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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1976, p. 13

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in, Bowmanville, January 21, 1976 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ýTues., 12 noon h ADAMS - Greg and Joan (Cascagnette) are pleased te announce the arrivai af their son Gary Lawrence, bonn ai Memorial Hospital on Thurs- day, Januany '15, 1976, weigh- ing 7 lbs. 13/4 ozs. Gnandpan- ents are Mr. and Mns. Murray Adams, Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs.. Lawrence Cascag- nette, Bowmanville. Many thanks ta Dr. Mikios and matennity staff. 3-1 BIEREMA-Mr. and Mrs. John Bierema ane pleased to announce the binth of their gnancldatîghter Stephanie. She is the daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Nick Bierema /of Hawkesbury. 3-1 iURNER--N orris and Kathy are please ta announce the binth of thein daughten, Sarah Kathryn, in Calgary, Alberta, a sister for Patrick on January 7. Proud grand- parents are Dr. and, Mrs. Mantin Johns of Hamilton and Rev. and Mns. Harold Turner of Oshawa. 3-1 WELSH - Laurel happily announces the arrivai of hen baby sister, Kaleen Dawn, 7 lb. 15 oz. on Jan. 17 at Memonial Hospital. Proud parents are Larny and Jean. Thanks ta Drs. J.D. Rundle and A. Westg arth and the maternnty staff. 3-1 x Mn. and Mrs. Abert Hamil- tan ane happy ta announce the engagement of thein daughten, Shirley, ta Mn. Gerr Master- son, son of Mn. and Mns. Tom Mastenson of Bowmanville. The maniage ta take place Oct. l6th, 1976. 3-Ix The marniage of Debra-Lei, daug hten of Mn. and Mrs. Miltan 'Adams, Onono, to Timothy Tenrance, son of Mn., Earl Toye, Minden, is to take place Febnuary 2lst, 1976 at 7 p.m. at Carnarvon, Ontario, 3-1 x Mn. and Mrs. John Bienema of Bowmanville are pleased ta annaunce the fothcoming maniage of thein youngest daughter Ruth Margaret ta Robin, son of Mn. and Mns. Ron Forbes, Toronto. Grand- son of Mrs. Ina Forbes, 1yrone. The-wedding wilI take place Feb, 28, 1976 at 4î o'clock, at St. Paul's United Chunch, Bowmanville., 311 WATSON - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Satur- day, Januany llth, 1976, John William Watson, aged 86 years, beloved husband of Olive, Lucy, dear father of Kathleen Lehmann, Gwen GruenWald,,William, Gordon, Edwand and Thomas L)Jcy. Service was held in the Mrris Funeral Chapel,- Bowman- ville, on Tuesday attennoon. Interment St. George's Cerne- teny, Newcastle.31 PARFITT - Dennîs George. Suddenly at Haliburton on Sunday, January 18, 1976. Dennis George Parfitt beloved husband of Sonia Kalzak, Hampton. Father of Honey, Erin and Ryan. Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parfitt, Rose- neath. Landing. Brother of Mrs. Doug Dearden (Janice) Roseneath Landing, Miss Cindy-Lee Parfitt and Bain Parfitt, Oshawa, in his 38th year. Restîng at Armstrong F uneral Home, Oshawa. Funeral service in the Chapel, Wednesday, January 2lst at 1:45 p.m. Cremation. Memor- ial, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated. 3-1 PRI1TCHAR D -On Jan. l4th, 1976 after a very brief illness, the death occurred in Ottawa Civic Hospital of Elizabeth Marion (Betty) Snowden, belaved wife of the late QI is Pritchard. She was in her 6th year. Funeral service was held in the Hulse Playfair Chapel, Ottawa, on Jan. l7th. Pastor S. Hewlett of Manotick United Church conducted the funeral service. 3-1 A'LLEN - Iln îoving mrri~ru of a dear mother and grand mother Sarah Jane Allen, who passed away Jan. 24, 1975. While you dear Mother rest and sleep,, Your loving memory we'Jl always keep., - Lavingly remembered by Marvin, Margaret and family. 3-1 x BENTLEY - (Jack) John Henry. In loving memory of a dear fathen who passed away Jan. 23, 1974. His. smile, his laugh, his special way, Are always with us evervdav. There is a space in our hearts, Thats his alone. Where his cherished memor- ies will forever naam, So even though our Dad's gone away Within our hearts he'll always stay. -.I -. - Sadly missed by E Richard, Ron and Da and Barbie and gra ren, MULHOLLAND - Ir memory of a dean and father who passE Januany 18, 1969. - Lovingly rememl wife Marge, son Nonr daughter Marie.' BENTLEY - (Jack) John Henry. In iaving memary of a dean husband who passed away Jan. 23, 1974., I remember the day i met him The day Gad made him mine. 1 remember the day I aost hlm I wil11 'til11 the end of time. But with ail the tears and heartache One thing makes me g lad. He chose me ta share The oreciaus vears we had. - Sadiy missed Ede. 3- CLARKE - In iovîng memory of a dean husband and tather Allan, wha passed away suddenly January 16, 1962. Too dearly loved ever ta be torgotten. - Sadly missed and always remembered by- his wife Eteika and son James. 