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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1976, p. 1

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Peterborough Man Dies, in First 115-35 Fatal of '76 Build $2-Milion Plant Expect to Empýjtloy 50 Construction lias started on a $2-million plant here that should employ 50 people by next May, Robert Nichol, director of develop- ment for the Durham Region said on Saturday. The project begun last summer, includes a 43,000 sq. f t. building on an 8'/2-acre site near Highway 401 in the Bowmanville Industrial Park. Delta Faucet of Canada Ltd. is a company jointly, owned by the Masco Corp. of Taylor, Midi, and Emco Ltd.« of London, Ont. The new company will manufac- ture two-handle, washerless fau- cets for demand in the Canadian market. Durham Region's development division which has been involved in the projeet since last summer has been working- closely, with theý Bowmanville Development Com- mittee, and the chairman, New- - -EL - ~m w~ v Volume 122 15c Per Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 26, 1976 Offers Town $3.-Million G'rant By Doug Taylor Enterprseilîl, just south Of awa General I The weekend brought a sad the =ucion of the two Bowmanville amb beginning to the 1976 tol along highways. G ofial the 10 mile stretch of Highway The Lamps vehicle, shown OHofias 115-35 with the death of a above, northbound, collided Paulette Mathes( 3-year-old Peterborough man, head-on in the 'southbound leased Monday e Saturday evenig lane with a vehicle operated hospital while M The fatal crash which dlaim- by Silvano Novacco, age 30, of romains in satisfa ed the life of Peter Hans Toronto. tion. Lamps of 2 96 Rich Top Novacco and his passenger, Investigationo Crescen t,Fct erborough, Paulette Matheson, 26, also of crash by Provinci occurrd about 6:45 p.m. on -Toronto, were taken to Osh- MLeod of the NeN $30,867 Renovation Figu,;r e For Villa ge's -New FireHall Given Co Jci Green Li»ght By Dong Taylor Ný,ewcastle Council on- Mon- day approved commemoment of renovations to the new Newcastle Villa ge Fire Hall in the amount of, $30,867, somne- what higher than anticipated., Originally, the town bad' requested the consulting firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki to prepare cost estimnates on the roquired renovations which resulted in an estimate of some $41,000. Hlospital by ibulance. ;report that ýson was re- ening from M/r. Novacco factory.condi- of the fatal lail Constable ewcastle OPP AS the members of the village volunteer brigade were willing to do some of the cleanup work prior to the renovations and fînishing touches with respect to paint- <Turn to page two) Council0 Asks Mothe'r Bell To Change PhoneListinigs Newcastle',,, Co)mmunitv manner in which many, in- shulenie of Bell whether Sevc -Cmatea h cluding her own phone,' are she hve nyideas on how to request of C'haàirman Coun. listed under differenit munîci- imprve the phone listing Ann Coman, ecide Mon-palities thaptheir -mailing wihnteT*no easl BlCaaatcosdrrea- Con omnsmiig Coun. Cowman seemed to linetof its exchanges to address at Courtice isa feel that regardless of a recognize the "Tw of' New- Bowmanville Rural Route person's exchange- number, caSte."while her phone is listed under they should be listed under the Coun. Cowman has pre- Oshawa. municipalit-y related to. their viously complained of the She suggested that council mailing address. Dotachment reveals that both vehicles apparently spun around following the collision, coming to rest at opposite sides of the road, the Lamps vehicle on the east side facing east and the Novacco vehicle on the west side facîng west. Both vehicles Were Ford Mustangs and considered to be complote write-off s. If They WillApprove Project by Doug Taylor If Newcastle council grants perPin.ssion to Milanii and Milani 'Holdings Limited to p roceed with the controlled dvelopment of the Bowman- ville West Community, the town could find itself in pocket to the tune of a $3-million, "no strings attached"' grant. The matter, first outlined to the Industrial Committee on Dec. 11, 1975, came to open council session Monday after- noon, with prosident of the firm, Çam llilani, present to explain the intont of the offer. (Turn to page two) Second Car Wrecked but Occupants Alive, At Men's Canadian Club MPP MIoffatt Speaks of A Need for Land Controts Th e price and wage controls of the Trudeau government probably will flot work, Durham East IMPP Doug Moffatt told a meeting of the Men's Canadian Club last Wednesday niglit. The New Democratic MPP criticized the controls imposed by the Federal gov- ernment, but