FORý CLASSUFUED Tue so, 12 noon IN THE ESTATE 0F PAUL D.Bes&Sn CUTMuhsergeo LRUNNER, deceasedD.Bes&Sn CUTMuhitrgecv Alproshaving CONSTRUCTION ering, re-styling, very reason ai ipteersta ofable, work guaranteed, 20 p~ B~nnr, o oftheNew Homes Rnvtn yearsts experience. clle est R N -T ~ Town of Newcastle, in the Repa irs of ali1types. 1-986-5072. 26-tfRALO Regional Municipality of Dur- PHONE___________ ham, who died on the 26th day RATF of O(t'ber. 1975 , e eair623-.2263 Cule Kitten'Named 'Flash' to file proof of same witn the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February, 1976, after which date the estate wilIl be distributed with regard aniy ta the dlaims of which the undersigned shaîl then have natice and the undersigned wiii nat be hiable ta any persan of whase dlaim they shahl not then have notice. DATED at Bawman- ville, Ontario, this 7th day af January,, 1976. John Brunner, Executor by his solicitors, Strike, Strike & Van Nest Bax 7, Bowmanviile, Ontario. 2-3 WANTED fo buy or wiii trade, boar. Serviceabie age. Phone Doug Terwillegar 725-6210. 3-1 TWO and haîf year old Apolaosa gelding with papers, saddie and tack. Quiet and weil brpken. Phone 1-983-9583 after 6. 3-1 1EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CEN'TRE LARGE INDOOR -ARENA BOA RDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schoaling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Baught & Sald Z3 AOWMANVILLE 623-7336 Buy direct from manuTac- turer - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd. has a huge selection of fine,, quality monuments, large and smail ta fit any' need. Came by our dispiay yard at 73 Ontario Street, Part Hape or telephane 885-5216) for a monument that endures. 35-tf THE NORTHUMBERL.AND AND NEWCASTLE, BOARD 0F EDUCATION The Northumberland 'and Newcastle Board cf Educa- tion invites sealed bids on the following Snowmobi le: 1 only 1970 Snow Cruiser 20 H.P. Kohier Engine New Condition The snowmobil e may be seen at Campbellford District High School Py contacting Mr. Frank Keeler, Technical Dir- ector, at the schooî for an appointment. There is a re- serve bid on this snowmobi le. Bids should then be maiîod ta the, undersigned no later that 3:00 p.m., Thursday, January 29, 1976. Ail lenvelopes' must be plainly ma tked -Snowmobile M. A.* Mac Leod Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland zind Newcastle Board cf Education P.O. Box 470 834 D'Arcy Street North Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 3-1 NêEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO AIL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983- ,5206 - Zenith 14620 41tf BitI's GLA5S andMIRRORS LTD. 1 Divisio-n St., eowmanville Onta rio. Phone 623-5187 Shoot and F loat Glass Sealed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts- . Float Mitrorm Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17 tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phane 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16 tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sidinq-Soffit- Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awni ngs 623-4399 For Free Estimate J. A. HAYES (SMOKE Custom Cuttinc 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Riston Rd. S. 1Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7M PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOLý 705-277-2261 29-f KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-ff DOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES îLES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St, Bowmanvillo 26-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45ff Ref rigerafion -and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Cochers PHONE BERT SYER Days .........623-5774 Nights ............ 623-3-77- Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf' WOMAN aged 24,- living in Newcasfle desires work in Bowmanville area. Experi- denced in inventory control, i-customer service and expedi- t1ing, and very goad with fiurs. Figure or iented jlobs, can type, have High School dipioma and one year callege. Please write P.O. Box 303, Newcasftle. 3-1 x JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACE1 CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 t MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvllle 30-ff BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbi-ng - Heating Pressure Systoms New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 33-ff City Wide Door Service Supply Steel Daors, Frames and Toilet Partitions Also installations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45-tf Wm G. Terhune CARPENTRY Phone 623-3575 1-4x INSULATION, blawing method with rock wool, work- marship guaranteed. Seai. da, ire Inslation, phone 705- 742-0272. Repre-sentative Harry L. Wade. phone 987-4531. 