3-1 Edie and PATERSON - In loving ale, John memory of a dean wife and andchild- mathen, Ona, who passed away January 25th, 1972. -1 Though your smile has gone tonever In oving And yaur hand we. cannot husband touch ,ed away We have so many memories Of you, Ona, we loved so ered by much. man and - Sadly missedi and lovingly remembered by husband 3-1ix Sandy and Ken. 3-1 MI- IEERTHUIZEN - Gerrit. Af Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday, Jan. 14, 1976, Gerrit Beethuizen of RR 3_ Bowmanville in his 62nd year, husband of Thelma Soulsby, father of Rosemary, Mrs. B. Snîder (Lorelei), Blythe, Debra. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Private funeral service 7 p.m. Friday evening. Cre- mation. 3-1 BEST - At Memorial Hospi- tai, Bowmanville, Sunday,, 10-i;;v I-k 107,n e+, Grace Best, Oro ý ears, wife of the est, dear math (Mrs. George Ci vice was held ir Funeral Chapel ville, on Wednes p.m. IntermentC tery. TERRY - At Tc nesday, January John Terry, age dean father of C Gardon, Paul, Je, Brian, brother of Wallace, Gordon, leen, Helen, Ail Elva, Vera and Service was held i Funeral Chapel, ville, on Saturda) Interment Bowrr mefery. CA RNA' Fok STOP IN AN DUR WEEKENID THEY'RE IIARE Carnation F10i 33 Divisiol 623-714 PATERSON - In loving memory of a dean mather and grandmather, Ona, who passed away January 25th, 1972. Her smîle, her augh, her special way, Are always with us every day. There is a space in our heants, that's hers alone Where her cherished memar- les ever raam. Sa even though she is gone away Within aur heants she will always stay. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Heather and family. 3-1 7/0, ag[I[Id SHANE - In oving memory late Rusl of aur cousin Canal who passed er 0faway Jan. 20, 1974. le fSel Soitty the leaves of memory i th Moris Gently we gather, treasure 1, Bowman- them ail day atl1':30 Some n'may forget now that CWnnaeme- youre goie, e o ate ,ronto Wed- how long. orono, Wd __ Sadly missed by Clem, (l4th, 1976, Linda, Wendy and Lloyd. d 65 yea ns, 3-1 Gary, Allan, ______________ ýan, Bil an, HANÈ - 1n iloving memýory ,f Lais, Ken, of aur dean daughter Carol Ra ' E l- who passed away January 20, CI A l Memonies are treasures no n the Morris one can steal. 1Bowman- Death a heartache no one can iy afternoon. heal anville Ce- lthappened sa suddenîy 3-1 And you were gone. But we wili remem ber you TION No matter how long. TION Just when your lite was brightest w AIlYour Just when your years were or Ai Your best ,wer eeds You were called trom hi World. To a home of eternal nest. ID SEE Without a last goodlbye. ) SPECIALS And in aur sad and loneiy D TO BEAT' heants. ~er Shop We keep on asking why. ýwerShop The reason hidden somewhene n St. In the pattern God has V1 must bel ieve and trust Somneday we'lI understand. A ganden of beautitul Since 1912 memories Sprayed with a million tears. - Lovingly ne memnbe red, Mom and Dad. 3-1 h Iowers, by JACKMAN ... ...say it best! PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowman% ~ "F IOWE ýWj Say 1 Best' VAN BELLE DAILY Deîrvery to.. Oshawa - BwmanvilIe A Phone 623-4441 ivile 45-tf ers it 7i' ~roa ii.tf Funeral Home Thouglfulness - Service- Concern Concerned people offen enquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Information c an be simply and thought- fully obtained upon request., This is part 'of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 3-1 .Durnam County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION4 STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. SHAN E- Canal. To our sister who went to heaven January 20, 1974. May the winds of heaven blow ngently. Ona quiet peaceful spot. Where the one we loved lies sleeping. And will neyer be forgot. Nothing could be more cherished Than the memory we have of you To us yau were special Carol And God must have thought s0 tao. - Always remembered by sisters Elaine and Velma and brother Raymond. 