterians were Reverend S. Mclntyre and Miss Dorothy Bulmer (Dea coness). Father Bothman, minister of the host -church was leader and conducted the service. The capacity congregation had a splendid time of fellowship during the service and also following the service whenthe ladies of the church served refreshments. As the offering was receiv- ed, the Scugog Historical Choir favored with a heart- warming anthem. Sunda, Services s Owing to the below zero ,temperature. service in the Presbyterian Church was can- celled. United Church, In the United Church Rev- erend Victor Parsons chose "Holy Meal" as the theme for his message reading Luke 24: 13-35. Mr. Parsons spoke on the svmbols, the bread and the wine, to comnmemorate Holy Communion. The minister, choir and congregation res- ponded responsively in the Order of Worship service prior to the receiving of the com- munion. The. choir sang "Lord, I want to be a Christian". Port Hope Mon Appointed to Durham Board Ewart F. Marston of Port Hope was recently appointed to the Durham College Board of Governors, succeeding J.A. Reynolds. Mr. Marston is a consulting engineer P. Eng. and MEIC and is president of Marston Engineering Limited (consul- 'tants) in Port Hope. He bas been active in public affairs - and is Chairman of the Committee of Adjustment and Vice-Chairman of the Water Commission in Port Hope. He is a past president of the Rotary Club of Port Hope, and has served on the Technical committee of the Northumber- land Task Force. Mr. Marston has had a long term interest in Durham College. He was one of the original~members of the College's Technology division Advisory committee, Mt'. Marston was educated at the Hawkesburvcigh school, Vankleek Hill Colle g- nate Institute, and McGill University. >s Winners at the weekly this specialservice. Senior Citizens' Card Party Cartwright Activity Centre r were: 1. Mrs. Reid Cook - 98; Beginning with January 19, S 2. Will Forder - 85; 3. Dorothy the handicraft project will be s enning - 83; 4. Alma Fowler - open in Nestleton -from Mon- - 82; 5. Walter McGill - 81; 6. day to Wednesday, at the Freeman McCullough - 79; regular times: 12:30 to 3:30 in Low - Mrs. Betty Ringham. the afternoons and from 6-10 in Please note that the Even- the evenings. - ing of Music presented by the In Caesarea Community e Concordia Orchestra planned Hall the doors will beoe e for January has been chanfed NOT ON WEDNESDAY - to February 22. Details wil be Please note, but instead every S dvertised nearer to the new THURSDAY and FRIDAY at date. the regular times. Little baby, Lisa Gilbank, This neans that the project infant daughter of Carl and will be in Nestleton for.3 days Judy Gilbank has been ser- each week and in Caesarea for iousy ill in Oshawa Hospital. two days.. Fortunately, she is showing It is with genuine regret that improvement now much to the we announce the closing of the relief of her family and project in Blackstock village. friends. The attendance figures are t be Friends in the Martyn onl y justification for running Apartment hosted a party on such an activity and since the Friday, January 16 at the demand in the other two home of Miss Gail Malcolm in villages was vigorous and the honor of Mrs. Alma Fowler. participation, particularly in This was a complete surprise Caesarea, enthusiastic, it for her A special invited guest makes good sense to carry, was ber daughter Mrs. George there and close down where no Rutherford of Seagrave, A demand exists. lovelyafternoon was enjoyed U.C.W. Meeting by a with also a lunch and a Jean Adams opened the cup of tea. A small gift of a General U.C.W. meeting on silver pin with a card signed January 13 by calling for a by al was presented to ber, moment of silent prayer in She expresed ber thanks for memory of Mrs. Johnston and this gift and for the surprise for members who are ill. She given by ber friends prior ber then read the words of the movin at the end of January hymn, "Thank you, oh Lord, from er apartment to the for the time which is now." home of ber grandson, Mr. Beth Schryburt led the and Mrs. Allan Rutherford and family, south of Black- stoek. a On Saturday quite a number of local curlers enjoyed the Arnold Kerry Bonspiel at the Port Perry Curling Club. The rink of the Ralph Larmer family made up of