43-tf RON'S FLOOR CARE I nc ludes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing CALL Ron Turcotte at 623-79,66 45-tf __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOT IVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Ail workcdone by Licensed Class "A" Meclianic At your home or place of business. Allparts nd labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowma nvilIle 20-tf L& C..JAITIv SERVICE '<> Carpet - Uphoistery ýg Prof essiona liy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES s Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 056_ 3tf UT ý.xTu1jer, ly/a, CIFL, requireu 4- 411- ----4: _; ,-- ý.,;4.k ýk- - MATTRESS 39" for singie bed, clean. $10.00. Phone 623-5718. 3-1 CHROME grill, removable watfie plates complete with cord and of-off switch. Gaod condition. 36.00. 623-7011. 3-1 HANDMADE plywood puppef stage, hinged sections, easi y dismantled, portable, 4' length by 5' width by 4' high, oniy $10-00, 623-7490. 3-1 Auctiori sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskiiien on Saturday evening, Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. Large quantity of furni- ture and useful articles, child- ren'ý pool table, bed with wicker ends, round table, large pine cupboard, hand- made aid phonograph cabinet, dishes, cracks, quiits, aid fridge, many, many more articles. Cliff Pethick, auc- tioneer. 3-1 Auction sale of antiques and used furniture, Saturday, Jan- uary 24, 1:15 af Saveon Products Warehouse,,highway 28, Bewdley, consisting of walnut bed, sideboard, chests of drawers, chairs, dining- room fable, set of six press- back chairs, wardrobe, North- umberiand-Durham atlas, dis- hes, glassware, oul lamps, Orcana electric organ, Silver- tone TV, refrigerator, and other articles stili belng con- signed. Roger Bannister, auc- tioneer. 1 URGENTLY REQUIRED!! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'il be pleased ta appraise it for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams-'. For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- ville 576-6120. 17-tf RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Reaa Estate Board tf ORONO 3 bedroom bungalow, finist family room with firepla two car garage with pa' drive. Lot suze 75'ý x 2 Priced $65,000. Cal 983-5996 le ,' ~ 1 olbrick bungalow, electric heating, finished paneiied rec. room with brick firepflace, 3 bedrooms, 4th bedroom in Stafford Brothers basemrent, separate iaundry Monuments room, close ta schoois, chur- LIMITE O ches and 401 exit. 1 Box 133 ASKING ONLY $31,900 for this 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby two bedroomn home, very nice Phone Whitby 668-3552à starter home, located in Bowmanville. Phone now! 31-1 DRU'M LESSONS Ail Privote Instruction by e Fully Qualified Drummer! CONTACT- éffIichaeJ 'E. '4Wood PERCUSSION IST and DRUMMER 623-6407 623-3911 Bawmanville - 112 storey brick home on Flett St., has 3 bedrooms, separate D.R., rec. room, gar>age and paved drive, asking $49,500. C ail ta inspect, today. Millbroak Area - New 3 bedroom brick bungalow now being completed in well built up area. Caîl for information. Orono - Large 21/2 storey, 3 bedroom home with separate D.R. and good soi id hardwood floors, situated on- over 2 acres) weii, treed and very secluded, has small barn also, asking $69,000. Vendor anx- ious. Orono- 2 bedroom, brick bungalow overlooking the park, large 75 x 160 foot lot, with self contained apartment on the iower level ta help defray expenses. Vendor wiii hold-mortgage at 8 per cent, immediate possession, asking $54,000. 3-1 234 King St. E., Bowmanville' 623-3393 Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 54 Acres - Bethany his View, stream.,Rolling scenic property with 2 road, front- ages. Excellent value at $49,000 - 5,000 down. Caîl Bill Turanskýy. 160 Acres, Stream, View Orono Area Automatic feed lot for 300 cattie, 2-25',x 75' silos, 8 room home. Terrific value af oniy $250,000. Terms. Cali Charlie Reid. 39 Acres, Kendal Hilîs, Stream, Trout Pond 3 bedroam B.C. Cedar bunga- low with large sundeck. Stone fireplace. Close ta Oshawa Ski Club. 3125,000 - 335,000 cdown. 117 Acres - Kendal Hulis Area 6 room house, barn 60' x 40', 2 springs for ponds. Terrific view. $127,500. Terms. Cail Charlie Reid. 100 Acres - Courtice Development land with brick house and barnis. Territic possibilities. Asking $7,000 per acre. Open for offers. 