3-1 SHANE - In Iaving memory of a dean niece Carol Shane who passed away January 2Oth. 1974. If anly'I cauld tell you Carol How I've missed you these two year's f How often 1 have sat and looked At your picture through my tears Wishing you were back with mie again The way it used ta' be But i must go on withaut you Though thîs is hard for me to do For on the day I Iast you A part of me died toa Your sutfering 1 know is over No more will you feel pain And in aur heant and soul i know That we will meet again. - Lovîngly remembered by yaur Aunt Lais, Uncle George and cousin Donald. , 3-1 A sîncere 'thank you' is extended f nom Mrs. Leslie Snawden and on behaîf of her family and her grandsons ta the many friends and relatives who have heiped sa much in many ways to share the sorrow ln the loss of the ioved one, Betty Snowden Prit- chard. 3-1 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Nimigon of Pontypool' would like to thank ail those who remem- bered themn with cards, etc. at Christmas and would like to wish aillof their friends a very Happy Ukrainian, New Year. 3-1 Ta the counicil of the Corporation of the Town 0f Newcastle, to ail Employees and members of the Staff with whom 1 have worked and to our many friends and associ- ates who have served in the interest of the Town. i wish at this time ta express- an behaif of Eva and mysei'f aur sincere thanks and appreciation for a lavely party hanoring us on aur retirement. The beautiful gifts will be a lasting reminder of those who shared in the work we loved and a tribute to the many real friendships made that will last for years to- com e. Charles and Eva Warren Special thanks to Dns. West- gEath, Cunningham, nurses in Emergency and Pediatrics for their kindness while I was in hospital. Madeline Kemp 3-1 We would like to thank aur neighbors, friends and rela- tives fan their lovely Christ- mas cards. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Bennett 3-1 x The famiiy of the- late Charles Garrard, wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness shown during fathen's year of illness. A speciai thank you to Dr. J. Rundie and nurses of Memrorial Hospital. To Rev. R. Haines for his comfartîng words and to the Morris Funenai Home for their thoughtful assistance, also for flowers, cards and donations. Special thanks to Haydon Club 21 for lunch served and food sent in to home. The Garrard Family 3-1x, The family of the late Russell Franklin wish to thank and express sîncere apprecia- tion to the nei ghbors, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness. To Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for their kindness and 'Rev. Schamerhorn for his comfont- ing words in the loss of a dean fathen and gnandfather. - -Jleren Henry and Denni~s Francis. 3-1 I would like to express my sincene thanks to relatives and friends for cards,ý gifts and fiowers sent ta me while in Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville. Special thanks 'ta Dr. Cunningham, nurses and staff. Mrs. Hazel Whitney Newcastle Social Planning Council meeting, Thursday, January 22, 8 p.m., Court Roam No. 2, Police Building, Bowmanville. 1-3 MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THU RSDAY -7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 5e-ti WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST, OSHAWA 21 -fi Mid-winter dance, Satur- day, ýJanuary 24, 8:30 p.m. Newcastle Community Hall, pnrizes, lunch. $6.00 per couple. Everyone',welcome. Sponsor- ed by the Durham East N. D.P. Riding Association. 2-2 Euchre Party in Newton- ville Hall, Friday, Jan. 23. Ladies bring lunch. Everyane welcome. .. 3-1 Newcastl ,e Horticultural Society will be holding its annual general meeting at an open meeting to be held in the Community Hall, Newcastle, on January 27th at 8 p.m. Ail members are invited. Please try to attend. 3-1 Orono Amateur Athle-tiç Association, Winter Dance, Newcastle Town Hall, Satur- day, January 31, 1976. Music by Ted Koss and the Cava- liers. $7 a couple. Refresh- ments and lunch available. 2-3 WOMEN ALIVE1 1970 #PNT IAC C~.daIla, $900 as is. Phone 623-7668. 3-1 x 1966 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, $550. Phone 725-4076. 3-1 1973 MERCURY Cornet, 30,000 miles, V8, Iuxury interior, $2150. Phone 623-2807. 3-1 '69 DODGE Coronet 440, as is, best offer. Phone 623-4656. 3-1 '61 CHEV "good running condi- tion. $250.- Phone 623-5314 or 623-5964. 3-1 1972 OLDS, 39,000 miles, new -adials. Best offer. Phone 523-5888. 3-1 if you have a drinking problem, please caîl A.A. 728-1020. 45-tf The Durham Women's Movement will 'start a Con- sciousness Raising Group in your area. If interested or for more - information caîl 728- 2111. 