he did not elaborate his criticism any further. Developmenit should be aimed toward making the MORE WHITE STUFF Wiethe tow' (%wrks deatmn as cleaing Up the roýmains of recent snow- faîls along the main street this morning, yet another semi-blizzard was hinderitig their operations. Must be discouraging. community a botter place to live in, ho said. Mr. Moffatt said il was preferrable to have citizens working around the communi- ty rather than commuting daily to Toronto. "Do we want to have delopment in this area so that people will have jobs and bo able to say Bowmanville is my home, most of the day, and not just where I sleep?" Ho criticized the latest trend in housîng development to (Turn to page two) H oId Pos ot em To Determine How-ý, Snowimobiler Died A soi~blrgacdn near Alinden SndyMay or may not, have beon the cýause of death for a 37-year-old Bowmanville area man. Dennis George Parfitt of R.R. 1, Bowmariville was one of a group of four other people Checkone Runor that PortHoeISPE S llE..& WE ~l no? plu ueang uum peu r eguo In the dying moments of Monday afternoon's session of Newcastle Town Council in the Village Cormmunîty 'Hall, Coun. Kirk Entwisle initiated action to have an investigation into'rumors that the contamin- ated f iii being removed from Port Hope is being dumped in the site noar Wesleyville. Coun.. Ivan Hobbs was quick to second Coun. Entwisle's Motion and an addition to il by Coun. Ken Lyall., LUMBER STOLEN Sorne time Iast night, a quanttity of lumbor was sto- len frôm the Jaycee Project aÏ Soper ('reek Park. T[ho material had corne from a tomý down shed and was to be used for playground equipment'. If the material is returned fast, no ques- tions will bo askod. Other- wise, the police wil ho noti- fied. Coun. Entwisle's motion called for Works Director Jack Dunham to investigate the matter and report on whether or not the information wbich- the councîllor had received is correct. Coun. Lyall's addition re- quiros that if Mr. Dunham's. (Turn to page two) OId Vote on Boorze, Returns to Haunit Information came the way of the Statesman office Tues- day that a high source of income at the Newcastle Village Community Hall may ho in jeopardy. The report bas it that LLBO have refused to grant the Hall Board permits in the -future for the sale of liquor at functions held in the hall. The refusai apparently re- lates to a vote a number of years ago that approved only beer and wine for sale in the village, and flot liquor. Ironically, the LCBO have operated a trailer liquor outiet in the village for some time. It was sent to Orono when a new, more permanent outiet was opened recenitly on Beaver Street. Apparontly, tho Hall Board have contacted MPP Doug Mofft with their concern over this loss of revenue and the NDP member for Durham East is reported to be looking into it. AItýert Naylor, right, incoming President of the Durham Regional Mutual- Aid Association of firefigiters, presents tic attendance siield for tic higliest attendance record at meetings during 1975 to Pickering Captaini Glendening. Tic presentation took place Friday evening as tic Town of Newcastle firemen hosted tic January meeting. RECORD SNOW - It's been quite a few years since this area experienced several feet of snow or level ground and temperatures iovering around 20 below zero and colder. It's great for skiing and snowmobiling but tougli on tic shovelers and community treasuries. Incidentally, thec town's work crews have been doing a great job of clearing tic streets, and are to be comme nded . .. even if most of it lias been done at overtime rates. BIG LIBERAL WEEK - This weekend, dele- gates to the Liberal leadership convention will be heading for Toronto to select a replacement for Bob Nixon, who has been a fine representa- tive but just couldn't catch the imagination or the votes of Ontario electors. It will be quite a chore to select a successor who will do any bet- ter. Most of the candidates aren't too Well known and it's difficuit to tell how a person who m akes a good speech at a convention will appeal to the electors later on. We wish them well. SORRY ABOUT THAT - After muci deliberation, Allan Lawrence, Northiumberland-Durham MP, lias decided to stay out of tic PC leadership race at Ottawa and let the dozen> or so candidates figit it out on ticir own. Pcrsonally, wc don't blame iim, taking on tiat job would be a thankless ciore demanding 24 hours a day, seven days a wcek for tic next several years to restore and reunite that party federally to thc point whcrc tiey could take over tic government. And even if tiat iappened, tic real work would have just begun. He could