10 Acres - Kendal Hilîs Located on excellent road, this partiall woded cuntry pro- prty wefowiýng stream and pond, s deaily suited for you r cou nt ry hom q. $40,000 with $15,000 dlown. Caîl Elfie J ost. Bowmanville Sidesplit Large 3 bedroom brick and redwoad home with many extras like breakfast nook, large rec. room, fenced yard with'i patio, and nicely land- scaped lot plus lots more. Only $62,500. Cail Pat Yeo today. Best Buy in Bowmanvilîe 3 bedraom brick. bungalow, close ta shops and schools. With extras like a but in stove and aven, and ail on a nicely landscaped lot. Also a legal basement apartment ta help you maike the payments. Ail this for anly $52,900. Cali Albert Kerekes. Bowmanville'- 2 Miles 3 bedraom'bungalow on 207' x 115' fenced lot. H 'as waikout basement, separate garage, well landscaped. Smali pigeon shed, dog kennel and runs for 10 dags. Asking oniy 349,900. Cali Bud Virtue. orono - 3 Yr. OId Bungalow Only 351,000 with 9 per cent mortgage. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, *separate diningroom, full 241/2' x 551/2' basernent, electricheat, close ta schoois, etc. Owner says sei. His ioss, y our gain. Good terms. CaIl Bili Grady. Five Bedroo ms - Bowmanville Older home very dlean. In commercial zone, close to centrai core. Asking $43,900. Cail Stew McTavish. Bowmanvi île Onily 345,500 with excellent terms. Oversized 3 bedroom brick and aluminum twin home, nicely decorated, fami- y room with patio doars, tully fenced lot. Cail Albert Kere- kes. Orono Estates Top value for your dollar. Asking oniy $49,900 for this twa storey, immaculately kept home, 4 bedrooms ancd car- port. 924 per cent martgage. Call Jan;,Oudshoorn. 623-3098 623-5265 623-3702 623-5868 N EWCASTLE 6 roomn brick bungalow with rec. raom. 40' x 20' inground pool. Electric heating. Priced ta seli. Terms arranged. OSHA WA 2 bedroomn bungalow with paved drive. North end loca-» tion. Real cozy home for $44,900. Terms. Hockin's Pee Wee B Hockey: News The Bowmanville Hockin Real Estate Pee Wee B hockey team bas came out ahead in games played since the new year began. The Bowmanville team bas four wins ta its credit and bas lost two games. on dan. 5, the Hackin Realtors hosted Pickering in an exhibition game at the Darlingtan Sports Centre and won. Early in the first period, Kevin Welsh opened the scor- ing assisted by Dana Peebles. Thirty-six seconds later Steve Martin scared with an assist by Dreossi. Pickering scored an a power play with Clemens off for tripping. The Realtars roared back less than a minute later when Terry Allen scored a short handed goal from LaVigné. In the second periad, Peebles scored with assists from Welsh and Cie- mens. Shortlyafter, Pickering scored their second goal. With 17 seconds remaining in the second period Peebles scored again, assisted by Welsh and CIe mens. Pickering scored once again in the thîrd period and held Bowmanville off for .the remainder of the game which ended 5-3 for Hockin's Realtors. On dan. 7, the Realtors played a league game in Port Perry, caming away with an impressive 2-1 win. Bowmnan- ville goals were scored by Kevin Welsh and Dana Pee- bles with assists gaing ta Welsh and Hogarth. Chris Desouza and Brian Choun displayed' outstanding goal- tending for Bowmanville dur- itgthe game. On dan. 10, Hockin's Real- tors participated in, a tourna- ment at Babcaygeon, losing their first game in overtime ta a team from Keene. In the. second game, Bowmanville played the Newcastle "A" BOWMANVILLE SEMI - 4 bedroomn home with 2 baths on a large lot. Fenced back yard. Priced right at $47,900. LAKE ONTARIO -- This is a rare opportunity ta build on a 12.6 acre lakefront lot. Very scarce. $62,500. KENDAL 512 acre building lot. Ail permifs available $24,900. -NE WTONVILLJE3- STARKVILLE BOWLING Team Standings Sweet peppers 33, Cabbage heads 32, Carrat tops 25, Celery hearts 18. High Single Cindy Cowle 279. High.Triple Cindy Cowle 765. To 10 Averages Cindy Cowle 210, Gail Mill- son 198, Peggy Milîson 195, Marlene Stacey 194, Joyce Stacey 192, Karen Carter 189, Bernice Henderson 188, Pat Milîson 176, Olive Henderson 173, Donna Marris 169. Pat Marjerrisonh Ken Nicks D)ollie Davey 623-4115 623-4050 786-2256 <Newtonville> VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Building lot 75' x 160' on sewers and water, $20;000. COUNTRY ESTATE Custom built home, 2-years- aid. Piliars at front doar, cedar and stane decor, 