46-tf ANN BRADLEI Permanent Hair Remow 90 Simncae St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGMX EAR PIE SERVI Hooper's J Ltc Regular Prit NOW $10.00 Special 10 per ce on first purchasi with the relei Phone 6 ForAppoir Amnesty VM :RCIN ICE ewel I i . ' ce $12.00. Pu PPI1ES, border col ie type. Phone 623-2730. 1 -tf REG 'ISTERED maie 'afghan, 21/2 years aId, asking $150. Phone 623-5820. 3-1 PUREBRED beagles, no pap- erns, 2 - one-year-alds, mother 2 years aId. Phone 1-986-4749 before 9p.m. 3-1 Lieneral1 Manager POSITION WANTED Qualified manager with 17 years business expenience seeks G.M. position in small ta medium sized company -in local area.- Write Advertiser 597, c-o Canadian,'Statesman, P.O. Box 19U, Bowmanville. 3-4x r ic- WMITE'S T.V. TOWERS. tawers, U HF, VH F Aeiaîs, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 30-tf Y ANTIQUE CLOCKS (ai -REýPAIRED- Parts available for most anti-ý que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done, wit 4 4t modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss. trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS G LTD. 29 King St. East ers ~~Phone 623- 5747 4i with studs ent reductian Oshawa TV ee ý e of earrings Antennas aseform. &Towers 23-57471 intment ROTORS INSTALLED 45-tf UHF -VHF -Coîored Aeriais- M ~Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed AIl1 priced ta SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122, feek L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 7 107438-fl Februdry2,-- rebruary .7, 1ii Return Overdue Books, No Fines Charged BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 3-2 APPEARING AT iune wueen.,s nuiei NEWCASTLE COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday Ja'nuary 23 -24 Dancing 9-1 3-1 Daytona Beach BUS TOUR FEBRUARY 14-29 $299.00 Per Persan Sharing Twin 10 Days of Fun & Sun at a New Ocean Front Hotel Sightseeing Tours ta Disney- world, Cypress Gdns., and Histonic St. Augustine. For Information and Local Boarding Point BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 47 King St. W. or DENURE TOURS LTD. Lindsay, Ont. 705-324-9161 1-3 Plan now ta attend the Disney Wanld Concert on February lst at 8 p.m. in the B.H.S. Auditorium, sponsared by the Band Parents Associa- -tion. Ross Metcalf and his Associates .wilI feature Tommy Cinnamon, Canada's Outstanding Ban joist. 1-4 The annual meeting of -the Orono Cemetery Co. wili be held inthe Lang Chapel an Monday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m. 3-1. Hanse drawn sleigh rides by the hour by appointment. Phone 728-8090.36 Club Annnene Dance and Banquet. Hall available for your group's fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates naw whiie choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf MINI CONFERENCE ""NEW BEGINNINGS"' Wednesday, January 28th, 1976 2 p.m - 9 p.m. EASTDALE COLLEGIATE, HARMONY ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA Speaker:, EILEEN GUDER Price $6.00 Includes Supper - TICKETS Selina Fulton, 725-7008 Oshawa, Regist rat ion 2-2:30 parr Grace Bridges 623-3062 Bowmanville COMPR ESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drillI presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws sharoened. We sel , .uy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf 39" BED, white headbaard, box 'spring and mattress $35. Phone 623-5820. 3-1 COATS for sale, one leather bomber Iacket, one buckskin, one velvet (midi length), one car coat, size 8--10. Phone 623-4566. 3-1 SIMPLICITY washer with spin dryer, apartment size,, good condition, $100. Phone 725-4076. 3-1, BARGAIN basement, no rea- sonable offer refused. Black and White TV's, chesterfield and chair, infant sitters,, waîkers, car seats, other household items and clothing. Cali 623-7872 or 623-2484. ,3-1 23" CONSOLE black and white TV. Excellent condition. $75. Radiator for V-8 '65 Pontiac up. $25. Phone 623-7289. 3-1ix 1973 MOTO-SKI, Cadet just like new. Phone 1-983-5355. 3-1 x '71 SKI-DOO 640 TNT Afwin carbs, tac and speedometer, new track. Phone 987-4954. 3,-1 APPLE Special - 2weeks 6nly. Macs - seconds, $2 bushel. Bring own container. Phone Bill Feddema 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 3-2 LAWN tractor and mower, 8 h.p., electric start. Phone ý623-5820. .1 3-1 BED chesterfield, chester- fields, davenport, reclining chair, 5 matching press back chairs, dressers, aval rug, coffee and end tables, chrome suite, racking chairs, vacuum cleaners, single beds, baby carniage, stroller, swing-o- matic, high chairs. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bowmanville. 3-1 GIRLS ski boots, size 5, good condition. Phone 623-3066 after 7. 3-1 USE D piano, best offer. Phone 728-1675. 3 tf 0%S HA'W A SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOiL & OIRT FIIL DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL CALL 725-0232 SULINA RD. NJ. 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 1Asalesman in \,Darlington Township. ' t PROPANE gas dryer (Sim- Pl icity) used only four months. Phone 725-3742. 2-2 FILM <~Tl1'I~PROCESSING CHILDREN'S li t PHOTOS Ca meras and Photagraphic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanviîîe 623-2404 INSTALL AN O 'NFURNACE ~VHUMIDIFIER 1 U o H EATE R AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER, Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLI CY CA LL HARVEY PARTNER' YÏour E SSO Service beéa 1er FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service HON EY, unpasfeurized, white in standard containers, Edgar James, 2 miles east of Liberty Street oni- Tauntion- Road. Phone 983-5872. 2-2x COLO STORAGE APPLES Mac Intosh, Deliclous and Spy Frank Hiemstra R.R. 1, Enniskillen 263-2260 PADDY'S Market now ha.- new funnitune, appliancesý T.V.'s and stereos and ail ' used furniture and appliances', WiI11 accept trade-ins. Paddy'~ Market,' Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t! USED Furniture and Appli-ý ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton. 263-2241. 26t VIKING Plurnbing and Heat- ing, Hampton location, fast, dependable 24 houn service. Free estimates. Cali Rudy 263-2981. 1-3 ANTIQUE Gun Show and Sale, Sunday, January 25, Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coibonne St. W.,, Oshawa. Doon open 9 a.rn.- 1 p.m. Admission $1. Ladies free. 3-1 '69 NORDIC Skidoo, 24 H.P. twin electric stant, caver. Excellent condition. Best otter. 623-5179. 3-1 x WHITE binch fireplace wood. Phone 1-786-2459. 52-4 GRAI A f ed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. i.eland Payne, Newton- ville, prione 786-2512. - 44-ff 1975 340 RUPP, free air, excellent condition, approx- imateiy 100 miles on it, neyer raced. 987-4944. 3-lx HAY - hanse hay. Phone 263-2650. 3-tf BLACK and white dark noam equipment consisting of en- larger, an Ilford'pnint praces. son, washers, dnyer and trays. Phone 723-7916. 3-1 '74 OLYMPIC Skidoo 340 fwin cylinder, Iust like new. Phone 263-8824 between 6 and 91p.m. 3-1 '72 MASTER Coach, 23 foot, fuliy equipped. $4,900. Phone 623-4911. 3-1 SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY RIDE ,to Durham College and return, 9-4 classes. Phone 623-2793. 3-1 FREE removal of tresh, dead or disabled large animais. Th-ere will be a $5 charge on smnall calves and pigs. Cali Margwill Fur Farm, Haip- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf Furnished Bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, icenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanviî le 623-7072 1-tf TWO bedroom apartment, Simpson Ave. area, including utilities. 'Available March 1. Phane 623-5573 or 623-4697. 2-2 ENNISKILLEN Village, two bednoom apartment, second floor, self-contained, private antrance, aduits preferred. Phone 263-8868. 3-2 FURNISHED room, kîtchen priviieges if desired, respon- sible person only. Phone 623-5312/ 3-1 TWO bedroom apartment, $150 monthly, heat included. Apply Bowmanville 623-4387. 3-1 TWO bedroom apartment on Lambs Lane, $170, includes, heat, hydro, fridge and stove. Phone 623-5888.- 3-tf THREE bedroom house in NewtonVilIe, $225 per month, p lus heat and hydno. Available February 1. Phone Trenton 1 -613-394-3023. 3-2 ONE bedroom apartment, available February 1; Mari- anna Villa, Bowmanville. Caîl 623-6078 or 623-4697. 3-1 ONE bedroom apartment, diningnaom, livingroom, kit- chen and bathroom. Prefer elde rl couple. Available immeditely. Phone 623-7540 aften six. a-i BACHELOR apartment, re- quired immediately, unfurn- ished, central in- Bowmanville phone Bank of Commerce 623-3375, ask for Sharon Wilson. 3-ix Workable land by nesponsible farmer. Write Advertiser 594, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontar- io, Li C3K9. 