Ralph, John, Dave and Paul took second prize of a waffle iron each; third prize was taken by Nel Malcom, Jim Marlow, Harold Kyte, Morley Bruce when each won a set of glasses- Roy Turner's rink won a 6roiler pan. Everyone reported enjoying a wonderful da of curling. leased to see Sue Catty and Shawn Severn representing Bs Cartwrighit High School on a ] o s a PanelDiscussion of C.B.C. Television on Sunda evenin Glad to hear Blackstoc mentioned severalntimes. Jason Kyte celebrated his birtbday last weekend witb two parties. On Sunday bis Mo andDad held a famiiy A l W int gtig . g ganparent attending. Ne ht av he enter- tinedsa number'of little boy friends. Several local Junior Farm- ers participated in the Zone Champion Curling Bonspiel on Sunday at Uxbridge. The men s team made up of Dave Larmer, Tom Wotten, Doug Larmer and Colin Asseistine placed third. Congratulations to the mixed team made u of John Larmer, Louise an Camp, Faut Larmer and Deb MCaughlin who won the Zone Cbampionsbup. They will ad- vance in February to the Provincial Finals to be held at Ptrorough. Several from here attended the special Ecumenical M d B Churc Service held on Sun-B day evening at the Port Perry Roman Catholic Churcb. The Lake Scugog HistoricalChoir 17 King St. E sang a special anthem. Mini- sters of tb ovarions Church denominations took' part in Bw d Youths' e ar er. Lines ran s ýoys' Wear manvilii 623-5567 Bargains Galore for under $10,00 FREE ADVERTISEMENT COUPON Print your advertisement in CAPITAL LETTERS -- one word per space. Include the price expected for the article which must be $10.00 or less. Address and-or telephone number must also be included immediately after the article being offered for sale and will be published within the advertisement. Unsigned coupons will be destroyed. Illegible or wrongly-completed coupons will be destroyed. Please note that telephoneorders will not be accepted and only ONE item will be published for each coupon submitted. This section is not open to Traders, or for the sale of pets. This FRE E offer may expire at any time and without prior notice. Mail this coupon to: "UNDER $10.00 ADS", c-o Classified Dept., Bowmanville Canadian Statesman, Box 190 or bring it in to the Canadian Statesman Office. Signature Address MISS THE STATESMAN FOR A WEEK AND YOU MISS A BARGAIN wmanvile January 21 .97H lI worship. The hymn, The Church's One Foud n Work of Christmas ,, hur- ches", and -My Prayer" The President then called on Rev. Parsons who read the scripture taken from Ephe sians 4: 1-7 and 11-13. After the adoption of the Nominating Committee's report and piray- er, Rev. Parsons formally installed the officers for 1976 Hymn 362 was sung and the benediction given. 'The Role of the Church in Time of Change" was the thene of Rev. Parson's stimulating address. We were taken from the days when the church was the centre of the soc'iIal, cultural and religious life of the community up to the fresent day when our mobi- ity,independence, and access to various communications have made us more antisocial and concerned with THidGS. After thought_provoking dis cussion groups Rev. Parson stressed our real need to have high morals and to live them in such a way that all around us can see them. He congratu- lated the U.C.W. for past achievements and urgedus onward by "holding fa to that which is good'. During the business porion of the meeting items u ich could be used in a haazr to be held later in the year ere requested. The meeting closed th prayer after which lunch md social time were enjoyed Mrs. Merrill VanCamp, Valer- ie and Dale, Mr. Norman Malcolm, Blackstock and Mr. Lloyd Hunter, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. James Kent - and Katrina Dawn, Orono, visited on Sunday afternoon with her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. Malcolm and remained for evening dinner. On Thursday and Friday Mrs. Joe Wygerde and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin attended the 4-H School -for Leaders at Bowmanville. Home Econo- mists, Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin and Miss Tomp- kins were in charge for the new project "Clothes for Leisure". Miss Dorothy Bulmer (Dea- coness) was guest speaker, on Wednesday, at the Annual Women's Missionary Society and affiliated groups Presby-