2, firepiaces, tamily raom with bar. Walk-outs ta iawer patio and upper balcony Scenic twa acre lot withb irch trees. Pontypool area, 25 minutes tram Bowmanville, $93,500. BOWMANVI LLE 30 acres, level farm land, ideal home site or mini-farm. Con- venient co 'mmuting ta Oshawa or Bowmanvilie, 33,000 per acre. 3-1 "OWaverly Gardens"'ý ln Bowmanvillo Built by Marianna Developmnents Your Gûarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 3/4%00o $4,1l50 DOWN Foatures include: Clean Dependable Electruc Meat Large famnily kitchen -Finished famnily roomn *Complotoly broadfoomned -11/2 baths -Fireplaces -Attached gara gos -Fully soddoed lots -Completoly serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Daily 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. A LSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday î1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Deluxe Modeis tf0 Choose From.' MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Voltri & Son Limlted Weil known for quallty construction and superlor workmanshlp. EXCLUJSIVE AGENTS GrahamIGA A,ý tom Bs ThumUM'&ixbridge 5 to O Lose teoeOrno, Port Hope On Friday, Jan. 9, Gra- ham's I.G.A. Atoms travelled ta Uxbridge where they defea- ted the hasts 5-0. tBilly McArthur played ana-ý, ter fine game in goal picking up his fourth shutout. Goal scarers for Graham's were David Hogarth from Scott Johnson and Trevor Martyn then it was Todd Beers from Vic Romard. Graham's went ahead 3-0 on Jeff Lagan's l3th from Todd Beers, then Scott Johnson unsitdthen David Ho- farth finished the scoring rom deff Logan and Scott Johnson. D feated b y Orono 4-0 Gram's played hast ta Orona an Jan. 12 at Hampton Arena and were beat- by a hustling Orona squad 4-0. Jeff Mitchell for Orana picked up the shutout in the exhibition game. Downed by Port Hope 2-O- On Sunday, Jan. 18, Gra- ham's I.G.A. hosted Port Hope in an exhibition game in thee Newcastle Arena and were beat in a very raugh game 2-0. Graham's came out of the game with five penalties aut of six handed out. 2-2. Kevin Tink scored the first goal with assist by Mark MacLean and R yan Kearney. Then Lenny Dyck scored with assists by Todàd Hooper and Kent Wilc ox. During the clorse-c1ieeking gaine, Paul Adams and Ga-ntBridley shared the gaaltending. In their final league game at the Darlington Sports Centre, the Bowmanville team tied the score with Lindsay 1-1. The only gaol by the T aras was scored by Doug Dilling with assists ging ta Mark MacLean and Jon Janack. Tara goal- tender, Grant Bradley played an outstanding game with strang team effort behind him. In their next game, the W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Realtors will face thý Streetsville team. The game is- scheduled for "Young Canada Day," Jan. 24, at noan in the Bowmanville Memnorial Are- na.- H-ampton (GardensBkRr' Minor Pee Wees Lose Exhibition On Saturday, Jan. 17, Peter- borough came ta Bowmanville for an exhibition hockey game with Hampton Gardens Minor Pee Wees and left with -a 4-3 victary. Peterborough opened the scaring in the first period with team in the consolation round and lost 4-2. On Saturday, dan. 17, the Realtors played an exhibition game at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium against Oshawas Little NHL Central Sports teamr. Terry Allen opened the scoring assisted by Siggins. Within 31 seconds John Bis- sonette scored from Dreassî's assist. The second period was scoreless with end ta end action. In the third period, Oshawa scored with a pawer- play goal while the Hockin's squad was two men short. Bowmanville won that, game 2-1. On Monday, Jan. 19 the Realtors hosted Pickering in a league game at the Darlington- Sports Centre and took the game with a score of 7-3. The team came out flying as Dana Peebles scored af ter just eight seconds of play, assisted by Welsh and Clemens. Eleven seconds later Allen Potter scored on a shot from the blue linie, assisted by Welsh and Clemens. The Realtor's kept the pressure on with a goal by Clemens, assisted by WVvelsh and Carruthers. Bissonette then scored, assisted by Brock and Welsh. Late in the second f eriod, with Brock off the ice or slashing, the Bowmanville "B"s scored two short handed goals by Peebles, assisted by Patter and Welsh and one by Siggins. Pickering scored their first goal of the game with 21 seconds remaining in the second period. In the final period, Clemens scored, as- sisted by Peebles and Welsh. Pickering scored two mare goals, bringing the final score ta 7-3 for Bawmanville. twa quick goals scored