2-4x APPLICATIONS are invited by Bowmanville Rotary Club tram highschool students who will be 131/2 yeans ta 181/2 years in August 1976 and are in the first third of their grade, ta parfici pate in Rotary Interna- tional'Student Exchange Pro., gram to spend one yean ovenseas tram August, 1976 to August, 1977. Rotary will arrange board and lodging, pocket money and schooling. Tesccesstui applicant's parents will be responsibie for the expense of travel to and tram hast country. AIl enquir- les to Tony Brandl, 28 Victoria St., 623-7444, prior ta Jan. 28, next. 3-1 The marriage of Miss Kathleen H. Martin, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Newcastle, ta Mn. Raymond M. Boundy has- been post- poned until February 28, 1976. 3-1 x Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop attention Senior Citizens - 10 percent off aIl hain-clo's (perms, colons, etc.) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week. Thurs. and Fni. evenings by appoint- ment. "Appoint ment not aI- ways necessary". Cali 623-5019,71 King St. E. 3-6 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPI.IANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIED CEDAR bush for posts and pales in the Oshawa, Bowman- ville or Newcastle area. Phone 1-655-3579 atter 5 p.m. 3-Ix GOOD used turniture, baby articles, other articles. Phone Towne Used Furnitune 623-4681 Bowmanville ton in- stant cash and service. 2-3 FULL and part time Rýrsons to service Fuller Brush customers. No investment. For information phone 416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg, Ontarnia. 2-2x CLEANING lady required. Phone 623-4950. 2-tf LICENSED spray painter ta work flat rate, above average pay. Excellent working condi- tions. Apply Bill Smith, Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd., Bowman- ville. 623-3396. 2-2 EX PERIENCED wedding photographer required. Must have ow -n 214 equipment. Send resumne ta Box 796, Oshawa. 3-1 SE MI-RETIRED person for milk delivery 3 days a week, Tues., Thurs., Sat.' Work on your own time, at your own speed. Only reliab le, depend- able people need apply. Apply in person Glen Rae Dairy, 98 King St. West. 3-1 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications wiII be receiv- ,ed by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., January 26, 1976, for the position'0f:, Full Time CLERK TYPIST at the' Cobourg District Collegiate Institute 1East, Must have typing, general knowIedge of office prace- clure, and business machines. Must be accurate with figures. Abiîity ta get a long with tieople. Apply in writing stating jualifications, expenience and telephone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer,- P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, ont. K9A 4L2 3-1 Part Time INSIDE SALES ASSISTANT Expenience in steel or con- struction wiII be an asset. IFor appaintment phone 62ý3-3317 JENSEN STEEL LTD. 222 Base Line Bowmanville 3-11 Canadian Oîl Company needs dependable persan wha can work without supervision. Contact custamers around Bowmanville.1 Limited auto travel. We train. Write: M. W. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroîeum, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. HIGH COMMISS'IONS On Sale 0f CHEMICALS COATINGS & SEALANTS! Ours is an International sales firm, in business since 1904. Our men selI Goodyear Roofing products, Bîacktap sealants, Chemiîcaîs and Cleaners. Oun Goodyear Roofing mie is unique. Instead of one black and one aluminum coating, sel a multitude of extremely fine praducts ta fit virtually every need." ' Special "Labor Saving" Plan offers over $4000. worth of equipment Free of Charge on qualifying orders -- on boan basis, f0 speed application of products and save money for customers! This is of special value ta sales nepresentatives who also have separate con- tractinci businesses. It helps them seil and service "big ticket" industrial accounts. No dloor-to-cdoor canvasing. "If interested, write Consolidated Protective Coatings Ltd., Dept. B14, 2300 Schenker Street, Ville LaSalle, Quebec, Canada H8N 1 A2. HAVE own truck, wilI move household furniture, equip- ment, etc. Phone 987-4267. 1 ý 3-1 CASH for gold,' silver, coins, guns, cloc' s, jewellry, dishes, fiJnniture, cracks, paintings, sealens, appliances. Friendly Flea Manket,,23 King Wesf, 725-9783. 38-tf USED Funniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Manrket, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKIRS Yard 623-5156 Rgsidence -623-7112 AI1 s -A 07 s'rA nn ý

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