have made a good candidate thougi. YOUNG CANADA DAY - The arena here will be a busy spot this Saturday from early morn until much later in the day when local teams from the youngest to juvenile age will compete against visitors on Young Canada Day. This is always a major event and provides some close, exciting hockey. For details of the game times, check the special page in this edition, come down to theý arena and lend your support. STILL NOT BUYING, - Apparently, tic folks around here just don't want something for, nothîng. Eitier that or they haven't anytiing to seli for less than $10. Only a couple of coupons came in this week to take advantage of tic' free classified advertisement offer, so unlcss there is a greater response next week, we'll just forget about it for now. If you like the idea, fîll out tie coupon and send it in. Let's get tic market moving. NO WORD - No information has been received concerning the status of the CUPE school work- ers so it is presumed they ar~e still on the job and negotiating. It would be rough if the kids or the teachers had to shovel ail this snow. drivi ng machines on lot 30, concession 16 about 11: 30 a.m. when ho is. reported to havo fallen off. As a resuit, police were uncertain whethor the cause of death ma have been a heart attack and a g9st mortom was 10 have been conducted Monday morning to dotermine the cause. The name of theopoerator of the other snowmobîle which struck Mr. Parfitt after he feul off of hîs own machine was not released, ponding completion of the investigation. Funeral service is to ho held today, dan. 21, from the Armstrong Funeral Homo in Oshawa at 1:45 p.m. followed by cremation. The ahove vehicle was one of two involved in the h ea.d-on fatal collision Saturday evening on Highway 35-115's Enterprise Hill. The vehicle, operated by Silvano Novacco of Toronto was southbound when it 'collided with, a northbound vehicle, operated by the deceased, Peter Hans Lamnps, 35, of Peterborough in the southbound lane aboput 6:45 p.m., Photos by Doug Taylor Cuclto M eet Fedýeration OvrDetamils of Paper Four' On top of discussing the Regions Discussion Paper Four at the next meeting of the planning Advisory Com- mittee,, Newcastle Council is also scbeduled to meet witb the Federation of Agriculture on the same matter. Hillcrest School wtio had stolen the first vehicle in Toronto and following the break and enter, chose a '72 Chev. on Martin's lot as bis noxt means of transportation. There apparently was no theft of contents fromn the promises by the youtb whose name bas not been rçvealed. The request was made to council this week from the federation that as they have apparently had a great deal of input into Papor Four. thev wish to meet with council prior to the, dan. 29 public meeting, to advise on uhat matters thex support. Altbough they had somol difficulty in arranging, a meeting time suitable to both and prior to the public meeting. counicil agreed to meet on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.ni in the agricultural offices i Bowmanville. A double auto theft was wrapped up by Newcastle Provincial Police near Bow- manville Sunday evening. Newcastle OPP received a repJort of a Break and Enter at Martin 's Car Sales at the intersection of Liberty North and Taunton Road. On arriving to investigate the report, il was found tbat an abandoned car on the property was one reported stolen from the Toronto area. Also it was discovered that a second vehiclo bad been taken from the Martin's lot whicb was apprebended a short time lter and found to be occupied, by an escapee from the Off icially Open Tyrone#s New Comm unit yHall Mayor Garnet.Rîckard, Ieft, and Nortliumberland-Dîirham MP Allan Lawrence, right, observe as Bernie Heming, next to tie Mayor, presentstic symbolic scissors to Dick McLauglilin whio used ti.em- to eut tic ribbon, officially opening tic new Tyrone Hall on Saturday. Mayor Rickard and Mr. Lawrence boti commended tic foresigit of former Tyrone resîdents in acquiring tic site some -25,years ago'for $250 and ticeliard work of today's residents in accomplishing tic task. Photo by Doug Taylor 26 Pages Number3 Arrest Young Escappee On, Car Theft, Charges a - - - 3t5;oirs 1 castle Mayor Garnet Rickard, Mr. Nichol said. Delta Faucet of Canada Ltd. is the second industry -to, come to- Bowmanville in recent months, Deànison Paper Products Ltd. of Montreal bought the former Honey- well' plalft on the Base Line last year and expect to have 25 to 30 job openings. Mr. Nichol sgid that lie believes that both new industries -will be growth-oriented.

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