by the two minute mark. Almost six minutes into the second peri- od, the visitors scored again, this time while playing short- handed. Bowmanvîlle finally scored when Steve Cary put one in from the point, with assists gaing ta Darcy Cum- mings and Rod Plain. At the beginning of the third period, Bowmanville's Darcy Cummins scored, assisted by doe Nihill and, Rod Plain. Seven minutes later, Peter- borough scored once again, making it 4-2. With only three second left in the game, Bill Hogarth deflected a shot in from Barry Cullen and Ed Osborne ta end the scoring at 4-3 for Peter- borough. The game was1 played strongIy by Bowmanville gon lie, Stve Skene', who came up with a number of excellent- saves., W. Fr%&ank Realtors Lose 91t Bay Ridges Bowmanville has tîed two Sames and lost one in Pee Wee ackey games since dan. 14. On Wednesday, the Bow- manville, W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Real- tors lost 9-1 against Bay Ridges. The only goal was scared by Doug Diling with assists by Kent Wilcox and don danack. The goaltending of Grant Bradley and Paul Adams was strong during the gamie, but a lack of team effort and bad penalties brought the. team ta ,defeat. In an exhibition game an Jan. 17, against the Oshawa L.N.HL . Country String Bru- ins, the Taras tied the score, Atoms Beat On Saturday, dan. 17, Bob Beers' Minor Atoms played hast toaia hard-hittîng Mark- hain hockey team, defeating them by a score of 3-0. There were no goals until the second period when Ray Curmîings opened the scoring assîsted by Wayne Muttan. Darrin Knight scored shartly after, assisted by Greg Smith. The final goal of the game was scored by Scott Masters in the third period, assisted by Ray Cummings. The Taras played a strang detensive game, âith goalie, George Kennett con- trolling the Bowmanville net well. On Sonda y the Taras travel- led ta Markham for the second game against the Markhamn team. At the beginning of the game, the Taras were disor- ganized which resulted in the first goal of the game gaing ta Markham" The Taras reco-. vered their arganizatian, haw- ever, and the rest of the game was marked by a strong team effort. First period goals were scored by Wayne Mutton, assisted by Chris Michelsaai and Ray Cummings, and Kelly Matthews, assisted by Darrin Knight. Strang checking by Glenn Owens was an impor- tant factor in the Atoms' quick recavery. In the second periad, day Sweet stole the puck at centre, and broke in on net with opli one defence man back ta' "er him. He passed it taý is Michelson who sc9red, W"ng, the Taras a 3-ý win. Ray Cumming scared ana- ther goal assisted by Robert Giedlînger and Wayne Mut- ton. Giedlinger then scored a goal of bis pwn with Cum- mings giving him, the assist. Chris Michelson scared the final goal of the game, with an assist caming from day Sweet, bringing the inal sceto, 6-1 f or th e Atoms. E R - ____ a àd Are You Considering a BOWMANVILLE ed MOVE or TRANSFER? 7 room home on large lot near ce, We are Equipped ta handle sho. 4,0. ers ved your home needs anywhere in coo.3-100 ers 001. Canada and U.S.A.31 + Coastto Coast' REALTORS 2-2 Re'lEsae evice - al Es_________ SVII "U3-1> MIN M REAL ESTATE LIMITEDý 181 CHURCH STREET UUIEhN1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO " i623-7694 LiCiTM W 137 King St. E., BowmaiivilIO 623-4428 D. 623-7694 - 623-7661 BOWMANVILLE FARM - 5 REALTOR miles fram tawn, 94 acres wifh 1a good brick house and barn. re JUST L ISTED, 41/2 year Greenhouse. Pond. $139,000. REALTOR 623-503 ORONO: Executive, country home within a price you can afford. This 3 bedroom 1,360 sq. ft. bungalow provides spacious living. Clean electric heat, triple windows, large rec. room possibilites and a 2 car garage. $59,900.' NEW HOME: On large coun- try lot near Orono. Choose your own paint and carpet color. $56,000. WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedruum home, large kit- chen and livingroom. Beauti- fui new family room with fireplace and patio doors. Semi-detached is a 2 bedroom home ta help you pay for if, ali on 3 acres, only $64,000. BOWMANVILLE: 2 storey, 3 bedroom-home. Sep.rate-din- ingroom, enclosed porch, gar- age, centraily located. Asking. $48,000. ORONO: Your chance ta became landiord. 3 apart- ments with monthly income of over $600,000. Large lot pro- vides play area or future expansion. Close to Park and shopping. 3-1 Peter 'Kowal, J r. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. AfferHours Cal: Joe Barton Gordon Beech George Brown Peter Kowal Jr. l MW 'WAW MW 1 MW %OF qbw m go